Name your last dream

Discussion in 'Fun and Games' started by WALK2222, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. WALK2222

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    Apr 29, 2012
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Hi guys, I was inspired to make this topic after having a very detailed dream last night.
    So feel free to post about the last dream you had, whatever it may be :slight_smile:

    My dream (This morning)
    It started in front of a HUGE cruise ship, I was surrounded by many random people, but for some reason I knew they were my friends. Apparently we wanted to explore the abandoned cruise ship. With flashlights, and gear. The ship was once again HUGE, but was very old for the current time period, and was very dark.

    We all climbed a ramp into the ship and entered one by one. I was, along with everyone else not scared at all. I was happy and excited. Everyone split up and walked around the ship exploring the vast amount of space.

    I met this boy, Never learned his name. But he was the same height as me, funny nice, same age, fantastic. We were walking around together until we reached the very end of the ship. We both tripped on something, fell, and were laughing at our own clumsiness.

    Thats when he leaned over and we locked eyes. We stared at each other and did that whole movie-like kissing thing were both persons kiss with their eyes closed and it is wonderful. (Please note that I had never kissed another male in real-life or in a dream. This was (even know it was a dream) my first time kissing another male). It was amazing. I have kissed girls before but never ever felt anything. But even know this was a dream it felt so real, and fantastic.

    Anyway continuing with the story. We got up, and walked together into another room.

    In real life, I wake up for a second and fall back asleep.

    I reenter sleep and I am in the same cruise, same guy, same other people, same everything. Except it is now day, and the cruise's look changed.
    It was completely updated, new seats, stairs, rooms, lights, pillows, beds, desks everything. It was completely redone.

    The boy and I were holding hands and walking around the cruise. Every once and a while someone would look at us, then smile. But it seemed totally natural and fantastic. I loved it.

    Eventually, after doing many activities together, I woke up. Although I may have been a little sad realizing it wasn't real, I am still very happy that I dreamt that. It was wonderful.

    Now, that was longer than expected. But go ahead and share your most recent dream! :icon_bigg
  2. jsmurf

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    Sep 24, 2011
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    I dreamt that I got a pet pug, and that he jumped into my bed and licked my face to wake me up. Then I awoke and laughed it off. No joke.

    ---------- Post added 7th Aug 2012 at 10:27 AM ----------

  3. Pain

    Pain Guest

    Oooh thank you for this thread!!! :grin:
    A couple nights ago, I had a dream where several of my friends/acquaintances and I were captured. I'm not sure why, but there were several levels to our place of imprisonment, and most all the walls and details were red. Everywhere, there were doors, but they were scattered around in weird places. If we walked down a certain distance into one hallway, it became my grandma's house. We had to find a way out of there. That was our charge. So, we begin trying to open doors, but there was a small slit in front of each door, and they wouldn't open. Someone has a letter opener and draws some blood and flicks it into the slit of this one door, and it is now openable. So we go in, and there are stairs which lead only one way-- up. I don't go up, but several of my friends do, including a girl named Nicole. They all go up, as some people and I wait below, just to hear of any word from those who went up. All of a sudden, Nicole appears from behind us and talks to us about what happened. There are little portals all over this place, and you have to slide through them, because they're all so small. Like, army crawl, almost, but there are several thousand portals, and no one is sure which goes where or how to even know if they are portals, so we just stick our hands through them to know. Well, those portals also take us to a random place in the current time, and once we're in the next place, we have to find the next one. I get the idea to get balls of yarn from my grandma's house section of our place of imprisonment, and give several large balls of yarn to a group as I let them go on ahead, to mark the trail, taking a hint from the myth of Theseus in the Labyrinth. So they go on as I get more yarn, and when I go to where my friends departed, there is a thick, white yarn which is moving, so I take hold of it and I start moving with it. I finally see a portal-- this one is just a crack between a border and a wall, high up in someone's living room. I'm still holding on, and I get pulled up to a space between a ceiling and a wall. On this one, the number '3367' was etched into woodwork, and it's glowing green. Then I'm still being pulled up, and I end up in a room, and it's a room with a set of bunk beds. On the bottom bunk, I see my friends Nash and Nick. They were the ones pulling me up by the yarn, so I caught up to them. They warn me to be silent, and point to a mirror which shows into an adjoining room, on which a greasy man named "Sal" (I've never seen him before) is lying on a bed with a shirt on, but no pants, and he was playing with himself. We couldn't let him know we're there, or something bad was to happen. So quietly, we get this weird, wide wagon-like device onto the top bunk, and we slide through a portal on the wall next to the beds, leaving Sal to himself. Now, we were in a mall, a HUGE shopping mall, riding in this wagon thing, and we're looking around for the next clue as to what the portal would be. So we make it go without any power, kinda, and I think I see my boyfriend, David. I thought it was him because of the hair and the shoes with red on them, so I get my party to follow him. He was really far away, but we managed to catch up, making some people jump out of our way in fright. When we catch up, I notice it's not David, but I ask him to join us. He runs to the nearest balcony and throws himself over, killing himself, because the drop was a very long drop.

