I don't know how much more I can take (this is so long you will not read it all)

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by Gillian, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Gillian

    Regular Member

    Dec 13, 2015
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    Hello, all.

    I have been lurking for a while now (when I say while I mean like a year plus) and even though you have no idea about me, I have followed the stories of some individuals here and found them very comforting.

    In the sense that people seem to have gone through a lot of difficulties, and came out of them if not intact at least alive and striving forward. But for me, it doesn't seem to go that way, and this is why I put up this account and decided to post.

    To sum up my situation. I am 30+, and married for five years now to a man. I never thought about my orientation; I just assumed I was straight. Yet I never had really real interest in sex - for example, when I had sex for the first time (with a man) it was first and foremost because I felt I "should". I was 17 and I did not enjoy it at all. Well, he cheated on me and we broke up, cue about ten years of me being mostly by myself but occasionally hooking up with men (again, not because I felt I wanted to have a relationship or sex, but because I thought this is what one is to do). There were one or two men I had feelings for, and who I was attracted to, but still I never really enjoyed sex with them. I liked the flirting, the chase, all the thing leading up to sex - just not the actual act. Having sex was always, apart from the first 10 minutes, kinda "please get it over with". I have never in my life orgasmed with another person.

    Then I met the man I were later to marry, I really really fell for him, he is such a fascinating person, and for a while I enjoyed sex with him - not that I stillorgasmed but I liked the fact that he was 'mine' and into me and all that. That I was able to give him pleasure.

    We married, and it was great, but then slowly I started to lose interest in sex. It didn't help that he was very intercourse focused; I tried to tell him that I needed a bit more than that but I guess I didn't bring the point across well enough. Eventually this disparity led into a situation where I felt the constant pressure to have sex, when I didn't want to. And i did, because I wanted to be a good wife. There were times when I cried after sex because of how much I did not want it, and at the same time over feeling I SHOULD want it, and certainly there was something wrong with me. Fast forward and I just didn't want it, ever, I almost detested the feeling of being penetrated and the whole setting of the act. And I still did it. I felt constant stress and anxiety over having to have to want sex, and not only that, be into it - he would be upset if I weren't (because I guess you want the person you are having sex with to be into it). And I wanted to be the great wife.

    All this time our relationship outside the bedroom was pretty OK.

    And then I met this woman. Friend of a friend. Random occasions. It has been almost two years since this moment, and even at this very moment I can recall the exact second I saw her for the first time. I don't have the words for it but she was (continues to be I al sure) pure magic. It took me about half a year to realize I was actually infatuated with her (yeah), and some time later we ended up making out - a drunken thing but my god how it made me feel.

    I really really really wanted this woman, I was borderline obsessed with her - I believe the term going around is trigger crush. She was very much that for me.

    Because then, having met her and having some small thing with her, ever so gradually, it started to dawn on me that I might not be straight. It feels so embarrassing almost not to have realized this before, but I try not to give myself too hard time over it. I told my husband, that I had feelings for this girl, and at first it seemed he might understand - ofcourse he was upset I kissed someone else, and that I had attraction for someone else (when I weren't able to give him sexually what he wanted) but he sort of gave me a pass to probe this area of my sexuality out, as long as I would be honest about it.

    So I did, and if I didn't pursue her per se I did make it more or less clear to her that I was into her. However she was the kind of person who belongs to everyone and no one - in other words, she had no interest in me as a person any more than she had for the next guy. After a while I realized she didn't care about me at all, and as fucking goddammit jesus christ pastafarian difficult it was, I started to distance myself from her (doing well at the moment by the way!! I only think about her when I am drunk).

    Around this time my marriage started to have some difficulties - maybe it was my doing, not being so present with these new thoughts, or maybe it was my husband's mental health issues - he has suffered throughout his life of depression and on the other hand manicness and this started to invade again. He has always been so much more stronger personality than me, so his state sort of took over our lives - if he was sad, I had to be sad as well and if he was happy I was to be happy as well. Again, I think part of this is because my personality is such that I want to accommodate - he was and is not a monster.

