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Awful teachers?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Frostbite, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Frostbite

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    Oct 7, 2014
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    Anyone else have awful teachers at their school? I have one who likes to make jokes about suicide daily, call a student with a learning disability stupid, and call out boys with long hair and girls with short hair on how "wrong" it is.

    He also nearly gave me detention for yawning in class because I was being rude. I think someone needs to chill out a little :lol:

    So share, I'd like to see what teachers do in other places.
  2. HM03

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    My Calc teacher can't explain anything to anyone. He always says "It's obvious, right?" and "You all know how to do this" to the point where it's a joke between students now :lol:

    Umm the closest I can think of to your teacher is my Chem teahcer back in highschool. He shoved his religion down our throats as politely and subtly as possible ( so things like sex before marriage, tattoos etc)

    Can't you file a complaint anonymously?
    #2 HM03, Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  3. drwinchester

    drwinchester Guest

    Well, had a professor. Didn't know how to lecture, just had us watch video lectures...for a lecture based class.

    My mom wasn't the best teacher- considering I was homeschooled. Impatient, childish, didn't know how to manage kids or students for that matter.
  4. Wolfiee

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    Apr 27, 2014
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    Our P.E teacher was really horrible to one of the autistic kids in our class. She didn't have to participate in sports, so she could lie down and sleep in class.
    He would then say stuff like "you don't wanna be like her, do you?" In reference to her being 'lazy.' And if kids were picking on her trying to wake her up, poke her, shake her, he would be there to encourage it. Mind you, I attend a "Christian" school. Such Christianity going on, seriously.

    He would also pick on me a lot for being short and quiet and favour all the sporty kids. He made fun of me in front of the entire class for being the shortest of the class, would yell at me if I stopped in the middle of a game for a split second to catch my breath, check the scoreboard or tie my shoe, he'd call me lazy and tell me if I didn't want to participate I could sit out.

    I hate him so much. He's not the only prick in our school, our principle is a lot worse and so are most of the other teachers.

    My principle refuses to believe there are any imperfections in the school. My brother was being picked on in sports and maths class and my mum filed a complaint and the principle blamed my mum for making the maths teacher feel bad about himself, even though he was being a prick to my brother.

    He then made up some sexist bullcrap, claiming she's just doing a motherly thing and making things up to protect her son and then asked if we wanted to leave the school. I kind of wish she said yes, because I hate it here, but I only got a year to go in this hell hole. I just hope the old fart retires and gets replaced with someone better.
  5. kageshiro

    kageshiro Guest

    Oct 14, 2012
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    in your soul
    That's absolutely.. pathetic I am sorry to hear you go to school somewhere with that low of standards for teachers.

    All of my High School teachers were good.. as teachers. There was one, my world history/american politics teacher who I've recently found out is not so good of a person. As a teacher I always felt he was unfairly criticized and I didn't have a problem with him, but after making friends with one of his kids, I found out he's apparently verbally and physically abusive as a parent. There's probably more to that story than I know but it really changed my opinion about people and how well I truly know them.
  6. Sepina

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    I had this one teacher in Chemistry (Year 13). Miss Bloom, a stunning woman but her work ethic was something to question. She came in late during second period I think it was Monday because I had Biology first period, she slept on her desk and let us watch Jersey Shore. She was later 'demoted' to teaching juniors (Year 9 and 10 student) science.

    There was this other time where the whole class was quite while she was writing something in her personal calender. She left the classroom leaving it open. I walked up to her desk to grab a textbook and and saw that whole time she had been sitting at her desk she had been scribbling pictures of palm trees. I laughed at little.
    #6 Sepina, Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  7. Austin

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    Quite a few.... But not that many actually; most of my teachers have been pretty good even the ones I had to get used to. Thank you ratemyprofessor. Had one really nice lady teacher but if you asked her a question in lecture she would freeze up and had to reference back on her notes. She didn't have a mastery of her subject at all... It was awkward.

