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Why is this so difficult for me?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by detroitlouisred, Sep 14, 2023.

  1. detroitlouisred

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    It’s been a little over a year since I first found EC. In someways a lot has changed since then, in others not so much. Emotionally, this has been a pretty rough year. From my perspective, this sexuality business is not for the faint of heart.

    Anymore I think I know that I’m gay. I don’t like it, it makes me uncomfortable, and there seems to still be some anomalies to it. Therefore, I can’t say I’ve accepted it nor have I embraced it, but it seems as though it’s the only thing that makes sense. What’s more difficult is that along the way I have developed certain feelings and a relationship with a trans woman. Now, I know that in and of itself does not make me gay. However, in the journey of my self discovery, this was the path I took because that’s what seemed to make sense at the time. Today, I’m not so sure. It feels as though I am grasping at straws and holding on to some thing that’s not genuinely real, but it is also something that is extremely hard for me to simply let go.

    My relationship with the trans woman I have been seeing is in a pretty good place for what I’m going through. We’re long distance, have agreed to keep it “light,” and she is aware, on some level, of my uncertainty regarding my sexuality. The last time we saw one another was over Labor Day weekend. There was a moment during that weekend when she kept catching me staring at her. She jokingly called me out and asked why I was doing so. Perhaps somewhat impulsively I responded by saying, “I’m staring at you because I love you.“ I’ll admit in the moment it was a sense of relief in saying those words, and it felt right. I have no doubt that over the time we have known one another, I have developed a certain form of love for her. I care about her, I enjoy her company, being in her presence, and over the nearly year that we have known one another, we have been in almost daily contact so, of course, a bond has formed. But now on the other side of that weekend, I don’t know if when I said those words I meant it in the proper “I am in love with you” sense. Although I do think there is some accuracy in and what I said, in terms of describing the feelings I have for her, I can’t honestly say if it’s not just in a emotionally intimate friendship type of way. When you say those words to someone you should be certain about it and with all the doubt I have and the conflicting feelings over my sexuality, I can’t say that I am certain. That said, I don’t necessarily regret saying what I said as in the moment it felt right. However, I do acknowledge that I possibly playing with fire and I don’t want to hurt her.

    My therapist and family members keep saying things like, “can’t you just focus on the person and not everything else” or “Why are you preventing yourself from being happy.” The trouble is that it’s “the everything else” that seems to be preventing me from being happy. It’s either that these feelings I have for the trans woman are real and everything else is just noise/anxiety getting in my way or that I genuinely am gay but I keep hanging onto this trans attraction thing and the relationship, thus creating all of this anxiety. As time goes on it appears that the latter is what’s happening. I feel like I’m living Einstein’s definition of insanity.

    I’m still in this weird place where I’ve never achieved arousal (erection) in response to men, which really confuses me and has been a huge sticking point for me in terms of denying/ accepting that I’m gay. However, there definitely feels like there’s some form of attraction to men happening, almost like it’s based on aesthetics but hasn’t reached the level of producing a physiological response. Conversely, it has been the case that somebody more feminine, for instance, a trans woman, would get me physically aroused. Lately that doesn’t seem to be as consistent of a thing. However, if I am to be aroused, it is generally by somebody more feminine presenting. When I’m with the trans women, I’ve been seeing I have had no issues with getting or maintaining arousal. It’s not as ridiculously frequent as it once was but generally speaking, I am like a 13 year old boy in terms of arousal when I am with her. Things like holding hands, a hug, or a kiss will get me aroused. When I’m on my own, the things that arouse me are generally not those things associated with sex like genitalia. Now that can be arousing to me but anymore anything pornographic doesn’t do much for me. But I’ve also recognized that my arousal and attraction to trans women in general seems to be waning, or at the very least rather inconsistent.

