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Guys, Gals, Enbyies- I'm not ok anymore

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by TinyWerewolf, Dec 8, 2022.

  1. TinyWerewolf

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    I'm just so tired of being in pain, disrespected and hated by people I love, and dealing with grief from losing my girlfriend whom I should be over by now. My energy levels are abyssmal, I cry a lot in secret, and I've finally lost hope. Two nights ago I was so close to picking up a small, but very sharp, knife off the kitchen counter. I wouldn't just cut up my arms either, I'd cut to end my life the first time. I managed to walk away this time, but this was spontaneous and unplanned- and the temptation to just die was strong. I'm fighting with what I have left, but I'm so exhausted and sad I almost don't see the point. I guess I'll tell my therapist tomorrow in my appointment, I don't know what else to do. I want this to end.
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  2. Obliteratrix47

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    Well, it's a relief to know that you've found the right help. Whatever happens, don't ever take your own life. You deserve it.
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  3. Rayland

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    I know you're struggling a lot, but taking your life is not worth it at all. You will take away all the chance from yourself to be who you wish to be. Do talk to the therapist about it and you can always talk to us all here too. Depression is something that is curable. It does suck all life energy out of you and makes you feel hopeless, but it's not for forever.

    It takes a long time to get over someone you dearly loved too, but you will. Give yourself time to heal.
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  4. thatasher

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    Hey, first…breathe, okay? I know it all feels like too much right now. Believe me, I’ve been there—but it does help to take a beat when it all starts to swirl together. Can I tell you a story?

    A few years ago, my brother died by suicide. I’d already been having suicidal thoughts at that point, and when he went, I really wanted to join him. More than I ever have. So I made an attempt, and I failed—but one of the things I realized when I felt really close to dying is that I didn’t want to die. Not really. I didn’t want to live, but I didn’t want to die either.

    I came up with this button test. So, basically, if you gave me two buttons…dying painlessly and living the way I have been…I’d almost always hit the first one—but if I started adding more buttons, the choice got harder. If I another button solved X problems, maybe I would hit that button instead. Maybe I would want to live…just a little bit more than I wanted to die.

    Usually—not always, but usually—our problems are not unsolvable. They’re just hard. They can be so f’ng hard. And when you’re tired, they feel impossible- and buddy, it sounds like you’re really tired.

    What I recommend is reaching out to someone safe and being super honest about where you’re at. I’m not saying it’ll fix everything, but we don’t need to do that right away. We just need to give you more time. To rest and recover.

    I always say if my little brother had one more night, he might have made it. All it takes is getting through that night where you came so close to taking your own life and you didn’t. You’ve already done it once it sounds like. Please do it again. And please reach out for help. Whether it’s a therapist or a best friend. Or hell, even me. Don’t sit in the dark alone when there are people who will sit with you.
    #4 thatasher, Dec 8, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
  5. TinyWerewolf

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    First off, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm also glad you made it to today.

    Damn if you didn't remind me of a few people with that last paragraph though, who I met here and call me their little brother. These people mean a lot to me. I'm trying not to do that to them, so so hard- but you're right, I'm so tired. I think my strength is finally failing me, but I am trying still for them.
  6. thatasher

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    I think that’s a really sweet thought, but also a lot of pressure to put on yourself right now. It may actually be making things worse. I think the best reason to hold on is for YOU. You deserve a chance to get more out of your life than to have it end here. Of course the rest of us want you here, but we don’t just want you to exist—we want you to be happy and fulfilled. How do we make that happen?
  7. TinyWerewolf

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    I'm not sure, but getting out of this house for good and being surrounded by people who actually love me would help.
  8. chicodeoro

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    Hey Jack...first of all it's ok to be not ok. Jesus, with what you've had to go through.. of course not!

    There's no time limit on heartbreak. You loved her. It is going to take time to get over that. Maybe years. You're also going through trauma and experiencing dysphoria day after day after day in an environment where nobody sympathises or recognises you for what you are: a trans man who's been forced back into the closet against his will.

    In the short term all I can offer you is my support and sympathy and a big big hug from a fellow trans person who's also going though a tough time. You're not alone, my brother.

    Beth xxx
  9. TinyWerewolf

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    Wouldn't say I deserve it, but thank you.

    Hey Rain, I'm especially sorry you had to read this.

