Why am I still doubting my sexuality?

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by TeaTree, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. TeaTree

    Full Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    So I realised that one reason for which I'm so terrified of making some more active changes in my life, and moves towards being more out is because in a way I'm still not sure about my sexuality.

    I still have this "what if..." running in my mind way to often. What if I wake up one day and realise I'm straight and only making this up? What if I only feel attraction (sexual and romantic) towards women because I have PCOS? (though I've felt that when I was younger and didn't have PCOS then). And the most stressful one: Why after so many sexual experiences with men, from which not one has been satisfying I kept still looking for men and told myself I can't be gay because I've only been sexually attracted to women all my life, but cannot fall in love with women. I've been telling myself this repeatedly in my 20s. :bang:
    Before two months ago it was never "I could be gay", but always "I'm not gay because x or y".

    Now after admitting to myself that I am not straight, I had a pretty intense crush on a woman, but still doubting my sexuality, wondering if I'm making all this up. Because otherwise how could I have stayed 8 years in a relationship with a man? I know this is circular thinking but I'm stuck.
    I cannot imagine myself in a straight relationship, especially don't want to have sex with men anymore, but I can't imagine myself in a lesbian relationship either. Though I can imagine myself having sex with women. I can't imagine having LGBT friends, or going to LGBT events because I think I would feel akward, like somehow I'm not gay enough or don't have enough experience or something.

    I feel really stuck now...
    I'm telling myself this is only a phase probably, but then I think, how can I be sure it will ever end.

    Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get this out...
  2. CameronMR

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    Aug 18, 2015
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    I can totally relate. I keep worrying I am making a mistake, and I am worried to ruin my bf's life, and traumatize the kids....then theres the judgyness of my family...

    sorry, I don't have advise, I just wanted to let you know that I feel your pain and frustration, I live it every day too.

  3. EastCoastGrl

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    Aug 4, 2015
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    When I first kissed a woman in my early 20s, I can remember what was going on in my mind...it was like a recorded message saying, "Oh my God, I'm kissing a girl, Oh my God, I'm kissing a girl"

    Before that moment, I couldn't even picture it. But once it happened, I just wanted more and more and more.

    The first time I walked into a gay bar, I was self conscious and nervous. The first time I attended a gay event, I felt self conscious and nervous. But after each time, I knew I wanted to go back and keep going.

    I understand your hesitation, but don't let it paralyze you. You should not stay stuck in your fear.

    I bolded your words to say this. If you have not had a sexually satisfying experience with a man, you need to sleep with a woman. At least try it. Then you will know.

    We are on this little blue dot a very short period of time. Sexuality is a huge part of who we are as human beings. You should feel satisfaction. You deserve that.
  4. Viator

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    Jul 9, 2015
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    Boston, MA
    TeaTree, you are indeed not alone in this. I said in another thread that the most alarming thing for me was that, being with men (finaly!) did not have the result that I thought it would. The clouds did not part, there were no heavenly choirs, fireworks, etc. I was reminded that, for better or for worse, I am more than the sum of my parts.

    As EastCoastGirl stated, sexuality is a big part of who we are, but we must remember that sexuality has range, is complex, and can be one hell of a harsh mistress :bang: (love that gif!).

    You have to be willing to jump in to find out how the water is, you needn't get in very deep though.

    Wishing that you find some place to begin this journey, in whatever time and manner works for you.
  5. angeluscrzy

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    Apr 8, 2015
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    I can relate as well. Outside of experimenting with a friend when I was 8 or 9, I've never had any real contact with a guy. Not so much as a kiss. I fell madly for my male best friend when I was 16 and my biggest celeb crushes are guys. But there is that part that worries about if I'm over thinking things, or I'm just romantisizing things. Trying to repress everything growing up led to a long history of suicide attempts and depression, and there is part of me that is scared to death to ever actually get with a guy. I'm afraid of any of those old feelings coming back again. I know nothing about this is really advice, just echoing the sentiments as others have of being able to relate.
  6. High Art

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    Aug 9, 2015
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    I totally relate to where you are at. There's so much self-doubt at times, because I am still just me. I am the same person I was before I had my realization that I want to be with women. I've spent so much of my life building the sexual identity "straight" and thinking "I'm not gay because...". I think it will take a long time for me to not doubt... there's a lot of un-learning that needs to be done.
    A friend of mine who came out as a lesbian about 5 years ago (previously thinking she was straight, and in a relationship with a guy) told me that it took her 2 years to undo/work through all the lies she had told herself about her sexuality. And even after that, she had moments of doubt and self-judgement often.

