Trying to make bedroom into a self-haven. Any tips?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by KrissyB, Apr 11, 2017.

  1. KrissyB

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    Apr 10, 2017
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    South Carolina
    Anyone have any tips about how to turn a bedroom into a safe place/peaceful temple?

    I need to clean mine up first, but I'm wondering what kind of decorations might invoke feelings of being calm or safe.

    I kind of want to get a canopy drape to drop over my bed, but my room is kind of crowded furniture wise, so I was thinking maybe get some colorful drapes and staple them to the ceiling across my room like ribbons and maybe hang little glass stars and things here and there. I dunno.
  2. Kodo

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    A nice rug will help, and perhaps soft yellow lights. Books and plants add to a cozy atmosphere as well. Also lighting a candle or getting a scented plugin is great.

    Personally I find a clean, minimalist style of room with a subdued colours to be the most calming. Lots of black or white, gray, blue, and maybe a splash of green (as from a plant).

    You should go with the style you like, and try to appeal to all of the senses and not just sight. A good place to browse interior decor ideas is Pinterest.
  3. clockworkfox

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    Can you pare down your furniture at all, if it feels too crowded for you? When I was living with my parents, I ended up actually taking 1 dresser out of my bedroom and giving it to my sister - she needed it, I needed the extra space. Now I live in a fully furnished apartment, so I'm stuck with two heavy dressers in an already crowded, small bedroom.

    I agree with Kodo that a streamlined, minimalist style room is very relaxing and feels very safe. It doesn't have to be achromatic, but I would consider having a specific color scheme or palette in mind, because that can be very conducive to a unified, calm space. Storage is also a key factor, in my opinion anyway - give everything a place and put it away. I keep brushes, deodorant, etc. off of the tops of the dressers, in their own drawer. It's a lot easier to relax with less visible clutter, and I always know where everything is in the morning.

    I am a big fan of blackout curtains. I have dark gray velvet blackout curtains, and they are one of the best investments I think I've made. They keep my bedroom super dark at night, which is the only way I can really fall asleep.

    Minimal doesn't have to be stark or cold or boring, either, just simple! I keep my turntable and vinyl records in my bedroom, as well as one of my biomorphic sculptures that I've made. I don't believe in decoration just for the sake of decoration, I like to display the things that I like and use! If you want art in your bedroom, consider a sculpture with gentle form, or a painting in a soft palette. Better yet, make your own art, or commission an artist. Store-bought art prints and things like that just don't do it for me, but they might very well work for others, so do what works for you.
  4. AlexJames

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    I second the blackout curtains thing. I myself have a set of blackout curtains plus regular curtains to block the light out and a tower fan cause we live near the train tracks, so i can sleep. I find that for me, having a decluttered, clean room helps a lot. If i have too much it just...feels bad, i guess. Plus when my rooms cluttered half of its stuff i really dont care for or need. Like as a child i was a big reader and i still have bookshelves full of books i don't ever read.

    I recently redecorated, and that's helped a lot. Picking out my own new room theme, new bedding, decor, and throwing out some clutter really helped. Made the room feel like it was mine and brightened it up too, made it feel a little cleaner. I picked out some small nautical themed decor to go on the top shelf of my desk and some bright, colorful bedding i liked and some throw pillows to go with them cause why not. Eventually i'm gonna pick out new curtains to go with them. I bought myself a proper laundry hamper - it was more expensive than a regular cheap hamper being a wicker hamper with a removable liner but i love it. I thought it went nice with my bedding. I cleaned out my closet too, and bought a closet organizer that has 'cubbies' in tower formation to store all my work clothes. I still have storage bins under my bed i need to go through, though. I have a tendency to buy more clothes than i actually wear.

    Other ideas. I've wanted a plant - either live or some fancy fake display - but i just don't know what, and haven't seen anything i liked at my usual store. I have a wax scent warmer thing i like.
    #4 AlexJames, Apr 11, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2017
  5. MulticoloredSox

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    My bedroom has a completely different style to the rest of the house. My house has pretty average/typical furnishings but my bedroom is covered in tapestries, art and plants and it always smells of incense.
    It feels like a very personal safe space to me because its so different to the rest of the house it makes it feel like I'm in a different world kind of.

    I think it really depends on what makes you feel safe and comfortable.