Wishing for good religion

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by Katchoo, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. Katchoo

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    I am really glad that I found a therapist who is open to helping me figure out what I want for my spiriatuality as well as my sexuality and everything else. Today I needed to continue that conversation.

    Last week I cried in session because I was talking bout how the concervative religious people had been the most loving and accepting people Ihad ever experienced in my life, even after (especially after?) I shared about liking women, even though their concervative theology (mine at the time, too) said that I would have to be celebate forever. But, loving and kind, despite being wrong. So much loving and kind. But, also, hurtful. Tough to admit that the religious rejection harmed me when also the kindness and love were so healing. Both. At the same time. Both.

    I continued to discuss the need for a Don't Be An Asshole religion. Consensus seems to be that buddhism is winning on that. I might need to learn more.

    I really admire people who can live life in a whole, integrated way. That would be part of my religion.

    And, I think that people need to choose something that is genuine to them, not forced or contrived.

    And it would need to be a path that allows you to figure things out for yourself.

    And a path that allows disagreement among participants.

    I would love to figure out how I can be on my own path, no one else deciding for me, yet feel like Ihave a community on the path.

    .... I'll keep figuring it out.

    ---------- Post added 28th Jun 2016 at 02:33 AM ----------

    A couple weeks ago, while talking to a friend, I started these lists about what I wish for in a religion.

    I like and want...
    -Time off
    -Self reflection via tarot cards
    -Baby animals
    -Feast days
    -Arts and crafts

    From my prior religion that Ilike
    -Baptism as swimming without having to shop for a bathing suit.
    -Pretty things
    -Ceremonies/rituals/sacraments that inovlve water, food, fire, dirt, etc.
    -The Chasubul: The Holy Poncho, good for playing peekaboo with babies

    -Being generous when people need financial help
    -Dressing up, sometimes

    I don't want
    -Getting up early on Sundays (or any other day, really)
    -Feeling obligated to work for free or cheap
    -Guilt into paying money into organized religion.
  2. Kira

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    Well, I'd recommend secular humanism but it's kind of not a religion by definition.

    Just sorta has the whole "don't be an asshole/feminism" thing down.

    As far as Buddhism goes I'd say it's mostly sound and less sexist, especially in comparison to most, and it's really rare that you hear of a Buddhist extremist.
  3. NoXsOrOs

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    picking and choosing what you want and claiming it's a religion.
    Thats intriguing..
    Sounds neat-ish, but a bit joke-ish.
    If your serious It would more of a way of life, then a religion.
    Something feels off about this to me, maybe that it's really weird for someone to go window shopping religions. I would not call religions so ashy, but rather that anything that encompasses a wide variety of people, will have a few rotten apples. Unless it's satanism in which case they are a bunch of rotten apples, getting together to further be rotten apples; just for example. Ultimately what seems really weird is the trying to commit to something, because it fills some criteria without being intrusive on your life, in which case you can just dab into it for the fun of it. Not to be rude, but this is the most perplexing post I have ever read... ever...
    In so many ways it seems adherently weird; I've never seen it done before rather. In fact, it feels so contradictorily to the point of religions. I think I'll leave it at: You throughly confused the life of me.
  4. baristajedi

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    I am not very well versed in various religious customs, but I've found that the following religions are relatively progressive/accepting and welcoming, and may offer some of what you're looking for:

    United Reform Church
    Presbyterian (some)
  5. baristajedi

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    I'm not sure if your post is intended to be this way, but this seems a bit unkind and hostile..... Not sure what peeves you so much about this post???

    I can't speak for Katchoo, but I certainly know what it's like to search and seek out spirituality that fits my understanding of the world, my need to explore God and nature and the questions of the universe, one that also espouses values that I feel good about.

    Religion is man-made. Every religious institution is an interpretation and attempt to explain the mysteries of the universe. Why should we not search for something that fits us each personally in terms of our perspective of the world?

    This post doesn't seem like window-shopping to me, it sounds like searching for a good fit in a community that explores the spiritual realm. Some of this is written with a bit of quirk and sense of humour; personally that's one of the personality traits tht makes me so happy everytime I see Katchoo's name pop up on the forum. (Love you Katchoo! :kiss:)

    Please be kinder in your responses. Your response offends me. This is supposed to be a safe supportive space.
    #5 baristajedi, Jun 28, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  6. Katchoo

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    Yeah, I'm not meaning to offend. And, I know the other snippets of the spirituality aspect of my story are really buried in my many other posts, so you probably have no context for this. Most recently, there was a thread on Repairative Therapy in the Sexual Orientation forum where I shared a lot.

