I feel so lost, lonely and depressed.

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by myskyharbor, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. myskyharbor

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    Oct 18, 2016
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    I’m a 32 year old not straight guy. This is about as far as I’ve gotten. 3 months ago I quit a dependency on pot and nicotine and the resulting flood of suppressed emotions and the anxiety of getting older have lead me to seek therapy. These emotions, I think, stem from my confusion/fear/anxiety around my sexuality. About 15 months ago, largely because of this quandary, I left my long term live in gf (who I still love) and we’ve barely communicated over this time. I long to reach out as she’s one of 2 people in my personal life I’ve come out to but at the same time, I’m terrified of approaching her having made almost no progress about myself. I want to give her the space to heal and not confuse or hurt her any more.. is that the right thing? The other person I’ve opened up to some is my brother but it literally hasn’t come up since we first talked about it 2 years ago.

    I’ve been with a lot of girls over the last year and while I’ve enjoyed ‘sowing my oats’ I feel more that I’m acting in desperation - searching for some sort of conclusion about myself. While I feel attracted to women romantically and sexually, I find that, especially as of late, I’m more aroused by gay porn. This is something I’ve always known about myself but we all know how mental gymnastics work. I’ve mustered up the courage to have 2 encounters with guys via the usual app channels but those didn’t leave me with any sort of conclusion. I suffer from the classic ‘I’m only sexually attracted to guys and not romantically’, but I understand that social conditioning, fear and lack of acceptance within myself can convince me of that. I’ve never crushed on guys and I don’t fantasize about kissing/cuddling etc. However, I can’t deny my attraction to the man part.

    The thing is… I’m really starting to get in a dark place. I want to have the courage to further explore this side of myself but I just feel frozen. I’m quite literally losing sleep over it. The kind of poor sleep that is absolutely not sustainable. I cry pretty often when I think about my ex and find I'm drowning in self pity and thoughts that I’m wasting my life because of this blockage. I’m terrified to come out and talk to others in my life about it for reasons that I’m sure aren’t new to anyone here. I need to move forward but I just can’t seem to take steps. And I'm not even sure how. The conversations with my therapist are already starting to feel repetitive and we’ve only met a handful of times.

    Part of my depression, too, is the thought that everything up until now has been bullshit. All of my relationship milestones… was it actually not me? Was I so in denial about potentially being gay? Was it not love that I felt? It’s a terrifying emotion. I get in these thought loops when I’m trying to sleep and I feel the adrenaline pump through my veins as I lay awake for multiple hours every night. It’s affecting my job, my relationships and it’s only a matter of time before it really takes a toll on my health. I need to change something. I need to fix this. Please… any words of wisdom anyone has about courage.. and denial.. and about how I sound to you - any clarity at all - would be so greatly appreciated.

    Yours in seeking comfort,
  2. nerdbrain

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    Wow. I related so much to this post. We are in almost the same situation. I separated from my wife 2 years ago, but I still love her and miss her very much. Like you, I've made little progress and my few encounters with men have been inconclusive. I've never had romantic thoughts about guys, but the erotic fantasies are undeniable.

    I can't offer any comfort, since I have no solution and am still in the middle of this slow-motion crisis. But, at the very least, misery loves company -- so welcome!
  3. I'm gay

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    I can also relate to your post so much. I knew I was attracted to guys since I was young, but I repressed those feelings to be "normal," or what I thought was normal at the time. I've used gay porn for as long as the internet has been around, and never saw guys in a "romantic" way, only sexually.

    My own coming out story is unique, as is everyone else's, and you can read it if you want by going to my post history. However, it wasn't until after I came out of the closet and began to allow myself to really look at guys, and begin thinking about them in more ways than purely sexual, that things began to change for me. I started noticing guys in a different way.

    The difference, though, wasn't just the coming out. It was the "allowing" myself to think about guys and look at guys. Personally, I've always associated certain actions as more "romantic" than sexual, such as kissing, cuddling, massage, etc. Now when I look at guys, and I see one that I think is really cute or beautiful to me, I imagine kissing him, and cuddling with him. The more I did this, the more of a feeling of excitement (and nervousness) would build inside me, completely separate from sexual turn-on.

    I think the coming out part for me helped to rid myself of the last vestiges of internal shame and negative thinking about being gay. This in turn gave me the courage to really look at guys as more than just my sexual fantasy tools for masturbation.

    If you are still repressing your gay feelings, it's no wonder that you don't view guys in a romantic light. That doesn't mean you are incapable of a romantic interest, it's just that you may be still repressing it. I would work on where those feelings are being blocked or ignored, and work on removing those barriers.

