Lost 10 pounds in 3 days on my 900 cal diet

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Alexander69, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Alexander69

    Full Member

    Sep 20, 2012
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    West Vancouver Canada
    Still doing my diet feeling very good and active. It as hungry any more
  2. vyvance

    Full Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    So, basically, you don't care to listen to any of the posts on why you need to stop the diet (I.E. It could kill you), and just plan on doing the self destructive crap regardless? How is that even close to a logical thought process?
  3. Alexander69

    Full Member

    Sep 20, 2012
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    West Vancouver Canada
    See the diet isn't really bad 900 cals is good my trainer said to start out with. Once my metabolism has sped up I then move on to 1,200 cals then 1,500 cals a day which will make my metabolism speed up even more.
  4. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    Out to everyone

    Your trainer is incompetent, and giving you potentially life-threatening advice, and almost certainly isn't licensed to be giving dietary advice. If I knew who and where he was, I would report him myself.

    You are ignoring everything everyone is saying here. It seems that you don't really have any interest in listening to any of the advice you're getting (from dozens of people who are actually intelligent and sensible folks), nor are you interested in making any of the change anyone is encouraging you to make.

    YOU DO NOT NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. And you certainly don't need to lose the amount of weight you're losing. There is no safe way to lose weight at the speed you're losing it, and it will all bounce back several months from now. The diet you're speaking of (manipulating calorie intake to alter metabolism) was a fad diet in the 1970s in which people DIED. It fell out of regular use many years ago, because nobody could keep weight off using it. Not only did the weight not stay off, in most cases, people regained even more weight after going off the diet. Additionally, it is incredibly unhealthy and puts strain on the body.

    It is beyond bad.

    You're incessantly focused on your appearance, your weight, your clothes, and other incredibly shallow shit. You give lip service to everyone because you want to make everyone happy.

    Guess what? You aren't.

    People here genuinely care about you. But you don't give a fuck about anything except your appearance.


    Pay attention to the people here who are trying to help you.

    Otherwise, please stop wasting everyone's time.
  5. Alexander69

    Full Member

    Sep 20, 2012
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    West Vancouver Canada
    How can I die? I won't die it's a diet, it's for 10 days of 900 cals the 1,200 for 10 days then 1,500 for 10 days..... I'm not shallow

    ---------- Post added 8th Oct 2012 at 03:16 AM ----------

    Now I'm scared I'm going to die my anxiety is over the roof..... I feel fine I'm freaking out now I'm a hypochondriac now I feel like I'm dieing :O how many calories should I have a day then....??!
  6. vyvance

    Full Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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  7. DryOasis

    DryOasis Guest

    You seem dead set on following this diet... But let me be the next person to say that this diet plan is worrying and not sustainable. Which trainer allowed you to have such a low food intake? 900 calories consumed is definitely not in the equation for anyone's calorie deficit in a weight loss plan. I really hope you take some of the advice from previous posts, this all boils down to you needing to feel good about yourself first. You are enough.
  8. redstormrising

    Regular Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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    yes, you can die on a diet. when i first became anorexic (which it appears that you are) i was still eating, just a small amount like you are doing now. i lost so much weight so fast that even though i was only a bit underweight after a few months, my blood pressure was undetectable by an electronic machine, i was fainting every time i stood up too quickly, and my heart rate was 25 bpm. i had to be hospitalized for a month, during which time other people dictated how much i had to eat and when, and i was not allowed to exercise. it got worse and worse over the next several years, and the hospitalizations got longer and longer. seems to me you are making a beeline for that path and i think you know that on some level, too.

    you appear dead-set on ignoring whatever advice people have to offer in favor of keeping on this dangerous course, and then returning to "boast" about how much weight you've lost while slowly killing yourself. if it seems that people are getting frustrated with you, it's because we care about YOU - not how much weight you can lose in an unhealthily short period of time, or how fancy your clothes are, or how much money your parents have. we want YOU to have a chance to lead a long, fulfilling, healthy life, and you are not headed in that direction right now.
  9. Amicus

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    Oct 5, 2012
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    Hello again Alexander,

    It might feel like we're all ganging up on you, but we're really ganging up on your eating disorder (which, let's call a spade a spade, isn't just a "diet").

    Most deaths related to anorexia occur because of heart disease. Your body draws on heart muscles as a source of energy when it starves, which can cause irregular heart beats, cardiac arrest, and even heart attacks. Some anorexics also die of kidney failure. None of these are particularly pleasant ways to die.

    I don't know why your trainer told you that your metabolism would increase, but as long as you continue to restrict (even if you restrict less and less), your metabolism will decrease because it's trying to preserve as much energy as possible. You yourself have acknowledged that 900 calories is a dangerous amount.

