Coming Out at 23 -- what to do now?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by newkid, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. newkid

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    Dec 31, 2009
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    Okay, first of all: thank you so much for this site it has really helped!!! I found it a few months ago when I first realized I was gay and it really helped reading through everything. Have a question I could really find an answer to online. I'm 23, just came out and have absolutely no idea what to do now.

    I realized for sure I was a gay a few months ago at 23. I had been telling myself I just hadn't found the right girl for years or was simply too busy and interested in other things. I'm actually okay now with being gay. Told my family, my friends, and even came out on facebook. (Surprisingly no one has cared.) Problem is, now I don't know what to do.

    I want a boyfriend and to start a new -- happier -- life being gay, but after years of being unsure about my sexual orientation I really don't know what to do. In high school and in my first years of college (I'm in a masters program now), I focused on school and other things to distract myself from meeting girls the result of which is that at 23 I've had one girlfriend in my life and we only kissed and cuddled and it ended disastrously when it became apparent I just wasn't interested in her. (Did well in school though!) I know this seems like a ridiculous question, but at 23 having no experience with either sex I don't know what to do. I feel a real urge to act on my new found sexuality, but at the same time I'm immensely afraid of anything sexual. (Probably comes from years of not being into girls, but feeling like I needed to keep trying.)

    So, not to be too crude, what can I do to find a boyfriend? At my age I'm really scared that no one will be interested in someone without any experience. (All my gay friends came out in high school or their freshman year of college.) How do I meet guys, know if a guy is interested in me or let him know I'm interested -- and even more importantly act upon it? I know I could just go to a gay club or bar and get really drunk and see what happens -- but that hardly seems like the right thing to do. (Plus I'm really afraid of physical contact -- been scared of it since I was little. Don't worry, nothing bad ever happened!) At the same time, I have no idea how to meet a guy in any normal way. I'm really afraid of rejection and humiliating myself especially since everything is so new. I wish there was a manual to being gay.

    Thanks so much for any help any of you can give!
  2. Astaroth

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    Nov 1, 2007
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    Going to a gay club or bar with some friends isn't a bad option, but I would recommend keeping your sobriety intact (for the most part). Poor judgment due to alcohol may also result in poor judgment of a boyfriend too. Getting it on just to get it on is up to you, but from what most people here seem to say, your first time should be sort of special. It is, after all, the thing you compare future relationships to.

    There's also online dating sites, recommendations from friends, gay groups and social organizations, and just letting life take you where it wants and seeing what that brings.
  3. zzzero

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    Nov 15, 2009
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    Ha ha, I feel like every day I run into people on here who share this situation, myself included. I never liked girls really so I didnt want to have that physical contact and I didnt accept my sexuality until my second year in college. I have the same problem, because i'm not the kind of guy who would go to any club, gay or straight. I mean I have before but it's just not for me. If you're into clubs, it's a good place to meet people. Or like many people have said if there are any LGBT clubs or anything on your campus or in the area that might be a good place to start. Then again you can always find people through friends of friends. It works pretty much the same way for straight people, only we have less places for it.
  4. ArabMan

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    Feb 14, 2009
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    hey there! I hear your pain and suffering, I was in a similar situation as yours... I admitted to myself I were gay but didn't know where to start. What I did is that I simply had a sexual relationship with a man I met in a bar. It was a pure sexual relationship and that's all I wanted. I loved it and got me very comfortable with my sexuality and opened the door for me to asking guys out on a date (romantic). So in my case it was sex relationships first, then love relationships and I don't regret it for one bit :slight_smile:

    So my advice to you: you're 23, you're an adult, you have sexual needs, go explore (choose carefully and very well your partner, ask about stds, use protection, etc.), have fun, get comfortable, eventually fall in love, break it off, etc.

    Life is too short to question oneself constantly.

    Happy new year!
  5. Chip

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    May 9, 2008
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    Several thoughts:

    Being 23 and inexperienced is by no means outside the realm of reasonable for anyone, but particularly someone who is gay and just coming out. There are lots of people who have never had sex up to their 30s and even 40s and beyond. Anyone worth being with will not care in the slightest that you haven't had sex before. Anyone who does care isn't someone worth being with.

    I would not suggest the gay club idea. In general, clubs are hookup spots, and since you're inexperienced, you're likely to find someone just looking for a one-nighter, and it's likely that the experience won't be meaningful at all. As much as the desire to "get it over with" might be strong, I think you'll be a lot happier if you take your time, meet someone you like and feel genuine attraction to, and move into being sexual with them at your own pace.

