Information For and About Transgender Individuals

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by J Snow, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. J Snow

    Full Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    Ames, Iowa
    Hello, so in light of witnessing some lack of education on trans issues within the EC community, I decided to put my own two cents in to what I believe should be understood about transgender people. I think this would be helpful to either people questioning their gender or trans allies. Now, I'm going to say up front, this is probably going to be long so bear with me. I also apologize for probably making this much more convoluted than it needs to be. I am also sorry if this is unfairly biased towards the perspectives of MtF transsexuals, as that is what I identify as.

    DISCLAIMER: I do not pretend to understand the plight of every transgender individual. Everyone'e experiences are different, and that should be respected. Likely I will say something here that someone else may disagree with, and if you feel something I said was inaccurate about your personal experience, I apologize.

    Before we can talk about what it means to be transgender, I need to define some simple terms.

    Sex: Your sex is determined by your physical body. It is assigned at birth by your genitals. It is often viewed as a binary with only two options (man and woman) though there are individuals born that do not fit clearly into either sex due to ambiguous genitalia. The individuals are referred to as intersex.

    Gender: Gender is a socially constructed role within society. It is often thought of as men and women, with males as men, and females as women. However, with gender being by definition, a social construction, it is not in any way a binary. It should be viewed more as a spectrum, and some people don't fit easily into the man or woman box, or sometimes people like to switch back and forth. I'll get more into this later.

    Gender Identity: The gender a person identifies with. It is a totally separate from their sex or sexual orientation.

    So then what does it mean to be transgender? It’s actually an umbrella term that covers, basically every label that defies common gender norms. Some of these identities are:

    Transsexual: An individual who is born as one sex, but feels like the gender associated with the other sex. Often when someone says transgender, these are the people that come to mind. Most transsexuals will undergo hormones therapy or surgery to change their body to match their gender, but not all do. IMPORTANT: Even if a person does not undergo hormone therapy or surgery, that does not invalidate their gender identity.

    Crossdressers: Someone who enjoys wearing the other gender’s clothes, but still identifies as their birth gender.

    Drag Kings/Queens: Someone who wears the clothing of the opposite gender to put on a show for the entertainment of others.

    Agender: Someone who has no gender whatsoever.

    Genderfluid: Someone who feels their gender is fluid and constantly capable of changing. These people may identify with male pronouns one day, and female the next.

    There are many others too, and I apologize for not defining every one of them, but the truth is I don't feel I understand the unique difference between the following identities well enough to define their unique attributes. However, the following are all transgender identities of people who do not identify as either male or female; genderqueer, bigender, pangender, and androgyne. Again, I'm not trying to gloss over these people, I just don't feel qualified to talk about their experience. I will include an attachment with some definitions, but I can't vouch for their accuracy personally.


    This is such an easy thing to do, that goes such a long way. Please, use the proper pronouns for the gender identity of the person you are referring to. I can't stress how important it is. It might not seem like a big deal to you, but it is the to the transgender individuals. It is a sign of respect, and being called the wrong pronouns can be a very unpleasant experience for many.

    Also, for people who fall outside of the gender binary, there are gender neutral pronouns that people may choose to go by. They are ze/hir/hirs. If you are unsure which pronouns you should use, just ask the person.


    Transition is the act of undergoing a process to present as their desired gender. For different people, this means different things. Most people undergo HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) to change their body. This involves taking drugs to make your hormonal levels match that of your desired gender. This is essentially puts the body into a “second puberty.”

    Some people will choose to undergo surgeries such as SRS (sexual reassignment surgery), FFS (Facial Feminzation Surgery), breast augmentation/reduction surgery, or any other number of surgeries to match their desired sex.

    Some people choose to transition and present as their desired gender without the assistance of hormones or surgeries. Some people decide not to ever transition at all. This does not mean they are not transgender. An individual’s gender identity is not a choice in the same way sexual orientation is not. Because someone never has sex, you would not argue that it is impossible for them to be heterosexual or homosexual.


    Cisgender is a term used to refer to anyone who is not transgender. It is not intended to be used as a negative term. It is just a way of referring to non-trans people without saying normal, because I mean, would LGBPAQ people like it if instead of the terms heterosexual and straight were referred to instead as “normal?”


    Well, this is essentially a question without an answer, simply because everyone is different. Some people say they’ve always known since they were very young, I myself came to the realization I wanted to be a girl when I was 12. What is very common is experiences of gender based dysphoria and euphoria. (euphoria being a very happy, pleasurable feeling, and dysphoria being a feeling of depression or discontent)

    My first realization that made me realize I wanted to be a girl, was when I was pretending to be a girl on an online chat room as a kid, this provided me with the most euphoric experience I had ever experienced. When I feel left out or treated differently for being biologically male, I experience dysphoria.

    Many transgender individuals have extreme dysphoria about their genitals, others are rather ambivalent, or even prefer their genitals over that of their desired sex. This does not in any way invalidate the individual’s gender identity.

