So I tried gay sex for the first time and it wasn't particularly good...

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by Ideate Me, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Ideate Me

    Ideate Me Guest


    So some of you may know my background from my first post. And just cause I can't be fucked re-iterating my situation here it is again:

    To be free or not to be free that is the question

    So anyway I finally had the courage to go out into the small narrow world and get my gay sex on. I used a gay dating site and started flirting with a dude around my age. We got along so we organised to meet up at a local gay bar. Which we did. We had fun, we hit it off, got a bit drunk, had a dance, and a bit of a pash.

    This is where my problem begins. I didn't particularly enjoy kissing him. It didn't feel nice, not like it has when I've kissed girls before. Still we were having fun and were into each other and one thing lead to another and we ended up back at his place and started pashing again and I still didn't like it all that much but decided to keep going. We went up to his bedroom and undressed and got naked and I was quite aroused and then we started to get intimate and my state of arousal lessened.

    We started touching each other and again I became quite aroused. We performed oral sex on each other to various levels of enjoyment but not as enjoyable as it was to just touch each other. Then we had anal sex, performing on each other and I hated being the bottom and I only just barely enjoyed being a top. I couldn't orgasm. I felt embarrassed, we made out a little more but the moment was lost. I said I had to go and left.


    Something I didn't mention in my introduction post, I don't know why but I guess I just get caught up in being a certain thing and enjoying that. The sexual dreams I have about guys invariably only ever involve being naked and aroused but no actual sex takes place. The sexual dreams I have of women do sometimes involve sex.

    When I am fantasising I have no problem becoming aroused over men, less so with women, but when I compared the gay sex to my sexual experiences with women they were on the same level and somewhat disappointing.

    This has really fucked me up even further. At the moment I just can't afford to go see a therapist so here I am, hoping that anyone who might have had a similar experience can impart some of their wisdom because my head is bouncing around viciously at the moment.

    I know for a fact I am mos def not straight. I have totally accepted that but I am not so sure that I am gay now either. Bi never seemed to fit either but this sexual experience I had has sent me bonkers. Anyway, fuck, didn't mean to post such a long piece.

  2. Macabremelody

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    Aug 30, 2013
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    its all about finding the right person :slight_smile:
  3. tomtomtom

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    Sep 4, 2013
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    I think I'm somewhat similar to you regarding guys. I like to see and fantasize and touch and get aroused by these easily. But once it comes to real sex, I don't enjoy much, anal is definitely a torture for me, top or bottom... Our difference is that I've never had sex with girls. I wanted to but I think mainly due to curiosity probably? I feel female body is much less attractive for me than male body.
  4. Nick07

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    Jul 28, 2013
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    well... perhaps next time try love making instead of having sex. Which means you need to do it with someone you love.
  5. unknown17050

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    May 13, 2013
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    I agree, it could have been the person you were with really; if I ever lose my V-Card; I will lose it to someone I actually care for.
  6. redneck

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    I think it also has to do with the difference between fantasy and reality. The reality of sex is sometimes you hear 'Ouch, your on my hair', you get a cramp at a very inopertune time, dudes face feels like sandpaper, or a whole host of other small not very pleasant things that can happen. In fantasy I have never had a single thing go wrong EVER I am a complete sex god and my subject does exactly what I want, when I want, and how I want.

    Maybe since this was your first time it didn't live up to your expectations because your only yard stick was rooted in fantasy?
  7. Ideate Me

    Ideate Me Guest

    Perhaps that's my thing: sensuality plus caringness plus intimacy = good sex.

    Incidentally what should I make of my dreams? Anything? Nothing? Something?

    ---------- Post added 6th Sep 2013 at 09:06 PM ----------

    Yeah I'm definitely coming to terms with it perhaps not being my thing that arousal and good sex will occur in some kinda porno smash'n'grab.

    ---------- Post added 6th Sep 2013 at 09:10 PM ----------

    Intimacy and sensuality I think would make a difference. I'm not necessarily sure that love is what will make me enjoy it. Well obviously if you are in love with someone that implies a sexual connection but I don't think it is necessarily true of the actual physical nature of gay sex. I don't know.

    ---------- Post added 6th Sep 2013 at 09:12 PM ----------

    Yeah, that's the theme that seems to be running but I'm just not so sure that it would have made a huge difference though I don't know for sure obviously. I did like this guy. Not love, but definitely like. I found him sexually attractive until the point of the sexual acts.

    ---------- Post added 6th Sep 2013 at 09:20 PM ----------

    Yeah, this is also probably what played a role in the lack of enjoyment: all those years of building it up to being something it can't hope to be in reality. I actually enjoyed the first few times with my girlfriend all those years ago. I mean I wasn't very good, and I made it into a cerebral exercise some times, but I do remember enjoying it more.