    If you want to prepare yourself a bit and are open to bottoming, get yourself a dildo and spend some time working with it and getting used to it. As you masturbate, think about what having sex will actually be like and simulate the physical sensations with your hand; go slowly and really think about it rather than just sort of rushing thorugh things. Doing these sorts of things will give you some good preparation for the real thing, and the rest will come surprisingly naturally :slight_smile:
  6. Markio

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    Oct 15, 2008
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    I have a book to recommend! We used it in a class I was in, and I had to do a powerpoint on Chapter 11: Penetration. It's called Good Vibrations Guide to Sex, and basically covers anatomy, different sex toys/items, and of course covers anal sex. Definitely made me feel less confused about gay sex, and what anal plugs are.
  7. Filip

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    Feb 18, 2009
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    First of all, hi, and welcome to EC! It's nice to hear we've been of help already, and I hope we can help you even more now that you've joined :slight_smile:

    The bad news is that, coming out after your teens, you basically postponed a lot of what most teenagers do during puberty and adolescence: learning how to interact with people they like, dating and forming relationships. However, other people managed to do it, so with a bit of practice, you'll manage to do so too!

    The good news, as others have said, is that coming out at 23 is in no way unexceptional. Coming out takes time, more for some than it does for others. Some know it right away and try to trpress it until their 20s, others only really figure it out in their 20s. I always knew on some level that I was gay, but I never even managed to consciously utter the idea to myself until I was 24, and I only came out at 25.

    It happens to a lot of people, so further good news is that there's other guys out there going through the same experience you are. And if anything, I'm having the impression that inexperience is something a lot of people find cute instead of problematic. So it's not going to be as big a problem as you think it is.

    Coming from a very similar position as where you are now (as I said above, I came out in my mid-20s, way later than my gay friends in highschool and college, and I also have a fear of physical contact), I think what helped me most was first of all interacting with more gay people without necessarily searching for a boyfriend right away.

    See if there is any GLBT group nearby that you could join (depending on what place you live in, there might be al kinds, from general GLBT groups to GLBT sports clubs). Ot talk about what you're thinking with the gay friends you already have. Meeting other gay people and talking about being gay can give you a much better idea of where you stand, and can lead to further accepting it yourself (though coming out is great, spending time being out can help you get comfortable with it even more).
    Knowing some gay people opens the way to meeting more gay people, as you'll gradually meet friends of friends etc... Eventually you're bound to meet someone whith whom you click. And things will naturally develop from there (how unlikely that might seem to you now).
    Most good relationships I've seen evolved from people just meeting as friends and then going further, rather than people searching for a boyfriend and starting relationships with anyone who seemed vaguely interested.

    It might take some more boyfriend-less months before you're fully comfortable with the idea of taking things further, but being even more comfortable with being out can help a great deal.
    And let's be honest, after 23 years, a few extra months isn't going to be a big disaster :icon_wink

    This isn't meant as a point of critique to the previous advice, but anal sex isn't the end-all of gay sex. And despite popular perception, a lot of gay people aren't even all that into it. So when exploring sex, do take it at your own pace. I always was afraid of sex, but after spending more time out, I find my fear lessening considerably. When you stop being afraid, it's probably the best sign that you're ready to go further. And rushing through it while still afraid might not make for the best experience.

    I hope this helps somewhat. In any case, posting and reading more on here will probably help some more. And if you ever need someone to talk to, do feel free to PM any staff member you feel like talking to. It's what we're here for!
  8. adam88

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    Nov 15, 2009
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    This is a very relevant thread to my interests- I'm feeling much the same way now.
  9. Yannee

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    Dec 27, 2009
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    It's kind of reassuring to notice that I'm not the only one to come out at 23, newkid's post could as well have been written by myself. Believe me, I know how eager you can be after having finally come to terms with yourself. What I would give to kiss and cuddle with a guy right now! However I think I need to work on being more comfortable outside the closet and around other gay people before trying anything physical. I thought of visiting my university's LGBT group but the christmas break got in the way of that...
  10. malachite

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    Astaroth has a point if you do go to a gay club DON"T DRINK that is the reason I don't go to gay clubs. It is mostly just drunk guys looking for a quick score.

    And don't freak out about being 23 and just coming out. I'm 27 and I just did, I have those same feelings. Who will want someone my age with no XP?

    But, you looking at a relationship purly from a sex angle, and there is so much more to a having BF then that. You can learn to be good in the sack, but you learning to be a good boyfriend is something totally different, and is what will make or break any relationship.

    You don't have to be in a rush to get a boyfriend, you might want to just take some time and let your new found gayness settle with you first.