    Take care. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:ride:
  4. Questionsabound

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    Nov 3, 2016
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    I am in the same boat as you. I am also 32 and very much stuck in ‘I’m only sexually attracted to guys and not romantically’ situation. On top of this, I am married to an amazing woman and still have not figured out what I'm going to do.

    I don't have any good advice. But the one thing you should do, if you are not already, is go to therapy and get on anti-depressant medication like an SSRI. I went through the same issues as you in terms of physical anxiety that affects my relationships and not being able to sleep. The medication combined with therapy has been helping me, and I can function normally for the most part as I work through these difficult issues.
  5. myskyharbor

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    Oct 18, 2016
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    Nerdbrain - Thanks for sharing. Do you and your ex-wife communicate ever? Part of the hurt that I often feel is around my ex. I'm not exactly sure why.. maybe I just want to find that comfortable place and 'returning' to her in some capacity fills that void? I wrestle with a lot of guilt. I also find that I am still aroused by women and the idea of deciding that ultimately I'd prefer a woman makes me sad when I think about her... and that with each passing week/month the chances of ever getting her back are lesser and lesser. It's a struggle indeed. Whenever I try to muster up the courage to meet up with a guy, I just sort of lose the arousal and think to myself.. meh.. I'll just jerk off then that'll be that. (often times both to gay and straight porn) Very confusing.

    I'mGay47 - Thank you for sharing. I've read some of your content on this site and I appreciate your efforts to help others. I'm familiar with some of the more 'baby steps' ways of opening my mind up to this.. i.e. imagining myself being more romantic with a guy I think is attractive. I do find that I think some guys are handsome, but almost in a 'that guy could be a model' way.. not so much a .. I want to kiss him etc. way. Maybe that's social conditioning at work but it all adds to the confusion. I'm thinking I should maybe try ******(or something like it) with the notion of actually getting to know a guy under this context of potential romantic/physical intimacy and see how it feels. ... I don't know. I hate the idea of being ashamed of all of this because really I'm very progressive.. it all just breaks my heart.

    Questionsabound - Thank you for sharing. That's a really hard spot to be in. I remember the immense pressure of still being in the relationship and realizing what I needed to do. I'd look at her in the bed next to me after she fell asleep and just cry... knowing how much I'm going to hurt this person that I care about so much. While I appreciate your suggestion, I'm hesitant to seek drugs. In a way.. part of the rawness of emotion is necessary... maybe. I spent so long self medicating and numbing myself. I am in therapy though and it's always comforting to be able to vent some.
  6. findingjoy

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    I am not nearly as far along coming out as you but this has been my experience too. What was really surprising is the romantic fantasies are way more intense than I ever had about women.
  7. Surutcra

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    Weirdly enough, I'm also 32, also in Boston, and also dealing with much the same thing and have been for years. A main difference is I'm not married and have had no recent or distant success with women, which has been a large part of my feelings of depression and low self worth over my life. I can very much relate to the part about "everything being bullshit up to now." When I think of all the heartache and rejection over the course of my life and it seems to be for nothing, it's like having to deal with the worst part of being a straight man, but completely pointlessly because I'm gay, and it's a very difficult thing to wrap my head around and not feel a sense of almost....bitterness about. I'm an atheist but in my weaker and more self-pitying moments I used to feel like it was some type of cruel joke played on me from above.

    I also totally understand the poor sleep part. When it's just you and your thoughts behind closed doors it can get ugly. I think the most important things are to 1.) give yourself a bit of a break first of all, 2.) try and make sure your days are filled with meaningful things that keep your mind off of the circle of doubt and rumination that can occur 3.) try not to self-isolate (this one is very difficult for me and I've seen the kind of damage it has done to me.) 4.) Try a couple of different therapists if you think you're already hitting dead ends, and maybe someone who has a lot of experience in this area. Some styles also don't work the best for different personalities.
  8. Justasking100

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    I'll add my tuppence worth in here. You say you don't have any crushes on guys, but can you envisage dating one. If not what makes you think you are gay? I was in your shoes a while back, was convinced i was gay, but i found myself even when having a boyfriend that i didnt feel at all comfortable with it when it came to sexual matters, i thought that getting intimate with a man would help me figure myself out but i actually feel regret for some of my experimentation now. I've just found i am more comfortable with women and consider myself straight now. Having sex with a women just comes more natural to me and having been through coming out to a lot of people i'm now backtracking a little because i think i'm happier with a woman.

    my therapist thinks my 'gayness' is really in my head and all OCD related (i have had other worries aside from being gay that i won't bring up here).

    if your experimentation with guys has not brought you any resolution ask yourself why? did it feel right? did it feel like something you wanted more of and to spend the rest of your life doing?