    Perhaps I'm more pansexual or queer (if I am using them correctly and they mean what I think they mean). As in sex is about the person rather than the gender. So much to unpack in my head ha ha .

    Thanks so much for letting me unload peeps and for responding with sagacity. Really needed to talk about it. It's been building and building and building to a not altogether enjoyable mental crescendo.


    #7 Ideate Me, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2013
  8. KyleD

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    Jul 4, 2013
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    I'm gay but I don't think I could ever enjoy anal sex.
  9. AwesomGaytheist

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    May 19, 2013
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    First times are always awkward, and you were with a no-strings-attached partner. Finding the right person is the key.
  10. Ohhai

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    Aug 16, 2013
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    First time sex is so over rated Hun.
  11. greatwhale

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    I echo everyone's opinion, there's an expression: "two virgins make dull companions". My first time with a woman was all awkwardness and clumsiness, same with a man (and he knew what he was doing!)

    Give it time and find someone with whom, at the very least, you have some kind of emotional connection.
  12. Pat

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    Oct 12, 2012
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    I see this often here. I don't think it's as simple as hooking up with a random person and feeling sparks. You need to focus a lot less on sex, and find someone that you genuinely enjoy and want to be with, someone you think you might actually love. The sex is supposed to be an act to express your love for someone you're with, it's not designed for quick encounters. I think you'd be a lot more satisfied when you pursue someone that you like in every facet. You'll know if you're there when you'd put sex at the bottom of your pile when you think of the person intimately. Good luck.
  13. Tightrope

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    May 31, 2013
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    Different take, here. As I've told before, my first time was with a high school friend (different high school) who initiated while having a smoke in the trees behind his house. What was uncomfortable was that we were outside. We didn't have feelings for each other. We were friends since about 8 and were horny kids. It was the situation he "procured" with an adult when we were high school seniors, a couple of months before graduating, that was mind blowing. The awkwardness resulted from my being in awe of this tall, hairy, older guy. With my friend, it was a non-event. With this guy, I was both very nervous and very aroused.

    These events have caused me to associate the smell of tobacco or marijuana with sex, though I do not use these products. I guess Pavlov made sense.
  14. Kenaz

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    Jan 20, 2013
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    First of all, welcome to Empty Closets. It is not just a forum or a message board -- it is a community. I have received a lot of support and enjoy the fellowship here, and I try my best to exchange with others here and do my best to help them, if not just be someone to talk with. That is so important and the remedy for most of our ails I do think.

    My perception from reading your post may be off, but I will describe how I perceived it and comment on it a bit. I feel that we as humans (thus as a society) like to label and put things into neatly ordered divisions and titles. This is quite useful for clear communication, but I think it can become a bit counterproductive when we go 'too far' (who is to say?) with it. In that, I mean that we begin to try and fit reality as it is inside our label of reality. For me, I first began to label my sexuality as bisexual as it was a time when I was exploring myself more and quite frankly it was easier to 'come out' as at the time. Later, I began to feel more confident in my attraction to the same sex and called myself gay. Now, I just sort of realize that we cannot fully submit reality in all of its known and unknown complexity into a label or a definition or an exact communication (although it does not hurt to try).

    In this way, try not to worry so much about if you are "gay", "bisexual", or any of the other multitudes (and still growing) of definitions available out there. I like to just refer to myself as queer, meaning that I am not of the ordinary definition. It is my little way of saying that I am who I am, I love who I love, and it does not fit into a comfy definition, although my mind would love it too. I found this has helped me, and does not limit me like identifying as straight did before. I love who I love, the end.

    Your approach to meeting guys is not of my concern. I do recommend out of general practice that you practice safe sex by utilizing condoms and carrying them in your wallet so that in the case of becoming intoxicated you have something in a pinch. I am obviously pro-safe sex and advocate for it, but I have been in situations where I was drunk, I really digged a guy, and it just sort of happened out of no where. I didn't plan to sleep with him, but when we laid down it just happened. I had unprotected sex and three months later I made sure I was tested for STDs, including HIV. Bringing me to my next point, it is good to be checked every 6 months.

    Be safe, do not be hard on yourself, and just be who you are. Labels are nice, but they are the "map, not the territory" itself.
  15. Ideate Me

    Ideate Me Guest

    Yeah I know, it was more the way I felt touching was completely different to the feeling during the sexual act.

