Resolving a friend conflict?! (warning: this turned out longer than expected)

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by LockerPanda, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. LockerPanda

    Regular Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Ontario, Canada
    I'll keep this as short and too the point as possible. I won't include some major backstory that brought me up to this unless necessary... blah:bang:..

    Let's just say that I'm completely and utterly lost as for what I am supposed to do. :icon_sad:

    You see, I have had a major crush on my friend for a number or years now. Sadly, I was still far in the closet (I'm talking the other side of Narnia far...) when I first thought of her as more than a friend that I just simply dismissed it. I figured it would go away.

    Haha.. nope! That simply wasn't the case.

    We became friends really quickly at first and everything just kept going from there. We've always been, and still are, really good friends. She knows I'm bi and is accepting of it. Once I told her she treated me just the same way as she always did.

    Now this is where it gets problematic...

    I've started to become good friends with a guy, I'll just call him "W" for here on in, and we've been getting to know each other all summer. We are both mutual friends with my crush (I'll just call her "D" for now). W recently told me, via facebook chat (I know.. classy right? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: ), that he likes D. Not only that but he asked me to find out what D thinks of him.

    Wow.. way to throw a wrench in the works buddy :bang: .

    I try to be a good person as much as possible because I care about my friends. So instead of sabotageing his chances with D, I did as he asked. I worded the question as nicely as I could without making it seem to obvious. Unfortunately for W, D only likes him as just a friend. I let him know in the nicest way that I could so I wouldn't crush his hopes and dreams entirely.

    He had no idea that I am bisexual, nor does he know that I have liked D longer than he has even KNOWN her.

    I just want to get the point across that I want him to be happy, but I would also like to tell D how I feel (since the upcoming school year is my graduating year.. :eusa_danc ).

    I want to let him know in a nice way that if he tries to ask D to prom or something, then I will support him in his decision.

    I want him to know that if she decides to ask him out that I will be ok with it (jealous.. but supportive) and I will do nothing to sabotage him.

    I want to stay friends with W but I do not want to give up on D just because of a little competition... not to sound like a d*ck or anything but I've liked her for way to long now to simply give up.

    If they end up going out then I'm ok with that, but if she want to go out with me then I'd rather not refuse on the grounds that it may irritate W... :bang:

    So here I ask, any one of you on EC, how on earth to I tell him all of this without sounding like a complete tool? :confused::icon_sad: I will do almost anything for my friends, even if it means letting him ask ou my crush, but I would rather not end up agreeing that neither of us try to ask her out. (because then both of us would be miserable).

    I plan on meeting him at a nearby doughnut place this friday in order to talk.. so... yeah... I can really use the help!:help:

    I'm sorry if this is confusing (I tried to make sense) but I'm really confused right now. Any advise given here would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:(*hug*)

    Thank you!! (&&&)
  2. maverick

    Full Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Alabama *cue banjos*
    So is your friend that you're crushing on bisexual or lesbian?
  3. LockerPanda

    Regular Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Ontario, Canada
    My friend that I'm crushing on is definately bisexual ^^;
  4. Well, maybe you should ask her how she feels about YOU. And tell him that you like her too and that you were scared to tell him before. Get it all out there.

    I get that you're trying not to start any drama with your friends, but if it's getting to the point where you're having trouble just being friends with them without drama, internally or otherwise, then it's time to spill and face whatever comes of it.

    As long as you're tactful and honest about how you're feeling and why you're doing what you're doing, they don't really have reason to be mad at you.

    So I guess my vote goes to spilling. You gotta talk to them about this. There's no way to move forward in any way with this situation if you don't take the first step.

    Good luck (*hug*)
  5. LockerPanda

    Regular Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Ontario, Canada
    So I should talk to her first or him?
    Because I'm not going to be seeing her until school starts, yet I will be seeing him this friday anyways :S
    Should I just spill and say that I like her too? Or should I just cancel with him for this week and talk to her first? (The second option would take a little longer since I'm extremely socially awkward when it comes to asking people out, let alone someone I've liked for this long).

    And thanks! (*hug*)
  6. Just explain the situation and reassure him that you aren't trying to mess anything up between him and your friend, just that you've liked her forever and it didn't sound like she liked him back, so you're going to find out if she likes you.

    Just say what you said to us.

    That's all you really need to do. He might be upset, but he's allowed to be and he'll get over it, and it's better if you tell him NOW than have him find out that you asked her out but didn't explain the situation at all.

    At least that's what I'd do. But really it's up to you :slight_smile:
  7. zeratul

    zeratul Guest

    Cancel Friday and wait till u spoke to D. Or hang out with W and say u haven't asked D for him yet.
  8. LockerPanda

    Regular Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Ontario, Canada
    Thanks :slight_smile:
    I will do just that.
    I'll be seeing him friday so we can talk since it's the earliest I can talk to him without it being over facebook (I'd like to tell him in person so it doesn't look like I'm hiding behind a phone/computer from him)

    Oh this will be fun.. :|

    ---------- Post added 23rd Aug 2011 at 04:15 PM ----------

    He already knows that I spoke to D for him :frowning2:

    It all went by so quickly, I didn't think to tell him right away that I like her as well. :icon_redf
  9. LockerPanda

    Regular Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Ontario, Canada
    This are good :slight_smile:
    I talked with W today and was cool with me being bi.
    As for liking the same person as him he basically responded with "challenge accepted" :lol:
    But in all seriousness we agreed to not sabotage either of our chances with D and if things get too out of hand (as in, it starts taking a toll on our friendship) we both agreed to drop the idea.

    But other than that he didn't seem to phased by it :icon_bigg

    Thanks everyone for the help :slight_smile: