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What's Your View On Feminists?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by JStevens96, Jun 21, 2014.


Do You Have A Positive Or Negative View On Feminists?

Poll closed Jun 26, 2014.
  1. Positive

    69 vote(s)
  2. Negative

    16 vote(s)
  1. Toast8971

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    Jun 19, 2014
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    They try... sometimes a little too hard. But kudos for trying
  2. Sarah2695

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    Feb 3, 2014
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    I personally am a feminist. I, obviously, view them as a benefit to society, fighting for equal rights. Without them, would our society be much more sexist and unfair towards women. I believe so.
  3. Tightrope

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    I would say that a lot of "macho men," per the OP, dislike feminists because they feel threatened in some way. Some G/B men aren't crazy about them either, but it's more about some feminists' level of zeal and how some relate to men. Feminism comes in many shades (of whatever color) ... easily more than 50!
  4. laurenc

    laurenc Guest

    I dont mind regular feminists but I do not like radical feminist because they hate everyone who are not "womyn born womyn" as they say
  5. Bolt35

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    Feb 5, 2014
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    i don't completely get behind the whole idea of "Feminism" these days. it has a diffferent meaning today then it did probably 60 years ago (i could be wrong, it could be more than that), when women were actually fight for equal rights. they are contributing to certain causes, i don't want to put them down. it just seems different.

    i'd say people are looking towards more for Equal Rights. one of the big issues i hear about associating with Feminists are Rape( rape culture is a different issue in a way because it happens with men as well as transgenders and people of every kind.), Abortion (yes they have absolute say in this), and Equal Standings in terms of Employments of any kind. you guys are more welcome to educate me about this haha. i'm not too entirely sure on it. this is just as far as i know.
  6. Sig

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    May 14, 2014
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    Oz, as in Wizard of
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    That made me laugh
    :kiss: (*hug*) to you brown coat, just because I can :grin:
  7. I have a positive perspective on feminists. However, it's the feminists that hate men or expect chivalry are the ones that piss me off

    These pseudo-feminists blame men for all their problems. In my mind, I'm always like "SORRY! We never asked for a leeway in society, but we'll take it." They have a right to be ticked by the gender equality gap, but what excuse do they have to hate men?

    They also strongly expect chivalry from their BFs. They want equality, but they don't want the responsibility of taking the check and opening their own doors?
  8. Fallingdown7

    Fallingdown7 Guest

    I love feminism, just not radicals.
  9. Nychthemeron

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    Jun 16, 2014
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    Can someone give me a simple definition on radical feminism, please?

    I tried searching it up, but for some reason, I can't process the definitions. It seems as if it's worded too complex for me to understand.
  10. QueerTransEnby

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    Don't support it hardly at all. I am still conservative in a lot of areas. I cannot support a group that wants abortion on demand. This is my own personal view which clashes with most people, I get that.
  11. 741852963

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    Mar 19, 2014
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    It depends:

    Feminists (those wanting equal rights for women across the world: fair pay, same access to education, freedom from violence etc) = positive

    Radicals ( feminists who advocate and actually carry out violence against innocent men, those who despise men, those rubbishing mens issues as a tactic to advance their own cause, those pushing for ridiculous measures like taxing men, Germaine Greer, etc) = Highly negative

    I think gay men suffer the most from the radicals which is why I'm particularly critical. On one hand we are a minority group who suffer a number of rights abuses ourselves, then you have radicals tarring all men as contributing to the problem. So we have the worst of both worlds. No rights and we are apparently the cause of it to boot!

    Unfortunately I think there are far too many radical feminists and it really damages a worthy cause.
  12. Shaded

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    May 16, 2014
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    I think they're great. Everyone deserves equality!
    Sadly it's the crazed/stupid feminist that people see most and give themselves a bad name.
  13. zahhhaks

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    It's kinda funny, I've gained a lot more feminist views as male than I ever did living as female. Something about not having male privilege to gaining it makes you see exactly how much misogyny sucks for pretty much everyone, haha. That said, I'm all for feminism as a movement, except when it's exclusionary of trans women- but that's not real feminism anyways.
  14. simba

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    Jun 21, 2014
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    Abortion is a basic right. Whos anyone to say that a woman can't elect to remove..what's basically a parasite uin the first trimester..from her body? Its her own body and she has every right to refuse not to host a fetus

    ---------- Post added 22nd Jun 2014 at 08:20 AM ----------

    I must say I thought this forum would be an open minded place for discussion but I must say I'm not getting those vibes :frowning2: I'm seeing a lot of the bad element if gay/bi men..lots if sexism :frowning2:
    #74 simba, Jun 22, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2014
  15. justjade

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    May 18, 2013
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    I personally think feminism is good. However, my gut reaction is to think negatively about it based on what I've seen of people I know who call themselves feminists. It seems like they all want not only to be equal to men, but to be better. They want all the same rights without the same responsibilities. Like, women should get paid the same as men and have all the same jobs, but women still shouldn't have to sign up for selective service. That's what burns my bacon.

    I do think women need the same rights as men. I'm all for women succeeding in what used to be a man's world.