    But what ended up happening with all these things going around is that we separated. I moved out, but still in the same city. When that happened he was aware of my newly found inclination to explore and figure out what I am, and at times I felt he understood it - but most of the time he felt (feels) very cross about it. He didn't want to separate less alone divorce, and he is making it very very very clear. Almost every day he calls me, tells me how I have ruined his life, how he has nothing left because I "chose" to be a lesbian. He got laid off from his job and he threatens me with suicide. He puts it all down for me maybe being gay and ignores all the other problems our relationship had (which, to be honest, were a bigger reason at the time of separation for the break-up than me fancying pretty girls).

    And the thing is, I don't know how long I can deal with this. It has been about a year, and my life is in a standstill. I fear for him - like said he is a disaster now, lost his job, developed a drug habit, says he might just do himself in - all because I left. I feel guilt, shame, that I have ruined a great person's life (because he is great, unique soul), and why? Because of what I am? Think I am? Might be? What I chose to be, as he says? I am so depressed, I am barely able to go to work and afterwards I come home and sleep - or try to. I have nightmares of being chased and killed. I feel horrible for destroying his life over my quirks and at the same time I have this urge to be with a woman, to know how it is like. And the contradiction between those two.. It is literally killing me. I am over 30 years old and I am at the point where I self harm like a teenager, substance abuse (although this I have made slight process of getting control over, fingers crossed), just generally feel like there is nothing for me in this life but this guilt and pain and confusion and that I have actually deserved it.

    I am ashamed to say it but there are times when I think it would be easier if I just died - he wouldn't have to deal with losing me and still being around, and I wouldn't have to deal with this guilt and shame and figuring out what I am at this age. I really don't have the guts to kill myself, so this is not a suicide help call at all.

    I am constantly afraid he might though. I know he 'has it' in him. This fear is not an easy one to live with.

    I am also afraid of coming into terms with myself. I have no problem with being a lesbian; I have a problem with what it means to him. Maybe I am also a bit worried about how to go about this at this age - but to be honest, this is not the most pressing problem I have.

    I can be alone for the rest of my life. I am starting to think it is probably better - having caused the above described to someone that I still love as a person (if not as a lover) is one of the worst things imaginable.

    Because what it comes down to is that I have destroyed him. And over what? if I had just tried harder, maybe I could have liked straight?

    I doubt no one read this far, and that's more than fine - i wouldn't have. I guess I just needed to write this down. Not that it changes anything. I have sort of lost hope that things will ever be better. But as a journal, or something of the like.

    Sorry for the errancies of it all - the randomness as well as the language (not a native English speaker), and I guess just bothering you all.

    And can I just say. Mellie. Jeez man, you are my idol.
  2. SonicBoom

    Regular Member

    Jan 19, 2015
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    Trying to find my way.
    Hi Gillian, I'm glad that you finally decided to start posting.

    I did read it all. :grin:

    I feel for you and your situation.

    Please be strong.

    One day at a time.

  3. Gillian

    Regular Member

    Dec 13, 2015
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    Thank you SonicBoom. I know this to be true, one day at a time.. But I don't know how much I have left in me.
  4. SonicBoom

    Regular Member

    Jan 19, 2015
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    Trying to find my way.
    Gillian, you can get through today.

    When the next day comes, you can get through the next day.

    Sometimes , that's really all that can be done.

    In time your situation will sort itself out.

    The most important thing to do right now is to hold on.

  5. Gillian

    Regular Member

    Dec 13, 2015
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    I guess it is not so much about me - like I said, I am depressed and in a bad place but I still don't want to kill myself or anything like that. But I am truly afraid that he might do something to himself. And living with that fear.. Well, it wears one down.

    But thank you for your kind words (*hug*) I didn't really expect anyone to react.
  6. CapColors

    Full Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    First: Welcome. I'm very sorry this is so hard for you. It sounds terrible.

    Second: I'm going to give you some nasty tasting medicine here.

    You have NOT destroyed him!

    YOU HAVE NOT DESTROYED HIM. Nothing you've done would give you the power that he claims you have over him, and frankly that YOU claim you have over him.

    Rather, the reverse seems much closer to the truth.

    His behavior is his problem. He needs to manage his meds and move on. Please, try and separate MORE from him, and get into therapy if he does try something.