    I can't remember the rest.
  4. CTJ

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    Jul 27, 2012
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    UK, East Midlands
    My dreams can be disturbingly violent and vivid, the last dream that i remember was a couple nights ago;

    I remember standing and talking to some businessman at a desk and he was giving me details about some target, where it was and at what time. Afterwards, he hands me this envelope with a letter in, telling me this will serve as payment, but im not to open it until the job is finished. After exchanging some meaningless small talk, i say that i need to go and relay the information to my partner.

    I didnt know until i went to talk to my partner that i was actually an assassin and the target was some kind of businessman, no one big and important, just someone who ran a few small franchises or something. I walk down a corridor towards a man dressed exactly as i am, in a fairly nice suit, and i knew it was my partner. Once i reached him, he turned round and it was me. For some reason this didnt seem strange to me in the dream, it was just someone who looked, sounded and acted exactly the same as me.

    Anyway, after talking about the target being in a small coffee shop in the middle of town in an hour, we head off to go deal with the job. Both of us walked through town, not talking, not even looking at each other, just walking with purpose. We see the man and decide to take care of him the old fashioned way, we both go up to him in the middle of a crowd and beat him to death. It was very bloody and very graphic, all the bystanders just looked on in confusion, they didnt try to stop us. Once my partner checked he was dead, we walked off and left him in the middle of the street, surrounded by all the staring eyes.

    After we'd walked away and got to another coffee shop, we sat down and both ordered black coffee and my partner told me to check the payment, i started to open the letter and woke up.

    Once i woke up i felt incredibly guilty and scared i was going to be caught. Then i realised it was a dream and was frustrated that i never found out what was in the letter that was so important it was worthy of beating a man to death.
  5. Steve712

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  6. Kidd

    Kidd Guest

    The last dream I can remember was kinda weird, but it was short.

    In my dream I was at a hotel somewhere for some reason. It was dark outside, and the hotel was made of marble or some kind of heavy stone like that. I was standing just outside the hotel doors and then I just knew intuitively that I had to get inside right then at that very moment or I was going to die for some reason. So I opened the doors, they were the heavy metal kind and I could barely get them open, but I did, and then I ran across a really fancy golden lobby. A really tall and very blonde woman tried to stop me and I grabbed her and threw her down and told her to get out of my way. I ran to the row of elevators at the back of the lobby, jumped in one, and started mashing the close door button when I saw I was being chased by a swarm of birds. The doors closed and then I woke up.
  7. CTJ

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    Jul 27, 2012
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    In a complete u-turn from my other dream, last night i dreamt i was iron man. It was such an awesome nerdy dream.
  8. Bobbgooduk

    Bobbgooduk Guest

    Jul 19, 2012
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    I never remember my dreams:rolle: but I don't have nightmares either.:eusa_danc
  9. Sanssouci

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    Apr 15, 2007
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    Brussels, Belgium
    I love dreams :grin:

    Last night, I dreamt I was back in Holland, and it was Christmas. It was Winter, and I was taking my family to a café next to a canal that I dearly loved. It was snowing and it was wonderful. The twist? When I woke up, I realised that the café, and indeed the location of that café, that I felt such strong affection for, never actually existed after all!
  10. AshenAngel

    AshenAngel Guest

    I don't remember much of it; but my gf was definitely there the whole time. and we were in our school. and it was empty. except for us and maybe a couple other people but i dont remember who or if we knew them...
  11. Phantosmiac

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    Aug 2, 2012
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    Evans Mills, NY
    I don't dream well. Its not really nightmares, but it isn't a good dream either. I get recurring half awake dreams. Such as, there is a small village that is located on my body, and every time I roll over in bed, I crush people and their houses. You see, for this to work, you have to be conscious enough to know when you roll over, so you aren't really sleeping. These dreams last until I wake myself up, read for a while and then try to go back to sleep.
  12. Waffles

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    Mar 18, 2012
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    Well, actually... the characters that live in my head (for my RPG... it's a horror game. I have no.control over them... they just live... in my head and I watch them all day long.). We were hiding from a demon in an abandoned asylum, and my phone suddenly got reception (hadn't had any in hours), so I decided to document our progress and check EC... yes. In my dream, I logged onto EC. And I had a conversation with xXLoneWolfXx (who I haven't heard from in days. ;~; ), and I was posting stuff in forums just like I normally would. All of you were in my dream... and I woke up, checked EC , and found that A) none of that ever happened, and B) I drooled in my sleep... a LOT. XD

    So... congrats EC! You all have successfully taken over my dreams as well. XD
    #12 Waffles, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2012
  13. AmblingSam

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    Jul 3, 2012
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    LOL (/^_^)/ was i in your dream? Anyways... I was in the airport when there was an announcement, "Flight 407 (the one I was supposed to be on) crashed. Would {AmblingSam} come to the information desk." So I did and the asked if I wanted apple sause and I was like YES! So they took me behind the desk and into a door.

