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Feeling like my own prisoner

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by LostInside, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. LostInside

    Full Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Here, but barely
    I feel like my own failure to accept myself is holding me captive. I can't allow myself to just be me because I'm worried what other people will think too much. As a result of all these years of denial I am a very closed off person to almost everyone. My boyfriend is the only exception. I have a lot of self hate and feel like a waste of a life. Since i have been trying to hide who i am for so long i have kind of lost what makes me who i am. I feel like i don't even recognize myself anymore, like a shell of a person. I need to find what makes me happy and i need to do it on my own. Every time i think I'm ready to have the conversation with my boyfriend something starts nagging at me and making me not go through with it even though I'm miserable. I love his company...he's my best friend, but whenever sex comes up it gets awkward. Sometimes i am ok with it and others i have to force myself. Sometimes after forcing myself i will be trembling afterwards (not in a good way) because it was so unpleasant for me. I think he noticed last time, i almost started crying. We didn't say anything about it,but i think he knew. Usually i try to hide it from him, but last time i didn't. That's some progress at least.
  2. skiff

    skiff Guest

    Jan 3, 2013
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    Peabody, MA - USA
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    You understand your position and emotions.

    The next step is to act.

    People here can coach you through that but it is up to you to act or not.

  3. LostMyself

    LostMyself Guest

    I can really relate to what you are saying.Thats been me for the past 3 years it's a living hell I know deep in my heart the only way to stop me from feeling this way is to take action.I think you become afraid of the unknown and what lies ahead for me I try to imagine my life like this forever and it's down right depressing when you can't free your mind from the constant what ifs.We know deep in our heart what we want but it's going through the process of life that's the struggle.Anytime you'd like to talk or vent feel free to drop me a msg you are not alone in this.X
  4. skiff

    skiff Guest

    Jan 3, 2013
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    Peabody, MA - USA
    Sexual Orientation:
    You only act when the pain of doing nothing exceeds the fear of change.
  5. Rose27

    Rose27 Guest

    LostInside- I understand those feelings too. At 45 I decided I needed to breathe. I needed to be me for the 1st time in my life.
    Accepting and loving yourself for who you are can be a painful journey. It is worth it. (*hug*)
  6. paris

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    Oct 4, 2013
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    Bohemia, CZ
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    There are many people who were/are in the same position. I can relate as well. I know that feeling. You don't want to lose him and need him in your life but "only" as your best friend. You care about him deeply and don't want to hurt him in any way so you keep getting quiet. The reality is that by not telling him you hurt him as well, maybe even more. The sooner you tell him, the better. You both deserve someone who'll be able to give you 100%. But you know that already. I hope you'll find the strength to tell him (*hug*)
  7. LostInside

    Full Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Here, but barely
    I am definitely realizing that its hurting him by me not saying anything. I'm not able to give myself to him 100% and never will be able to even though i have tried to for so long. Its just not natural for me. I hate this. Either way is painful, but only going my own way can lead me to true happiness and to feel real love.

    I need to give it at least another week though. I want to wait until he gets back to work and will have that to keep him busy. Does that sound wrong? I just think it would be a little easier on him that way. Maybe its just me trying to delay the inevitable by making up any logical sounding excuse? Maybe i really am a terrible person for stringing him along all these years? My moment of clarity just came with really crappy timing. Something just finally clicked in my head and made it impossible for me to ignore.
  8. Bluebird22

    Bluebird22 Guest

    I can also relate to what you are feeling, as I am experiencing many of the same things. My sense of self, my self esteem, the relationships that I have with family and friends are all suffering negatively as the walls that I build around me grow and grow.

    I think we both know the antidote to our current dilemmas - living our lives openly and honestly. This is certainly easier said than done, it takes courage and conviction (which I am still searching for) - I wish you all of the best LostInside :slight_smile:
  9. LostInside

    Full Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Here, but barely
    Thank you so much for your words Bluebird. Yep, I've got my walls too. The walls are made of self hate, fear, guilt, denial etc.

    Yeah, i absolutely know the antidote. Its scary to think about though. He is my best friend. The one person in this world that knows everything about me and still loves me. I know i said i was miserable with him, nut its not true. I love being around him and talking to him. Its just when sex comes up it gets miserable. I hope we will still be able to be friends after i tell him. I can't imagine my life without him since he has been part of it for so long...

    Nice avatar by the way :thumbsup: lol
    #9 LostInside, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  10. MiAngel

    Full Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    As everyone else has said...you are so not alone in this situation, you know I can relate to all you have said. I have finally come to terms with my sexuality, I had to finally admit to myself who I am and ask me what is it that I want in this life. When I finally began to answer those questions is when and only when I was able to "Come Out". I had to first "come out" to myself, when I was able to accept me is when I gained the courage to "come out" to one other person...my sister.

    You are NOT a bad person, just afraid. Try to find that courage inside of you and it will guide you to make the next step. The fact that you are here telling your story for others to see, shows you have a lot of courage, tap into that. Easier said than done I know. You and only you will know when it is your moment to open up to him.