    Basically, I was like a super devout, fundamentalist Christian person for my whole life, which meant I was really committed to my sexuality closet. I started reevaluating my sexuality stuff after realizing that my religion didn't line up anymore with my core values, like everyone getting to determine what is best for themselves, gender equality, etc. But.... Baby, bathwater? I really still want to be a spiritual person. I know I'm explaining it with a kind or weird sense of humor, especially in the list Istarted with my friend. I'm just.... trying to figure out how to still be a spiritual person, and I'm at this point of, like, wishing.
    #6 Katchoo, Jun 28, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  7. NoXsOrOs

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    I think I wrote jumbled thoughts and it came out worse than it should have been, my 5 A.M. brain was not computing very well. I reread my comment and notice only my ignorance and overall stupidity, I'm sorry for my disgrace of words and hope that anyone offended understands the post was a mistake and should be degraded to worthlessness.

    Jainism seems to be your best fit. As far as a loving; caring religion that allows you to live your life constraint free whilst enjoying the liberties of beauty, understanding and tolerance.
    Moving on, as far as peaceful goes, their moto speaks for itself "The function of souls is to help one another".

    LaVeyan Satanism, as far as this goes; the religion is completely tolerant of lgbt, and allows one to self indulge pretty much any way you want too. The focus is not necessarily towards beauty, but it leaves no constraints to how one must present themselves etc.

    Quakers, another tolerant religion; although there customs are a bit more constraining. They follow the bible in terms of a holy book. Whilst some consider homosexuality as a blessing, others consider it as an intolerable sin. None the less, the religion is more about love then anything else, and is based on finding your own enlightenment.

    Again specifically apologies to
    Katchoo and baristajedi;
    I made a mistake, and would like to offer my apologies; I am sorry for offending you as well as anyone else that may have been offended, EC should and will be held as a supportive open minded group, and I would not wish for my shame to tarnish that reputation. Best of wishes.
    #7 NoXsOrOs, Jun 28, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  8. Katchoo

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    This is a really good list for me. Great job.

    Buddhism -- I would like to more and figure out if there is a way to locally meet other people doing this.
    Wiccan -- I would like to more and figure out if there is a way to locally meet other people doing this.
    Quaker -- In college, I went a few times in college to an unprogrammed quaker meeting in Knoxville. I really, really wish there were something like that locally. Like, that's really what I want, because they would also let you bring other stuff in with you. I know there was no nearby meeting. I should check to see how far the closest one was. Even if it's just 1x/mo, that's ok.
    Unitarian -- I have only been to one Unitarian service. It was a youth led service, which was Star Wars themed, awesome, and involved tap dancing. It was really, really cool, but the adults did not feel like my people. I would be interested in visiting other groups. Again, need to check how far away any other group is, because the one Ivisited was like an hour away.
    -United Reformed Church -- I know nothing about this
    --Presby/Episcopal -- I have old baggage and hang ups with this on the "Don't Be An Asshole" front. I was a part of one of those churches that left the Episcopal church and then got their asses sued off. Like, personal friends named as targets of the lawsuit for voting to leave, not just the church as a whole. I know that the individual churches and individual humans are not the upper denomination, but, don't sue people about wanting to leave your denomination. Not cool, guys. Even though I like lots and lots of individual presbys/episcopalians, I feel like the higherarchy is kind of an asshole, and I don't think I will be getting over that for a hot minute.

    Ok. I'm totally avoiding my work. Gonna go do that.
  9. Multiverse

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    Jun 15, 2016
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    I hope you will soon feel better, and I hope I will not offend or disturb you with my comment. If I do, I apologize. My personal choice for best religion is: no religion. I think that is the best 'religion' which you can have. And this is the only 'religion' which does not require from you:
    I'm sorry, but my personal opinion is that religions are not the matter of taste, but rather, they are matters of facts (almost all of them). The religions make a certain claim about the universe and life and you should join the religion (or refuse to join any religion) based on how much evidence there is for certain religion/or for atheism. For example, Christianity is not about social meetings or about the church, but rather, Christianity is about facts. Is there a God? Is there an afterlife? Was Jesus a son of God (and/or God himself)? Was Jesus resurrected? Did God create universe ex nihilo? Is there an afterlife in which some people will go into heaven and some to hell? Is the Bible the word of God...? That is what Christianity is about, and not about social meetings. The same goes for Islam (and almost for every other religion) Was Mohammed the last God's prophet? Did Mohammed fly to the heavens on the wing horse? Etc. etc.

