(FRUSTRATED) To the Young and Good-Looking, Gay white men...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Steve FS, Dec 26, 2016.

  1. Steve FS

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    Perhaps this isn't a good topic to talk about, but I can't help but feel like this needs to be said.

    I am a young Asian guy that frequents a lot of dating apps in hopes of meeting the one for me. Unfortunately, there seems to be a common theme with a lot of my caucasians interests.

    And that is, the hot white ones are the absolute worst.

    They are rude, self-centered, but so unbelievably hot.

    And while the combination of a hot bod with terrible personality as a male won't get you anywhere in the heterosexual community, in the gay community, looks are everything.

    So because these men are pretty, they can get away with being jerks because 90% of the community will go after them. They can get anyone they want and get away with being assholes!

    My other gay friends share the same sentiments. And the ones that don't are the young and hot white ones.

    Do you white men not understand the privilege that you have in the gay community? Do you not know how lucky you are that the mass majority of the gay community views you as the epitome of attractive?

    Even if you think you are average-looking, as long as you're white, your caucasian features are GLORIFIED. I have seen PLENTY of BEAUTIFUL ethnic people going after average looks, average personality white men just because of their features. It's such an incredibly frustrating thing to see.

    And the funny thing is, I'm guilty of it too! I love white men. They're my preference. I think caucasians features are so attractive, but I feel like it's somewhat of a curse, because I've been put through so much racial hate, fetishizing, and more bullshit from these attractive white men. And the ethnic men who actually have a great personality (and there are many), I'm just not attracted to. And I hate it!

    I guess I don't know why I'm posting this thread. I am just a frustrated 20-something scrolling through these apps, hoping I can meet Mr. Right.

    What do you guys think? Am I crazy? I can't be the only guy that thinks this.

    [NOTE] I'm really sorry if I offended anyone. :bang: I am not a normally offensive person, but dating has been the most frustrating thing. I wish I didn't have such a strong preference for white men. Damn you, media brainwashing.
  2. Joelouis

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    No matter how "hot" someone is (or thinks he is), just remember that they'll get old and wrinkly one day.

    Obviously we can't help who we're attracted to either. I'm certain you'll meet someone sooner or later.
  3. Austin

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    I agree with you... and since I do, I must be either not white, not hot, and/or not "young." Hm.

    But seriously, dating apps are crappy in general. The "dating" part is non-existent. I don't venture often into gay clubs or other gay meeting places in real life too often, but I wonder if it's much better.... I would hope so, but doubtful. I really hate the gay community for it's focus on sex (at least I perceive most gay groups etc as being more sex-centric, which some will say is just being more free sexuality but screw that; it's also very superficial). I will say that it's a problem that does transcend all cultures though, in my opinion. Being white does appear to give you a head-start in being "conventionally attractive" on these gay apps and such, but I've met some black, Latino, and Asian guys who were attractive and assholes as well!

    However, I didn't realize how badly the whole gay scene affects people until I started talked to a gay guy who was Mexican whom I met on Facebook. I really liked him! Sometimes he would get self conscious and explain that he doesn't understand how I could like him and in part it was because he was "brown." Like, I didn't even understand. How does being white make people feel somehow unworthy of me? It doesn't matter to me! But, it really does make people feel somehow less deserving of other people'a affections and that makes me sad. :frowning2: I always thought it was ironic: white people want to get nice tan skin, while dark-skinned people want to be lighter. Are we never happy with ourselves?
  4. Browncoat

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    I can have sympathy for the racial undertones of American society. I am white myself so I can't really know what it feels like, but regardless I am so sorry for this.

    As an ugly queer guy, though, I don't have a lot of sympathy.
  5. Calf

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    I suppose it matters here that I am from the UK, where race is a different issue but perhaps you are putting far too much pressure on yourself to find a divide here. In summary it appears that you are frustrated with being attracted to white men (for a number of reasons) but what you didn't really say is why. If you removed the 'white' from this and just said 'men', there would be pages of posts about your internalized homophobia. Perhaps this is a mix of that as well as some internalized racism?