    This quarter one of my TA's is great at teaching but says some really odd things I won't go into detail until my class is over!
  8. Kriskluwe

    Kriskluwe Guest

    Sep 12, 2014
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    Dorm now. From Scottsdale , AZ
    I have an adjunct(french lit) who is annoying as F. Is all about jamming us up with b s stuff and expects regular mini dissertations while she's ABD. Have a full prof (unusual here for frosh lectures ) who is literally in another time . He makes references to Kerouac and Asimov without segues from the topic at hand which is : geol110( physical geog ).
    Everybody else is copa.
    In high school I had all AP classes and they were divided between teachers like the one mentioned who literally said the same shit : " it's so obvious right " . Usually they were the calc, chem 1 & 2 or bio.
    Most of my teachers in h s were pretty cool I thought.
  9. kumawool

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    May 21, 2013
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    Wow, maybe tell your parents and make a meeting with the principle? Suggest teacher evaluations. At my college, teachers are evaluated, and chronic low scores indicate a teacher is a bad teacher, and influence whether they can keep teaching. I'd actually go a step forward, and want those scores to be transparent. A teacher rates as 99% highly effective compared to a teacher rated 55% effective or whatever, is going to help a student make those important decisions - and education can affect your whole life, so you want the best of the best :slight_smile:!

    I used to have a teacher that would preach "Remember, it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve", and he was always buddy buddy with the obviously gay teacher. Me thinks he may have been the secret inclination kind of guy? Well I don't really know, he seemed to be an okay guy, and I actually don't wish that kind of repression on him. Complicated I know, but he was the classic 'midguided, but nice' guy, and he had a habit of talking about life problems, and you couldn't help but hope for the best for him.

    So totally and horribly offensive, but he was otherwise nice. He liked me as his student, but I underachieved in his class, and he ended up thinking I was very lazy. Of course, I couldn't exactly have come forward about the unsafe home environment I was in... :frowning2:. It's hard to be organized when you're carted from home to home ugh. But! The class was a life skills class, so I learned some great lessons.

    So I guess my moral is..., I had some of the worst teachers in the world, but I also had some of the best teachers in the world, that definitely helped shape my life :slight_smile:.

    And fascinatingly; they were sometimes the same person!!
    #9 kumawool, Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  10. Bella Vampire

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    Nov 10, 2014
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    My teacher gave me a detention for talking about Ebola. She thought I was joking about it, but I wasn't. Luckily, I got out of that detention because I talked to the principal about it.
  11. Acm

    Acm Guest

    My math teacher (he's been my teacher for the past 3 years unfortunately) makes a lot of slightly racist and sexist comments in class. He does it unintentionally, but it's still annoying. Also he's constantly trying to get a rise out of me because I'm so quiet so he'll try to embarrass me in front of the class a lot.

    My science teacher at my old school once yelled at everyone on Day of Silence about how being gay was wrong and a sin and they didn't fire him or even suspend him.

    My 7th grade teacher would constantly disrupt class to brag about his athleticism or his musical skills. He was really mean too and he made multiple kids cry.

    I've had a lot of other bad teachers but they were all elementary school teachers so I don't know if they count. My 2nd grade teacher would scream at the class and make everyone cry (these were all 6-8 year olds), my 4th grade teacher was just so horrible I don't even know where to begin with her.
  12. PositivelyMe

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    In high school I had a teacher who would talk about the "affliction of homosexuality". It was a Catholic school, so obviously she had the administration's backing-the only way I got through that class was because I had a supportive teacher who would let me vent about it
  13. Candace

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    May 8, 2013
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    I had a bunch in high school. Too many to name, but let's just say that I was happy when I got to college. Still a few bad eggs of professors in college, mind you, but I generally found better educators in college than high school. Out of a hypothetical staff of 50, 30-35 were good in high school, and probably 40-45 were good in college.
  14. Andrew99

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    Nov 13, 2013
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    My science teacher 4th hour I really hate him ya so he um gave us a catapult worth 600 points I worked my butt off for and then there was all this things I didn't even know we had to do. And whenever I'm pissed at him he's all like don't give mean attitude and I'm like I'm not I'm pissed off at u! Oh and then if you're not in your chair working on bell work by the time the bell rings he marks u tardy.

