Wife is concerned about my orientation during transition...

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by MaxDanger, Feb 19, 2018.

  1. MaxDanger

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    Jan 22, 2018
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    Seattle, Washington, USA
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    Got kind of an interesting predicament here and wanted to know if anyone had any comments or advice for me to consider. I came out as trans to my wife on Jan. 27th and she was immediately supportive. The first thing she asked was which pronouns she should use and when she should use them (since I am not out to anyone else yet). Since then, her bday card to me and Valentine's Day card have both been addressed to my new name (Max) and she's just been checking in with me regularly on the whole situation, continuously showing me support.

    That said, one of our friends transitioned a few years ago and he went from being exclusively interested in women, to exclusively interested in men after starting testosterone. This seems to be a rare occurrence from what I can tell, however my wife is incredibly stressed that I will have a significant shift in sexual orientation if I pursue taking testosterone. It is worth noting that the last two women she was with before me did leave her for men, so there is a bit of a baggage issue at play here as well. But I respect her feelings and want to make sure that I am being sensitive and supportive to these fears of hers.

    Background: I have genuinely never been interested in men sexually, however I occasionally have male "crushes" where I do think a man is attractive, but my crush is more about wanting to be like them, rather than wanting to be with them. I recently made an off-handed comment about such a crush on a male celebrity, and she finally broke down and told me about her concerns.

    Does anyone have any insight here? I cannot see anything changing my orientation as I've genuinely never questioned it a day in my life. I've always been attracted to women (since the moment I knew what that meant) and have never wavered in that. Ironically, this is part of what concerns her the most, as this means that I never experimented (never felt the need to), and she just thinks that I might suddenly need to do that, putting our marriage in jeopardy.

    Please help.
  2. Loves books

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    May 4, 2017
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    I'm not trans but I am gay and I have a strong belief that you are born with your sexuality you didn't learn it or pick it up. I can understand how being born in the wrong body could confuse things a little. I honestly think communication is the best way to go. Constantly tell your wife how you feel about her all through your transition and maybe eventually she'll become secure in the knowledge that you may have changed your body, but you are and what you feel about her will never change. I don't think testosterone will make you like men. If it did affect sexuality you'd think it would do the opposite. I just did a quick minute of reasearch and there are on line support groups and CHatrooms for spouses of transgender people maybe you could look in to them more and suggest some to your wife. Her fears seem to based on one persons experience maybe talking to others with different experiences might help.
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  3. MaxDanger

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    Jan 22, 2018
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    I genuinely think there were other factors at play with my friend's transition and that he finally felt more comfortable exploring his sexuality after presenting more masculine. However, I can understand my wife's concerns since his particular process plays directly into her fears.

    But yeah, just wanted to post this to see what others thought. Thanks!
  4. pinkclare

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    Sep 7, 2011
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    This happens a LOT. Many many trans guys experience changes like your friend did and go from mostly or exclusively dating women to mostly or exclusively dating men.

    That being said, though individual experiences may vary and are still valid, I don't personally believe that sexual orientations are actually changing (or at least not 180ing). I just think it's mostly just that it is easier and less dysphoric for a pre-t, or even pre-out, trans guy to be with women for a variety of reasons. First, it's easy to be confused when trying to figure out your gender and think that living as a masc/butch/androgynous lesbian is the answer to your gender feels. Similarly, many people know that they are queer before they know exactly what type of queer, so dating women (when presenting as a woman) is an obvious choice. Secondly, if you're still living/presenting as female, dating a man, no matter how attracted to them you might actually be, leads to a heterosexual man and woman dating and sexual dynamic. It's easy to see why this is more invalidating of a man's, even as yet unacknowledged, identity as compared to a homosexual woman and woman dynamic. Finally, there's a big problem of being a queer man living/presenting as a woman: Other gay men aren't going to give you a second look.

    Once transitioning, all of these issues resolve themselves and people are more able to openly live out their true sexual orientation, whatever that may be. So for guys who were always gay/queer, they are finally able to pursue men and it may look to outsiders that their sexual orientation has changed. However, guys who have always dated women because they have always been legitimately only been attracted to women are unlikely to experience much of a difference.

    All that being said, I recommend making sure you do some good soul searching and introspection before you assure your wife that you are in the latter category. Our minds can be really good at tricking ourselves into believing what we want/need to believe to survive. If you have really considered the matter and are confident that your attraction to women is true and not in part a defense mechanism, I think you and your wife can both rest easy.
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  5. MaxDanger

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    Jan 22, 2018
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    Seattle, Washington, USA
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    Thank you so much for taking the time to write out this response. It was very enlightening and gives me some more information to work with!