A new start.

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Jebs, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Jebs

    Full Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    DC area
    Alright people, I am just posting this to see if anyone wants to make a pledge with me and stick to it. It might work as some type of motivation that we can rely on. I moved to a new city recently and with that I don't know many people. This is a perfect time for me not only to establish myself to people but to maybe even redefine myself and not be around the same old temptations.

    Since high school I have kind of let myself go... Started 9th grade weighing a cool 164lbs (I'm 5'7) and worked out with sports alot. Since then I have quit most my activities and starting drinking alot. When I left high school I weighed 241lbs. Big, big change. Since then my weight has went up and down. I'm currently at 201lbs after going to the gym about 12 times a week with a gym buddy. Since I moved I no longer have my gym buddy to help motivate me. I don't have a gym membership, so I am relying on running, walking, push-ups, crunches, squats, and maybe some resistance later on. If anyone wants to change where they are at right now, I guess this is a reach out to them. This will not only benefit me but potentially the reader of this.

    If this sounds like something for you, respond and we can go into greater detail. Thanks.
  2. Master Hade

    Master Hade Guest

    Im in!! !! whoot!!! using the internets amazing powers of evil for good!!!
  3. pirateninja

    Full Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Bath, England
    D'you know what? I need to start getting some motivation too. I have no idea aboot my weight, but I seem to have stayed the same for a while, and could probably do with losing a few pounds. I do hardly anything but sit at my computer when I get home, and even though I don't see myself as fat, I am unfit and I do need to get into some kind of shape. Even a bit of excersise each day would do me the world of good.

    Plus I need to swear off a couple of vices; maybe less drinking, and giving quitting smoking a good go. If this actually means I can get healthier and acheive some of these, you'll have done more than has happened in the past few years.

    I'm not the most motivated of people, but I'll give it a shot. The worst that can happen is that I'll just stay as I am.
  4. Master Hade

    Master Hade Guest

    Ok I'm going to totally dedicate my self to this... I guess now I have people to talk to about it and stuff! so who knows what could happen....
  5. bluestlight

    Regular Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Some people
    i'm all in, i definately could get a bit more fit. i'm moving back home for a couple of months so i'm hoping that'll help me get motivated, my mom's a help since she runs pretty regularly, so i'll give it a go and hopefully it works out well for everyone.
  6. Ben

    Full Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    I'm in :grin:

    I'm not fat, but I need to get fitter and more healthy :slight_smile:

    And I need the motivation... sometimes it can be hard to find.
  7. Jebs

    Full Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    DC area
    Alright, glad to hear back from some people. I really didn't expect anyone to respond so :-D. My plan is to follow a 9 week program that I have set up through some talking with a PT and just some follow up research online. My diet is going to be simple. I'm not going to be uber strict because then I will either get bored with it or feel more inclined to cheat.

    Simple: Breakfast
    1) Oatmeal (Cereal if you are not a fan)
    2) Some sort of fruit (Banana seems to get me going in the morning)
    3) Fruit Juice/Skim Milk (I drink water though)
    Simple: Lunch
    1) Chicken Wrap (Lettuce, Cheese [not the best but I like to reward myself])
    2) Wheat thins (Surprisingly nutrious and not bad)
    3) You could substitute the carbs for some veggies (Broc, Carrot, Celery)
    4) Drink (I'm a soda drinker so a diet soda is fine for me mid day)
    Simple: Dinner
    1) Broiled Chicken (I know, chicken again, I love it)
    2) Brown Rice
    3) Steamed zucchini or squash

    These are totally just samples, go crazy with it. Just because it is healthy does not mean it is boring. I have a slight advantage working in a kitchen so all these ingredients are readily available. If that is not the case for you just google, or ask Beebo (he seems to know how to stay and look fit). Like I said I do work in a kitchen so if you need help with some recipes, don't hestitate to ask!

    For workouts I'm starting soft. 30 minute walk/jog in the morning/afternoon (when you wake up). I tend to run before breakfast, one PT told me that if you do cardio before eating you burn more calories. I try to do atleast 50 push-ups (through out the day) and 50 crunches (same, just to start off easy). I have some 15 pound weights that I use just to tone. So I just do repeative sets of those. I do this generally after I finish doing my late night jog (30 minutes once again). I know running is not he most fun thing to do in the world, but just get an ipod and listen to music. Or while running think about your day, or plan ahead for the next. This has helped me, running was so boring but it is getting fun.