    If you don't have kids, then get away from him and start your new life with someone that can give you an orgasm.

    I hope and pray he'll do the same but you CANNOT CONTROL HIM.
    #6 CapColors, Dec 18, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  7. Really

    Full Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Welcome to EC, Gillian! Or, more accurately, welcome to your first post! :slight_smile:

    First off, your English is excellent. I wouldn't have guessed it wasn't your first language.

    Don't apologize for the length of your post. I'll bet you feel better just getting it off your chest. A little?

    While my story isn't the same as yours, I've read multiple posts from others with similar stories. You probably have too so you know that you mustn't blame yourself for any part of how your husband feels. We are all responsible for how we react to things. Him included. He is manipulating you with his threats of suicide. I can't remember who advised this but the next time he does that, tell him you will call the police if he tells you that again. You are not responsible for saving his life. He needs help. From a professional not you.

    Of course you feel bad that he's been negatively impacted by the current situation but you aren't doing this on purpose so he cannot blame you. And neither should you blame yourself.

    Is therapy possible? I think you could benefit; in order to feel better about yourself and be able to stand up for yourself against him.

    As I'm typing this I just saw where you said this wasn't about you, it was more about him. Guess what. This is about you. You first. You. You. You. It's time for you. Why do you have to take second place? You have just as much right as anybody to be happy.

    Make a list of things that will make you happy and or move you forward and take steps to work your way through the list. You've been lurking long enough. Time to live now.

    ...and post, post, post...
  8. Shadowsylke

    Full Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    in my own skin (finally!)
    Hello Gillian, and welcome!

    Okay. You must listen now. You did NOT destroy him. If he even is "destroyed" (which is dubious), he did it to himself. It is NOT your problem. If he decides to try to commit suicide, that is on him. He is a grown-ass man and must take responsibility for his own actions. If he is threatening you with suicide, that is abusive. CapColors is absolutely right...you need more distance from him, right now.

    My husband pulled all sorts of shenanigans when I left my marriage. He blamed me, he blamed my sexuality, he blamed my girlfriend, he even blamed my parents for "raising me wrong". He blamed everyone except himself. He threatened murder, suicide, financial ruin, emotional/social ruin, you name it. Did I feel bad about it? Hell, yes. What did I do about it? I WALKED AWAY.

    This is what you must do now.

    I understand that you care about him and you are worried about what he might to himself, but you really can't control that, and you will make yourself crazy trying to. You are not responsible for him. You are only responsible for you.

    You need to take care of yourself now. That is important. You need to be kind to yourself and love yourself, because you deserve it, and you haven't done anything wrong. And by all means, find yourself a nice woman who will give you orgasms!!

    And yeah we all love Mellie. She is an inspiration. :slight_smile:
  9. guest500

    Regular Member

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Straight but curious
    Good one, Cap!!
  10. YeahpIdk

    Regular Member

    Apr 11, 2015
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    East Coast
    Hey Gillian!

    Welcome to EC! I want to echo Caps -- you DID NOT destroy him. Perhaps he has a more dominant personality, and you have a much more submissive one, but it sounds like the situation has been manipulated to suit him and his feelings. You did not destroy him because you're a lesbian, or questioning that you're a lesbian. Yes. I'm sure it created a lot of upset, but it's no different than if you'd became distant because of his depression issues, and wanting to leave just because of that. He may feel devastated, but he is not destroyed. I agree that you should separate further. Stop the phones calls, stop the guilt trips -- it's not fair to you, and it's not your responsibility to be his saving grace. No one can be that for anyone in any efficient way, especially in a situation like this.

    I don't mean to be brash, but I really hate when someone threatens their own life to guilt trip someone into staying with them. It's manipulation, and emotionally abusive. Don't give him the upper hand by giving into it. If he did kill himself, that would have absolutely nothing to do with you. Even if he is trying to make it seem like it would - it's just manipulation to make you feel bad, and frankly, is pathetic. Do you want to be with him solely because he might kill himself if you do leave? Do you want to babysit him for the rest of his life, make his happiness since he's proclaimed it relies solely on you, and live a life just for him? I know he must mean a lot to you, you did after all marry him - but people move on. People grow apart all the time, and go on to live happy, separate lives either on their own, or with someone new. It's not worth your misery. YOU deserve happiness, too.