    And you know how in dreams weird things happen? Well, through the door was an apple sause factory and the airport lady gave me a cup of apple sause then I drempt that the narrator from Modern Marvels was telling me how applesause was made.

    Then woke up.
  14. WALK2222

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    Apr 29, 2012
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    Massachusetts, USA
    I remember that I once had a dream where I was apparently best friends with this girl. She was my best friend ever and it felt so real. Although i had never met this person in real life, I felt as though we were best friends. Eventually she had to move away and I was devastated. When I woke up I was crying. It was so weird, and I felt as though I had lost a best friend.

    ---------- Post added 10th Aug 2012 at 06:53 PM ----------

    Also when I had woken up I was crying... It was so weird.
  15. SimplyJay

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    Apr 21, 2012
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    I know what you mean/feel by this...kissing a guy in a dream is a truly amazing feeling...kinda like :wow:
    I remember the few dream kisses I've had for the next day or 2 afterward thinking back on those dreams I could still sorta feel it like it'd actually happened :slight_smile:

    I've also never kissed a guy (or a girl) in real life so have nothing to compare to. If a real kiss is anything like what a dream generates, then a boyfriend would be awesome...forget anything else, just hug and kiss LOL
    I wish I had dreams like that all the time, that'd be awesome...maybe get a 'dream boyfriend' (I doubt I'll ever find any 'real life' one )
  16. musikk021

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    Mar 20, 2012
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    I don't remember exactly my dream from last night, but I had a dream last week that sort of scared me a little but was exciting at the same time. I was this cold-blooded killer that brutally murdered the crap out of this random guy.

    I don't remember how it started, but this guy in my dream was irritating me, so I decided to kill him. I pulled out two guns and held them to his face and told him to move to the backyard. The guns weren't loaded yet, so I needed time to go grab some bullets but needed the guy to stay I proceeded to beat him over the head with the handle of my gun until he fell unconscious. I then went upstairs to get some ammo and headed back down to the backyard. I loaded one gun, and before I got to the second one, the guy woke up. I beat him again until he passed out. Then, I finished loading both guns. When he awoke, we exchanged some words and then I shot him twice - one in the face and one in the chest. For some reason, the bullets didn't go through. I then grabbed a very sharp straw out of nowhere and plunged it into his carotid artery on the side of his neck. The straw stayed stuck in his neck as blood spewed out, squirting out stream by stream onto the grass. I turned my back for a second, and the guy started heading towards the tool shed to grab a weapon. I saw him, ran after him, beat him to the tool shed, and grabbed the hammer before he got to it. Then to end it all, I brutally beat him repeatedly over the head with the hammer until he finally died. I then woke up abruptly and thought, "WTF?!"

    I took this dream as a sign that I really have been penting up too much anger and frustration lately. I think the dream was a way of my subconscious blowing off some steam...releasing some anger. Either that, or I have been watching way too much Dexter :wink:
  17. Gipsy

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    Mar 10, 2012
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    I had a dream that I broke my glasses. :lol:
  18. Hiems

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    Jun 10, 2012
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    New Jersey
    I had the strangest dream last night. Somehow, a Subway opened on my university's campus. I went in and ordered a sandwich made by one of my best friends. However, as she was preparing it, she kept sneezing every few seconds. I was so grossed out that I got a combo with chips and a drink. I ate the bag of chips. Then I walked several blocks away and threw the sandwich into a trash can. Fast forward to the next day in class, my friend was angry and wouldn't talk to me... :/
  19. JustMeForNow

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    May 22, 2012
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    The main rememberable dream I had was... I had apparently graduated college in New York and was a surrogate for these two guys.. I was also dating one of their FtM brothers and the two of us where driving to meet my friends in Texas..

    It's weird because it's very possible that this could happen in the future.. I want to go to new York after school and become a surrogate after college..
  20. Fallible

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    Dec 16, 2011
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    I was a slave painter.. I had to paint a huge sheet of paper.. I don't remember who i was a slave painter to or anything.. LOL