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How straight-acting are you?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Owen, Jul 1, 2010.


How straight-acting/gay- or lesbian-acting are you?

  1. 0. No one would ever suspect it

  2. 1. I only give off a few subtle signs that I am gay, and you have to really look for them

  3. 2. Some might suspect I am queer, but it's certainly not obvious

  4. 3. I'm pretty ambiguous in the way I act; I keep them guessing

  5. 4. It's fairly obvious to the casual observer, but the more oblivious types might not guess it

  6. 5. It's very obvious to the casual observer

  7. 6. Honey, they'd have to be blind to not know!

  1. RAJ Aladdin

    RAJ Aladdin Guest

    Pretty straight. Gay people have had to ask me and they've been surprised.
  2. GoinStag

    In Loving Memory

    May 28, 2010
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    Metro Detroit, Michigan
    I'm like a 1

    I think not having a girlfriend for a while would be a sign lol
  3. Zume

    Full Member

    Dec 26, 2009
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    Oakbank, Manitoba, Cañada
    It's more denial because some don't like to reinforce stereotypes..but I did today what I do every day and just kept track of what I was doing and I have to say.. I surprise even myself. I voted that I was more or less a 3 when, in fact, I probably should have voted 4 or rather maybe 5 :dry: Oh well..what's done is done.. I can't cast my vote again.
  4. stratavos

    Full Member

    Apr 5, 2009
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    oakville(college) and oshawa(hometown) ont, Canada
    as far as I know, I am ambiguous to others (3). If I'm lying, then it's the rank above that (4).
  5. 4 seat

    Full Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Irvine, CA
    Not gay acting at all. I don't even fit in with other gay guys I know, except for 2 guys I recently met. All my friends are straight and they're mostly my teammates. When I told them, they were all really surprised and they never suspected it. I even asked a few times if I have anything that would stand out or be a question mark and they all said no, just cuz I figured something would be a giveaway but I guess I was mistaken.

    "So wait, you're gay.....but you don't know how to dress, shop, cook, you're dirty as shit, you don't have a lisp or limp wrist, you drink beer and play sports and you can't sing, dance or act"
    "Uh, yeah, I guess so":confused:
    ".......you're the worst gay guy ever. What the hell happened to you?"
  6. excuseyou77

    Regular Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Duluth, GA
    Sexual Orientation:
    Not very apparently. I'm pretty much option 4.
  7. Kenko

    Full Member

    Jan 3, 2007
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    Gender Pronoun:
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    Out Status:
    Some people
    I'm NOT 'acting'. Anyways, I voted 2.

    I have a friend that's a 4, and he said "apparently when I give presentations at work I have a lissssp."

    "Uhh.. that's not just when you do presentations".

    How you perceive yourself, and how others perceive yourself may be different.
  8. jazzrawr

    Full Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Ontario, Canada.
    I went for 4, because appearance-wise I'm not extremely butch - however, I talk about my gayness ALL THE TIME.
    I'm extremely open, so everyone knows if they talk to me for a few minutes.
    I don't wear skirts or dresses, and makeup is usually minimal. I'm a jeans and t-shirts type of person - I mean, I wore a tux to prom. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: So I think a 4 suits me.
  9. Étoile

    Full Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    The Peach State
    You're a spy sent in by the breeders to reveal the gay agenda! :eek:
  10. British Lad

    British Lad Guest

    Bit like me except sports
  11. Strawberry

    Full Member

    Jan 23, 2010
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    The Deep South :(
    Let's just say I put on makeup to go on a nature walk trip with my biology class. Hahaha!

    Appearance-wise, no one would ever, ever suspect I'm a lesbian. I like to wear bright, fitted shirts, and I wear makeup sometimes, but not every day because I usually wake up too late to put it on. I have long, dark-ish brown, wavy hair. I own a lot of dresses, and the only guy clothes I own are the t-shirts I sleep in.

    I voted a 2. People only suspect when there are rumors, which generally have tended to stem from how unintentionally touchy-feely and flirty I am around girls I like. When the girl I like still went to my school, I got "gay" comments every single day, even from people who wouldn't usually say such things. A few people get suspicious when I vehemently defend gay people whenever someone insults us. My aunt figured it out because I'm 15 and never even shown an interest in guys. My grandma asked me one day, "Isn't it getting time you start going out with boys?" I told her no, and the subject never came up again.