    My last boyfriend got a little abusive towards the end. I needed space from him, and his last words to me were, "if you break up with and stop talking to me, I'm going to hate you forever." He was extremely bitter, but he caused a lot of the issues in our relationship, and I told him that I was sorry if he felt that way, but I needed a break. Things you described in your relationship ring true for me. The wanting sex to be over with, wanting to cry after it sometimes. I didn't even want him touching me sometimes. I think this just happens when you've completely disconnected from that person - and that's okay. It's not like it just happened over night while everything was going great, and I don't think that's your situation - it seems a lot has led up to this point. There's nothing anywhere saying that you need to stay in a situation that doesn't feel good anymore, or makes you unhappy. Does it suck for the other person? Yes. Sometimes it really does. But you can't be miserable, and something inside of you--I feel even despite the possibility of being a lesbian--is perhaps deeply unhappy with your current situation. You just may not be good for each other anymore.

    I understand your frustrations of questioning later in life, and feeling like you have to start all over again when you felt like you had a grasp on the way things would turn out: married to a man, the career, the kids, the house, the cooking. I still go back and forth, too. It's still the same amount of pain and confusion, wondering if I'm treading into territory that isn't correct and I should just quit while I'm ahead. Obviously it's harder for those with any added baggage, but it would be a mind screw to figure out at any stage in life. I think you've made a really healthy decision to be apart from him right now, and I encourage you to create further distance where you can explore yourself and your wants in every facet of your life. And keep posting here!!

    And I wanted to add that I'm sorry about your trigger crush. They've all got the same essence. I love how you said she belonged to everyone and no one ... how damn true that rings even for my trigger. Just know that you're going to be okay. If you choose happiness and what is authentic to you. You will be okay.

    Sending you hugs.

    ---------- Post added 18th Dec 2015 at 09:37 PM ----------

    ^^ and all of this.
    #10 YeahpIdk, Dec 18, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  11. CalzonaFan

    Regular Member

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Sexual Orientation:
    I just also wanted to let you know that you did not destroy him, and you have the right to find yourself, to be happy. I know it's tough, please be strong, and you will get through this.
  12. Distant Echo

    Full Member

    Sep 29, 2015
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    on the verge of somewhere
    Hey and welcome. I second, third, whatever what everyone else has said. You didn't destroy him. He is an adult and responsible for his own actions.
    Look after yourself first and foremost.
    And get out there and start dating already :wink:
    #12 Distant Echo, Dec 19, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
  13. Open Arms

    Open Arms Guest

    Jun 14, 2015
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    Way to go Gillian! You've taken the first step which is to tell your story and share your pain. As you see, many of us read it all, and we're telling you to make a life for yourself apart from your ex.

    It sounds like you have tried your very best. You are not responsible for his life, but for your own. If necessary, move away from him because he is trying to manipulate you and control your life. It's sensible, not selfish, to move on.
  14. ConsciousRose42

    Regular Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Bristol uk
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    Stop - STOP
    My strong suggestion - through my own experience and others is that YOU need to walk away from this relationship and keep walking - cut all ties
    He is not threatening suicide because of you it is because of him and his personality / mental state -- yes break ups are hard esp if the person didn't want it - but someone who is stable enough will seek sources inner and outer to move on ..
    He is using manipulation and it's working -

    Claim who u are and move on -- it's almost guaranteed he will too --
    If he ends his life which lets face it is unlikely it is his doing - his responsibility is to seek help in the right place

    For you focus on your recovery and getting well yourself
    Guilt is a useless emotion -

    Self care is important here

    ---------- Post added 19th Dec 2015 at 02:54 AM ----------

    My ex was the same - blame blame blame
    I didn't essentially get out the relationship because I now know I'm gay -
    I got out of it because he didn't deal with things , take responsonsibilty , and when it all ends a person like this only makes the reasons why look even more obvious

    Keep walking ....
  15. IrishJ

    Full Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    East Coast
    Yeah You! Time to give yourself the love you deserve. Time to give yourself a hug from your head to your toes allowing yourself the moment to just be Gillian. Take a nice bath, take a walk, have a cup of tea and breathe.