    You have a friend here. Many hugs to you and I wish you ever ounce of luck in this step of your life. (*hug*)
  11. setnyx

    Full Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    live in VERY small town near Erie PA.
    maybe giving him time to wrap his head around it before he goes back to work would be better.
  12. LostInside

    Full Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Here, but barely
    Actually, it will be before he goes back to work. He has a meeting Thursday, and he starts in like a week. I just don't want to distract him before he goes to the meeting so he can focus. If i tell him before he would only be thinking about what i said. Its killing me keeping this in, one more day. I've made too much progress to not do this now. I think i am finally ready. Ugh, if i can even tell him without crying my eyes out. Either that or i will get quiet and clam up and start trembling involuntarily. Kind of am now just thinking about telling him. This is causing me too much anxiety to not tell him though. He deserves me being honest with him and finally telling him I'm without a doubt ONLY attracted to women and our little "arrangement" isn't working anymore.
  13. LostInside

    Full Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Here, but barely
    By arrangement i mean in order for us to have sex we watch or look at porn together. We can enjoy it together because we are both looking at the women . I guess it kind of works to trick the brain a little. It helps me get in the mood and fantasize. Still doesn't compare to feeling real desire for another person like i know i would feel with a woman. Its just not there. I still haven't told him how certain i am about this yet. Its almost like i feel that i deserve to be unhappy for wanting to leave him after all these years. I've got a lot of years of self hate to undo. I think its going to take some more time for me to be able to really do this. I just don't feel i have the confidence right now. Still a lot of fear clawing at me. I am in a very emotional place right now and am not sure how i would take it if he reacts badly. That kind of rejection might devastate me. I'm glad i told my friend and she's being very supportive so if it did go bad i know i could count on her for support. Thinking of losing him though is enough to make me stay quiet still. Just going along like nothing is wrong. I think i need to wait until after my next therapy appointment, she knows me well and might be able to give me some good advice about how to tell him. Since i told her I'm a lesbian we haven't talked about it too in depth yet. I've been kind of avoiding the issue and talking about other problems instead. My appointment is near the end of this month. Part of me thinks that when i tell him he wont take me seriously and will start saying things like "how are you going to meet a woman when you're so shy?" He said that when i tried telling him before. Its true, but its kind of like its his way of feeding my fears so i stay. I feel bad for saying that, but its the feeling i got when he said that.
  14. Rose27

    Rose27 Guest

    Sounds like part of him knows the truth. After I came out to him my ex used every one of my insecurities to mess with my head. He said his worst fear for me was that I'd end up alone. He also said "Why did you throw a grenade in the one good thing in your life?(him)." Excuse the language but it was a big "mind fuck".
    Coming out is about being who you are. Don't settle for less out of fear. Coming out is a hard happy-sad painful exciting crazy journey but its worth it when you are ready. (*hug*)
    #14 Rose27, Feb 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2014
  15. Lovetoski

    Lovetoski Guest

    Well said Rose. The worst are the highs and lows. I keep thinking "well I finished the hard part.. Smooth sailing from here" then the next thing pops up.. And I feel like "shit when will this get better?". I am still in the midst of it, but I'm making progress. I see people who've been through this long journey and have come out the other side better and stronger. I know this is making me a better person- more compassionate, tolerant and ultimately (I hope) happier. Don't make anyone rush you or push you. Your time schedule in coming out is your own. We each have our own triggers and goals. Lately, my motivators have changed. This is about me. Me and how I will be happy for the rest of my life. Good luck.
  16. lemarikosong

    Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2014
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    Kuala Lumpur
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    Some people
    I feel really sad reading this, nobody should feel that way. I know you'll do the right thing for you yourself and that boyfriend of yours who sounds like a very patient man :slight_smile:
  17. LostInside

    Full Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Here, but barely
    Rose27- I think he has said similar to that to me before about not wanting me to end up alone.

    The other might i went over to my friends house (the one i came out to) to watch movies with her and her friend. I thought the girl was going to be someone else. Kind of shocked me when i realized it wasnt. She used to work with me and still talks to a lot of the people that work there. When i went to work today i got a weird vibe that everyone somehow knew. I'm thinking maybe my friend told her best friend about what i told her and then she told someone that works with me etc. I'm not sure though, could just be paranoid...i tend to do that. I don't want to think that of her when i thought i could trust her. I'm going to ask her about it tomorrow.

    I feel that if i come out to everyone then a lot of things would change. Probably mostly for the better because i might finally be able to just be myself without second guessing everything before i say or do it. I fear the attention it will draw to me and the questions people will undoubtedly ask. I prefer to kind of fade into the background and not even be acknowledged. Scary in many different ways. Ugh...
  18. Rose27

    Rose27 Guest

    LostInside- Its really late and my brain has gone blank as I try to write so ....hugs! (*hug*)(*hug*)
  19. LostInside

    Full Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    So, i talked to my friend and she said she didn't say anything and i believe her. That's a relief. I have a feeling some people, even my family already know without me telling them. I think people i work with are starting to put two and two together. People will talk about a "hot guy" and ask my opinion, I usually act like i didn't see him or something like that. Or i will say not really. People have been asking my opinion a lot more lately. I think i have been caught checking out women a few times too.
  20. raggedyxgurl

    Regular Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Some people
    I too feel as if Im a prisoner....not being able to fully be myself. I am a married mother of 3. I struggle daily with being bisexual on many different levels. The sexual frustration..which leads to total guilt and then self loathing for all of it! Then anger! .........its a constant cycle