Coming out as Bi

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by JamesDE, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. JamesDE

    Regular Member

    Mar 24, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    I realise that its hard coming out gay, or in any circumstance really. But what really worries me that bisexuals face prejudice from the straight and gay community. I live in a very liberal area, where you are more likely to be decked for attacking gays than actually being gay, but still I hear bisexuals coming out and being called "greedy" or "too afraid to admit their gay". My gay friend even said that he doesn't believe bisexuality exists, because he went through a phase of liking men and women.
    It worries me that if I do come out I might not even be able to find compassion and understanding from the LGBT community. I'm not trying to start an argument, I just want to know if anyone has any insight into this problem. It's one of the things keeping me from coming out.
  2. LEG7930

    Regular Member

    Jun 17, 2013
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    Tucson, Arizona
    Sexual Orientation:
    I came out as bisexual about two years ago to my friends. A lot of my friends "teased" me (not like harassment or anything) saying I needed to pick a side, but for the most part my friend/school community has been accepting.

    I came out to my parents as bisexual about a year ago. My parents didn't really accept it, and now we just avoid the topic. For my family I think it would have almost been better to just come out as gay, but that wasn't an accurate description when I came out to them and I didn't want to lie.

    Overall I think it depends on who your friends are, what your family's views are, and where you live.
  3. There's a theory that people who are in denial of the existence of bisexuality are afraid of rejection on some level, but I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. You are who you are, and those who don't accept that aren't worth your time, so go ahead. The worst part is that there's a chance that you might repel some people in your life, but the good news is that those are the people who wouldn't do you any good, and those who stick around will be the ones who really matter.
  4. CuriousBunny

    Full Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    If the topic ever comes up with your gay friend again you could say "well you're talking to a bisexual right now." c:
  5. rjrh20

    Full Member

    Jun 23, 2013
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    I havent come out yet but i just thought i should say this. Come out as you and the people who don't except you are the people who are scared of what the real world has and the people who don't deserve you. You are you.
  6. Kamina

    Full Member

    Jun 18, 2013
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    When I was young I believed that bisexuality was what a person who was indenial about being gay said. But as I have grown up I definitially think it is just as legitimate as being gay. 2 of my close friends are bi and I have seen posts here on bisexuality as real as the ones about being gay. So I think there are people who will accept you for you andthose who don't are assholes. People can grow but don't waste too much time on people not willing to return the favor!
  7. wanderinggirl

    Full Member

    May 15, 2013
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    New York
    I came out as bisexual. My parents are old school and are kindof unsure what to do about it. But overall I think it's been pretty well accepted amongst my friends and family. Some people are like "really? you always seemed straight to me?" and i have to say "yes smart-ass thats cuz i do like guys also. duhr." but for the most part i don't listen to stupid people and i've found the majority of people in my life, gay and straight, to be supportive.

    The most important thing is that yes, some people to whom you feel close may say hurtful things, but many people say them out of ignorance, not malevolence. But if they have enough respect for you to realize that you aren't just a nymphomaniac spewing nonsense, they'll more often than not be open to accepting that you're a person with feelings and a very real identity.

    This topic is near and dear to my heart. You'll find support when you need it.
  8. bobmarley1

    Regular Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    I am questioning my sexuality (straight to bisexual) but I think that if people were more accepting of bisexuality I would be more open to others about it. I used to think that bisexual people were people who couldn't make up their mind but now I strongly believe that it is a legitimate sexual orientation. You'll always find support from me.
  9. questionable

    Regular Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    I'm bisexual and had 3 gf's I could fall in love on both genders
    NO doubt about me being bisexual.
    My friends will say that I'm gay if someones asks them "Is he gay" their reply is usually "Yes,he is gay." But if I were the ones to be asked I reply back as "I'm Bi"
  10. ScatteredEarth

    Full Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
    I know how you feel. I told my mom that I was bi, and even though she accepts it, she tries to pull me more towards the straighter end of the spectrum by pointing out women more often. It kinda makes me uneasy, but hey.. It could be worse.

    When I came out to my friends, they were skeptical, but they said that even though you're Bisexual, there's still a stronger pull towards one end or the other. And they are right to an extent. It just so happens to flip flop though.

    Not alot of people are educated on the fact that Bisexuality is a very real sexuality. And we just have to deal with that until the world comes to terms.
  11. blueberrymuffin

    Full Member

    Jul 20, 2013
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    Yes, you're definitely correct that ignorance thrives when it comes to bisexuals, but the flip side of that is you'll have the opportunity to educate them that yes, it's actually real. Understand those comments are usually not coming from a place of hate, but just ignorance, so you'll get the support you need. It may take some convincing, but you have plenty time for that.
  12. HEREIAM2

    HEREIAM2 Guest

    I am very comfortable and open about my homosexuality and have accepted it. Yet I know that while I am substantially more excited and attracted by men there is still some attraction to women on a physical, sexual level. I am perfectly capable of having coitus with a woman (although I never really feel like doing it and don't like vaginas much at all)....hence I don't refer to myself as "gay" (although I am only homoromantic) but rather predominantly homosexual (bisexual might not be accurate...implying that I have a substantial interest in women....not true)....hence I know bisexuality exists.

    ---------- Post added 6th Aug 2013 at 11:20 PM ----------

    to clarify when I said I am "only homoromantic" I meant that I have no or very little emotional interest in women....not no sexual interest in men
  13. lukeluvznicki13

    Full Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    South Africa
    I think it is stupid that gays and straight make fun of us bi sexual people. It isn't my fault that I am sexually attracted to both men and women. But then again, i am more attracted to one sex than another. I guess it was just how I was made and I am happy to be who I am and I won't let someone judge me for it x]