    Social media and dating apps are not real life. People only present what they want others to see and sadly this is a strategy that works in favour of the shallow, self loving, gym bunnies obsessed with physical appearance and social dominance. That doesn't mean that these guys aren't trapped in the same social cycle as everyone else, they just have different problems. Imagine the buff, healthy white guy in his twenty-somethings that has a big crush for sweet intelligent Asian guys. In his social circle, he's maybe facing pretty much the same pressures that you are and when he tries meeting guys he likes -regardless of the judging comments from his friends and conservative family- the guys he asks out just dismiss him as another dumb, shallow privileged white guy trying to carry out his Asian fantasy. -Sometimes life just isn't easy.

    I don't want you to think I'm belittling your problems here but finding ideal dating partners is difficult for everyone because it is a time when we most have to look at ourselves and consider how others perceive us. It's just human nature to focus on our own perceived flaws, which are usually the ones that we have been conditioned to accept by the world around us. For example, our race, appearance, interests, masculinity, wealth, age,... the list goes on. The key to overcoming this is to be aware of your own prejudice, build up your self confidence and be aware of how you make others feel.
    - Maybe you could invest in this area with some self help, therapy or life coach etc. It's not a weakness to work on new strengths :icon_wink

    The bottom line is this; if you are attracted to white guys, who cares (though I suspect maybe your friends wouldn't approve - if so ignore them), so long as you find happiness. Just try to make a good choice and meet guys that like you as much as they love themselves.
    ! one small tip though if you are going to pursue relationships with hot white guys is don't mention their 'privilege' because, regardless of context and intention, it is the best way to offend and patronise a guy due to the excessive misuse of the term recently.

    It's not much use now but be assured that some day in the near future you will be happily coupled with a guy just as amazing as you and all this will be a distant memory. In a few days time the new year begins, I hope it's a good one for you :icon_bigg
  6. Elysian

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    First of all, never apologise for the way that you feel, secondly, the state of the dating app scene is honestly so toxic that it would make you want to hideaway forever. If you're going to take anything from this message please let it be this: you're a beautiful person and someone is going to love you for your looks and (imo the more important of the two) personality.

    The eurocentric angle of beauty is almost exclusively perpetuated around the world and it's damaging so many attractive, healthy and for all intents and purposes "perfect" guys.

    I am Caucasian myself and honestly I am so sorry that some "above-averagely good-looking" assholes have gotten you down over something like this. This isn't going to help but I will have to revert to the old maxim that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I truthfully believe that.

    Mr.Right is out there somewhere, I'm going to be real with you though, he may be hard to find or he could stick out like a sore thumb he will be that perfect but, in the long run once you've found him, the legions of painfully average douchebags won't seem so important or glorified.
  7. johndeere3020

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    Your young, good looking, have a good job, you WILL find a partner that you will be able to spend your life with!

    There is no denying that gay white gay culture is very fickle, everything is about looks, age, and #### size. You know as a nurse that everyone is going to get old and loose their looks. 8 out of 10 young guys do not know how to read a tape measure correctly. :slight_smile:

    If there where 100 "perfect" guys standing in line how many would be addicted to sex, porn, drink, drugs, ect. You don't want some one who might beat on you or treat you poorly.

    It's what is inside that matters if you want a relationship to last.

    Take Care
  8. Chiroptera

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    As others have said, yes, there are many complicated people in the world. Unfortunately, we only have control over ourselves, so what we can do is to ignore unpolite people and move on. It sucks, but in the "dating game", you will find nice people, but you will also find people who aren't so nice.

    As a side note, it is important to not divide people into categories. You aren't wrong if you like white men. It is your preference, and that's it. However, i'm also not wrong because i'm white. I understand that in most places in America/Europe, non-white people suffer prejudice in some situations, and, obviously, we need to worry about that and fight against prejudice in all its forms. But you can't generalize and say "every white man is oppressive, alienated, etc.".

    As i said, you are right, unfortunately: There is lots of prejudice against non-whites, and it is good that we are more and more aware of the prejudice as time passes, and, even if slowly, the fight against prejudice is being successful. But it is important that, on the fight against prejudice, we take care to avoid categorizing people ourselves, or prejudice will infect our minds too.

    What i'm trying to say is: Prejudice exists, unfortunately, and, in our age, especially, it is even easier to find assholes, especially in apps.