    Despite all of that it just feels like I’m fighting myself over this “gay” thing. I’ve spent so much time during this journey focusing on arousal and have convinced myself that it is the only reliable indicator of attraction. Sure, on some level there’s truth to that, but it’s hardly the whole story and I think that’s why I’m still in so much turmoil. I explored the whole OCD thing, I’m still in therapy, and on medication, but nothing has really changed and I keep coming back to the idea that I’m gay. Although there is more arousal associated with trans, women and femininity, I think at the end of the day this is just fantasy, perhaps, simply just a delusion. I think on some level I have been trying to convince myself that I can live a life having relationships with trans women but ultimately it’s because I have a massive inability to come to terms with the fact that I’m attracted to men. All this time I’ve been waiting for an example of definitive proof supporting this fact, and although it hasn’t happened in terms of physical arousal, it seems to be present, regardless. I don’t know what it’s gonna take for me to truly come to terms with and accept this. It seems that I have to accept something that doesn’t make total sense to me while also having to let go of some thing I don’t want to, but unfortunately in life just because we want something doesn’t mean it’s meant for us.

    I don’t necessarily see this as my coming out post here on EC, as it appears, I still have a lot of work to do on myself. However, anymore, it seems like it’s only a matter of time.
    #1 detroitlouisred, Sep 14, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
  2. JT1999

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    You don't sound gay to me, not in the typical sense. Maybe you aren't straight either, but who knows. Being on meds surely can't help things, ideally you should work towards stable emotions and a stable life and try to come off them if you can, and then re-assess when there aren't chemicals potentially altering how you're thinking. I think trying to force yourself into a label that doesn't fit is damaging, much like people repressing their homosexuality is damaging. Have you tried not labelling yourself? If you fancy this one particular transwoman, just roll with it for a while. Maybe you'll be with her forever and you won't need to think about what other categories of people you fancy.
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  3. Keller

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    There’s a lot to unpack there. But maybe your therapist is right, you just should focus on the person you’re attracted to and never mind the rest?

    Yes, being attracted to transwomen doesn’t make you gay. Then again, if you feel also attraction to men, it might be a different kind of attraction than towards women, and yes, you might not even have an erection despite being aroused.

    And just like @JT1999 said, have you tried not labelling yourself? If you like someone, just go with it - and from what you described, you seem to be head over heels with that one special person… Just relax, breathe and enjoy the ride.

    Best of luck to you!
  4. PatrickUK

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    It's worth saying that sexual orientation is multi-faceted and not solely defined by sexual arousal. Attraction can encompass many different aspects, including emotional, romantic and aesthetic components. In actual fact, the aesthetic component is probably the spark for a good many people, so keep that in mind. It's entirely possible for someone to identify as gay without experiencing immediate sexual arousal towards the same sex, or through gay porn. Sexual imagery can trigger arousal in some people, but not others, so don't rely on porn because it's a rather limited guide which presents a false and often unrealistic depiction of sexual experience.

    It's possible that your feelings for the trans woman are part of the inner bargaining process that so many of us go through when we are not fully comfortable or confident in our sexuality. In focusing on her femininity you are perhaps denying the reality of that aesthetic attraction to men, which you pretty much acknowledge in your post. Bargaining and denial are two of the five common stages that we go through (or struggle to go through) as we move towards self acceptance.

    Your feelings and experiences are valid, regardless of whether they align with traditional expectations or societal norms. Your journey is just that - your journey. I think we can get into this reflective loop because we are talking about our sexual orientation and therefore measure our feelings against our sexual responses. In actual fact, it's not entirely about sex and sexual arousal, but about the whole dimension of attraction, of which arousal is only part, and differs from person to person.
  5. detroitlouisred

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    I think you make some pretty great points. I don’t consciously think of it as trying to find a label, but I suppose on some level that’s what I’m doing. In terms of just pursuing my current relationship/situation, I feel like I’ve tried doing that but still find myself in the same spot unfortunately. This entire year has been fairly distressing for me. There’s definitely been some good moments but I’ve also be so preoccupied with this stuff as it consumes me. But the fact that I keep coming back to this is really problematic to me. Like you said, forcing a label can be as damaging as repressing your true sexuality. I don’t doubt that I do have feelings for this person but I think I may have gone into things too soon and without all the information. At least, that’s my fear. I’m not walking away from it quite yet but a part of me feels I should to spare her. Obviously, the last thing she wants is to be an experiment even if I went into it with the right intentions.
  6. detroitlouisred

