Questioning Gender Identity: Confused and nervous

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by AjkAk06, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. AjkAk06

    Regular Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    All but family
    Alright well, I just found this site like 10 minutes ago while typing into google "questioning gender identity" so I guess I'll give this a shot in an attempt to figure everything out.

    (I apologize in advance if this post is a giant mess, it's like 2 am)

    Bit of background info: I'm 15 almost 16, open to love wherever it can be found, and I have been wrestling with figuring out my gender identity for the last thousand years it feels like.

    When I was younger, My dad was stationed up in Alaska so we lived there for six years. During those six years I grew up with only one female friend and the rest where older boys. I was the weird child because unlike the other girls at school (they were mean, never hung out with them) I wouldn't constantly want make up and dresses. I would want to roll in the mud, wrestle the boys, play COD, watch action movies, play with "boy toys" and just do activities that people deemed more 'masculine'. I of course would want barbie dolls every now and them but they'd always end up rocking a pixie cut and new clothes made out of old jeans.

    Around age eight I accidentally kissed a girl when I got overly excited and while the other girl had this shocked look on her face, I sat there with an odd feeling like it was natural, right and normal. Immediately I kept it to myself about the fact that I liked both girls and guys. I was severely bullied from a young age and at 6/7 I was diagnosed with Depression and eventually Anxiety. I never ate and you could basically count my ribs. That being said, while dealing with a rough child hood, I kind of just hid and don't really know who I am as a person and getting bullied even more for being different with my sexuality was not the first thing on my to do list.

    Now I'm out-going, curious and always looking for adventure and just try to live life to the fullest while becoming the real me. There's just one issue. I don't know what I am. I feel masculine and feminine. I like being called by female and male pronouns. I feel like it's right that I have womanly parts but then again I feel like I should have male parts as well. I'm constantly fighting between feeling like a man and feeling like a woman. I'm so conflicted as to what I am, gender wise, to where it's causing enough stress to affect me physically. I want my hair short and to have a muscular build but I also want long hair and to be lean and petite. My brain is just a huge mess right now, especially since it's like 2 am.

    I just need help sorting this all out, it's really stressful and I don't know who to talk to down here because I feel like once I say out loud to myself or anyone else that "I'm questioning my gender Identity" it'll cause issues, be a false alarm or I'll regret it or fight it even worse than I am now. God this is so frustrating :icon_sad:
  2. RainOnVII

    Full Member

    Jul 19, 2015
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    Hello AjkAk06;

    Yes, questioning can be really frustrating, especially if you just want to know who you are. If you're looking for a label, I'd say that you're genderfluid--which means that at times, you feel like you're female, and at other times, male. You can also feel that you don't have any gender sometimes. It's probably best to research labels yourself, and then go through some introspection to see if any terms resonate with you. Though some people don't like labels, and it's completely okay if you don't have one. If being genderfluid doesn't feel right, don't listen to me. Take it as a suggestion.

    Good luck :thumbsup:
    #2 RainOnVII, Oct 14, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2015
  3. Hawk

    Admin Team Full Member

    May 12, 2015
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    Gender Pronoun:
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    Out to everyone
    I know how frustrating it can be to figure out your gender identity. From what I've read, you seem like you could be either bi-gender or genderfluid. Though, only you can decide that, you know yourself best.

    Bigender: Bigender people experience exactly two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between the two. These two gender identities could be male and female.

    Genderfluid: is a gender identity which refers to a gender which varies over time. A gender fluid person may at any time identify as male, female, neutrois, or any other non-binary identity, or some combination of identities. Their gender identity can vary at random or in response to different circumstances.

    Good luck, and if you ever need to talk, my wall is always open. (*hug*)
  4. Null

    Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2015
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    the void
    The people above me are right. It sounds like you're bigender, in your case, feeling as a man and a woman at the same time.

    Other identity is genderfluid, which means that your gender alternates between different genders (could be only male and female, or others)

    You could also try androgyne, which is a person who is simultaneously male and female, although not necessarily 50/50. It's more like a "mix" of them.

    In any case, you're clearly non-binary, in my opinion. You can use non-binary as an identity by itself if you can't find anything that suits you better, or you could also try genderqueer which is pretty much the same
    #4 Null, Oct 15, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
  5. RubrumLovy

    Regular Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    (Although I was very girly as a child... [female parts])
    Idk what I am. I want to be both (and not switch)
    I want to be like an earthworm and have both female and male parts...
    Idk what I'm supposed to identify as... also what does that mean for my sexuality....................?