    What you can do is to try to find nice people. There is no magical recipe for that, unfortunately, and chances are that you'll probably find more complicated people. But don't focus too much on them: Focus on people that are nice to you. :slight_smile:

    As Calf said:

    In resume: Don't judge because of skin color: There are nice people who are white, and there are people who aren't white and aren't nice. If you realize that the person is complicated, don't waste your time with that person: You deserve someone who respects you. :slight_smile:
  9. Steve FS

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    Ugh, I'm so sorry again. I wrote this last night after having a few too many glasses of wine, and I was feeling a little irritated. I knew I shouldn't have drank. But, since this topic is open to discussion, I might as well explain myself more, and offer a little more clarity with my thought process with this.

    Firstly, I am not normally a "omg white guys suck" kind of guy. Yes, I do have a preference for white men, but they are just a preference, like a preference for Coca Cola as a choice of drink. That doesn't mean I wouldn't drink other sodas, so to speak. I have found plenty of other races attractive.

    The problem is that I feel like I get constantly looked over by the people I want to pursue, simply because of what my ethnicity is.

    So what is the solution to this? Nothing. At least, I can't do anything that can change anything. For those that said that I need to focus on myself and change myself, I agree wholeheartedly. I have been working my ass off at the gym and eating healthy-whatevers since February of this year and have gained some progress. I am starting to see that people are finding me more and more attractive. But that's in person only.

    I know I have a loving, magnetic personality. I get told that constantly. In fact, everyone that I have ever dated - and I mean dated dated, not hookups - have in some shape or form fallen in love with me and wanted to pursue a relationship, so after a while I was convinced that there had to be something more than my perceived slightly-above average looks that got people's attention.

    However, I had a problem with this for a LONG time because I was focused so much on physical appearance.

    Imagine you're with friends, and one of them says you're attractive.

    "Why?" you ask.
    "You have such a good personality! Any guy would be lucky to have you."
    "Just my personality?"
    "I mean, you're cute too! But I think you're just fun to be around with."

    Imagine going to the gym for months trying to improve yourself, only to hear this over and over. I don't go to the gym for my personality. I don't drink juices and eat whole meats to improve my smile. It was incredibly frustrating.

    Keyword, was.

    What I had failed to realize was there was not a dichotomy between personality and appearance. They are simply two elements that affect each other to make a whole person. You may not have a hollywood face, but a kind demeanor, a sincere face, and a great smile can make you the hottest person in the room!

    But here's the kicker:

    When it comes to online dating, it just doesn't fucking matter, frankly.

    My kind demeanor, my soft touches, the way I use my eyes, the way I talk to people, all of that does not show up online. This "Amazing Personality" is invisible to the eyes of those that look at my pictures.

    They see what I see in the mirror: a slightly good-looking Asian guy, who looks like he's probably into books, has a small penis, and knows nothing about sex. PASS!

    Think I'm over-exaggerating? Try being actually told this by many a-people when you decide to make the first move. To be called a nerdy-looking twink, to be asked to be someone's pool boy, to be called a "power bottom". To be constantly told, "not into Asians, sorry." or to be told to, "Asians are useless like women".

    And to have these same people flock to your caucasian equivalent, who doesn't need to do even half of what you're doing to win the whole population.

    Why? Because he's what everyone wants. He's the dreamboy, the boy next door, the guy on the magazines and the guy on TV. He's the prize.

    And you? You're underdog trying to find your match in the ring.

    And that, my friends, is why I'm frustrated, because there is absolutely nothing I could do about this, and it sucks.
  10. Just1Dude

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    My reply won't be as in depth or intellectual (yet).

    I am "mixed", but you can't really tell it so I'm considered "white"

    I take a look at the "hot" guys on magazine covers, youtube, etc etc.., and this is all I think

    "Shallow" (Which is a judgement I need to work on, but it happens oh so often.)

    I would also feel intimidated because I don't find myself nearly as attractive and would be trying to build myself up beside them. For me, this goes for all ethnic backgrounds because my attraction tends to slink away from white.

    Seriously though, it will happen.. at least that is what I keep telling myself. I live in a straight, white, judge mental, scared-to-be-gay part of the country and I still have some hope.
    #10 Just1Dude, Dec 26, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  11. Enjel

    Enjel Guest

  12. andimon

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    I hate this whole privilege thing. There's no privilege, point blank period, there are just people who are narrow-minded enough to discriminate based off ethnicity, sexual orientation and so on. I refuse being told I'm privileged just because some jerks who happen to be in my racial class made you feel like crap.
  13. Steve FS

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    Definition of privelege:

    "a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people."

