Does this make me less of who I am?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by NicoletteChris, May 4, 2014.

  1. lowkey

    lowkey Guest

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Long Island, NY

    its not ignorance. this post sums it up well:

    "What differentiates so-called HOCD from real OCD is that for people who have a genuine obsessive-compulsive problem, it generally isn't limited to a single obsession. It either shifts, or there are multiple obsessive thoughts/compulsive behaviors.*

    So if you are*only*concerned about whether or not you're gay, and have no other anxiety-producing thoughts or compulsive behaviors, it is likely not OCD, and therefore not HOCD, since there's no evidence HOCD as a standalone exists in the absence of other obsessive-compulsive behaviors. And if you have the other behaviors, then it isn't HOCD, because it's just plain OCD.*

    If you have anxiety about being gay, and there are other behaviors or feelings that would lend credence to the idea you might be gay (same-sex fantasies, watching same-sex porn, looking more at same-sex people at the beach, etc) then it's very unlikely you're dealing with OCD, and more likely you genuinely dealing with anxiety arising from the likelihood you're not straight.*

    Also, keep in mind, again, the statistics: less than 2% of the population have OCD, while roughly 10% of the population is thought to be gay, and of that 10%, probably 90% have anxiety about it when first confronting their feelings. So there is a 5 times greater likelihood that one is gay than one has OCD, and among those who are gay, nearly all have anxiety about confronting it when it first comes into consciousness."- Chip
    #21 lowkey, May 5, 2014
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  2. dan89

    Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2014
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    You're not getting the point. And don't worry I have read alot of chips reply and yes I do agree with alot of his points but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And as we have both said hocd isn't a real term for it, it's just a way to simplify things, it's used for gocd for germ related ocd, it's just away without having to explain in detail with your symptoms. I also agree many people do use it as a denial technique. But others do not. And yes ofcourse if someone is sitting there loving gay porn and fantasising about gay sex that is not (h)ocd that is pure denial. Anyway this is.pointless I know the truth you pretend you do because you listen to others that don't believe. The fact is I may be gay but that also means at some point in my life I have turned and.people say that can't happen either so please make up your minds people.

    Let's agree to disagree as we are both doing damage, I'm damaging the people who are truly in denial and you are damaging the people who truly have the disorder.

    People with the ocd maybe gay but their ocd is attacking it and please explain all the gay people that are obsessed they will or have turned Straight. I have read a few people's stories on this site like that, so it works both ways. But you are fighting a battle you have no idea about. I wouldn't argue with someone about the Chinese language because I have no.underatanding of it

    ---------- Post added 5th May 2014 at 09:47 PM ----------

    Also I think the statistics may be wrong I know more people with ocd than I do gay people
  3. lowkey

    lowkey Guest

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Long Island, NY
    no idea? ive read nearly every report of Hocd online for over a year thinking I had it. The overwhelming majority of people claiming to have HOCD are in denial, Most websites do a terrible job as well explaining what HOCD is and the difference between denial and all in all Its been more harmful than good. again the overwhelming majority do Not have hocd, they are in denial. so Hocd in general is a term that should be Terminated. the statistic isnt really wrong or far off. People claim they have OCD all the time when they dont. Hocd is a perfect example, those in denial and those with true OCD will exhibit the same symptoms
    #23 lowkey, May 5, 2014
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  4. NicoletteChris

    Full Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Lowkey, we should agree to disagree. I know myself better than you know me. I know my mental disorders better than the back of my hand, that is why I am seeking help for them. I have had OCD related to the fear of being sick and also vomiting. I've never had cancer and nobody in my family close to me has ever had cancer, I've never had friends with cancer either. I know no one in my life with cancer amd yet I obsess over it. I have daily compulsions and rituals I have to perfom to make sure I don't have any cancer like I do a self breast cancer check on myself and I do bodily exams. Next up I'm always askinh for reassurance which if you even took the time to read OCD symptoms you know that people like me are always asking if I'm okay or if other's are like me. I've been to the doctor more times than I can count.
    Next, when I get the idea that I may have cancer in my mind I get severe panic attacks, the thoughts don't make me happy or feel good, they make me scared and upset and suddenly I'm bombarded with intrusive "what if" thoughts and scenarios and I cannot stop. I could go a whole day fearing this.

    I have the compulsions and at times even I can admit my fears are ridiculous but they are there and mental disorders are know joking matter. Now ofc if I apply my sexualitt fears to all of this they are very similar to my cancer and vomiting fears. I do compulsions, get intrusive thoughts, and have rituals and always ask for reassurance.
  5. dan89

    Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2014
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    Yes but that is the Internet. Any idiot can post anything on there, I trust my many mental health experts over what I read on the net. And yes I agree with you most people are in denial but that still doesn't mean that their ocd isn't attacking that. And again I have said the term hocd is just an Internet term and not a real disorder but you are simply saying that it doesn't exist is wrong. Myself has a few other symptoms of ocd but I also go through long periods of time where I have no symptoms. Unfortunately I went though 2 of my spikes suffering with this with out even knowing about hocd. But my gf suffers with ocd severely, so much so that she has been hospitalised a few times so don't lecture me about something I have seen hurt myself and my loved ones for years.
    You seem to be picking and choosing what you reply to, what about the many gay people who fear they have or will turn straight? Explain that?
  6. Mayan

    Regular Member

    May 2, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:
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    A few people
    one more post to go ;, yay
  7. NicoletteChris

    Full Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I would really just like to say that there are actually people out there who only have obsessions about one specific thing. There are people with germ OCDs, would you go up to them and say, " Well, you only worry about ONE thing so it's not plausabile that you have OCD." So why is it okay for you to throw this assumption on people with sexuality related OCDs?
  8. dan89

    Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2014
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    I love you..... I've also been through times when I thought I've had brain tumors and also went through the fear I had aids, I hadn't had sex in well over a year, it just came to me one day, I even called up my x and accused her of giving it to me, I hadn't spoken to her on 2-3 years. It sucks