My crazy idea

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by prismaticlight, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Filip

    Full Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Belgium, EU
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Nice to hear it went so well! The first time is the hardest, but once you get to that point, it's mostly downhill from there! Even though there's still a lot of coming out to be done, I'm sure that you can do it!

    Well, frankly, I'm having the impression that it's more common in America than it is in Europe. I don't have one either. Though sometimes all these stories make me wonder whether it would be worth the effort to see one just to see what comes of it...
  2. adam88

    Full Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Toronto, Canada
    Congratulations!! Isn't it a liberating feeling? :slight_smile:
  3. Very liberating.

    I went through life so far never expecting to ever be truly happy. That feeling was horrible but I got used to it. I am now realizing I deserve happiness and do not have to hide my true self anymore. A gay man was a hidden mysterious being to me but it all seems so funny now. I know a gay man very well and there is nothing mysterious about me.

    Now I have achieved happiness while being single. The right guy will just be the cherry on top.
  4. Dr Acula

    Full Member

    Feb 11, 2009
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    When I saw my counselor last we had a really good chat about it to be honest. In short, she asked me if I had a girlfriend, I said "bit difficult that, I'm gay", and chuckled about it a little.

    Telling your psychiatrist is a very good thing - they're there to help you work through whatever issues you may have, and for almost every gay person, coming out/accepting their sexuality is a very difficult time.

    Edit: Doh - teach me to read the whole thread. Well done for coming out to them.
  5. shorty

    Full Member

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Land of Oz
    Ding ding ding! This actually strikes quite a chord with me. I had resolved myself that I would grow old alone and not ever really fall in love because its just too hard to come to grips with being out to everyone I know and work with.

    Well i'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that yeah, other people are just going to have to deal with it. I don't for once think its going to be all roses and lollipops, but, its just something that i'm gonna have to deal with.

    Congrats to you on your first one and the best of luck with it in the future. You'll prolly have days when you feel on top of the world and excited, but also a few when you feel the temptation to crawl back in the closet. But you'll get there in the end! Dont let anyone rush you into it, and just do what feels right with you at the time. If it takes a week or 10 years, just go with you're own flow and try mostly to be happy with yourself as a person. This will shine through to others and you might just find that cherry when you least expect it. :slight_smile: (!)