    I hope you will soon feel much, much better :slight_smile: but in my opinion, the religions are not the matter of taste, and you should not join (or refuse to join) any religion only because you like it, or only because you don't like it. Rather, you should join the religion (or refuse to join religion) based only on the fact, if is there evidence for any specific religion.
  10. Katchoo

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    You know, maybe these forums aren't the place for me to sort this out. Kind of like religion and politics at Thanksgiving. I can just keep talking to my therapist about it Iguess.
  11. baristajedi

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    I agree and disagree with you on this line of thought. I think that religion is often framed as a very strict, narrow set of truths about the universe, and you either follow their rules or you don't get to be part of that faith.

    But - as a human-mad institution, we fellow humans have the option of questioning that way of framing religion. Instead it can be a spiritual quest, a path of exploration and discovery.

    And some bodies of faith do indeed treat religion in the latter way.

    I truly think there are faiths within which you may find your niche, Katchoo. Some of them were mentioned in this thread. :slight_smile:
  12. latenlife lez

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    Have you looked at the Unitarians/ Universalist-

    I see no reason you have to give up your faith- I am Christian and while I have not been fundamental-so I do not know your struggles per say- I believe that faith is between you and God- and while in your particular upbringing- you may have been taught the Bible is the authority- it is a guide- more like a revelation of God working in Humanity to bring about salvation. - I am not a Unitarian- although someday I think I should be.

    I am glad you are exploring many different faiths- and I hope you find one that helps you become the fullest human being you can be- as you continue to discover you sexuality. I do not believe that God finds LGBTQ to be wrong- just as God does not find straight to be wrong- what is wrong is when we are in relationships that are hurtful to us- for a variety of reasons- that have nothing to do with our sexuality and more to do our settling for love- or thinking we are loved
  13. Morgana

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    Psst! Over here! Practicing Wiccan for well over 20 years, and a Wiccan Priest who has officiated at weddings and such.

    I am quite happy to help, answer questions, and give you the information you need to find your path. Depending on where you live, I might be of help finding local groups, too.

    I do feel that religions are a matter of taste and fit. Religion is about faith and belief, not fact. In the long run, religion should accomplish a few basic things:

    • Give guidance in your life.
    • Give comfort in time of trouble.
    • Give you a way to relate to the world around you.

    Religion should not be used as a weapon to make you feel better than those around you, nor should it limit the actions of any but those who choose to follow it.


  14. FalconBlueSky00

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    Buddhism is awesome one of the things I like about it is it isn't exclusive, for example you can be a Buddhist and a Christian at the same time. I know someone who is. There are places were Buddhism has acquired some dogma against LGBT, but I've always viewed it as local culture mixing into Buddhism to make a kind of off brand Buddhism. If I were to be in a religion it would be Buddhism.

    Pride in the local area was hosted in large part by the Presbyterian church. They has some breakfast and lunch pride activities going. It looked like a lot of the organizing was coming from there. Honestly it was one of the things that kept me from attending. Just walking into a church, even if it's filled with nice reasonable people, gives me some childhood flash backs. I don't want that for the first pride I go to. The hateful Presbyterians, after the church split, started to use my freinds church for a place to meet, I forget what church she goes to, it's not one of the big name ones, but none of them want anything to do with the hateful Presbyterians. She said her church is more in line with the other Presbyterians views and thinks it's weird that they would want to use their building knowing that.

    I got a bit off topic here, but I hope you find something you truly enjoy. Culture plays a big part in how religion is practiced, it might be helpful to look at the culture surrounding the religions in your area, as well as, the actual belief systems.
  15. Flatulentius

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    It sounds like Presbyterian may not be a good path for you, but if you were interested (or for anyone else thinking about it), definitely make sure you go PCUSA, not PCA, EPC, OPC, or any of the others. Not all PCUSA are "affirming," i.e. LGBT friendly, but many are, and pretty much none of the others will be.

    For another option to consider, there's variation across Metropolitan Community Church congregations, but you won't find one that's not totally cool with LGBT people. I've never been to one (disadvantage of living in a rural area being that I'd have a two hour drive one way), but they were started as a church for LGBT people, and I suspect that LGBT people still make up the majority of the congregation in many MCCs. :newcolor:
    #15 Flatulentius, Jun 30, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016