    Then my math teacher 5th hour who gives us notes that don't make any sense. Oh ya and then whenever we take a test we never have time to study for it. Then we can never take r test home and then she gives us homework every single day. Than she makes every the test worth 100 points

    My coach 3rd hour he's pretty cool actually but whenever someone is absent and even if it's excused he takes 5% off are grade like um news flash nobodies perfect I get sick sometimes I might miss a day or 2 doesn't mean u have to drop my grade.

    My 2nd hour teacher English she's actually pretty now and clueless which makes it super easy to turn in stuff late and is never make It to her class before the bell and I've never been marked tardy. But she makes us turn in typed assignments to turnitin.com which I've had so many issues with in the past. And if we don't turn it in on the day it's due she takes off 5 to 10 points

    My 1st and 6th r pretty easy and i do like my 2nd and 3rd hour but I CAN'T stand my 4th and 5th.
  15. SwimScotty

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    Feb 16, 2014
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    My 8th grade history teacher was quite creepy. He had some weird relationships with the high school girls, in addition to being racist and sexist. He dropped the n-word in class with a black kid in the room. He made an extremely uncomfortable comment about a rather buxom girl's low-cut dress. And he's an ass to other teachers as well. I'm not sure how he still works at the school, but I'm sure as hell glad that he quit teaching before my brother ever had him.

    I guess my 6/7th grade math teacher (I took the 7th grade class while in 6th grade) was pretty bad as well, but that was just because she was a bad teacher. She had a tendency to pay more attention to her phone than to her class.
  16. heyguyswhatsup

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    A teacher I had in Year 8 made a kid cry without remorse, slapped another on the back of the head and slammed one of the doors that put a crack in it. It remains there. :lol: I think the last straw was her turning up to school drunk.
    She ended up getting fired. Who cares if you had problems in your family? Then you don't go to school and let it all out:rolle:

    My Year 12 English teacher was hopeless. For subjects like English that involve essay writing, you're meant to provide lots of ways to improve. She was slack, favoured popular kids, let me fail one of my assessments with nothing more than "my head was spinning reading that." and failed one of my friends for each essay she did. Didn't like me, and I ended up seeing another teacher who was much more helpful. She actually asked me how I went after my exam, whereas mine didn't even speak to me:rolle: meh.
  17. love dont judge

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    Apr 29, 2014
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    ive had a couple. My fifth grde teacher was horrible. When she graded our papers, she would frequently spill her coffee on the, and make us redo them. She favored certain kids. Not the populars. Theyd get in trouble for yawning, because "the sound disrupts the class." I never have had that problem, because im not popular by choice. My 6th and 7th grade english and reading teacher had bad favoritism. He would yell at a couple kids for leaving their seat, and gave up a detention, but yet, one time, i randomly get up and do three laps around the room, before he shakes his head no at me. And that was right in the middl of class. I also once talked him into giving me extra credit for something i didnt do. Accidentally of course. I thought i had done it, remembered over the summer that i hadnt done it. He also had a habit of missplacing student aignments and making us redo them. :bang:
  18. Opheliac

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    Feb 1, 2014
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    I was never taught my my school principal but she was not a nice person AT ALL.

    Once for our school sports day, there was supposed to be this dance-drill performance thing (don't ask) but there had to be one solo dancer for a section who would lead the others. She rejected the captain and the vice captain of the school dance team, because one was "too fat" and one was "too dark". Bear in mind I live in India, where 80% of people are dark skinned. Another time, the middle school were going for some one-act play competition, and a week before the show, she forced them to replace the lead actress because she was "too short to be a lead".
  19. Blossom85

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    Aug 15, 2014
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    I has a teacher who was just really cruel to some people.. She used to pick on my good friend who never actually did anything wrong at all, and it got to the point where the principal had to intervene and interview the students to get an idea of what was going on.
  20. Ryujin

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    Aug 13, 2014
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    I've had my fair share of shitty teachers
    One of them actually got sacked at the end of last year.