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    Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it. I want in the worst way to do just that but for some reason I’m not able to. I’m not running away from her quite yet but I do feel I need to be careful. As much as I might not “like” it, if I’m gay that wouldn’t be fair to her nor do I think it would be sustainable to me. Throughout this I have continued to pursue here and have ultimately enjoyed our time together so that’s something. Exactly what, I’m not sure. I’m trying my best not to let labels and stuff like that dictate things, but unfortunately here I am saying what I’m saying. I do feel as though I’ve come to an impasse. Only time will tell I guess.
  7. detroitlouisred

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    @PatrickUK thanks for your response. You’ve made many great points, which I know I need to take into consideration.

    not sure if you are familiar with my story, and I won’t get into all of it here, I have other posts elsewhere, but mine is not necessarily what I’ve observed to be the typical experience in discovering sexuality. I acknowledge that there is no “truly typical” experience in this realm, but mine does not seem to line up with many of the posts. I’ve read here. I am a member of a certain 12 step group, and in that group we say to “look for the similarities and not the differences.” When all of this first began, or at least began to really take shape about a year ago that’s what I tried to do. However, I did not find a lot of similarities to others in my story. There were some, but ultimately not as many glaring similarities. I suppose, none of that truly matters, given where I am today. For instance, growing up, I do not remember, crushing on, or being attracted to men. I spent a lot of my life pursuing relationships with women and enjoying that, at least that’s what it felt like. However, I did discover trans pornography in my teens and so on some level I guess I always kind of knew I wasn’t totally “straight.”

    When things came to a head for me a year ago, I still did not feel or seem to be obviously attracted to men but I kept getting this internal messaging that I am gay. This coincided with a tremendous amount of anxiety. I pursued what made sense to me based on my attraction, which was trans women. This led to me meeting the person mentioned above and for a time all was well. During this time I still did not feel attracted to men. However, a few months back that internal messaging returned along with the anxiety, but still no real obvious attraction to men. But over time, certain things that seem to point to an attraction to men started to happen, minus any sexual arousal, and largely associated with anxiety. As suggested by members here, I explore the idea of OCD. Not saying that that is what I have, as I don’t really believe I do, but I was definitely obsessed with my sexuality and engaging in compulsive behaviors like testing. It has not been until recently that I have concluded that things I once felt were intrusive thoughts were probably genuine attraction on some level, despite not being accompanied by sexual arousal. As stated above, I have been extremely focused on sexual arousal over this last year.

    But like you said, sexual arousal, isn’t everything and deep down I know that. So for a long time these messages I was getting, and the like kind of made no sense to me because how could somebody be gay but not aroused by men? However, it does appear that on some level there is a very slow peeling back of the layers, revealing which seems to be the fact that I am indeed gay. Why it is happening this way, and not in a very obvious, straightforward word kind of way like it has for others, I’m not sure.

    Sadly, I do not disagree with you. In the fact that my relationship with this trans woman is perhaps part of my bargaining process and an extension of my denial. Like I said, I know on some level, the feelings are genuine, if only in and emotionally intimate friendship, as experienced by many gay men with cis gender women prior to accepting their sexuality. I think on some level of maintain this belief in making this relationship work because for a time it did. Unfortunately, now I’m not so sure. Perhaps that is a very telling realization I need to look at.

    I do think, like the others have said, that putting so much stress on labels, and more focusing on the individual is important. In any kind of relationship, there is obviously going to be attraction to others, because our attraction does not go away because we are monogamous, but on the other hand, if this is a case of being an extension of my denial than it is not very fair to her, nor myself.

    like you said, attraction is very multifaceted, as is one’s sexual orientation. In some respects, it seems so obvious, but in others not so much. But I do think that I can no longer use the fact that I’m not sexually aroused by men to justify that I could not be gay or that I am not gay.
  8. Searching2022

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    or to me.
    @detroitlouisred you know what you're doing here. I am not saying I am an expert, but your therapist, gay men on EC and lots of people have told you the same thing. I am not saying you're 100% 'straight' whatever that means but I have never seen anything that hints to you being gay.