    You and I are both in our 30's. We've spent a lot of time believing one thing... it's hard to shake that off. I'd like to think we are on the right track - questioning and being on a forum like this... coming out to one person at a time.
  7. TeaTree

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    Jul 18, 2015
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    Europe (.cz)
    Happy (or sad?) that so many of you can relate. (*hug*)
    I know I've said this a lot of times before, but when I started writing on this forum I wouldn't have thought there will be so many people I'll be able to relate to here. I mean this is the first time this happens to me on an online forum. :slight_smile:

    Anyway, as some of you said, I should just try to be with a woman, jump in the water, and don't need to go too far. My issue is that I feel I cannot just jump in before I know what I want. Or what I am.

    Though this is crazy, this rollercoaster effect, in this moment I feel totally gay. This is getting exhausting :slight_smile:

    I noticed though that my moments of doubt usually happen after some time of isolation, or repeating some negative thought patterns for a longer time.
    Living together with my boyfriend (we are slowly breaking up in my head only, for now...) puts me in this vicious cycle of guilt-doubt-fear-being stuck. And all over. So I know the solution - move out, break up. Just have to get out of my fear-zone.

    My plan is now to do more physical exercising, mainly yoga. I noticed how different I feel about the world after that. My whole perspective changes. I think this is exactly what I need, to switch perspectives. I could just in this moment walk into a gay bar and sit down and drink something, like it is the most natural thing in the world. But from my current perspective it is one of the scarriest things in the world. But it would be the same gay bar and the same me. Just a different perspective :slight_smile:

    Related to what High Art said, yes, I think I am going through that unlearning process right now, and as you said, if it took 2 years for your friend to undo the existing schema in her head about her sexuality, then it makes sense to be patient with ourselves. I mean it always makes sense to be patient with yourself :slight_smile:

    But then again, how easy it is to be patient when you are in your 30s and come out to yourself after years of confusion and denying your own needs?
  8. EastCoastGrl

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    Aug 4, 2015
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    All the years of denial have built walls. Walls you need to bring down, brick by brick.

    Baby steps.

    Each one will take you closer to your truth, whatever that may be. (*hug*)
  9. confused04

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    Jan 31, 2014
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    Interesting. What makes you relate sexuality to PCOS? My doctor has mentioned it as a possible diagnosis for me, but it is very minor and doesn't interfere with my life at all. One symptom was higher testosterone levels, is that what you are thinking?
    I try to tell myself this (as i am 34), but I am also like "BUT you played rugby in college, and have about 1 zillion gay friends...and your mom is gay..." so it really shouldn't be THAT hard for me to decide. Though, the "mom is gay" part actually complicates it for me because I did everything my mom didn't as an adult...so to have such a big part of my life being identifable with her is hard for me to swallow.
    I also think this too. I am very close to talking to my therapist about all of my confusion soon, though it is very difficult for me. Part of me wants to run away screaming and go hide for another 12 years, and another part is like YOU ARE WASTING ALL YOUR YOUNG YEARS IN THIS HAMSTER WHEEL OF CONFUSION.
  10. Fighter694

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    Jan 13, 2015
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    PCOS cannot turn you gay especially when you have been gay before having it. (I am a medical student) what u r having is irrational fears. Stemming out of the fear of being wrong. It is also an effect of being in denial. But trust me you are not alone. I was pulled out of my beautiful closet and suddenly this uncontrollable doubt that what if I am attracted to women came up n never left. I m dealing with it still. Mine is a case of OCD. But by the looks of it you aren't there. Just take a deep breath. Forget labels and love who you want to love. If you find a guy attractive and you want to be sexual with him go ahead the world will never judge you for that. Besides who cares if they judge you anyway. The more you are going to analyse the more complex and unclear things are going to get. Just let go and follow your instinct.
  11. bi2me

