Thoughts about spoiled rich kids (any horror stories?)

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by anthonythegamer, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. Have you ever met a spoiled rich kid in real life? If you did, please share your experience.

    I live in a town where it has become a hotspot for Mainland Chinese exchange students due to the dense Chinese population here. Also, it's a working class neighborhood, so it wouldn't hurt to have a few financial perks, right? Unfortunately, it's mainly the spoiled, rich kids that come.

    Most of the foreign students in my school are all from affluent backgrounds, so I deal with them every day. My goodness, they flaunt their wealth around like crazy. First of all, the girls always bring designer handbags and walk in high heels. The guys wear designer clothes (like Armani). Unfortunately, they're quite inconsiderate. They'd chew gum on campus and spit that on the floor on purpose, expecting the janitor to pick it up. How rude. I've actually heard one of them say "I don't need to pick that up. That's for him (points to janitor)."

    Also, some students in my school live in poverty, and those rich kids would always talk trash about them. "Those clothes are an embarrassment." "This school should kick them out"

    I dunno. Those were my interactions and experiences with spoiled rotten kids. But it doesn't mean that I hate rich people. I just hate spoiled, inconsiderate people. People can be rich, and not be spoiled. In reality, we all want to be as rich as them, maybe richer.

    What are your experiences?
  2. imnotreallysure

    Dec 27, 2013
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    There are tons and tons of wealthy college students here, a lot of them from places like China and the Middle East, but also from London and southeast England. They probably do fit the spoiled rich kid label, but I don't know any of them personally so I couldn't really say.

    There were no 'rich kids' at my high school as far as I knew. Most of them were middle class, but a few of them were also from nearby estates (or what is known as 'projects' in the US).

    In all honesty people who are 'middle class' are some of the most stuck up and conscious about class status IMO. They think they're the shit because they live in a 3-bed detached home and their parents drive a range rover they bought using credit.

    There's also a lot of 'new money' here and they tend to be rather clueless and inconsiderate because they have no idea how to behave with so much money.
    #2 imnotreallysure, Jul 26, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2015
  3. HM03

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    I know lots of rich, spoiled kids, especially in highschool. Sure they might of took for granted a bunch of stuff, but none them were exceptionally bratty.
  4. Connorcode

    Connorcode Guest

    The big difference is between the 'they've known they were rich all their lives' and 'their family just became rich / they've only just come to know it'.
    I know loads of rich old guys who live nearby, as weird as that may sound, and they're all great, generous people.
    As for rich kids, the one who was in the same social circle as me tried to dress and look good but failed because he's ugly as sh*t. He still acts all superior but because nobody else is as rich as him, his friends tend to only be nice to his face so they can go to his huge house.
    Ultimately, he's a dick.
  5. Cider

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    Jan 11, 2015
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    I've seen some in school that take a lot of things for granted, but not to the point that they're spoiled.
  6. loveislove01

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    That's pretty horrid!
    Well, I've been to India, and the people who live in the same flat as my grandparents are generally wealthier than most in the town, and they treat their servants like absolute shit. And it makes me so angry.
    There were two rich people getting out of a rickshaw, and the guy charged them 20 rupees (equivalent to a little over 30 cents) for the ride.
    They argued, called him greedy, dumb, and spat at him and gave him ten rupees. (16 cents) It was downright cruel.

    Mistreatment of people who don't have as many priveleges is just terrible.
  7. Tightrope

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    I've known quite a few spoiled rich kids. They do take a lot for granted. They also didn't make for the best of friends. Kids very quickly sense socioeconomic differences and create encampments along those lines. They might make exceptions for someone who comes from the wrong side of the tracks but, in some way, is exceptional and it adds to THEIR lives. Empathy is not their strong suit and, if they didn't develop it earlier on, I wonder if and when they will. I've found that average middle class friends have made for the least amount of commotion. Maybe it's a birds of a feather issue.

    This is not normally something I think about. However, this thread and experiences on FB have more recently helped cement this observation.
  8. Wallace N

    Wallace N Guest

    Jul 14, 2015
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    Ah yes, well, I am from a very wealthy corner of Silicon Valley and the Stanford sphere of influence so "rich kids" are all I've known for a long time. It's all "new money" here, of course. There aren't any old rich families; people here are venture capitalists and tech CEOs who didn't come from a background of wealth. I myself attended a private high school full of kids whose parents were members of the Polo Club, who had elaborate catered Sweet 16 parties, and received BMWs and Audis for their birthdays (and occasionally drove around their dad's Maserati).

    To be quite honest, the majority of the "rich kids" I've known and associated with have been nothing but pleasant. Some of them showed it in their car or their clothing, others you couldn't even tell at all that they lived in $15 million homes. But talking down about poorer people? If they did it, they never did it around me. It's hard to imagine anyone I knew doing that.

    Anyway, it's important to note that one can be rich and not spoiled. "Spoiled" implies that they don't appreciate what they have and always demand more (i.e. they are never satisfied). A person can be rich and have a lot and not take it for granted. It just may be more difficult to do so.
  9. DanDan

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    My crush kind of is. I mean, he's kind, but he's very...idk.
    He tries to be all "inspiring" and acts as if he knows what its like to be poor but he's been rich all his life and has had everything handed to him. Heck, he came out because of a crappy romcom and everyone including his parents took it well.