    The good news is that all of this damage is reversible. Normally, you should eat somewhere in the range of 2300-2700 calories per day, but since you've been restricting, you need even more than that so that you can (a) gain back the weight you've unhealthily lost and (b) repair damage to your organs. Eating disorder researchers and inpatient facilities recommend that males under 25 eat at least 3500 calories per day with no exercise while recovering from a restriction eating disorder like anorexia. It's best to increase your calorie intake by 250 calories for the first 2-3 days and then jump up to the 3500.

    It seems like a lot, but remember that number includes your daily energy needs, weight gain, and biological repair.

    At the end of the day, none of us can magically logic you into recovering. You need to be the one who makes the decision to throw off the eating disorder.
    #69 Amicus, Oct 8, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2012
  10. King

    King Guest

    Your attention seeking is through the roof... It's actually kind of funny.
  11. LauraMarie

    Full Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Des Moins, Iowa
    We've been telling you this whole time how you should stop this diet and what you should eat.. you must of been select listening to what you wanted to read because seriously this whole entire fourm page has been telling you how you can lose weigt safely and to stop this eating disorder now. Just reread and you'll find your answers. We told you it could get this bad and you didt listen to anyone...
  12. Lewis

    Full Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    United Kingdom
    Your body will eventually start consuming itself in order to replenish the energy that your body is being deprived of. You will slowly die of heart failure. Blunt enough?
  13. Alexander69

    Full Member

    Sep 20, 2012
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    West Vancouver Canada
    To let everyone know I have up'd my cal intake to 1,200, I have listened to all of you and I'm so happy that you all care for me, really it means so much I'm sorry it came off that I wouldn't listen to you but it takes me a bit longer to realize things then others. I don't want you to view me as shallow I don't want you to view me as someone who is obsessed with appearance and when everyone was saying that it hit me, I've had friends tell me I'm obsessed with appearance but it never occurred to me that I ACTUALLY was, so I will take little steps to change that it actually made me feel like shit when I re read some of my posts and saw that yes I am very shallow and I don't want to end up like my family especially my aunt who I hate, she has no friends no children no boyfriend, she only buys things and focuses in appearance and I never thought of me like that but I'm seeing it now and I don't want that to be me. If I have hurt anyone I'm so sorry from my heart or if I have frustrated you. I know that you have all said these things to help and not to hurt me but like I said it takes me longer to get a reality check. Can Id really like it if you would all talk to me when ever time to time it would be nice to get to know all of you. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
  14. LauraMarie

    Full Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Des Moins, Iowa
    You should eat more then 1,200... but its a start I guess... try closer to 2000 though:slight_smile:

    ---------- Post added 8th Oct 2012 at 11:14 AM ----------

    ^ do this
  15. Rose

    Full Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Hi Alexander,

    You seem like such a lovely and loving person. You show lots of gratitude for the help and advice you have received here and I'm so pleased to hear you are getting a bit more fuel in the way of calories.

    As someone who has had my own dealings with weight control and food issues I can recognise in your writing some of my own struggles. I hear your concern to please others and to 'do the right thing' or perhaps even to be seen 'doing the right thing' and you are able to acknowledge that image matters to you. This is all learned behaviour and has formed in you to help you survive in the best way you can. To do the right thing and be liked gives us a sense of belonging and helps us to 'fit in'.

    Sometimes our habits in these areas can be over developed leading to unhealthy behaviour when we lose a sense of care for ourselves. For example, sometimes I am so busy doing things for other people that I stop giving my own needs attention and care so I am left feeling empty and lacking.

    What I want to communicate is just that I observe from your comments someone who like me could perhaps develop some healthier strategies of self-care. Doing this will hopefully lead to weight control as you are able to learn to give your body the right amount of fuel.

    A few years ago I lost about 20 lbs through calorie counting (about 1-2 lbs each week through a very healthy and balanced diet of protein carbs and fats) and maintained this without counting for nearly two years. Then a big life change kick started comfort eating and led to some weight gain. Then I developed an eating disorder. It has been hell but I'm determined to overcome it AND have the figure I want but I do believe now that for me it has to come through work on loving myself and paying greater attention to my needs not through imposing controls on what I eat. Sure, boundaries are important but they have to show self care. If I am literally driving myself crazy to stop myself eating chocolate I have to ask myself why? What is missing? Usually I can assign the feeling to a need: hunger, thirst, loneliness, sadness...

    I'm writing this from my phone so forgive typos or scrappiness. It is so helpful for me to write some of this down as it is such a good reminder for me. I'm not there yet with my own eating struggles but I know that I am making progress and that food is not the great obsession that it was for me just a few months ago.

    I'm totally happy to chat more if you have questions related to any of this.

    Wishing you well,
