The Welcome Lounge
A place to introduce yourself to the community, and to welcome new members.
- 19,367
- 184,503
Fun and Games
A place to enjoy yourself - no serious stuff here! Post count is disabled in here.
- 3,416
- 740,964
Entertainment and Technology
Chat about shows, movies, music, video games, electronic devices, fashion, or anything else related to entertainment or technology.
- 13,302
- 214,132
Current Events, World News, & LGBT News
A news forum for posting and discussing news topics regarding the latest breaking news, stories from around the world, and any LGBT related news updates that you and others may find interesting.
- 11,605
- 126,301
Coming Out Advice
A supportive place to ask for and give advice about coming out. Includes a sub-forum for posting stories about your coming out experiences.
- 36,307
- 307,279
LGBT Youth
A support and discussion forum for younger members who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender etc.
- 6
- 15
LGBT Later in Life
A support and discussion forum for older members who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender etc.
- 9,233
- 121,426
Sexual Orientation
If you are unsure of your sexuality, post here for support and advice. If you have concerns about coming out, please use the Coming Out Advice forum.
- 13,757
- 96,514
Gender Identity and Expression
A forum for support and advice about figuring out and expressing your gender identity. If you have concerns about coming out, please use the Coming Out Advice forum.
- 11,964
- 104,778
Family, Friends, and Relationships
Support and advice for any problems with relationships with family members, friends, partners etc.
- 15,257
- 94,073
For Parents and Family Members of LGBT People
Support and advice for any parents or family members of somebody suspected of struggling with their identity.
- 573
- 8,828
Physical & Sexual Health
A forum for peer support and informal advice on matters related to physical and sexual health. This forum is not to be used as a place to obtain a diagnosis on an issue or as a replacement for professional consultations with approved medical practitioners.
- 6,605
- 65,165
General Support and Advice
If you would like support and advice on something that doesn't fit into any of the other Support Area forums then you can post it here.
- 11,184
- 76,200
Empty Closets Help and Feedback
Have a support issue or a suggestion about the forum, chatroom, or blogs/galleries? This is the place to get help.
- 2,181
- 17,762
Ask The Staff
This forum is for private discussions between you and the Empty Closets staff. This may include problems with members, a moderating decision or any other private query. You and the staff are the only ones who can see anything posted in this forum. No one else can see either your posts or staff responses.
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