    You have a community here to support you through this. Don't be afraid to rant and don't be surprised that there are so many of us that will read each character of your posts and then respond.

    Go love yourself first - J
  16. confused04

    Regular Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Yes, times a million! (and echoing what everyone else has said).

    I am so sorry you are going through this. Do you see a therapist? That might help you separate yourself from him, because it is emotionally abusive to do that to you. Keep talking here if it helps.
  17. Gillian

    Regular Member

    Dec 13, 2015
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    I am overwhelmed by the amount of your support. I am literally in tears.

    I have felt so ashamed of myself and guilt over his suffering for such a long time that I don't know how to be in any other way. The thing is, when you tell me that it is not my fault, not my responsibility - I understand this on a logical level. If a friend of mine would tell me she was in a situation like this, I would say the exact same thing.

    But in terms of myself I am unable to do that. I do understand that it is him who is reacting this way, but if I hadn't done what I did there wouldn't be this mess of a situation to react to. And the thing is, I am simply unable to cut him off, I see the amount of pain he is in and I just don't have it in me to tell him off. I can't. The way he is now, he would kill himself. I can't have that on my conscience for the rest of my life.

    I guess that makes me weak.

    Luckily we don't have children. He wanted them but I didn't. That was at least one good call I have made in my life.

    I don't want to sound like I am wallowing in self-pity; it's just that there is no one I have in real life I could talk about this openly. I have friends, and ofcourse they know the general scheme of things and that I am not OK, but I can't tell everything to anyone.

    And it just starts to feel so heavy. I know, day at a time, but the days just keep coming and they are equally shit or even more shit and I have quite frankly lost hope this will ever get better. That he will ever get better.

    Thank you again so much, all of you. You have no idea how much your comments and support mean to me.
  18. confused04

    Regular Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:
    You know, maybe if you hadn't realized your sexuality, maybe he would be in a better place right now. But who's to say what would trigger him next? Because it sounds like something would. I think a good first step is try talking to a therapist to help ease your burden. And keep posting here!
  19. yeehaw

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Hi. I read your entire post too. :slight_smile: And everyone's responses. I think the folks here are right about him manipulating you in really awful ways. It sounds like he's doing his best to keep you pulled into his orbit by scaring/intimidating you into staying there. Probably that's not good for either of you. And I agree with the general sentiment that the surest path to you landing in a better place is to cut off contact with him. And it also sounds like you aren't ready for that. It's a pretty big leap to make. A lot of us here understand (in many cases from experience) how hard it is pull out of a situation like that. Usually it doesn't happen overnght. And I think it's great that you are putting it all out here for us to see, and many of us here will be happy to provide support no matter where you are on your path and no matter how slowly you make your way down it. :slight_smile:

    Also, I VERY FIRMLY believe that you would only be responsible for his death if you actually killed him. Really. Regardless of his opinion on the matter.

    Best to you. :slight_smile:
  20. Natasha Elyssa

    Full Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    New York
    I read the entire post, and I will tell you what many others have probably said/will say, you need to be strong and need to try your best to move on. I've know people who try to manipulate others, and that's exactly what he's doing. I've seen this before. He wants you to feel guilty and like trasht so that you'll go back to him. As you said, you went through all this because you felt you had to. He probably has a similar mentality, thinking that marriage is something he has to do and is more important than life itself and sees your leaving and wanting to explore the possibilities of your orientation as as threat to what he feels he has to do. He was probably programed into being the way he is and is using you as a scapegoat. As much as you may sympathize with him, it's important that you say "You need help. Go to a therapist." And try to leave him for good if you feel it necessary. Don't let him manipulate and control you. If you want to explore and experiment and be free, you shouldn't let him tell you no. He's trying to drag you down, so I say jetizen the extra weight. Spread your wings and fly girl! You are you! You're not his slave! He don't own you! Be strong! Be free! Sorry if I'm too harsh, but I tend to be brutal when I try to give others advice and support. I'm like Shia LaBeouf with the "just do it" thing. :slight_smile: Stay strong!

    -Best wishes. *Hugs* ^-^ <3
    #20 Natasha Elyssa, Dec 20, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015