wait until after high school to come out?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by nat03, Jan 10, 2019.

  1. nat03

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    Jan 10, 2019
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    Hi everyone,
    I’m natalie and i’m a junior in high school. I’m bi and I’ve been fully out with myself since my freshman year. I’ve only been out to one of my friends who I ended up dating over the summer wout my other friends knowing. But I broke up w her towards the end of the summer once my friends got suspicious (she was out as gay btw). I live in a relatively small town and I’ve had the same close friends since elementary school and my closest friend since pre-k. I know none of them are homophobic bc the girl I dated was in our friend group up until this year and they were all nice to her. I don’t know what makes it different for me because I really don’t want to come out to any of them at all. I decided after I broke up w my ex that I wasn’t going to come out until college. I also thought, and still kinda think, that it’s not rly necessary to come out bc since i’m bi i can just date guys for the rest of high school and my friends wouldn’t have to know. I think I’m just afraid of how it will change my friendships because I’ve been friends with them since before I can remember and I’m afraid that they’ll suddenly feel like they don’t know me or they will feel uncomfortable around me. But for some reason lately all I can think about if coming out and it’s actually driving me crazy. I’m also always extremely cautious of how I dress and what I talk about. Like I avoid wearing anything that might look gay and sometimes when I do my friends will actually b like “u look like a dyke” or “u look like a fag” bc they just throw those words around like that and I want to tell them to stop talking like that but i’m afraid they’ll get angry or suspicious. I’m also worried that I talk too much abt lgbt singers or actors who they don’t know or don’t listen too and it probably wouldn’t matter if I mentioned it but i’m just so paranoid that i censor everything. Idk this was super long and more of a vent than a question. Any words of advice would be helpful or anyone who just wants to talk I just feel super alone rn and don’t rly know what to do abt it.
    - nat
  2. unlessIact

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    Jan 8, 2019
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    Hi Nat! I'll take this line by line to try and offer some (bad) advice :wink:

    Without sounding accusatory towards your friends, you say they're not homophobic, and yet they say stuff like "you look like a ****" - do they say this around/ to your gay friend? It's possible that they're just not thinking about their language choices, like you say they just throw it around, so also without defending them I think if you came out and explained that what they said was hurtful (or your adjective of choice), they might stop and think. If they don't... cross that bridge when you come to it.

    Regarding coming out... it's up to you. Does it feel like an integral part of your identity? You say you censor yourself around them 'cause you like LGBT performers - I'm sure it'd be very freeing to be able to talk about them without the stress of being found out. You could test the water by bringing, say, Troye Sivan up in conversation randomly and trying to gauge a feel, or you could "bite the bullet" and come out. When I came out at around 13/14 I did it via text message, and there's no shame in that! Also don't feel like you have to tell them all at exactly the same time - it's not a "who I like best" thing, more the person you'd feel most comfortable with.

    I had the same fears about my friends being uncomfortable around me, and the reaction was mostly positive - and if that in itself doesn't sound positive, this was about seven years ago, and the world is so much more accepting now!! plus, you say they're nice to your friend.

    Overall you can absolutely wait until college if you wish (in my experience, at least with my 90% female students degree, you end up with soooo many LGBT friends, it's wonderful), but it sounds like this is eating you a little.

    I hope my ramblings made some sort of sense!
  3. TXTurbo90

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    Hey Nat, Welcome to the forums!

    Why do you think that they would treat you any differently if you came out as bisexual? It has to happen only when you are ready, but it sounds as though your friends being suspicious may very will already know and were bringing their "suspicions" to you as a nudge out of the closet. Clearly they are supportive of LGBT people so they should understand that it takes time to build up the courage to come out to them.

    I will say that you sound like me in terms of being OCD about any possible conversation/clothing/mannerisms/etc. It will eventually make you miserable if you are not living honestly with yourself. Many on this forum can attest to that (myself included). For that reason alone it is worth coming out.

