Cognitive Thought Process - a simple model

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by brainwashed, May 8, 2023.

  1. brainwashed

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    Dec 29, 2014
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    Disclaimer: The below listed material is not all inclusive. Cognition, is a very complex subject, (thats why it's so hard to get one's arms around the subject) and has multiple avenues.

    Why: I came up with the below listed material because I found web material hard to understand and apply to me. Because I'm a graphical learner, I added the clock.

    I solicit and welcome peer review.

    Cognitive Thought Clock
    i) 0 – 3. Alert, notice, notification. Awareness generated. Example: A person sitting in a restaurant hears a car alarm. Emotion(s): non
    ii) 3 – 6. Process, analysis, ask questions. Example: Is that my cars car alarm? Emotion(s): Little to no emotion(s). Analysis.
    iii) 6 – 9. Reflect on notice & notice. Example: If that’s my car’s car alarm, my car might be stolen. If my car is stolen, how will I get home? If my car is stolen, will I get it back? Emotion(s): Anxiety, hurt, joy.
    iv) 9 – 12. Answers, eureka: Example: Its not my car nor any body else’s car, it was simply the wind blowing on the car that set off the alarm. Emotion: Peace, relief.

    Summary: I see many people here on ECs crunching through the cognitive process given above and getting snarled at 6 to 9 (o'clock) part mainly because of anxiety generated by shame.
    PrettyBoyBlue likes this.
  2. B1lat3ral

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    Mar 14, 2021
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    The journey to acceptance, for some of us, is a long and treacherous path. As we go through the emotions, as humans, we do have that point where we get stuck... hence looking into safe spaces like EC for some answers. For some, we get the answer (9-12) but we immediately switch to 0-3 again as we discover that we are not what we thought we where. That constant self discovery is part of what makes us human, the capacity to constantly change and adapt. The beautiful part of this is that we can be part, not only of our own experiences but also participate in the change others are experiencing, and yes, some times, people just need a answer to their questions to guide them in the right direction.

    We all have that need to evolve... and juts sometimes the yellow brick road takes us on wild and exciting paths..

    Your post is something to think about, and I agree, its hard, but it is a good start of conversation on where are we heading and what we would like the outcome to be in our own lives.
    #2 B1lat3ral, May 9, 2023
    Last edited: May 9, 2023