    My gut reaction is that it really needs to feel right in doing it, the vast majority of people say that as soon as they experimented it just felt the right things to do as it felt natural. does it feel natural? or does it feel like you are doing it to to try it out, that it was something you 'had' to do.

    theres nothing wrong with trying something out and finding out its not for you, after all thats why its called experimenting, it doesnt have to come naturally to you.

    ---------- Post added 7th Nov 2016 at 05:42 AM ----------

    I'd also add along the way I've gone to gay meet ups, hung out in gay bars and gotten myself comfortable in doing so. I'm more comfortable than I have ever been around gay epeolle so maybe that's what you should try and do. Go out and meet people and see if you share any muting in common. I found that most people's experience was different to mine i.e. Always knew they were gay from a young age and knew during their formative years. My experience was more it coming out of the blue as an idea when I was 21. when did you start questioning? It took me 15 years to even 'try it out' so the sooner you get out there and see how it fits the better. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't but get yourself out there.

    I was even in a gay relationship for a while but realised that it wasn't for me. I even can hang out with the guy now and even he kissed a guy in front of me on a night out and I was totally ok with it. It didn't bother me at all. I was pleased for him.
  9. SiennaFire

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    Congratulations on quitting pot and nicotine!

    Yes, you are correct that not being romantically attracted to guys at this point is inconclusive and cannot be used as evidence that you are straight. If you are sexually attracted to guys, then you have the capacity to become romantically attracted to guys as well once you get more comfortable with your sexuality.

    I don't have a clear read on what you need at this point, so I'm going to throw out a bunch of clarifying questions.

    Can you say more about the 2 hookups? You may need more than 2 hookups to start getting comfortable with your sexuality. Also realize that hookups range from ho-hum to amazing, and you're not going to click with every guy you're with.

    Can you say more about your upbringing? Did you grow up in a homophobic environment that might foster denial? Did you ever have crushes on guys during puberty or high school?

    Do you have a gay or LGBT therapist? If not, finding one might help with your therapy sessions.

    If your denial is strong and you are sufficiently bisexual, then it's possible that you have developed a very strong desire to be normal such that the love that you feel for your ex- is real. The pertinent question is whether your sexual (and eventually romantic) attraction to guys stronger?

    Do you feel that a sense of being overwhelmed that's contributing to your sleep problems? If so, perhaps it would help for you to break things into smaller baby steps.
    #9 SiennaFire, Nov 7, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  10. myskyharbor

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    Oct 18, 2016
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    Thanks for sharing. Honestly, because I'm aroused by some gay porn. At this stage I'm really not interested in kissing/dating/being romantic with a man but I'm trying to be open minded about how social conditioning may have a hand in how I feel. I think if I wasn't capable of being aroused by the p*nis, I wouldn't be so torn up. I'm attracted to women too and find that the more I know a girl, generally the more aroused I am by her but it feels the opposite for men. A stranger on the internet is fine but when it comes to my friends or people I interact with in my regular life, I feel nothing physically for them. :/ Very confusing.

    ---------- Post added 7th Nov 2016 at 06:09 PM ----------

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts. I really find it comforting. Feeling like I'm here, interacting with you all gives me relief. I even slept ok last night! :sleep:

    Apps for both. Just local dudes. I guess I'll just come out with it.. haha - we shared oral in both situations. I wasn't interested in kissing or cuddling either of them. Also, it's worth mentioning that this was a to the point interaction. I can't even tell you their names. I sort of enjoyed myself in that it felt nice, and I wasn't repulsed by 'doing it' to either of them but I think I was too overwhelmed with the situation to really feel any legit arousal.. it was just like.. OK.. I guess I'm doing this now..

    I grew up in a non-religious, relatively open environment but still had the influences that being gay was weird/bad/something to be ashamed of. I never crushed on any guys. I crushed on girls and had a wonderful high school experience with a girlfriend I was crushing hard on prior to her entering my life. Sort of a dream situation. I lost my virginity to her.

    I wouldn't say she totally specializes in this but her brother is gay and she's seemingly aware of how this works? Maybe I'm missing something around what a more specialized person could bring to the table.

