I think I may be gay after all

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by Dryad, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. Dryad

    Regular Member

    Aug 1, 2013
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    After my first relationship with a girl, this year, I realized I haven't felt this kind of sexual attraction for a man before, and I never fantasized about guys either. Although I've deeply fallen in love with men, it was kind of platonic, I didn't like it when it went beyond kissing. I find myself feeling repulsed by the thought of my male ex's in bed, even though we've stayed friends with two of them. I'm looking back thinking I don't want to try to enjoy sex with a man ever again. And I only see myself dating a woman, at least in the near future.
    I'm wondering if it's because I haven't figured out how straight sex works, or because I'm really gay.
    I feel like I'm in a turning point.
    I don't feel stressed or think about it often, I just found it a bit weird how my feelings change/become more clear. Time will probably show. I'm wondering if anyone can relate.
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