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    Jul 23, 2014
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    Why not try adding a "right now" to the end of your thoughts? Like I'm not straight (right now). It gives you wiggle room, and no one said you have to be any one thing for your whole life. Let yourself explore this, and if you later on if you are more attracted to men in general or one particular man, go for it!
  12. TeaTree

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    Jul 18, 2015
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    Europe (.cz)
    I read some theories about the connection between sexual orientation and PCOS, and also there were some threads here on EC about that, though haven't found anything conclusive. Rationally thinking, I know it shouldn't be possible that it could change your orientation, I just made the connection between my symptoms getting stronger and me having a more obvious realization about my attraction to women happening around the same time. Though as I said, me being gay has been all my life somewhere in the back of my mind.
    Maybe PCOS was even helpful to get it out of here, I don't know. :slight_smile:

    About OCD, first time when I had a very strong realization about me being gay was around three years ago, but I couldn't accept it so I was researching and found about HOCD. Which seems funny now, but back them I convinced myself I had that, I was so afraid to lose my boyfriend, though I knew I'm not really sexually attracted to him. But the fear of the unknown was tooo big.
    Also had some more real OCD type of sexual thoughts when I was eighteen and felt a very strong attraction for a girl, a friend of mine. I was so terrified, that I couldn't allow myself to feel that, so I kind of denied to myself that I actually felt that and ended up with this kind of OCD-like horrible sexual thought around even family members. That was a very confusing phase and I haven't told it to my therapist a few years later, I was so confused.

    Otherwise I really cannot imagine myself being with men again, and all through the years when I tried to think about myself as bisexual it just didn't seem right, it felt like I have to be either straigt or gay, because if I'm bisexual how can I explain the lack of sexual satisfaction and connection with men. When I wanted to convince myself that I'm straight I could have accepted that I'm bisexual, but when I started thinking about that it just brought me closer to the fact that I'm more gay than bisexual. So then I stopped and told myself I'm just straight. Not sure if this makes sense? :slight_smile:
  13. rachael1954

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    Sep 2, 2015
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    TeaTree, this is a tough question, but I agree with some of the posters that you may have to give yourself some experiences to answer your questions. Not telling you to sleep around, but for me I literally had to sleep with this girl before i definitely KNEW i was not straight. When I did, the clouds parted and the angels sang. But I did have to argue and fight myself in order to sleep with her, even though I felt attracted to her.

    The strange thing is I can "get there" with a man, so I'm wondering if I am bi, or it's just the mechanics of the thing happening and I'm really a lesbian. I probably will never know. My pendulum may be swinging towards women now, but maybe in 10 years it will swing back to men? I'm kind of annoyed that this is my life now but I'm trying to go with the flow and not fight it so much.
  14. High Art

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    Aug 9, 2015
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    I had a similar experience that pushed me into fully KNOWING that I can be and want to be with women. I had to experience it to believe it. Since then, I've cut myself off from the woman mentioned to figure myself out. I have also been able to "get there" with men - and in the past had some really great sex (from what I knew at the time/thought). After much self analysis, I think I am likely more gay than bi - but am very fluid. So feelings of affection, friendship - or even the fun of a 'conquest' or the game of sex and relationships could get me interested enough to enjoy what was going on. However, since my experience with a woman - I'm really noticing so much of what I didn't like/don't like about sex with men... which is a lot. Also - even when I was having this "good sex" I was thinking about women to get to the end.

    I figure if I'd had the option to be gay from the start - if homophobia didn't exist - then I'd likely have been with a couple of guys, but ended up choosing women.

    It's also possible that I was once bisexual, and now I'm gay. Or just "more gay" than I was before.

    Wouldn't it be easier if it was just one way or the other? Or even better - if no one cared?
  15. TeaTree

    Full Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Europe (.cz)
    Yesss. Very much. For me the fact that I haven"t had any sexual experiences with women is basically the main argument to fuel my confusion. Which is crazy, because it's about so many things. I was actually obsessively guarding my straight persona not to get close to women since I was eighteen and had an intense attraction for my friend. What straight person does that?