    Totally. It's a hard one to unravel. I have found that gay porn is 'doing it' for me more but at the same time, I'll take a shirtless girl over a shirtless guy any day of the week. I loved going down on my girlfriend. I never fantasized about being with men when I was having sex with her. I feel like I'm more attracted to female bodies in general, sans the actual organ itself. I am/was always aroused by both genders. It almost feels like I'm aroused when I feel like my partner is aroused - just so happens that it's more obvious with men. Also, when I was younger, I remember coming across my first gay magazine content and being extremely aroused by it. I sort of convinced myself it was because it was porn I never really ever saw and part of the excitement of porn as a whole was that it's naughty and a rare find. (this was pre internet) I realize this may be kind of silly.

    Overwhelmed, definitely. I feel like there's 'work to do' and whenever I can't muster up the courage to do it, I'm really hard on myself. I miss my ex-terribly and find that I can cry on a dime thinking about her.. what I've done.. and how I still don't know who I am. I can't seem to muster up the courage to really explore all of this. My last experience with a man was like 4 months ago.

    I have a loose plan to try and find a guy to talk to in a less sexual focused setting via a dating app and see how that feels. I'm thinking I have nothing to lose by simply going on a date. We'll see. This is all pretty weird and I can't imagine having to tell people that I've lived over 3 decades on the wrong team. :lol: I'm trying to lighten the mood in my gut..

    Thanks again for taking the time to care.
  11. nerdbrain

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    Yep, we talk all the time and we see each other around once a week. She's my closest friend. I feel like I'd be lost without her in my life, although she's been seeing other people. She knows my whole story and accepts me as I am. I still love her and want the best for her no matter what -- even if it's not me. I often feel heartbroken over leaving her, but I can't bring myself to re-initiate the relationship since I feel that my sexuality remains unresolved. I'm stuck in a kind of limbo.

    I can also identify with you on jerking off to both kinds of porn. Over the years, I've evolved a pretty specific masturbation ritual. Without getting too graphic, it starts with a bottoming fantasy with a man, and ends with a fantasy of dominating a woman. So, yeah, confusion abounds.

    And I also have a similar response with meeting guys. The closer I get to meeting someone for a date or something, the less interested I become. It's like the fantasy works great, but once I bring it into reality, with a real man, it starts to fall apart.

    Sometimes I consider trying to date women again. But the thought of being on a date with a girl and having all this crazy shit in my head is really disheartening. I'd feel like a con man, selling a lie. Not that guys don't lie to girls all the time. It's just not my style.

    So, here I sit...
  12. I'm gay

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    I think this is significant and we need to not brush past this so quickly.

    OP: Please say more about this. We can excuse the last couple of sentences because this was a new experience for you and probably awkward. If you gave oral sex on a guy and received as well (both to orgasm? both finish in mouth?) and came away from the experience with viewing it as nice, then it appears you are not straight. Yes answers to my questions in parentheses make that even more so. I think very few straight guys would engage in this and call it nice.
  13. findingjoy

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    When I first started to question my sexuality I thought this, and probably part of me has the fear it could turn out to be 'all in my head' and then what i do I have.

    But the more I have accepted myself the more vivid, romantic and intimate the fantasies have become.

    ---------- Post added 8th Nov 2016 at 06:45 PM ----------

    porn addiction and fantasies can really skew you.Have you tried taking a break from it? I did when I was trying to sort out my sexuality. At the very least I can 't blame it on porn anymore.
  14. SiennaFire

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    I'm still mulling over your responses. In the meantime you may want to take Chip's masturbation challenge in order to get clarity about your sexual orientation.

    Once you've completed this, feel free to post the results here. This should be a piece of cake after posting the intimate details of your 2 hookups :slight_smile:
    #14 SiennaFire, Nov 9, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
  15. myskyharbor

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    Oct 18, 2016
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    Thanks SiennaFire, maybe I'll give the masturbation challenge a shot. I'll say this. I'm definitely aware that I'm not straight. It's a question now of what I prefer. As I mentioned, I'm trying to chat with guys under the context of potentially getting to know a romantic partner, being that I don't see guys in a romantic light, and seeing how that feels. It's very foreign to me and every time I have to check messages to keep the convos going, it gives me anxiety and feels like work. Almost a 'back to the salt mine' type of feeling. At the same time, after I pass the ball back, I'm proud of myself because I feel like I'm buying down feeling the stress over all this by having taken another baby step, regardless how small.

    For the hookups, I mean it felt nice as in getting a blowjob feels good. In both cases, it was more so about me and while I tried it on them, it was brief and neither of them finished. Maybe I'm bad at it LoL. I was a bit grossed out but at the same time felt compelled and open to trying to enjoy it. I guess I'll have to further explore since results are inconclusive.