    At first I thought it was a bodily function and the related hormonal crap that comes with it- but I think it's a depressive spell after further examination. Just what I needed this time of year, right? I just feel like everything that would make me happy is impossible or so far away- and it hurts. I want my parents to accept me most, and that very likely will never happen. Or at the very least have a situation where I could come out again and be tolerated, so I could start transitioning a bit in non-medical ways at least. Hell, even being told I'm loved the way I am and having that phrase not have any anti-trans connotations would just mean a lot from them. I know I won't get that without anything short of divine intervention though.

    As for my ex, I want to reach out to her. I miss her- everything about her. But I can't, or rather I don't think she'd respond. She's probably found someone else or enjoying college as a single woman. Yet here I am missing her...

    I think I've forgotten what true happiness feels like- but my happiest moments have been with people who love me or with my dogs (now just dog, my oldest dog passed away in 2020). Being trans, knowing I am, and my family's hatred of it changed the dynamics. I've had some truly horrid and hideous thoughts before, but their rejection and abuse over my gender and bisexuality wounded me in ways I never have been wounded in before. Thoughts that plague me now are worse: drinking whiskey and shooting heroin at the same time with no tolerance, climbing to the top of a grain bin with a gun, driving off one of the steep curves on my way home from work.

    If everything didn't feel impossible to fix, I wouldn't be at this low. It all feels so far out of my reach.

    Thanks Beth, I'm sorry you had to read this too.

    That's probably a big part of why I miss her, she made me feel like everything was going to be ok. When I found out my first job was letting me go after the summer, I wasn't sure I would be able to see her still. I was panicking, stressed out doesn't begin to describe how I felt after finding out (and I was the last one in the department to find out whether I got to stay or not- two weeks after everyone else). I don't know how, but she told me it was going to be ok and I believed her. She calmed me down, held my hand and held me while she could that day. I miss having her friendship and having her as my girlfriend. I feel like other people can move on so quickly, but with how I felt about her then and still do now... I just don't know how I could. I would've taken a bullet for this woman, happily so, if needed be. It still hurts that she's gone away. With everything in the mix, it's damn close to unbearable.

    I'm trying my best to hang in there, surviving is a tremendous effort anymore. Thank you for offering your kind words and support. One day it will be better for you, hopefully one day for me as well.

    Thank you all for responding
  10. Rayland

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    Don't feel bad. It's just human of you to feel these feelings. You know, when I first discovered I was trans a deep fear came over me. I was shaking and crying. I was a mess. In my mind I already said goodbye to my home too and been preparing myself for the worst. It made me depressed.

    Try and write down the worst case scenarios what would happen, if you just left home and the best case scenarios too. Then compare them and come up with the probability of it (maybe something like 0% - 100%). Then write down things you can do right now for your mental health. Set up goals for exactly when you can do it. Put a date on it and try to achieve it. It will give you a timeline of your progress. It will give you a clear sight for your future.

    The thing is no one of us lives forever, either your parents, so there are chance for you to be who you are. I'm not saying you have to wait this long, but that nothing lasts forever in this world.
  11. lottaotter

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    I'm late to this thread and to be honest I'm still not sure I have anything useful to say . From talking to you briefly I would say you're an interesting person with a lot of different interests, and all that despite having lived through (yes lived through- it's not surprise you're so tired from it all) so much horrible stuff.

    What is the priority for you? What would make today, or the next hour more tolerable? Does being around your family help your mental health at all?

    I don't really know what to say to someone who is suicidal. I was at my lowest a week and a day ago and now I am almost fully 'functional' again ans feeling that there is hope. So it is possible.

    When you've got through this low, please do everything you can to put your needs first. You might need a lot of rest first to get the strength to push through- it is utterly, utterly exhausting to live in anguish every day.

    Best of luck and please keep us all updated when it's practical, and if you need support.
  12. TinyWerewolf

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    The third anniversary of being trapped was this Tuesday. Three years of trying to cope and learn how to stomach this... Then Thursday I had a crying breakdown. I lost my voice back in August, all but a whisper, and while most of it has come back the very lowest and the very highest of my range have never come back. That range was the part of my voice I was most proud of, I worked hard to expand it- especially the lower end. I went to hit a high note in "O Holy Night" at a rehearsal, normally that's a breeze for me but it didn't even come out. Hollow air, pure hollow air. Everything was just simply too much to hold it in anymore after that, so I broke down and cried. I was on the phone with someone I deeply care about when I started crying, that is a tiny bit of progress- I don't normally cry in front of people unless I'm in a lot of physical pain. The one thing I was proud of myself for is gone- and I'm much younger than average for vocal decline. Now I have to deal with that, and I don't know how.
  13. chicodeoro

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    Hey Jack, sorry to hear about your voice. Voices change over time anyway, and I guess trauma can have an effect on them and you've been living in trauma for three years now.

