i really want to come out to my friends but i dont know if i should :help

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by jacotime45, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. jacotime45

    Regular Member

    May 5, 2016
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    Rangeley Maine
    Sexual Orientation:
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    Not out at all
    i really want to come out to my friends but im not shure how or if they are good friends i really want to, i need help please
    #1 jacotime45, Jun 26, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  2. peterw78165

    peterw78165 Guest

    Jun 6, 2015
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    Out to everyone
    Well, let's put it this way. Do you think your friends will support you and accept you for who you are?
  3. MrHojalata98

    Full Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    You're probably going to have to elaborate more on your situation if you want people to be able to efficiently help you. There are a lot of different things to consider when determining if it's the right time to come out and to who. The fact that you're still very young poses a concern right away so I think we should address worst case scenario first. Telling any one person for the first time is a very stressful and scary thing to do. And it's very brave of you to start considering to do so, I'm not going to try and take away from that, but you really need to consider any sort of repercussions that may come from it. I'd personally start by telling just one person. One person you can really trust. Make it someone that you know doesn't gossip, someone you know won't judge you, someone you know you can come to whenever you need to talk. It worries me that you mentioned that you're not feeling completely secure in your group of friends, so please consider the possibility of first telling someone else. A teacher, a counselor, a cousin, personally l think you're in a very tricky age and while I'm sure some things have changed since I was your age, I feel like a lot of the time kids who aren't personally experiencing what you are, can be very immature when it comes to the topic of homosexuality. So i do know the importance of having a friend your age you can confide in, and if you have anyone you think would categorize as such, do consider them. But someone a bit older than you, or a lot older, could offer not only a more empathetic reaction but also aid in any sort of confusion or troubles you may still have.

    Now one thing you have to come to peace with if you're planning to come out, is the possibility of other people hearing these news. Find the person where this would be the least likely, but even in those cases sometimes things leak out. And especially at your age, news like these would spread like wildfire. So be prepared. And if you feel like other people finding out, that you don't want finding out, could put you in any sort of dangerous situation, then please wait. You're very young. And it's amazing that you're open to exploring what your sexuality is and what it means for you at such a young age. But please realize that coming out isn't a race. And if the moment isn't right, whether it be because your school isn't accepting enough, your parents aren't accepting enough, please consider the possibility of waiting. The Internet and all types of social media have revolutionized the way people experience this process. This community of people will be here ready to welcome you as an out and proud bisexual man whether you come out tonight or if you do so in five years. And until then you always have friends on here who are more than happy to help in any way they can.
    #3 MrHojalata98, Jun 26, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  4. Gayreader

    Regular Member

    Jun 22, 2016
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    Some people
    My advice is, don't do it unless you feel it is absolutely necessary and if you feel safe doing so. I did it once just because I felt I NEEDED to and it didn't turn out that great. So just investigate the situation, and just think about it long and hard.
  5. Secondrate

    Regular Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Ashland, Kentucky
    Female (trans*)
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    Out to everyone
    Try to observe them and Figure out their opinions on LGBT people, their views and such. Then if you feel safe, perhaps hang Out with them one day at a mall or park or soemthing and tell them then.

    I myself used a witty joke to come out to them, if that's your taste then you could try similar. Best of luck to you friend. :slight_smile: