Was it my fault that he ended things with us?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Xc220, May 3, 2017.

  1. Xc220

    Regular Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    So for over two months I was dating this guy and we got on so well. I mean we liked to go out for dinner, we liked manga, similar movies...the list goes on. Now we were really into eachother. We would meet like 4 times a week, and spend hours together, and go out to clubs and everything. It was actually a great time for me. Then two weeks ago, after he spent the whole weekend in my house for the first time, he started to be bit distant. I know at the start of the week he had a project due so when he wasn't talking much I sort of understood it, but small things gotta got my anxiety going like when I would say goodnight he wouldn't reply..or if did wouldn't add a kiss or anything like we always had. So I kept to the norm anyway and even said to him that on the day he finishes, which was a Thursday, we should celebrate. Now because I work I wouldn't be able for a night out as he knows, so I said a dinner and cinema at about 6pm. So Thursday came and I wished him Good Luck. Then the day continued and it wasn't until half 4 I heard from him and all I got was "I'm having lunch with my friends". So yes I was a bit annoyed because it wasn't a case of "sorry" or "lets" meet a bit later"..nothing. So I did a bit shopping and then he text me at half past 6 asking if I still wanted to meet but he wouldn't get there until 7;30pm but if I wanted, we could meet the next day. I was a bit annoyed so I said yeah lets just hold off because I was a bit worried the atmosphere would be tense or something stupid you know. So on Friday after work we met up but I was greeted with a kiss, and he didn't exactly seem to be delighted or playful like he would usually be around me. So with reading the situation and how he had been the last few days, I asked him "How are things with us?" and he said it was "fine and was nice". So I said that was fine but if you're having any feelings change let me know because I'm just enjoying how things are going and going with it; sure who knows what could happen". So we kissed goodbye later anyway. Then we spent the day at a festival thing on the Sunday and i thought it would be a nice day where we have a picnic, hold hands, lay in the grass and all that but sure he barely kept distance with me and I actually felt that if I went for his hand or a kiss he would be annoyed. I don't know how to explain it but we have this play way where we say something, or maybe slang the other, and then just give a kiss to show it was a joke..it's our thing but he wasn't doing any of it that day. Anywho, we hung out and it was fine. Conversation kept going like normal and then when I dropped him off he kissed me goodbye and that was that.
    So for the next two days I didn't hear from him despite texting him like normal throughout those days. He then messaged saying that he was thinking about what I had said the previous days and that he doesn't want a serious relationship and can't help how he felt. Now granted, I was a bit surprised but that was fine because I just wanted to keep enjoying his company and what we were doing. It sucked but I said fine and he said it would be nice to stay friends and maybe even date sometime.
    So I really wanted to try that because I genuinely enjoy his company and beforehand I never had a gay friend like him. So I text like two days later asking if wanted to meet on Friday because that was our day and he said yes. SO we met up but while we talked fine, it felt like he was rushing it. Like the want and desire to spend time together wasn't there or something. So anyway, we only spent like 2 hours together and when we were leaving I hugged him goodbye, said to text me and sure maybe see you over the weekend and he replied with "yeah, sure maybe can do something on SUnday". So it ended on fine terms. Then on Saturday I went out because I needed to after everything, and sure enough at one point I turned around on the dancefloor and there he was with his mates. I dunno how long he was there but our eyes locked for a moment and he just ignored me. I felt so hurt I won't lie. I then just didn't bother to text him because I was hurt and angry. Then I woke up yesterday and was checking instagram and saw a post he put up with a poem saying how he would recollect the past, hand holding your hand and tagged it with #missyou. So yes, it could have been about anyone but I wanted to believe it was about us. So last night I gave it one last go, against my better judgement, and kept it simple asking how his weekend was. I got a reply saying it was good fun. That's it. No asking how mine was or anything. I just replied saying sounds like fun, and that's it.
    I thought maybe if I made contact he would want to talk but I guess not. I guess it really is over but more so he doesn't want to keep in touch. I hate that the most because his company was great and now I have soooo much free time on my hands and with everyone else in relationships, I don't have many friends available to hang out. Like, what did I do wrong?? I don't think I overstepped any line or anything. I kept my head high and going about as normal (which for someone like me with anxiety, shyness and stubborness it was a big step for me as sad as may be). I know you don't know what's going on in other people's head but like why?? Maybe I should have met up with him that day when he handed in the project? Or kept my stupid mouth shut and never asked how we were? I don't know....
    And yes I am sad about it and miss him but also, today, there's a part of me that doesn't want to see him because he's just been mean and rather childish with me the last few days and that both hurts and angers me you know....
    Was it my fault??? Did I just bring it on myself? Is it really over??? I'm just wrecking my head here and an outside view would be appreciated if not too much trouble....thanks
  2. Quantumreality

    Regular Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Arizona, USA
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    Hey Xc220,

    The only way to know for sure what’s going on is to talk to him. Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to be completely forthcoming with you. Constantly second-guessing yourself and wondering about what may have happened is unproductive. If you said or did something to cause him to start distancing himself from you, he should at least do you the courtesy of letting you know.

    I would say that he really owes you an explanation for why he just completely ignored you on the dance floor on Saturday night.

    Of course, I only know as much about the situation as you posted, but several things that you wrote stand out to me and make me think the problem/issue is purely his, but he’s not being upfront with you.

    At this point, since it seems that you both want to be friends, I’d say that ignoring him or refusing to see him would be counterproductive. Perhaps, though, you could let him initiate the contact for a while and let him make the suggestions/decisions on meeting and hanging out. It really doesn’t sound like he’s interested in a romantic relationship with you at this point. If you are too emotionally invested in him right now (crushing on him), you may want to spend time away from him to get yourself back into a better place.

    Just my thoughts.
  3. Fishtail

    Full Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Scandinavia, wanna move T_T
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    I agree with Quantumreality.

    Saddly i know how people like you bf's mindset may look like;
    you bf is just together with you in case he cant date the other person he's missing.
    I hope of course i'm NOT right, it just that it sound too familiar.

    Mayby text him you need a pause and see if he's only text back or calling you.
    humans often say what the want when things like relationship are at risk than writing about it.
  4. CameOutSwinging

    Full Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    New York City
    Honestly, I think you just need to let him go. He's making it pretty clear that he doesn't want to interact with you. He's doing it in the worst way and being awful about it, but you can't control how he acts. Just how you act in response. Don't assume it was anything you did. It's on him, it's his stuff that he's dealing with. It just sucks when you feel like you have no control over the situation. What you can control is saying now YOU won't talk to him. Take the power and make that decision so that it doesn't feel like not talking is him making the decision again.