"First Times"

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by CharlieHK, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. CharlieHK

    CharlieHK Guest

    Hey. Going to be 18 in two weeks. And I want to finally have sex with my girlfriend after I'm 18.

    Sad thing is, we're both virgin level 9000.

    Any tips on getting into the sexual part of a relationship?

    Extra info: Over 2 years together. She is trans (MtF non-op).

  2. BoiGeorge

    Regular Member

    Jun 16, 2014
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    Just take things slowly and don't expect fire works the first time you do it. From the experience of nearly everyone, it will be awkward, it will be a bit uncomfortable and it might even be a bit funny. Just go with each other and take time to learn what each other likes. Sex is something you get better at over time and it sounds like you two are in it for the long run, so keep working at it and it will get progressively better each time
  3. Fallingdown7

    Fallingdown7 Guest

    I agree, It's not going to be amazing the first time but you can still make it special. I would say just talk to her about it before jumping in, and especially if she's trans (and non-op) there might be things she is more comfortable and uncomfortable with doing in regards to her body, so It's better to discuss beforehand :slight_smile: And discuss it in general, like how you're ready and preparing to share something special with her
  4. laut

    Regular Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I'd say don't take it seriously. Laugh at the mistakes, enjoy it a lot, don't pile on the expectations. Let it be special because it's you and her, not because it met some standard of being 'right' or 'perfect'
  5. Hyaline

    Full Member

    Jul 31, 2013
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    This, totally this. A good sense of humor goes a long way.. But like the other poster said, with her being trans, you might want to discuss what she is ok with. I know not everyone is ok with everything. Her male anatomy might not be ok to touch for instance. Only she can be clear about what is ok with her....
  6. CharlieHK

    CharlieHK Guest

    Thanks for all the tips guys! And to clarify further on the male anatomy thing, she just doesn't want to use her penis in a male way (like penis in vagina) more like i treat it as though she has a very well endowed clit. And yeah, a few "dates" of just mutual masturbation or touching sounds like a plan before actual anything.

    Thanks again!