    I've just recently started this, and hopefully in 9 weeks I will have some progress to report and post. I encourage everyone to post one of their plans, or their progress. Just as small as, hey instead of taking a cab to work, I walked the four blocks. Hey, it makes a difference. :slight_smile: Good luck!
  8. musicgirl112233

    Full Member

    Apr 19, 2008
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    South Carolina
    I'm in. I'll try to stuck.
  9. tylerksub

    tylerksub Guest

    I'm going to try this too. My upper body strength is humiliating at best. I think i will start with keeping what i eat in check, no more snacking. Big soda drinker and i go through Gallons of Milk way to quickly so gunna get water substituting both. As for fitness I'll be using Beebos guide until i am in shape enough for P90X or at least able to take part in it "Am prepared to get my butt kicked". ...This is sounding like more work then i thought but it'll be fun.
  10. Jebs

    Full Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    DC area
    Awesome. Make sure you post progress! Good luck! :thumbsup:
  11. Master Hade

    Master Hade Guest

    so i have an active week ahead of me!! so i may slip a bit on my diet, yet im walking alot so it should be ok
  12. Jebs

    Full Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    DC area
    Great! You will be amazed at how much more energy you will have after a couple of days of this. Don't worry too much about the diet or you will stress yourself into a tub of Ben & Jerrys! Haha. What helps me is, when I want to cheat, I just click to this thread and reread what I wrote. I can't lie to myself and other people about what I'm doing. So that helps me conquer the urge. Because I am giving myself plenty of food a day, I'm only bored and want to munch on something (don't get imaginative on that statement!). :-O Good luck with everything!
  13. Vampyrecat

    Full Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    1 hour east of Portland, Vic.
    I don't need to diiet...but I should probably get in shape.
    the problem? I literally have no time when I go back to school (tomorrow).
    And I'm one of those health food freaks anyway...If I make my own food, it's vegetarian and uber healthy. But I pledge to try to do ten situps a day, everyday. And then I will build up a little bit of strength again. And when summer swings around again I'll pick up surfing again.
  14. pirateninja

    Full Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Bath, England
    Day 1: 13/7/08 - 17:40

    Excercise taken: Helping put together a garden table.
    Eaten today: Scrambled Eggs, Beans and Toast.
    Alcohol so far: None.
    Cigarettes so far: 1

    It's a start.
  15. Helen

    Helen Guest


    I'm going to exercise every single day without fail, even if it's just a long walk, cut down on fizzy drinks (maybe even stop :O), and get back down to under 60 kg, as well as smallify my bum enough to actually feel like I deserve to wear my bikini.

    That's my aim ^_^
  16. jazzrawr

    Full Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Ontario, Canada.
    I say, I think i'll join this pledge!

    I've been trying to lose weight lately, seeing as I hate my body at the moment, and I just don't have any motivation.
    So this is good ^.^

    What I'm gonna do is first of all, eat healthier. Stop eating late at night. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
    I like running, but I get un-motivated after like a week. So I'm gonna run every other day, and do...I dunno, maybe 20 situps every night.

    Eventually I'll get stronger and be able to do more. :slight_smile:

    And I can actually be comfortable with myself. >.<
  17. Psychedelic Bookmarks

    Full Member

    Oct 24, 2007
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    Wow! I wanna join this. I think it will really help me. I'm not sure what my resolutions will be... perhaps I'll draw them up this evening. I've had such a terrible day that I can't start any exercise today... I ate a bad potato at lunch and was sick repeatedly. Still feeling nauseous X(
  18. Jebs

    Full Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    DC area
    Bad potato...? Wow. Those take a while to get bad. Sorry you feel sick! This has gotten me pretty excited. I'm eating a lot better, not eating after 8:30, and sleeping earlier. Plus I have not had a drop of alcohol since July 6th. That is really big for me. Last time I stopped drinking I lost 41 pounds. Hopefully I can do that again. :-D
  19. pirateninja

    Full Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Bath, England
    Day 2: 12/7/08

    Excersise taken: So far none
    Eaten today: Nothing. (Planned Cheese wrap for lunch with high-fibre, low fat crisps aka Twiglets :grin:)
    Alcohol so far: None
    Cigarettes so far: None
  20. Beebo

    Full Member

    Feb 13, 2008
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    you guys are awesome. :grin: I especially like what Holly is doing.