Help with "Am I trans or genderqueer or androgynous?"

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by bunnygirl9, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. bunnygirl9

    Regular Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Mesquite, TX
    :confused:Well, to put it blunty, I am seriously questioning my gender identity and all I really know is that I am most definitely not only female. I feel very masculine at times but never to the point of where I would consider gender reassignment surgeries. I feel very instensely wrong in my own body, as if I shouldn't have boobs and my long hair makes me want to cry, and cut it off. I feel sometimes, the need to cover up my hair in a hat and wear sunglasses and baggy clothes and appear as masculine as I can; however, I also at times want to wear pretty sparkley dresses and dangly earrings and make up and traditionally feminine things.
    It's very confusing particularly when I feel the need to make myself appear more traditionally masculine and the severe amount of depression I feel at not being able to change anything about my appearance.
    Any suggestions would help, any insight. If you have more questions that would help, please ask. Thank you so much!
  2. lgbtqenjolras

    Regular Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    Hello! I relate very heavily to this. I used to think I was a demigirl but as puberty hit full force and my dysphoria worsened I started to identify as genderfluid. This lasted for a little over half a year, and then I realized I felt male almost all of the time. I now identify as a trans demiboy, because I suffer from dysphoria and feel almost 100% male. It was hard for me to realize this because I love makeup and sometimes do want to wear dresses and heels. You really have to look past things like clothing and look into yourself and how you really feel. I am a boy, but I still love makeup and traditionally feminine things. Clothing doesn't have a gender! It was only after I looked past gender roles that I saw that I was a boy.
  3. Najlen

    Full Member

    May 30, 2014
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    221B Baker St, and the TARDIS (I wish)
    I am also a transmasculine person who enjoys wearing dresses and makeup on occasion. Like timelord, I also thought I was genderfluid for a while until I realized that I felt like a boy pretty much all of the time. I think a good question to ask yourself (one that helped me) is how you see yourself in the future. When I thought about this, I realized that I always imagine myself living as a man when I think about where I want my life to go.

    The main thing is to be yourself, whatever label you end up choosing. (If you choose one at all, you don't have to if you don't want to.) If you feel like wearing mens clothes and presenting yourself as male, do it. If you feel like wearing a sparkly dress, do that. You'll look fabulous either way.
  4. dyl pickle

    Full Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    New Jersey
    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    I feel exactly like the other two here described. I was feminine as a child and at first, I thought I was a "butch lesbian". Then, I identified as genderqueer for about half a year, and realised that wasn't "enough" and that male suit me. I'm just a feminine male.

    I think that one of the things I have noticed causes this is because I'm trans. Think about it - if a cis male wears makeup, is feminine, etc., we all cheer him on and talk about how great it is that they are expressing themselves and breaking gender norms. But then when you're a transgender male, it's almost as if being feminine contradicts it, so you feel less valid and less trans. I think I have to get into the mindset that if cis men can occasionally (or all the time) be feminine, so can trans men. I hope I made some sense and helped :lol:
  5. Naos210

    Regular Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    That could just be described as "genderfluidity". Androgyny just means your gender is ambiguous based on how you look. You could be a cisgendered person who just dresses however they want.
  6. bunnygirl9

    Regular Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Mesquite, TX
    So thank you, so much. I still haven't come completely to a conclusion yet but I'm sure I'll have an easier time deciding because of the support I have been given. If it matters at all, I'l keep everyone updated on what I finally figure out. :smilewave
  7. musicheals315

    Full Member

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    I can definitely relate, i've recently realized I feel no or very little connection to being female (I'm AFAB), but I also don't know what it means to most Cis females to "feel" female. I really struggle with this abstract concept. I relate to wanting to wear more masculine clothing and presenting more masculinely, but at the same time I don't "feel male" at all. I sometimes think that non-binary or agender are the best terms to describe me, but then at times I will get a strong urge towards one of the binary genders (usually more of a pull towards male lately). I agree with what the others have said about gender roles (what you wear) vs. gender identity (what you feel), but have no clue how to know for myself or help you distinguish between these two. i don't know if this helps, but you definitely aren't the only one going through this.