How to tell your crush that you're bi?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by savethewhales, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. savethewhales

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    Mar 25, 2016
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    I have a crush on somebody that I work with who is gay and nonbinary. I've had a chance to work with them a few times and we just click. I sort of flirted with them a bit the last time we worked together but I don't know if it played out that way or not. Either way, they're really easy to talk to, we have a lot in common and honestly I think there's a good chance they couuuuuuld like me back?

    Problem is they don't know I'm bisexual, and I'm still in the process of coming out. I've told 5 people so far and while I'm open about it with them, I'm not completely out yet so it's not something that will likely just come up in conversation or that I am public with on social media or anything. And especially because I'm a cisgender female and I think it's still pretty typical to assume heterosexuality, I don't think there's any way they could know unless I told them. I want them to know so in the chance that my feelings are reciprocated at least I'm on their radar. I realize that I could also just ask them out myself, but since we work together AND its my first real same-sex crush, if I got turned down it would be both heartbreaking and awkward.
  2. Dryad

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    Aug 1, 2013
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    That's sweet, I'm in a long-term relationship and sometimes I miss this feeling of getting a new crush. :joy:
    I'd say, why not wear something like a rainbow or pink-purple-blue bracelet? It can let them know your bi, or be a good conversation starter. Or, maybe you can try to bring up the topic of LGBT rights and mention that you're bi. Or you could talk about previous partners if you're close enough, if they hear male and female names, or "she" and "he" or even "they" they will get it - of course this only works if you've had partners of multiple genders and there's still a little danger of your crush seeing you as just seeking to be closer friends.
    Please tell us how it went!:innocent:
    savethewhales likes this.