Knocked right back down again...

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by LoveMusicPoetry, May 7, 2013.

  1. LoveMusicPoetry

    Full Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    I've just been knocked right back down again.

    A couple of weeks ago I submitted an application to the council to go on the housing register. I was warned that there was a massive shortage but I thought that the fact that I have a five year old son and that I am registered blind would help me get a higher catagory banding. Apparently this makes no difference whatsoever. They've said I get a low banding and basically have no chance in hell of getting a place. They told me I'll have to private rent. I've been looking for private rent for the last eight weeks with no luck whatsoever. The properties are all exaubitantly priced and they won't take people on housing benefit. So basically I'm fucked...
  2. Rose27

    Rose27 Guest

    That's a tough situation. Check out free legal aid to find out if there is something you can do. Sometimes a call from lawyer can work miracles.I am sure legal aid exists in London. since you are blind should be an organization that can help you. Don't let the system stomp on you. Hugs
  3. skiff

    skiff Guest

    Jan 3, 2013
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    Peabody, MA - USA
    Sexual Orientation:

    You have to keep plugging as there is no alternative.

    I would suspect you would have better luck with a church. Approach their spiritual head and explain your issue asking if any member of the congregation can help.

    My dad always said "If you want something totally screwed up let government run it".

    You are a perfect example of that principle.
  4. Rose27

    Rose27 Guest

    Thats a good idea. And you might find some emotional support there too.
  5. LoveMusicPoetry

    Full Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Thanks you two. I've never been to church in my life and I don't think there's much of a congrigation around here. Legal aid has been sliced to the bone. I would only be eligible if my husband was beating me up. We've got Mr Cameron to thank for that.

    I've got another avenue to try, a housing advice service that works on behalf of vulnerable people in the area. With any luck they might be able to point me in the right direction.

    I just went to the GP to see if I could get diagnosed with depression. She gave me yet another form to fill out. I'm drowning in paperwork that I can't even see to read. I keep having to get other people to help me with it. None of my business is private anymore. It's bloody degrading.

    I feel like utter shit. I'm beginning to think I would've been better off throwing myself in front of a train like I planned.
  6. Rose27

    Rose27 Guest

    No!No!No Please don't give up. Your little boy needs YOU! Take things 1 minute at a time if you have to. Were here for you. Hugs Rose
  7. Jim1454

    Full Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    I agree with Rose. Your son needs you. I have to believe that something will work out for you if you keep at it. Legal aid might be cut to the bone, but it's something to try. How about contacting your local member of parlaiment? Or local city councilor? Does your doctor know about your housing situation? Maybe they can direct you.

    All I can say is that 6 years ago I also contemplated how I might end my life. Everything seemed hopeless. But fast forward a year or so from that moment and I was happier than I had ever been in my life. I had met the person who would become my husband and life was back on track. Now I'm out to everyone and living a full and rewarding life. You might not be able to envision that right now, but the possibility is there for you. Don't give up. You have NO IDEA what the next year might have in store.