    Are you out to your parents? How would they react to you coming out to them?
  4. nat03

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    Hi! Thanks for your message! They never used to use words like that around my friend but i think it’s just ignorance and they don’t realize how hurtful it actually is. I can see myself coming out to a couple of my friends, I just have the one particular friend in mind who i’ve been friends with since we were babies and i’m especially worried about her reaction. But also since we’re all such close friends I don’t really want to put the burden of keeping my secret on one or a couple of them. And as for college, I’m very optimistic about being able to find people that I can relate to and really be out and be myself when I get there. I only have about a year and a half so if it comes down to it I don’t think it would be the worst thing in the world to wait.
  5. nat03

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    Hi! I’m not out to my parents at all and I’m not sure how they would react. i’m not even fully sure if they know what bisexual is. My mom has mentioned in conversation about her friends son who is gay that she “wouldn’t welcome it but would be accepting” and I’m not entirely sure what that means.
    As for my friends, one thing that I didn’t mention is that they have asked me before if I was gay, over the summer when I was having that whole secret relationship, and I denied it profusely and I think I really got them to believe me. I’m very feminine and I’ve never been boy crazy but I’ve had crushes on guys so they totally believed me. I don’t know how so much has changed with me since then but I think I just panicked being called out in the moment. I also just think it would be kind of a shock and really random if I came out after I denied it so much less than a year ago.
  6. unlessIact

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    I'll admit something here - when I did my "first round" of coming out to my high school friends, I never actually told my best friend. Like you, we'd been friends since we were young, and I was worried about her reaction, and she found out through one of our friends that I had told. She was a little hurt and was like, "why did you think you couldn't tell me?" Ultimately, though, we're the ones coming out - if we feel more comfortable telling one person than another, that's our prerogative, in my opinion. You say you don't want to burden the people you might tell first - I'm sure the opposite will happen, and they'll be really supportive and encourage you to tell the rest of your friends! having some support behind you really really helps :slight_smile: plus, the "secret" is that you're bi, it's not like "when I get home after school I bathe in mayo", something they'd have to immediately blurt out to someone 'cause it was so shocking - it's probably not as big a deal as you imagine it'll be to them

    what would change if you came out and the reaction was (as I'm sure it will be) positive? If you'd feel much happier or comfortable in yourself then I say go for it - it could make that year and a half your best time yet!
  7. TXTurbo90

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    Probably what your mom is saying is that she wouldn't prefer her offspring to be gay, but there is nothing wrong with it and she would be accepting. You have to look at it from her perspective... When she was growing up LGBT people had it much more difficult than we do now, and instinctively she is going to want her offspring to have as many "normal" characteristics as possible/ least amount of potential hurdles to overcome on the way to creating a successful life. She (like most mothers-mine included) probably would also like to have grandchildren one day, and in her mind probably equates being gay with no children.

    In my situation I had vehemently denied being gay to a couple of my friends before I came out to them. (They attended the same university as I did after high school) The best response that I got from one of them was "You know that we have been waiting for you to stop lying to us and yourself for like 4 years now?" And that was during a period that I wasted most of my hours in public hyper-analyzing every action that I did, driving me insane.
  8. nat03

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    You’re definitely right, I don’t think they will react as shocked as I imagine but I also know that my closest friend will be upset with me for not telling her just like your friend was. I also don’t know how she’ll react if I told her that I dated our friend over the summer because she was really close with her as well. Honestly I feel like i’ve just been making up excuses to not come out, putting it off and building it up in my head. I just keep imagining it to be this big drama. I’m also one of those people who needs everyone to like them and that makes it difficult bc being lgbt is smth that not everyone at school is going to accept and some people will just hate me for it.
    But that’s something that everyone has to deal with I guess, and not everyone i meet is going to like me which is smth i just have to accept. And for what will change after I come out I really don’t know and that’s what’s so scary to me. Bc i’ve been friends w the same people for so many years that it’s always been the same since we were younger. I just think they’ll feel disconnected from me because we won’t have as many things in common as they thought we did. And by that i mean just generic stuff like music taste and films and tv. Just simple things like that bc I’ve been just watching what they watch and listening to what they listen to w them. and i know that’s such a small issue to think abt compared to what other ppl have to deal w and it’s p stupid once i think abt it but i just don’t think that they’ll want to be as close w me anymore. idk i have a lot of conflicting thoughts and things that i’m blowing out of proportion in my head. anyway, thank you so much for the advice really. Ive been thinking abt it and i might end up coming out to one of my friends sooner than later just because I need someone to talk to irl. thank you for the advice and letting me vent tho it’s been so helpful
  9. nat03