    It is a common belief that there are two types of trans individuals. The way I will refer to them the same way my doctor did in a discussion with me, as top surgery transgender (TST) individuals and as bottom surgery transgender (BST). (This following part is in reference to MtF individuals, I am not really knowledgeable enough to know if this will relate to the FtM population, and in fact, this is widely based on opinion and observation.)

    TST individuals are primarily focused on being viewed as their desired gender. In other words, what’s in their pants, where no one can see, is much less important than looking and being thought of as a their desired gender. These people will be more likely to prioritize surgeries such as breast augmentation or reduction surgery or Facial Feminization Surgery.

    BST individuals are primarily focused on their genitals. Having the genitals of the wrong sex is the most important thing to correct for these individuals.

    Of course not everyone fits into these two categories, and often people feel equally dysphoric about both of these things.


    Nope, there is a part of the brain that is different sizes in males and females. Autopsies have shown that this structure is consistent in size with the desired gender of transsexual individuals regardless of whether or not they ever underwent HRT. This does not prove causation, but it is extremely good evidence for a biological cause.

    I can tell you from experience, that transitioning is incredibly scary. I know many other transgender people in real life. Many of which have been kicked from their homes and most have attempted suicide at some point. 43% of transgender identifying individuals attempt suicide at some point in their life. That is over 25 times the national average. If one could just choose to be happy as their birth sex, they would do it. Which brings me to why I decided to write this…

    In a society where transgender individuals face so much persecution, it is important for us all to be informed. I’m sure I forgot to include some important things, and I’m sure some other trans people will say I was flat out wrong about some stuff, but I hope it was helpful to someone. I make it my business to try get an understanding of all queer issues, and to any cisgender individuals that read this long rant, I want to say this very clearly. Thank you.

    Whether you learned anything useful or not, the fact that you took the time to read this and try to obtain knowledge about transgender issues and rights shows that you care, and at the end of the day, if LGBTQIAAP individuals won’t stand up for each other, who will?
    #1 J Snow, Nov 5, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2012
    Angie Hott likes this.
  2. Sartoris

    Full Member

    Nov 12, 2011
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    Great job putting this all together! :slight_smile:

    Wonder if it should be made into a 'Sticky' thread? Imagine it'd be good to have a standard place for anyone to add information, ask any important questions, and/or link to any important sites and whatnot.
  3. Zontar

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    Oct 22, 2010
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    Binghampton, NY
    I think you're forgetting a very important category: non-op transgender individuals. Many are content socially transitioning, without invasive, expensive, dangerous medical procedures. If you google "non-op" you'll turn up an entire, growing movement of TG individuals who are eschewing the operations in favor of a broader definition of what it means to be men and women. I've done a lot of thinking about my gender identity in the past and came to the conclusion that if I ever transitioned, I would be non-op personally.

    edit: never mind, i found you included us =D
    #3 Zontar, Nov 5, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2012
  4. dan4now

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    Sep 29, 2012
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    hello, wow i did enjoy reading this, it is well written and well flowing. kisses
  5. Fruitylicious

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    Sep 5, 2012
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    Thank you fro writing this, I have read yours and Hot Pinks and I believe I have a better understanding of transgenders. Now of course I will never claim to fully understand, just like I will never claim to fully understand everyone's sexual orientation, because like you pointed out, everyone's different.

    I would hope this would get stickied or at least kept from being buried among all the other threads because I feel that the transgender community needs to be better understood. I also hope that others will read this and have a better perspective on what being transgender entails and not being so quick to judge.

    Also to the transgender community of EC and to those that have yet to join, you have the right to be who you want to be and whatever gender you decide to choose, you are perfect and beautiful in your own special way:kiss:(*hug*)(&&&)

    Thanks again for making this:icon_bigg
  6. Pret Allez

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    Apr 19, 2012
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    Seattle, WA
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    Can we please have this stickied?
  7. Mykayla

    Regular Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    Fantastic work!

    (*hug*) :eusa_clap (&&&)
  8. DJNay

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    Sep 12, 2011
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    From Joburg, SA but now live in Brisbane, Aus
    Awesome work Snowy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: top stuff :thumbsup:
  9. RueBea85

    RueBea85 Guest

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I'm Canadian eh?
    Thank you for posting this, I found it really informative and an interesting read. I did learn some new things in that, I know I won't totally understand what a transgendered person goes through, but reading this helped!
  10. AlexisAnne

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    Sep 25, 2012
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    Very well put together Snow. I think this post does an excellent job of covering a lot of important information :slight_smile:
  11. Katelynn

