Do you claim a religion?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by ABeautifulMind, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. ABeautifulMind

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Third Coast
    I was hoping to see what religions are represented here... Also, if you religion is against LGBT, how you personally have overcome that (if you feel comfortable sharing)...

    Ill go first, I am agnostic, the Dr. Pepper of religions :rolle:

    In my head if there is an Intelligent Designer, I would have to say, I dont think he gives a rats ass what we do, as long as we are decent people, and we try are best not to harm others... in other words, my Deity is not against LGBT...
  2. Yosia

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    Jan 26, 2014
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    I am not entirely sure on religion. I kind of have my own ideas lol
  3. iamjustababy

    iamjustababy Active Member

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    Well when I was younger I came up with this whole religion and I followed it, it was kinda like an 8 y.o. cult o.o
    But anyways there were 4 different "God's" a daughter God who you prayed to for beauty and things like that, a brother God that you prayed to for more masculine things, a mother God for family and relationships and a father God for anything else that didn't fall into one of those categories.

    Odd I know, I had an active imagination when I was younger.
  4. lowkey

    lowkey Guest

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Im atheist. i do not like most agnostics, it is a trendy way to go of things,.. but okay, so you dont claim to know if a god exists or not, so are you goingto tell your friends, or your kids, that you dont claim to know if santa clause or zeus exists either? you follow that idea for the 'god', why not santa clause? i dont understand. I think it is a religion for those who cant handle the next step, which is atheism, or dont do sufficient research. and to be frank there is no single evidence fairy tales do exist, and thats why i Lean atheist. One could say atheists are agnostics since we do not know 100 percent, since i cant disprove or prove a god... well okay, lets see, if i were to say there is a teapot, in space located between earth and mars, you would be able to disprove my theory, but if i provided the fact that it is to small for any telescope to see, then now you cant disprove what i say. that teapot is god
    #4 lowkey, Jul 10, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2014
  5. Hexagon

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    May 1, 2011
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    No, I don't. There's nothing out there. Except more universe. We aren't these special things, possessing of divine gifts like consciousness and souls. We're just animals made up of atoms and processes, and somewhere along the line, those things combined to form the incredibly arrogant idea that we're special enough to have a deity or deities looking out for us and planning our destinies. But one day, we'll all be gone, and what will it matter? What's a god without idiots to worship it?
  6. ABeautifulMind

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Third Coast
    Guess I hit a sore spot lol.
    So, here is my thing. I believe in the big bang. I KNOW the Universe started out as a single point of "infinite" energy. As soon as a small amount cooled, it lost the ability to hold itself together and the Higgs Boson, through the Higgs field, turned energy into matter. More specifically into protons and electrons and neutrons. I also know that through big bang nucleosynthesis, gravity, and fusion; stars were formed. through billions of years stars collapsing, going supernove, and sending heavy elements into space dust formed. Through dust accumulation through gravity eventually planets were formed etc, etc, etc... However here is the thing. Where did that energy come from? and what caused the big bang to really begin? And most importantly, why do the 4 fundamental forces (absolutely crucial) work like they do? why is gravity so much weaker than the electromagnetic force? because if gravity were as strong, the universe would collapse. Yet instead we still see the Universe expanding. Im just saying, and this is coming from a scientific point of view, there are some questions we cant answer. And to me, an Intelligent Designer, makes sense. now maybe they will find its something simple like with the whole ratio of half life between a proton and neutron being the cause for such a large ratio of protons to neutrons. HOWEVER right now we dont have those answers. So I have to say it is a little arrogant to assume you know. You see, I dont know. AND I admit it. That is why I am agnostic.

    I didnt mean to offend people asking about religion, and I dont know why people seem to have responded so rashly, but the bottom line is, I dont know. Because of that I am Agnostic. HOWEVER, I also think to myself, IF there is an Intelligent Designer then he DID NOT create us, however created the laws of the universe which allowed us to exist. And no, I dont think that "He" watches over earth.