    A couple of things though - you should be proud for simply surviving. For keeping your head up and getting this far without going under completely. Though it may not seem like it at the moment, you're doing amazing!

    But also think long term. Once you are on testosterone your voice will inevitably change. I bet you'll end up with a beautiful tenor eventually, which you'll be equally proud of (or should be, anyway).

    Sending out hugs and good vibes to you,

    Beth xx
  14. Rayland

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    Wanted to give my little brother warmest hugs and it may seem all hopeless now, but it will get better someday and I agree with Beth that you should be proud of surviving all this time. It's okay to cry, sometimes you just need to let it all out. I think this is positive, otherwise you'd keep bottling things inside. The voice will come back too.
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  15. TinyWerewolf

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    Hey Beth, thanks for the consolation and support. ❤️

    It's probably the fact I never took a vocal rest. During my sickness I'd try to mime things out so I wouldn't have to strain my vocal cords, but no one could decipher what I meant so I had to scream to make a whisper come out. I had to go back to work too, and part of my job is answering phones. Could be the side effects of trauma too though. Lack of sleep and yelling never helps it either. My previous voice teacher thinks it isn't permanent at least, just that maybe in that month I couldn't sing my head register grew weak enough to sort of dissipate. I hope she's right.

    I would love to have a tenor voice though, I'd be scared once my high notes become unreachable but happy I could hit lower ones. Sounding like a man will be great! :slight_smile:

    I know most people probably couldn't withstand this, I'm honestly not sure how I am either to be frank. It feels like some horrendous creature with tentacles has me by the legs, and it likes to watch me crawl to the light a bit before pulling me right back into the dark. That probably seems dramatic, but it sure feels like a fight for my life against something immensely powerful.

    Hey Rain, thanks for the encouragement and hugs, here's one for you big brother. ❤️ :slight_smile:

    I'll be honest with you both, I'm currently very frustrated with my choir and my hinderances. I'm used to carrying an entire sections worth of high notes, and this year we cut them out and stay on something lower. I'm almost certain it's because I can no longer hit the original notes alongside our other soprano one, there are only two of us. It's embarrassing for me that those notes won't even come out anymore. I was banking on starting a band and live shows once I got out of here, that's what I want to do most. Now I'm scared to sing in public past a certain point. Guess I better try to get used to it.
  16. Rayland

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    Hugs received and sending tons more and anytime, whenever you need encouragement you know where you can turn to.

    One thing to look forward to is voice masculization training. I'm trying to do it by myself, but I'm not very good. I'm actually not as talkative as I was before thanks to voice dysphoria, but for you it's all problably a lot more worse. I have a chance to start singing lessons, once I find a teacher with a free time, because I hoped it would help me to practise my voice, right now I have learned just by watching YouTube videos. I'm really bad though making my voice sound more masculine. What I wanted to say, that there are things to look forward to and remember you're not alone.
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  17. TinyWerewolf

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    There are a few things that make me happier every now and then. I just got some socks and a t-shirt in men's sizes for secret santa from one of my bosses, I'm pretty happy about that. :slight_smile:

    You will get better at it, it takes practice.
  18. TinyWerewolf

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    Well I've made myself dysphoric, I was reading about puberty and stuff so I'd know more about hormones and what to expect if I can go on them. I'd calmed myself down by reading something else but now can't get it out of my head, I'm kind of feeling sick again over it. I should probably be on anxiety meds shouldn't I?
  19. Rayland

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    Only if you feel like they would help and other calming down tehniques won't help. I had anxiety attack too. It helps to talk about stuff that caused you to have anxiety and deep breathing helps me to calm down and I usually repeat to myself that everything is okay.
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  20. TinyWerewolf

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    It was definitely dysphoria induced. The article I was reading went over multiple aspects of puberty, and when it got to the "girl" part it just triggered that response. I felt nauseous and panicked, remembering that my body went through the wrong process and all the things that came with it. I just want to hide myself and be hugged today, but my niece's birthday party today. So I'm trying to suck it up and push through.