    ---------- Post added 7th Sep 2013 at 12:10 PM ----------

    I understand what you are saying but I don't necessarily agree that you need to love someone to have great sex, I'm sure if you love someone you do end up having great sex even if it doesn't start out that way, but I don't think great sex is the exclusive preserve of love. At least not necessarily.


    ---------- Post added 7th Sep 2013 at 12:18 PM ----------

    This sounds about right to me. I think queer fits but I agree that labelling isn't something that is helpful. I read somewhere that using sexual orientation as a noun - I am gay, I am a lesbian, I am bi etc. - is not a good way of defining a person as much as it is a way to define the sexual act itself. Which makes a certain kind of sense.

    Regarding safe sex, as little sex as I have had it has always been safe. Thanks mainly to this ad that was shown here in the land Down Under, in the late 80's just before I hit puberty. It scared the shit out of me as to how unintentionally lethal unsafe sex can be.


    Thank you all for your advice. I really appreciate it ay.

  16. AKTodd

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    Feb 9, 2013
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    Norfolk, VA
    And just to throw my 2c in...

    Speaking from experience, I don't think it's necessary to love someone to have great sex (and loving someone does not guarantee the sex will be great every time either). However, it certainly helps to at least like them or feel attracted to them. And everyone is different. For some people the need for an emotional connection is greater than others. Depending on where you are on that scale you may need to at get to know someone more before you can really enjoy sex with them.

    It's possible that this guy wasn't that great a kisser, that you just aren't that into kissing guys (everything sexual is a matter of taste. Just like different people like different foods, different people like different acts), or that first time nerves could have contributed to you not liking it much. Further experimentation with additional guys is probably in order.

    Not all guys like anal - this can range from 'It's ok, but not my favorite thing' to 'no way in Hell will I ever do that!' and everything in between. You may be a guy who's not into anal. Or you just need to meet the right guy who's sexually compatible with you in this area. Again, further experimentation may be in order. But nothing wrong with not liking anal and plenty of guys who feel the same way or who don't care that much if it doesn't happen.

    Oral can feel nice, but it's not necessarily the mind-blowing be-all/end-all that porn makes it out to be. Some guys can cum from oral pretty easy (or some guys can make their partner cum pretty easy), while many guys can't finish that way or take a very long time to get there. In the case of oral, for you it may be a nice way to pass some time or do something to make your partner feel good. It may not be a 'blow your mind with pleasure thing'.

    Some guys really like touching and mutual masturbation. You sort of sound like that was the part that turned you on the most. Perhaps you should try getting with a guy who is also into this area of things and see if it works better for you. While not everyone agrees with this view, one view in the gay community is that 'sex' includes any set of activities that have the intent (or accept the possibility) of an orgasm occurring. You can be as sexually active as you choose and never do anal if you don't want to.

    Anyway, hope this helps,

  17. Pat

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    Oct 12, 2012
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    Our perception of why we engage in sex is different then. I never said great sex results from loving someone, I said that it's supposed to solidify how you feel, and if it's true love, I don't think you'd put a grade on the experience :wink: I guess I don't know how to help you find a random person to screw that's good at sex. My honest recommendation would be an escort. They'd probably figure out how to make it worth your while.
  18. Tightrope

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    May 31, 2013
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    This topic is fascinating. It defies the "conditioned response" theory, in a way.

    If a person does not have a penchant for smoking, being with friends who smoke will not make them a smoker.

    If a person does not have a penchant for drinking, being with friends who drink will not make them a drinker.

    If a person is not sexually attracted to men or women, being sexually active with men or women, respectively, will not convert them to liking sex with that gender.

    The above was just a general observation about the "come on, try it" line you get from friends. In your case, don't fret over this. Proceed slowly. Take days off from thinking about this and dedicate days to doing things which distract you and which you like doing. Look at all the people on EC who have taken a long and circuitous route to figuring it out, and for some, they still haven't ... or it's a work in progress. You're not on a schedule. None of us are.
  19. Yeah, patience and emotion are the keys here. I know from first-hand experience.

    Started to date someone, hit it off, got too close too soon and ended up losing my virginity because of the eagerness and excitement. Failed to orgasm, felt embarrassed, and now that it's been a few weeks, the relationship has gone south because we've realized a few things about each other that we don't really like.

    Of course, being the first time doesn't help matters... patience and emotion or not.

    Good luck to you in the future though! (*hug*)
  20. EscapeArtist

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    Jun 9, 2013
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    Chemistry is real and exists for both the gay and straight community. I recommend meeting someone new. :slight_smile: I was with a girl recently and while I loved it, I didn't experience the butterflies I have in the past. This is likely due to the fact that I'm only halfway attracted to her sexually. Listen to your body.