    We are focusing on advantage here. Gay white men have a clear advantage over ethnic people. LGBT media focuses on the beauty of gay white men. Gay white men are generally seen as the most attractive ethnicity. That is their "privilege".

    Now what I don't like are jerks taking advantage of their privilege. They act like jerks but can still get away with it because there's going to people going after them, anyway. A person who is colored can't act that way and expect the same kind of attention.
  14. SrFrancium

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    Your first mistake was going on a dating app and expecting a decent person.
  15. Sebulba

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    Ive seen the same things occur all the time. It is very frustrating, and i definitely don't see why they should get anything out of it. I am white, i am gay, however, im about as unattractive as one could be. I am very overweight and i behave very strangely due to being Asperger's, which is the one of hardest and most hated things i have to live with.
  16. Steve FS

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    I'm open to any other suggestions :slight_smile:
  17. AlamoCity

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    Dec 28, 2012
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    Perhaps you could try a "real" dating app vs those apps that are mainly for hookups. Since I can't name app names, here's a rule of thumb: if it has a sexual role preference as one of the basic profile details (i.e. Top bottom or versatile) it's a hookup app.

    ---------- Post added 26th Dec 2016 at 05:20 PM ----------

    Also, Steve, in vino veritas :lol:.
  18. Chip

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    So many thoughts here.

    First, SteveFS: I don't know if you realize it, but you're engaging in exactly the behavior you're accusing the people who won't respond to you of... specifically, you are judging people based on appearance, deciding that particular ones are "hot", and then getting annoyed when they aren't interested. So how is it any different when the "hot" white guys don't respond to you as when you don't reach out to people who might not meet your immediate textbook definition of "hot"?

    Looks fade as time goes on, and true relationships are based on a lot more than looks.

    I've worked with quite a few unusually attractive guys, and one thing that always surprises people: Many of these guys are incredibly lonely. People always come up to them and pay attention, but in nearly 100% of cases, they want only to get into their pants; they aren't interested in who the person is. It's often impossible for these people to make friends with gay guys because almost always, the "friends" end up hitting on them or trying to seduce them.

    It's easy to say "That's a great problem to have" but if you understood just how insecure and unhappy many of these people are, you might have a different perspective on why they respond the way they do. They just get really tired of it. And often, because everyone constantly tells them how beautiful they are, they get so obsessed over appearance that they become massively insecure.

    So perhaps it's worth considering that perhaps some of the "hot" guys you're trying to approach are genuine people who want someone who will appreciate them for their personality, interests, experiences, and quirks, rather than just for their appearance. And it's also worth considering that there are lots of truly amazing people who are beautiful in ways different than might first be obvious to you. By solely focusing on appearance, you're entirely missing out on a lot of opportunities.

    Finally, I completely agree with the others who have said that looking for anything meaningful on a hookup app (or, for that matter, on almost any dating site) is pretty pointless, simply because... most people are doing exactly what you're doing and focusing on appearance and don't care about anything else.

    For Andimon, who wrote:
    If you honestly believe there isn't privilege, I invite you to spend some time exploring, reading, studying, and talking to people who understand privilege.

    Privilege exists in many forms. If we are white, we are born into privilege, even if we're born poor. Society grants certain benefits solely on the basis of skin color... whites find it easier to get loans, to get hired, to get promoted, and are much less likely to be profiled by law enforcement. Men are consistently paid more for identical jobs. Women experience systemic discrimination in the workplace, on the street, and in many other ways.

    People who are able-bodied experience privilege that those who have one or more disabilities don't have, and it goes beyond simple things like access; disabled people have much higher rates of unemployment, lower wages, far more discrimination in jobs, housing, and many other areas.

    When we get uncomfortable hearing others talk about privilege... it is because we are uncomfortable with our own privilege. It is by talking about it, understanding it, and not being afraid to have these sorts of conversations that we change it.

    I encourage you to think about and study this a bit. It was life-changing for me when I did so.
  19. Austin

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    ^Privilige definitely exists; the people who use the term to shut others up or make them feel guilty about the way they are ruin it. Privilege as word also just implies certain negative things.
  20. Anthemic

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    Are you serious?! Every white gay guy I've ever known has a strong attraction for Asian men. You must be talking to pure scum. You'd probably have more luck meeting decent people at LGBT events.
    I agree with this.
    #20 Anthemic, Dec 26, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016