    Interestingly, though, there are actually people now that refuse to believe I'm gay! The gayest conversations I've ever had ("Oh, my god, when I take over the world, I'm gonna build a big gay city!") were with this one girl who says, "You're just messing with people! I know it! I bet you get a boyfriend before senior year!"
  12. zzzzzz13

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2009
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    Im 1/2
    I'd say i dress quite girly ish, like to do my hair and makeup and that kinda stuff ... but im not excessive girly, i like sports, always hanging out with guys and i drink beer most of the time :slight_smile:

    Anyway its way more fun to keep people guessing
  13. BrettV

    Regular Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Los Angeles
    This is the best thing I've read all day. Thanks for that.

    I'm the same way. Literally, no one knew. Everyone was surprised. I don't feel like I'm acting or anything; I'm just being me. But then again, maybe I've been acting so long, it's just ingrained.
  14. otc877

    otc877 Guest

    Eh, I don't act either way. I voted 1, just because I have never feigned interest in a girl. The people I've told were all surprised, but they all said some variation of "I knew you couldn't be that asexual"

    I snowboard better than all my friends, am the only one in our group who wakeboards, I always beat my straight friends at racquetball. I can outswim, outrun, outhike and am in generally better shape than all my straight friends. We always turn everything into a competition, and I have no problem keeping up with the "more masculine" guys. Even drinking, I'm the only one who takes shots and can beat them all shotgunning a beer.

    0 fashion sense. In fact, my straight friend had to pick out some clothes for me for my new job.

    So, my only tell is that I don't pretend to like vagina.
    #54 otc877, Jul 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2010
  15. paco

    paco Guest

    i gave me a 1. most people don't believe me when i first tell them, but one or 2 people that aren't family have picked it out.

    i bet surfing has something to do with it. i could probably wear a shirt that says "i'm gay" but people wouldn't believe it if they saw me carrying a surf board. no joke.

    it's a bit of a pain to fit in with straight people cause i have almost nothing in common with most other gay guys i've met. a good conversation is not made of awkward silences.
    #55 paco, Jul 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2010
  16. thecoldclovers

    Regular Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Down Under
    Sexual Orientation:
    I picked number 1, no one thinks I'm even slightly into guys. It's frustrating.
  17. 4 seat

    Full Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Irvine, CA
    Haha, yeah, my friend said that to me a little while after I came out to him and he became more comfortable with it. He jokes about it a lot now.

    "You didn't iron your shirt before that interview?"
    "No, I've never ironed anything before, I don't know how"
    "Dave, you're gonna be a terrible wife"
    "Hey fuck off"

    And yeah, my straight friends usually pick out my clothes for me. And they bought me shit for my room cuz I don't have anything kool in it or any kind of decorations. I'm pretty useless in any kind of style or fashion sense. I just don't care enough. I should.
  18. paco

    paco Guest

    funny, i've always thought i was the worst gay ever..i've gotten better although i still cant hold a conversation with most gay guys.. i just have nothing to talk to them about lol

    haha i definitely started getting better at fashion and stuff once i was ok with being gay. i buy clothes that i'd like to see other guys wearing cause it would look cute or hot on them. can't go wrong like that.
  19. AnneChaos

    AnneChaos Guest

    I'm not really a girly girl but neither the opposite. Something in between, but I didn't choose 1 because of that.

    As I'm bisexual, I talk a lot about boys so, even if I also talk about girls people don't even think about it. Also there are those girls in my class who think being bisexual is popular or something?...and are always saying things about girls (when they obviously only like boys) so they are given much more attention (even if not in a good way).

    Most of the people I came out to try to don't have any reaction because they think it might hurt me, even when they make questions they try to don't have any reaction to the answers. But when I told one of friends she said "whaat? Are you serious? I couldn't tell." I didn't get it in the wrong way as she was just saying people can't tell even when I talk a lot with them. After that she made lots of questions. I was able to see what she thought about everything and I felt more comfortable with her :slight_smile:
  20. Katherine

    Full Member

    Mar 14, 2009
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    The land of rednecks and pine trees (Georgia)
    I picked 3.

    It varies, I guess. Some days I love to look as butch and boyish as possible--I wear guy clothes, no makeup, stuff like that--whereas other days I like to look girly and put on a dress and fluff up my hair or whatever. It just depends on my mood. :3 I do, however, talk about "gay" things a lot. Video games, food, and my girlfriend are probably my three biggest conversation topics. xD

    Surprisingly, though, there are people who have still been incredibly surprised (even people who I've known since elementary school and told were shocked) and others who knew from the very beginning no matter what. So I dunno.