    Anyway, I'm not sure how fluid I am or just a good actor, since I literally always felt, during every sexual experience with men thay something is wrong and missing. Yes, I was able to get close emotionally to men, and fell in love with them, but that was always some strange obsessive "love" which somehow faded too fast into boredom or pure obsessive jelousy, or friendship kind of connection.
    What I feel now for my female friend (though nothing will happen, but still) is so different. Like a full body experience, I'm calm enough to feel fully myself but excited like it's my birthday and I will get a gift in any moment, I feel so alive and inspired and melting in the same time :slight_smile:

    I cannot imagine if that 14 years old I was 20 years ago would have lived today (and maybe in an other part of the world), what would have happened after she started feeling attracted to women at that age?
  16. zgirl81

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    Aug 14, 2015
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    Yup. Fits me to a "T". I didn't admit it, even though every single erotic dream I had when I was young involved other girls... and now my dreams feature random women and my husband. (lol) I knew I was different but couldn't accept it. I thought I had to be "this" or "that". It took me coming out to my husband that I thought I was bi for me to finally, truly accept my orientation. I couldn't accept myself until someone else told me that it was ok for me to relax into who I was born to be.

    But it feels so good to finally accept that part of myself! :eusa_danc And even though I haven't had any sexual experiences with other women I am no longer afraid of my feelings. I'm not repressing anymore, and it feels like a sigh of relief.

    (*hug*) You're in a tough place, but know we're all supporting you!
  17. TeaTree

    Full Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Europe (.cz)
    This is my issue, like I need to prove to someone I'm actually gay. Like there is an exam to pass and have to get a certificate to attest my gayness. Even though I know and always knew on some level I was gay.

    On an other note, I'm going to spend this weekend with an old high school friend and I really don't know if I should come out to her or not. I mean she knows my relationship with bf has some issues, so if I'm not coming out to her everything I'll tell her about it will sound like a lie. In the same time I'm afraid she won't believe me, or something. I really don't know now what to do.
    But I would like so much to be able to talk openly with her about this...
  18. Logan40

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    Jun 18, 2015
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    One reason I'm still doubting is simply that I've not had a chance to explore or express what it is in my head. I feel like if I could, then I'd doubt less, but the opportunity hasn't ever presented itself and I'm not sure how to make it present itself in a way that would be comfortable to me or without hurting someone.

    The doubt is along the lines of 'well, I don't really want to be with a man, I've tried that and I don't like it, but what if I find I feel the same about women, even though I like to picture women in my, ahem, private thoughts, then where does that leave me, with nobody'?
    #18 Logan40, Sep 5, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015
  19. hammer

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    Sep 18, 2015
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    This is exactly where I am right now!

    How do you reconcile the need to just 'jump in' with the reality that I don't want to jump into anything physical with anyone before having some kind of relationship first? I don't want anyone (including me) to get hurt.

    I'm really just beginning this step of outward exploration. It is really tough to know how to start.
  20. confused04

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    Jan 31, 2014
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    Some of my friends have said the same thing-that I may need to just explore a relationship with a woman just to see. I am a virgin, and the few times I've dated guys, physical intimacy was always a hinders cd. My HS boyfriend whom I thought I loved was super delicious, and sex was never on the table. I never even wondered about having sex with him, bc I knew he was a "wait til I am married" kinda dude. Turns out he left college in his senior year to join the marines, and quickly met a woman and now they are married with kids! I am happy for him.

    But in college, the I didn't do the whole hook-up scenarios that most friends around me did. I would dance w guys at bars and it was fun, but never wanted to go hook up with him, and I danced with some hot guys!

    Yessss!!l times one million!!! I am using my therapist's voice here-that I need to go out and do things I enjoy that maybe are female centered, because where I last thrived was in college, on the rugby team. It was 3 years of me being surrounded mostly by females 24/7, and with the exception of the bar dancing w random dudes I didn't take home, I was happy.

    But what does that mean?