    Thanks again everyone for the kind words and encouragement and support as I churn through this.
  16. nerdbrain

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    Has anyone trademarked The Masturbation Challenge? Sounds like a reality show waiting to happen. Or at least a web series.
  17. I'm gay

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    Ahh, yes, blowjobs do feel nice. (!)

    I agree with the Masturbation Challenge. It does help to clarify your attractions.
  18. Romancer

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    For my two cents I would say it seems to me that so many guys who struggle with this issue just are not allowing themselves to feel what they truly feel deep down inside for many reasons (religious training, family pressures, career/job pressures, etc., etc.). We are so strongly brainwashed by society to think "straight" and act "straight" and be "straight" that we subconsciously simply cannot allow ourselves the freedom to seriously entertain the notion that we might be gay or bi or whatever. I remember that for years when I first started to struggle with this myself I was absolutely convinced that I was bi (although I had never had sex with anyone---male or female). I wasn't bi, I just couldn't allow myself to even consider that I might be gay because of the usual reasons. It was safer and less stressful to me to just say that I was bi. What a terrific thing it was when I finally ALLOWED myself to consider that I was gay...not conclude that I was gay, but just allow myself to think that I might be. This gave me the clarity and the mental "space" to finally see that I was indeed gay. You can't really look at this objectively if right off the bat you keep thinking "I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay."
    If you are truly unsure of your sexuality, that's fine, but if you are just using the questioning to try and convince yourself that you are not gay then you're just using the confusion as a smoke screen. It's like if you feel attracted to the same sex, but you just can't accept it, then "pretending" that you are confused is easier than just accepting that you like guys. Just like it's easier to think you are bi than to accept that you are gay. It's like a process--we always go for the lesser of two evils to avoid making a final decision. We like men, but we can't admit that we are just plain and simply gay, so we say we are confused about it, which allows us the safety of going back and forth on the issue: "I might be gay," "Nah I can't be," "but maybe I am," "no way, I'm not gay." Then we finally have enough courage or whatever to admit we find men sexually attractive but we still can't admit we might be gay so we allow ourselves to think "well, yea, I like guys, but I also like women, so I'm not gay I'm bi." In other words, we aren't really confused about our sexuality, we know deep, deep down inside that we are gay, but we just can't allow ourselves to accept it so we use the excuse of being confused about it as a safety net. If you believe you are confused about it, then that allows you to avoid the painful situation of once and for all accepting that we are gay.

    Does this make any sense at all?
  19. SiennaFire

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    I suggested the Masturbation Challenge because I don't have a clear read on your sexual preference. You say you are not straight and get excited by gay porn yet you also said "I'll take a shirtless girl over a shirtless guy any day of the week." You also said that you haven't crushed on a guy, which seems a little weird. Maybe you crushed on a guy and misread it? For example, I admired guys in HS who had girlfriends. Today I can say that I had a crush on the guy with the GF, but my brain misinterpreted the gay signal at the time. Clearly you learned growing up that being gay was a source of shame, so it's possible that you have suppressed your gay feelings. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that you are bisexual. Google "Kinsey scale" to learn more about the range of gay, straight, and bisexual.

    I think trying to go on dates with guys is a good idea - just realize that clicking with a guy on a date tells you something about your sexuality whereas not clicking on a date is less conclusive. It means the guy wasn't a match. You're not going to click with every guy, so figuring out your type is very important. Once you find a guy who is your type, :wow:

    Overcoming your anxiety by taking baby steps is the approach that I used to expand my comfort zone. Over time the size of the step will grow until you've developed quite a bit of muscle. Keep it up.

    Your experience with the BJ was similar to mine. First time I gave a BJ I wasn't repulsed by it nor did I fully enjoy it. It will take a few more times (ideally with a regular FWB or BF) before you really start getting into it. Today I love exchanging BJs with my BF.
    #19 SiennaFire, Nov 10, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
  20. findingjoy

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    One caveat. Porn addiction skew your sexual tastes
    I was pretty freaked out about the possibility that I was gay, so I explored other theories. One was porn addiction can lead to sexual urges that are totally out of touch with your core orientation. Straight guys get addicted to gay porn, there are even cases of gay guys getting addicted to straight porn, and there's darker side which I don't have to go into here.

    So if you do have an addiction see how long you can take a break. That said, I took a break. I was secretly hoping it would confirm that I was straight but it made me realize I am gay.