    I have mentioned this before but when I was in denial, I would have begged to experience the sort of attractions to women and lack of attractions to men you have. If you've read my posts here you know I am not afraid to suggest to someone they are in denial, or tell them, yeah when I was in denial I said that too. I am not saying my experiences are universal, or that again I am expert about you or ocd or sexuality, but I have seen patterns here, for OCD and anxiety related issues and gay in denial.

    Patrick is right ,sometimes arousal can be repressed, sometimes arousal can be triggered by external things, but other than an 'idea' that only comes when you're anxious, what gives you the idea you are gay?

    I have seen all sorts of repression and denial here, and in myself for years, and again, I am not an expert but nothing you have ever written would make me think you are gay. I know you are hurting and suffering from this and I really hope you find a solution.

    If I insisted I was straight but told you I don't get aroused or fantasize about women but I easily fantasize and get aroused about men but I am really really trying to be straight, what would you tell me?

    Excellent advice, @detroitlouisred what if the label gay didn't exist? Would you still be obsessing over this identity and attractions and trying to force them?
    #8 Searching2022, Sep 15, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2023
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  9. JT1999

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    This ^^^^

    I suspect you are maybe bisexual with a preference for feminine presenting people. If you're male and find women attractive and arousing then you're definitely not gay.

    Also, I hope this doesn't come across as transphobic because it isn't my intention, but if you're happy to sleep with a transwoman, then there's probably some bisexuality there. I imagine most straight men would not be turned on if they saw even the most feminine, pretty transwoman but she still had a penis.
  10. detroitlouisred

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    “Although there is more arousal associated with trans, women and femininity, I think at the end of the day this is just fantasy, perhaps, simply just a delusion.”

    If you are responding to this from my original post, it’s a bit misleading. I was using speak to text and so the comma between trans and women implies that there is attraction in arousal to both trans women and cis gender women. At one point in my life I was aroused by cis gender women and felt that attraction to be true. However, since this journey began, I seem to of lost my ability to be aroused by cis gender women, and don’t necessarily feel as attracted to them as I once felt I was. Therefore I do not believe bisexual is necessarily what it is that I am.

    I am male, and it does appear at least on a sexual arousal level there is a preference towards more feminine, presenting individuals. However, given my loss of arousal to cis gender women, and this, seeming emergence of attraction to men, regardless of the lack of sexual arousal, it does on some level, feel as if I am just fighting myself.

    I don’t necessarily disagree with your last statement. Although I am not the arbiter of such things, but I do think you are right in the sense that, although somebody who is straight could find a trans woman attractive, they might not be interested in a sexual relationship with them for certain reasons. However, that’s not necessarily the case with myself seeing as that is definitely part of the attraction for me. Ultimately, it’s not so much a case where I feel as if I am gay because of my relationship with a trans woman but rather that I am gay and began this relationship with a trans woman, believing that’s what I wanted, and who I was only to find out perhaps this is not the case.

    perhaps it is the label thing, but ultimately it seems as though I am struggling with identifying and accepting who it is, I am genuinely attracted to and what my sexual orientation is. Sometimes it does feel as if the attraction of femininity is a way of cloaking the fact that I am gay.
    #10 detroitlouisred, Sep 16, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2023
  11. detroitlouisred

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    I totally understand where you’re coming from, and in all honesty, there is a part of me that wants you to be absolutely right.

    The thing is, I have not gotten aroused or felt genuinely attracted to a cis gender women since this all began. For a long while my attraction to trans women felt totally genuine and arousing pretty much without fail. Now it seems to be temperamental at best, outside of being with the trans woman if been seeing, and as stated above, I am noticing a certain level of attraction to men even if it’s without sexual arousal.

    I don’t know, my friend it just seems as though the lines have been really blurred for me between what I really attracted to and things are slowly coming to a head.

    I know the “straight” thing went out the door along time ago. And like I said above in this post lately, it’s just really feels like I am trying so hard to hold on to some thing instead of it being what is genuinely real. I mean come on, for years, I get off to Trans pornography in secret while pursuing heterosexual relationships. I may start exploring that side of my sexuality and hook up with and date some trans women only to further questioning my sexuality and start to feel attracted to men. I guess it could all be in my head, but is it? I know you can’t answer that, and I do truly appreciate your responses, time and advice.