    Have you ever done research on the cosmos? I am just saying, its not been ruled out. I mean hell, in my opinion evolution is just a by product of the design. Same for quantum mechanics, ever studied that? shit is mind blowing. I mean, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle? basically if the commutator of any two operand does not commute, than it is impossible to know the precise eigenstate for both at the same time. No matter how good our equipment is. Like momentum and location. which is why in classical (macro) mechanics we can map out a trajectory given its location and momentum. Yet in quantum it is impossible to map out a trajectory, instead yielding to a probability density. In other words, because momentum and location commutator does not commute, we cant know both at once. No matter what. So since we cant know both for ANY given point in time, we can not map out a trajectory. And this is a fundamental limit in physics that we can not get around. PERIOD. Not to mention quantum tunneling. An electron can simply tunnel through a potential EVEN if the potential barrier is a larger energy level than the rest energy and kinetic energy of the electron combined. Do you know what that means? It is like a ball being fired against the gravitational potential, if classical mechanics allowed for quantum tunneling, there would be a probability (Meaning it would happen sometimes, no matter what) that it would simply tunnel through gravitational field of earth. EVEN if the kinetic energy is not larger than the potential. You realize that is a violation of conservation of energy, on of physics most important tenets/postulates/etc. And dont even get me started on virtual particles. You want to try and explain these phenomena? Modern science cant. They can model it, they know the math, but they dont know what makes it tick. And your still telling me your 100% sure there is no way there is an Intelligent Designer? Keeping in mind I dont believe it would be inside our Universe.

    Im just saying, I cant say with 100% accuracy that there is no Intelligent Designer, and I have actually studied the science behind the Universe (Physics). How the hell can you justify doing so?
  7. pigpassport

    pigpassport Guest

    I'm atheist. I like certain ideas of certain religions, I like the idea of reincarnation, and I like some of the ideals of things like Buddhism and Hinduism on how to live your life the best way for yourself and other people, but I don't believe in any of it, it's more an interest thing. I find the idea that there is a creator but that instead of creating everything as it is it created the basics of everything and just guided how everything developed (which I think is why some people believe in both evolution and creationism) an interesting idea but again I don't believe in it.

    The majority of religion and religious stuff I avoid, I can't deal with it because so much of it is so contradictory and just, I don't know but I don't like a lot of it. To me the parts that interest me are purely because they're a bit different from the 'norm' of religion I suppose. But the rest of it, most of it, for me is something that I ignore or slightly irritates me at best or makes me angry at worst, but I think a lot of that is probably related to extremes of religion or things that are written in religious books (the bible in particular) that I dislike.
  8. ABeautifulMind

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Oh yea. The Bible can be very irritating. Not only for what is in it, but because the people who follow its word, seem to only follow its word. So to argue a point with a Christian, you have to use the bible. They usually think of science as a religion.

    Thanks for your input, I always considered religions that teach a decent moral code the most interesting as well. Ever heard of Bahai? it might be spelt wrong, but it is really interesting too.

    And thank you also for not being hostile in your post, I can DEFINITELY respect atheists and atheism, I just dont understand why they were so... evangelical almost... Like those first two trying to convert people to atheism by devaluing other religions, calling a teapot God, or people who worship idiots. Its just rude.
  9. GeekMonkey

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    Another atheist here.
    I find religions fascinating, especially the rituals and creation myths.
    But I just don't believe in any of it, a myth is a myth, be it Christian or Norse.
    But some of it is like reading a fantasy novel, and some is actually good poetry, like many Hindu texts or the Norse poetic Edda.
  10. Aldrick

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    Apr 23, 2012
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    I'm an atheist. I don't see sufficient evidence to point to the existence of a single god, multiple gods, or any other form of supernatural beings or entities. However, atheism isn't a religion. It's not even a philosophy.

    To the extent that I have a "religion" it's a personal brand of Secular Humanism. I use religion in quotes because when most people think of religion they think of supernatural entities, when I talk about "religion" in this context I'm talking about an ethical philosophy that applies to my life, guides my values, and colors how I see the world and the other people in it.
  11. Cass

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    Jan 7, 2014
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    I consider myself a Christian.

    Biblically, homosexuality is considered a sin, but really so is like everything. The general point is forgiveness and love, not hatred and bigotry
  12. Wuggums47

    Wuggums47 Guest

    I'm a Catholic. I used to think that I could just wait for the church to come around and admit they where wrong, like they did with the crusades. But recently I've thought about going to a church where they are already right about LGBTQ, like Episcopalianism. Episcopalians even have LGBTQ and female priests.
  13. Maxis

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    On a technicality I'm Christian, though I don't often say that. I disagree with most of the Bible and even things like the afterlife. But I believe there is a God and that Jesus' word was right, and I also think Christianity is about love, tolerance, and forgiveness.

    I was lucky enough to be raised in quite an accepting and rather laidback household. We're all Christians, all liberal, but all four of us (mom, dad, brother, me) have different ideas and beliefs on little things such as what the afterlife is, how we think of life, the meaning of suffering, etc. and we accept these little differences in beliefs with each other.

