I feel like I can't come out because my brother is gay too

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by sav, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. csm123

    Regular Member

    Jan 9, 2009
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    Hi Sav

    That sense of relief you had to begin with will return after a few days.

    You are suffering from a kind of shock right now , your brain has realised that your biggest darkest secret is out and what is worse is that you cant take it back.Just give yourself a few days of normality while you settle down to the fact that yes you are out and yes everyone seems to have survived so far.

    It is pretty much the same for your mum,she may take a little longer to settle than you simply because you have known this for years and this is all new to her.Give her a bit of time to grieve for the son she thought she had and all of her expectations etc.

    It doesent sound like your mum took it to badly,so hopefully she wont be upset for too long.Just support her the best you can and prove to her that you are the same caring son you were before you came out.

    Well done and good luck

    PS how did your brother take to you being out?
  2. Oh Lilac

    Full Member

    Mar 4, 2015
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    This is good so far that she took it well. It is okay for you to feel grief or sadness over part of your life that has closed. Allow yourself these feelings. Remember, though, they will pass, and a new part of your life has opened, which is great and exciting. I agree- give both you and your mom time to feel those emotions and settle into things, and know that you are a wonderful son and person. It will all be normal and much easier soon enough! Take care.
  3. sav

    Regular Member

    Feb 22, 2015
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    London, UK
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    Thank you so much for your kind words. It means so much.

    I feel better than I did when I posted earlier - my mum and her partner were very supportive and warm with me today which made me feel so much better.

    About my brother - I actually didn't consult him at all before I came out. I knew he would try to derail my plans so I didn't tell him I was gonna do it. Yesterday, my mum told him that I had come out to her (she didn't explicitly tell him, but hinted that I had told her something I had told him years ago, which is true) and he just responded with 'oh' and went to a friend's house yesterday. He's not been back since... I just know he will be the least supportive of all, which is totally ironic.
  4. S0apB0x

    Regular Member

    Mar 23, 2015
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    I bounce around
    Male (trans*)
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    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    I know i am a bit late on the band wagon when it comes to responding to your post. But i hope things are getting better with each day. Everyone is different and thus will react and accept you in different ways. So try not to let it get you down. Pain is just a way of showing you have a big heart, and all that you did by remaining in the closet for so long, and then "regretting" your decision to come out was because you loved your family. Not all is lost. You have a bright future. And i am sure now that the worst is behind you, just keep your head up sweetie.
  5. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    sav, congratulations on coming out to your mum. now, you both need some time to grieve for the "straight" you that you both know is no more. it takes time, it takes tears, and it takes letting go. and then you will both be ready to get to know the new person in your life, the authentic person you are. (*hug*)