    Ughh, I think I'm also just jealous. :frowning2:
  10. Chi and Bashful

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    Where I grew up was very... Interesting there were a few really rich areas and a few not so rich and there were like 9 elementary schools and 3 middle schools for like a 9 mile radius
    So no matter what school you went to there was usually a mix of rich, poor and middle class so there weren't to many uber spoiled kids at least to others faces it wasn't that kind of town they'd become pariahs if that got round
  11. Awesome

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    Mar 18, 2015
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    Well, as a part of the handful of middle-class kids at my private school since I was four, constantly surrounded by very rich kids my entire live, I don't think I should say too much, for fear of starting a rant.

    Very recently, twice, I heard girls talking about their summer houses that they own near the beach. Both times, I said something along the lines of, "Wow, you have a summer house? That is so cool." Both girls responded saying that it was nothing. Then I said that I am not sure that anyone in my extended family owns one house. The second girl asked, "But you own the house you live in right?" She had never even heard of renting a house. That is the tip of the iceberg. It has come to my understanding that most upper class people do not understand that they are rich. As a middle class person in a first world country, I understand that I am much richer than many other people. I am very thankful for all that I have. I am afraid of being like the ignorant rich kids whom I am all to familiar with.
  12. Weregild

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    They were one of the reasons why I hated high school
  13. Sashafr

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    Dude I went to a private Catholic school from pre k to 8 the grade. I was the poor kid who got in on grant money because they needed "diversity" . I don't think I'll ever be able to forget hat feeling of always knowing that your different from these kids because their talking about their vacation to Japan or the French riviera or wherever. When I came out to someone who I thought would understand, I had kids and teachers tell me I was going to hell and was a sinner. Maybe thats part of why I'm so f**cked up. Anyway I totally understand your dislike of daddies little rich girls and arrogant pricks who think their better cyz they have money. Its cool deep down I think they hate themselves too....
  14. DreamerBoy17

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    There's this boy in my grade that's my "friend". He goes to Disneyland at least 2 times a year and fancy cruises at least 3 times a year. I remember he was talking about his birthday presents this year, and this was his list: a new iPhone 5c, a party with his friends at skyzone (a trampoline park that charges 20$ an hour per person), new fancy clothes, and $300 from his grandma. He says this in a casual tone.
    Our family is probably lower middle class, both my parents work, and I am thankful for every single thing I have. My parents brought me up to be grateful for every small thing I receive, and I wish some parents would do the same.
    #14 DreamerBoy17, Jul 26, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2015
  15. Psaurus918

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    Dec 4, 2014
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    In my personal experience people with "old money" tend to be stuck up and feel like social royalty while "new money" tends be more down to earth. I have quite a few friends that are very very wealthy and they don't talk down or act spoiled, they do do say things sometimes and you can tell they've never been on the other side of the fence.

    I attend/work at a lot of exotic car events and there is this one kid that shows up driving one of his grandfathers cars and acts like a complete shithead and even tries to pass off the money/cars as his's too bad because I know his grandfather and he's one of the coolest guys I've met...if only he knew how his grandson acted or the crap he says on social media
  16. sugarcubeigloo

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    I fear for the spoiled. I wonder how emotionally unprepared these people are for reality and I can only imagine the chain of mental instability that will follow. I don't feel malice for these people because I know they've been long broken before I've reached them.

    That said, I've always been enrolled in private school and the entitlement varied. My favorites were my classmates who had their parents make calls to the school if a teacher gave them a bad grade they earned. :lol: These were honors and AP classes. Mind-blowing.
    #16 sugarcubeigloo, Jul 26, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2015
  17. Aspen

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    My high school, despite being in a small mostly farming town, was a socioeconomic melting pot. I knew one rich kid who got busted because there were seeds for growing weed in his car at school. He got off, of course.

    There was another kid who got a brand-new Mustang for his first car. Couldn't even have been six months and he wrecked it. He walked away without a scratch but the car was totaled. That was seven years ago and I'm still mourning that car.

    But my least favorite was a girl on our equestrian team. She was real stuck-up, the kind of rider with professional trainers and the perfect horse who doesn't actually give a damn about the welfare of her animals. She didn't really do anything at shows but hop on and ride. Rumor had it she drugged her horses into submission.
  18. Yeah, life will be a rude-awakening for them since no one will do everything for them, unless they get a generous amount of inheritance. I've heard that in Mainland China, spoiled kids often grow up without knowing basic life skills and they become dependent to some extent.

    ---------- Post added 26th Jul 2015 at 09:23 PM ----------

    I agree. Sometimes when people flaunt their wealth, they're overcompensating for something they're deprived of.

    I actually have friends who are upper middle class (that's as rich as people could find in my working-class neighborhood) and they actually understand poverty, since they grew up with people in poverty. Also, some of them even became well-off halfway through their life, so they understand the value of a dollar.
  19. sugarcubeigloo

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    Dec 19, 2011
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    I particularly like this. You're right, not all who are wealthy equate to spoiled. And I wonder how much hatred for the spoiled is fueled by envy. Not that you're envious - I think your criticism comes from a valid place. I just like the point you've made.
  20. You've hit it right on the head. Whenever I ask for something, I always make sure that I have an absolute need and purpose for it.

    Most of the people I know who are well-off often have two working parents. Even though they're well-off, the parents made sure that their kids don't grow up spoiled rotten. They provide them with necessities (yes, they do get the latest phones) and go on a trip once in a while, but they don't lavish them with luxury items.

    ---------- Post added 26th Jul 2015 at 09:32 PM ----------

    Well, I didn't have a materialistic life, so I really don't see the need for designer clothing like Armani and True Religion. I really don't feel envious at all, especially since those people are snobby as well. I already do envy how they live a comfortable life. I just don't envy how they wear their wealth like it's a Christmas tree decoration.
    #20 anthonythegamer, Jul 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2015