    Also, we're not heavily religious either, I've never stepped inside a church in my life (though I would like to one day, to see what it's like).
  14. Empress

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    Jul 10, 2014
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    I'm an agnostic theist. Which isn't a religion, but you know. I tend to believe that some sort of higher power/deity but I don't claim to know what kind.

    I know there's no proof, but I just feel like that's the case. After all, there's no proof the other way. And well, if thinking something happens after death makes me sleep better at night, who are you to tell me I'm wrong?
  15. Candace

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    May 8, 2013
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    I mean, I believe in a God, but I'm not too crazy about the entire religion thing itself. You could say that I'm spiritual.
  16. Jenna0780

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    Jul 2, 2014
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    Although I don't claim it, I try to follow Buddhist values as much as I can, and I feel that I identify a lot more with Buddhist beliefs that other religions, but with a heavier emphasis on animism. I don't necessarily believe in any of the gods in any religion, so I wouldn't necessarily call myself religious, but I'm very spiritual. And if there is a God or Gods, I believe that we need not worship him/her/it, as I would believe that we are all a part of that God/Gods, and that God/Gods are a part of all of us... But for now, I simply strive to be happier and live a better life through balancing my own mind and through general self-healing. Then, I am able to help others.
    #16 Jenna0780, Jul 10, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2014
  17. Benj

    Benj Guest

    I'm an Atheist but when I was younger, I thought I'm a Buddhist and yes, I'm an Atheist Buddhist. Buddha just taught you a simple thing, live the best way for yourself and others and when you die, you can come to live with him in the land same as heaven (I think it like Utopia). If you done bad way, your karma will send you to the Hell and it is really Hell.
  18. ABeautifulMind

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Third Coast
    I am really happy to see such objective posts. No aggression :slight_smile:

    I see most are Christian, Atheist, and Agnostic.

    BTW It was too late for me to go into Bahai last night, but if your interested in a watered down half representation from what I remember of a convo with a practicing member...

    Basically they believe in a God. And that God send "prophets" who they believe are human manifestation of God, on Earth. They believe God does this every time he feels humanity needs a certain "lesson" or umm... that we need to be taught some guidelines to live by. They also believe that nearly every major religion in the world was started by one of these manifestations, and that the last one that walked the Earth was born in 12 November 1817 and was named Bahá'u'lláh. They are basically alot like Christianity in their beliefs, EXCEPT they believe in "fellowship with the followers of all religions" which is rare. I cant think of very many monotheistic religion that are accepting of other religions. Now I am not sure if they all believe what I am about to write, but the person I spoke with does. He said their is no "devil" or opposite of God, God. Rather that the "devil" is men's free will. I thought that was an interesting prospect. Their is also a whole other side of it about how their are these "books" or "chapters" of knowledge and for mankind to move forward and advance to a new stage, one of these books must be opened. One book gets opened with each prophet. The interesting thing here is, 1817 was when the last book would have been opened. Which was not long before the golden age of "New" Physics. And their justification for this is that new advancements in science require inspiration. Where does inspiration come from? They would argue God helps man with new discoveries.

    Now I am sure I left some out, but I thought it was interesting as hell. I am the type of person who likes studying religion though. Even though I had "lost my faith" well before going to Baylor, I still honestly enjoyed their religious texts class, though it should have been called fucking bible study.

    What do you guys think of that one? From what I read they basically view it as the exact same level as their other tenets, and are told that they should be welcomed into the community as others are.
  19. Jenna0780

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    Jul 2, 2014
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    I think that that is very interesting! I, too, enjoy learning about other religions, though I haven't had much time to get to the bookstore for more than a moment. I think that they all have validity. I'd love to learn more about that.
  20. lowkey

    lowkey Guest

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Are you seriously lazy enough to blame a 'creator'? furthermore, did you read what i said? do you realize how much harder it would be for an environment to appear that could create a god with magical powers, then an environment that creates humans? i mean seriously. All you are yapping about is" it is to hard, i dont understand it, there must be a god" instead of tryung to fix a problem, you are blaming a fairytale. can you count how much times in human history 'a god' was blamed for, yet the answer came later on through generations of scientific advancements. Stop being lazy and impatient

    Also, the reason why it is balanced out is by chance in my personal opinion. ever heard of the term, Multiverse? Chances are it exist. i think you are thinking rather small. you shouldnt blame the tooth fairy, if you spent all day looking for your lost tooth and cant find it. If there is a god, he is a very lazy god.
    #20 lowkey, Jul 10, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2014