Is it possible I could be a bisexual transgender instead?

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Musician, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. Musician

    Full Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I'm confused. Since I was a teen, I had this fantasy that turned me on incredibly. I fantasized about a girl eating me out. I just had this fantasy again, and now I'm questioning whether I'm really gay. Maybe what I need to be attracted to girls is to feel like a woman, that somebody is grabbing my breasts and giving it to me inside my female genitals. Also, I really think I am also attracted to guys, but for this reason. Or is this common among gay men? Though I don't mind women giving it to me at all. I'm confused.

    I think what I'm asking is, is it possible to confuse a new-found sexual orientation with gender identity?
    #1 Musician, Mar 29, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2013
  2. Alyssum

    Regular Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Hmm.... That actually describes what's been going through my mind a lot lately. I'm definitely attracted to men but only sometimes can feel something for women, and I've been having that same thought that I might not be able to overcome my insecurities about myself when being with a woman, so I might just have to be really comfortable in my own skin for it. There is some evidence that seems to back this up for me. And I'm a MTF too, if that wasn't obvious. Coincidence?

    Have you had transgender thoughts before?
  3. Musician

    Full Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I have. It wasn't a fantasy I totally pursued, but I loved the idea of being a lesbian back in the day. I openly admitted that much in high school to myself, and maybe some friends. It was something I found quite hot. I had no idea about crossdressing or anything like that back then, in my naivite. I thought it was something gay people did, but of course, I know better now. I'm still confused.
  4. AshesofAshley

    Full Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    Northern Alabama
    I wondered that same thing for a long time. I like both men and women. I am sexually attracted equally to both, but I am only romantically attracted to women. It took me a while to figure that out, but the truth is I'm a woman who prefers women to men. I can have sex with either, but I can only feel emotion with women. It's still a bit confusing to me, but time will unravel all these hidden curiosities.

    Like you I used to fantasy about being a woman and having sex with women in my younger years. Fantasy enough to orgasm to. So like I try to tell people, don't worry about labels so much and just go with the flow. Go where the wind takes you.
  5. opti

    Full Member

    Mar 26, 2013
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    general Chicago area
    completely different view here, im not attracted to men at all really. theyre just not as clean, sexy, compassionate. i been so depressed i lost my sex drive, i havent had sex since may of last year. dont get me wrong i tried and she was attractive but i just wanted to cry (but i feel like crying most of the time except usually when i am myself). i dream so vividly, i dont dream about sex i dream about love and being happy, then i wake up and sometimes it takes a little to realize which is real...