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    lol i think a couple of my friends might react that way, just because i feel like some of them have been suspicious multiple times. I think if I told my parents I would wait until later, for some reason I am not going as crazy not telling them as i am not telling my friends just because I honestly don’t feel as close with my parents as I do with my closest friends. I also think that they will definitely be uncomfortable at first but like ppl say i would hope that they will come around. although one thing i am worried abt is that my mom will probably try to psychoanalyze me. it sounds strange but my sister is adopted and whenever she does anything out of the ordinary my mom finds some trauma or symptom to blame it on. i wouldn’t put it past her to try to “figure out” y i like girls.
  10. TXTurbo90

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    Haha, I completely understand. I am dealing with the problem of coming out to my father right now, as I am getting married in 7 months to a guy and he's the only close family member I am not out to, and will surely find out at that point. (My parents are divorced.) I didn't tell him for the same reason you put it off... It wasn't something that drove me crazy like my friends did as well as my mother. The reason that I bring this up is that if/when you do end up in a serious relationship, it is better to come out to family at that point as it is much easier to come out dating someone than the shock of having to tell your parent "Hey, by the way I'm getting married... and its a same sex relationship..."

    It sounds like your first steps to coming out when you are ready will be to tell one or two friends who have already suspected and you know are already supportive of LGBT community. Choosing someone who you know will keep it confidential until you are out to everyone else is important as well. Every time you come out to someone, it gets easier to do next time. From what you describe it might be best to wait until college to come out to your parents as it could lower your quality of life by being under the microscope all the time by your mother. Just be aware that it can become more difficult if you wait too long like me.

    Are you an only child, or do you have brothers or sisters?
  11. nat03

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    thanks for the advice! yeah, i definitely do not want to wait too long bc i will most likely regret not coming out sooner I just need to find a good time to start slowly. also congrats on your engagement thats so exciting! and good luck with your dad! I know that i wont need to tell my parents any time soon but I do think that I am going to start with a few of my friends to just let some of it off my shoulders. tysm for all the help❤️
  12. TXTurbo90

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    Thanks for the good luck! You should definitely stick around, this forum is filled with useful information and great people! I take long breaks between posting sometimes, but I've always found so much help here that I always come back.
  13. unlessIact

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    Heya, sorry, yesterday got busy!

    I think that if you're as close as you are, you can open up to her and it'll just make your friendship stronger :slight_smile:

    There's no need to tell everyone at school if you don't want to! Nowadays what with me doing a creative degree and writing about my sexuality a lot lots of people know, but at school I stuck to friends only. Do you live in a homophobic area or are you just hypothetically worried?

    Hey, maybe the opposite will happen - maybe you'll get your friends into YOUR music and YOUR films and you can bond over those! Friendship goes both ways, you can totally have a turn in sharing your own interests :slight_smile:

    No worries, I'm glad I could be of a little help! I'm sure whoever you tell will really put you at ease
  14. Contented

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    Long past high school days here and certainly you know your situation better than anyone.however based on my experience come out as soon as your sure. Better not to waste years pretending like I did. The liberation you feel not having to hide the fact your gay is so rewarding. Sure some people will be surprised , some perhaps angry but in the end it’s your one life. You owe it to yourself to live it honestly and happily. I wish you all the best, you are indeed a very intelligent brave young woman so intune with herself and her sexuality.
  15. nat03

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    thank you so much for your kind words, honestly. I think i am definitely going to yell at least one of my friends to just get some of the weight off of my chest. wish me luck!