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    Jun 29, 2011
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    Sarnia, ON
    I have to second this, actually. While I love EC, something that has sort of knawed at me is the lack of trans resources & information available here on the site. While I understand why we have no trans moderators (all too well, transitioning is something that requires a lot of focus on myself, & in addition to my own life & issues, it leaves me little time to even be on EC, so I can understand why it's difficult to locate & maintain a full time trans mod here on the site), I still feel that in the areas of at least having & maintaining sections where information on trans issues & concerns, etc can be found should be something that should be done. We have sections for sexual health for LGB individuals, but we have no section for any of our trans members to go to for information, nor do we have sections for any of the LGB member on EC to go to read & learn more about trans people & what we experience in our lives - both all of the turmoil & the joy. It's as if, inadvertently & unintentionally, EC has contributed to the problem of trans-invisibility here in our own little safe corner of the web. Im certainly not angry or upset, however, in seeing how wonderful & supportive a place EC is, I cant help but feel frustrated & even a bit sad in seeing such a wonderful place unitentionally or accidentally leave some of us behind, thru no fault of anyone's. Ive even considered for a while now starting an entirely new thread here on the forums concerning trans-invisibility here on EC. It's clear by above posts by LGB members saying thank you for the above information that it is clearly a welcome bit of information & even that a few members who arent trans would appreciate learning & educating themselves more about trans people. I say we should endeavour to be more inclusive here on EC, while the supportiveness is awesome, I think it isnt enough all the time. Remember, trans people right now are where LGB people were 20 years ago, so we need information & education really out there more than ever! So I guess what all of this rambling is for is a humble request to the moderators & those who run & own EC to step up their game a bit & give us trans members all a bit more visibility!!! We exist too!!! :slight_smile: And I dont think it's unfair to ask to be seen a bit more on a site which welcomes & supports us all.

    Thanks to anyone who read all of that & thanks to those who choose to pick up on this & help make EC even more inclusive & supportive than how awesomely inclusive & supportive it already is! (&&&)

  12. Toffee

    Full Member

    Sep 24, 2012
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    London, UK
    I'm a cis gender ally thanks a lot for the info :thumbsup:
  13. Neutrality

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    Jun 24, 2012
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    I'll throw my vote in for a sticky for this too
  14. Caudex

    Caudex Guest

    Just two issues.
    First, as said by Futurama, the proper neutral pronouns are schlee and schler.
    Second, I don't really think that most transgender people undergo HRT. I'd say it's a small minority that undergo it.
  15. Pret Allez

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    Apr 19, 2012
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    Some people

    The key part of that was "to change their body." Not all who transition want to change their bodies, but it's probably fair to say that most who do want to change their bodies will take HRT instead of SRS for various reasons, including cost.
  16. Katelynn

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    Jun 29, 2011
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    Sarnia, ON
    Many of those transgender people who identify as transsexual do undergo HRT, however, those under the trans umbrella who are crossdressers usually dont, so in a way what was said is & isnt true, it depends on how one defines 'transgender' really. This is sort of why society is so confused & somewhat negative towards trans people who do transition - simple confusion as to what being trans actually means. Even trans people disagree on who should & shouldnt be included under the trans umbrella. Admittedly it can be somewhat of a mess sometimes, & being a member of the trans community online, Ive witnessed some pretty nasty debates & opinions concerning different groups in the trans community, which doesnt help any of us either.

    But I will say this - kudos on the Futurama reference! I love that show & it gave me a smile! :slight_smile:
  17. J Snow

    Full Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    Ames, Iowa
    Thank you everyone who shared your thanks with me. I haven't had internet since I posted this earlier today so I very happy to see people seem to like it. Of course if anyone would like to stick the post they are welcome to, but as I said I realize that I am not all knowing when it comes to every single thing trans, so I happily welcome the feedback of others.

    This could be true? I guess I was making a bit of an assumption. Certainly when you include the entire world population, chances are most people live in environments where they don't have access to such medical treatment. I wish I was able to edit the original post to change my wording a bit =/

    ---------- Post added 6th Nov 2012 at 12:09 AM ----------

    Also on the point of who is and is not "transgender," most statistics show 43% of transgender individuals attempt suicide, but I can't imagine that is including crossdressers and drag kings/queens, so it can be a bit confusing...
  18. Pret Allez

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    Apr 19, 2012
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    I don't think you have to change it. You've already acknowledged that people transition differently. And some transition without changing their bodies. So for those who do transition by changing their bodies, I can understand, on cost reasons alone, why a majority of that group might choose HRT. Not sure if it's true or false (and I did do a little research because I was curious), but it's a very plausible claim.
  19. TheEdend

    TheEdend Guest

    Loving the thread.

    Just letting you guys know the staff is currently discussing this issue. There are some logistics that have to be worked out, but we will get there.

    You probably meant transexual mods, but in case there are some people don't know we do have some trans* mods on staff. Owen is agender and thecat06 is pangender :slight_smile:
  20. Pret Allez

    Full Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Seattle, WA
    Female (trans*)
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    Some people
    It is unlikely that my happiness will be long contained...