    On another thread, you advise me to take things easy. At times, I do feel as if I do that, others not so much. However, regardless, it does definitely feel as if slowly and uncomfortably things are being revealed.
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  12. Melanie10229

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    Why are you here when you probaly have ocd? People here are more biased to say you are gay. You need a therapist. Not people on the internet
  13. detroitlouisred

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    I am in therapy. I am here because this is where I came when this all started to happen. Although I know that no one here can give me an answer, I have gotten some really good feedback and insights here.
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  14. Melanie10229

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    so What does your therapist think about you seeking reassurance on the internet? If he really was a expert in OCD he would say to you that this is a bad idea
  15. silverhalo

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    Perhaps it is just the way you have worded this post but to me it comes across as a bit rude. There is no reason someone shouldn’t be here just because they have OCD and are questioning their sexuality. This is a support forum and the community here will do their best whatever the issue, even if it is not LGBT related. I also think if you do some research and look at old threads on the forum that you are misinformed that just because it is an LGBT forum we are more likely to just say someone they are gay. I think all posts are assessed on an individual nature and have many times seen people say they don’t think the person is gay.

    Haven’t you also just posted a thread about having OCD and questioning your sexuality?
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  16. Melanie10229

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    I just try to help him. Therapists always say that if you have ocd around your sexual orientation you should treat your ocd First see if it gets better and then you can get back if you are still questioning. I just try to help him.
  17. silverhalo

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    I appreciate that which is why I said it is probably just the way you wrote the post that made it come across as rude rather than having any intent.
  18. Purple Yoda

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    I empathize with your confusion. It's disorienting to admit to yourself; "I'm gay" then not get an erection with a smoking-hot guy.
    In my case, I attribute it to my chaotic state of mind. Pure chaos between the ears.

    Recently I opened up to a friend about the chaos, and we agreed that overthinking is a major culprit in sexual dysfunction. I haven't been able to stop the brain from over-analyzing every little event in my life... but when I do I hope to be able to function better. Clear your mind if possible - the clutter causes confusion and leads to chaos.

    Good luck on your journey - find peace and self-acceptance.
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  19. detroitlouisred

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    I have to agree with the clutter and chaos comment. No doubt that on some level the anxiety, scrambled thoughts, and maybe some level of internalized homophobia has gotten me out of sync.

    For awhile I kind of bought into, or was wanting to believe, this whole (H)OCD thing cause it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to have feelings of attraction or think thoughts like “he’s hot” but never experience any physical arousal.

    It’s weird, anymore the things that arouse me I don’t “feel” attracted to but the things I “feel” attracted to don’t arouse me… I mean I know sex and arousal aren’t everything, but come on, you’d think things would sync up eventually.

    More often than not the things that arouse me are usually non-sexual, such as romantic or even mundane thoughts about the trans woman I’ve been seeing, or non-pornographic photos of feminine presenting individuals, by in large trans women but but also some non-binary folks, which keeps me stuck in this loop. The funny thing is, is that this happens a lot when I just throw in the metaphorical towel and really try to accept I’m gay, then Boom! Erection to a simple, clothed photo of a trans woman. If it was all based on porn or genitalia, then I could see how I would be totally deluding myself.

    I recognize at times that I’m really struggling and, most likely, fighting being gay but there’s a level to which I can’t get over this hump of not getting physically aroused by cisgender men or masculinity. That kinda seems par for the course, at least I’d think so.

    I’m glad you chimed in. It’s good to know I’m not alone. It’s just really frustrating.
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  20. Purple Yoda

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    Likewise, thank you for the camaraderie, be it as it may.
    Also thank you for bringing up the subject of internalized homophobia. I often wonder if my Catholic upbringing repressed me to a level that I just cannot accept. That - combined with the body dysmorphia - is what keeps me in this cluttered sexual purgatory. At least that's what I think right now. I, as well, keep hoping that it all "syncs up" soon and I "find my way".
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