    ---------- Post added 22nd Jun 2014 at 12:32 PM ----------

    Honey, I agree with you 100%, and I'm sorry you're feeling so pushed away. I just want you to know that you're not alone. I agree with you about the parasite bit especially. If I found out I was pregnant and couldn't get an abortion, I'd be heartbroken. I may be female, but for fuck's sake, I'm a guy! Some trans guys may be OK with bearing their own children, but I'm not. Regardless, yes, sex should always be safe, but sometimes things just happen. And when having the child isn't an option for financial, psychological, or physical reasons, that's where abortion comes in.
  16. simba

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    Jun 21, 2014
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    Nobody should have to sign up for selective service. There shouldn't be a selective service. And what would be the point of putting women in anyway when the military is so misogynist and male dominated?

    I think..what people don't realize is feminism calls for 3 things. Equal rights to men, which women in America mostly have but not completely, complete rights over her own body, and most importantly equal treatment to men..that doesn't mean men and women have to be treated the same, because men and women are different, it just means they have to be treated as equals.

    Right now society has a lot of primitive ideas on a woman place that need to be overthrown.this concept of a mans ownership over a woman. That's why the rspe rates are so high. That's why women don't get paid as much as men. Women aren't valued as anything more than cumdumpsters and baby makers.

    That has to change. And MRA? It's ridiculous. Any issues men have in our society are because they're seen as better and told they have higher standards to appeal to. So as soon as you cure the male dominance the oppression it has over men who can't meet those standards is cured as well. Men are NOT the victims of sexism from women in society...just a few ate the victims of sexism AGAINST women

    Think about it...what's a mans biggest insult? "You're acting like a girl".
    #76 simba, Jun 22, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2014
  17. Lewis

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    Mar 31, 2012
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    I have a positive view, since I love strong women. Always have done and feel much more comfortable in the presence of one. Obviously all political movements have their negatives and somebody or groups that have to spoil it for others, but as a whole, I support feminism.
  18. justjade

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    May 18, 2013
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    You bring a lot of good points. I do agree that selective service is kind of bullshit. However, we still have it. From a trans perspective, I understand a lot of what you're saying. There are a lot of people who just see me as wanting to be a guy and failing instead of actually being a guy. It's kind of disheartening.

    I guess where my sister says she's a feminist (she's totally not; she's actually some kind of weird misogynist who sides with women to bring men down, don't ask how that's supposed to work), I have this negative knee jerk reaction when I hear the word "feminist" or "feminism". Like I said, I do think women and men should have equal rights. There's really no reason they shouldn't. But at the same time, I also think men should have the same rights as women. Men don't have it as bad as women in most situations, but there are still some things we don't get that women do, like maternity leave. Maybe the mom wants to go straight back to work and the dad wants to stay home and take care of the baby. Too fucking bad. Dad's gotta work. Some countries have it where men can take maternity leave, but the US doesn't.

    I also think that we as men should be allowed to be whoever and whatever we want to be. We should be able to have jobs in things like nursing without being laughed at and child care without being secretly labeled as pedophiles. We should be able to do things like design clothing without our sexuality being called into question. Yeah, if women design dresses, it's fine. If guys design dresses, they've either got to be perverts for wanting to dress women, or gay. There can never be just a straight guy who's not sexually interested in the models he hires who designs women's clothing. That doesn't fit the mold of what a man is, so evidently, it's not OK. If a guy sews or likes pretty colors or knits or whatever, there has to be something wrong with him, supposedly.

    The truth is that guys have a lot of difficulties, too. It's just that ours appear to be more on a social level. We do have some issues with legal matters, like child custody battles and divorce, but admittedly, in a lot of ways, that falls on the guy anyway. Yeah, sometimes, we get royally screwed, but sometimes, dude was just a douche who wanted to skip town when he found out his girlfriend was pregnant and leave her high and dry. The legal system obviously isn't perfect.

    However, if we want equal treatment, we're going to have to work together, men and women both, to get everything figured out.
  19. Fallingdown7

    Fallingdown7 Guest

    I consider myself a feminist, but that also doesn't mean I hate men or think women deserve more rights than men. We're all equal, and men also face difficulties, such as:

    - Still being circumcised even when not needed
    - Less child custody rights
    - Less gender expression; women can wear men's clothes and be masculine, but men can't do anything feminine without risk of assault

    I don't support feminists who hate men or exclude trans women, but feminism itself isn't bad.
  20. acciocarrie

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    May 27, 2014
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    This. Also, banning abortion won't stop abortion. It'll just make it less safe and it'll 'cause more women to die.

    I know people often argue that you should put it up for adoption because there are so many families who want a baby but there already are a lot of children in the foster care system and available for adoption. And every year, more children are available for adoption than are adopted and many children are never adopted (source). I'm not against putting children up for adoption, not at all... I just don't think it's always a good solution for abortion or whatever the pro-life folks think it is.

    The MRM wouldn't be ridiculous if MRAs focused on men who are actually oppressed, which they don't...

    Those are all examples of how the patriarchy hurts men... Feminists aren't telling men they can't do particularly feminine things. Other men are telling you that.