    Anyhoo I hope this helps, good luck out there! :thumbsup:
  11. newkid

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    Dec 31, 2009
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    Hey, thanks to everyone who posted! Sorry I took until now to post -- was really busy the last few days. Really good to know that I'm not the only one in the same situation. Didn't mean to make it seem like I was only interested in sex -- if anything I'm just scared of how to actually let some one know I'm interested. Like some one said I kind of missed out on all the years of figuring out relationships. Don't feel I'm ready for sex yet actually, but would like to find some one to do all the other relationship things with. (Cuddle, spend time together, kiss, etc.) More scared of how to go from flirting or hanging out with someone to anything more. Think I'll be alright though -- I'll keep posting and reading on this forum though.
    Thanks again!
  12. hkguy1

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    I just wanted to say that I really appreciated the advice given in this thread seeing as that I'm pretty much in the same situation as newkid. Thanks for posting newkid!

    You guys are way too awesome :grin:!
  13. Jim1454

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    Mar 13, 2007
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    Hi there and welcome to EC! I'm glad the forum helped you come to terms with your orientation and coming out to friends and family. I know EC has been very helpful to me in those regards as well.

    At 38, I see 23 as VERY YOUNG! Because heck, I see myself as being young! I didn't meet my ex wife until I was 25. I'd never really had a serious relationship, never really done more than kiss someone good night, and had never had sex. At 25. It seemed like a big deal to me, but it wasn't to my ex wife. And what I found was that most stuff comes pretty naturally once you get going - assuming you're with the right person and doing what you're doing because it feels right.

    And by the way - despite the bad press that 'gay clubs' can get, I think they're lots of fun! I'm NOT there to pick up. I'm there to hang out with my boyfriend or with friends, drink, dance, and just have a good time once in a while. And being in a bar or a club where it's TOTALLY COOL to be gay, to have your arm around your boyfriend, to maybe even make out wit your boyfriend, and to feel comfortable checking out the guys because they're cool with another guy checking them out... all good reasons to go to a gay bar.

    Not a great way to meet a quality boyfriend though.

    In Toronto there is an organization called 'Out and Out' that organizes social and sporting events for the gay and lesbian community. If I were single, I'd definitely be looking for that kind of group. I'm sure there's one on campus, so just go and make some friends first. The best boyfriend is one that you're friends with.

    I like my boyfriend. He's a nice guy, we have things in common and a similar sense of humour.

    I love my boyfriend. He's demonstrated to me that he is kind and caring and committed.

    I'm hot for my boyfriend. I think he's uber sexy, and after 2 years he can still turn me on with just one kids.

    It's that mix that makes my relationship so awesome. You're not going to know if you've got all that with someone when you first meet them. And that's why it's sometimes better to get to know people a little more casually - without a 'relationship' hanging over the two of you - in order to get to know them. If the person is someone you think you'd like to spend more time with, then you'll want to take it to the next level.

    It also avoids the thinking that says "I have to introduce myself perfectly and make an awesome first impression because this guy could be my life long partner." It leaves SO MUCH riding on that introduction and first few minutes that you are left too stressed to even try introducing yourself to someone.

    I hope that helps.
  14. Holmes

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    Aug 19, 2009
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    Funny, I posted something similar enough a few days ago. I'm also 23, came out last year, and haven't had a boyfriend. I know if I had come out when I came to college at 18, I would probably have had a boyfriend, but it didn't make sense for me then.

    Today I got a text from a girl in my class saying that she was talking to a gay friend of hers over Christmas and thought of me. She said we could all go on a trip to the cinema or something. Girls can be good like that :icon_bigg Try asking around, just in a way to let people who might know someone else that you might be interested.
  15. JB1986

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    I'm kinda going through the same thing too. I'm 23 as well. I've been out for almost two years, but still haven't met a guy yet. Bars intimidate me, I met a guy online but that was a bust, and I've asked to be set-up with a guy which so far hasn't happened. I guess my shyness and fear of rejection don't help, huh.

    Thanks for posting, newkid. I hope things work out for you, hon. :slight_smile:
  16. flymetothemoon

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    Nov 2, 2009
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    I just wanted to reiterate that you are definitely not alone. I am 23, will be 24 in a few months and I just began to realize I might have interest in girls, haven't really come out to many people at all yet and am just starting this is kind of overwhelming to realize something that is such a big part of your life and be able to come out about it so much later than others (even if it is still young), and I understand totally where you are coming from with the confusion. Thanks for posting, because I feel like your post has allowed a lot of people to find out they weren't alone in this.
  17. drake86

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    Dec 24, 2008
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    Hey man,

    Just wanted to say that I am going though the same thing. I am just now coming out and I am 23 as well. I hooked up with a few girls in college and only slept with one. I've known I was gay for a while and don't really know where to go from here either. I have the outlook where if I surround myself around great friends then eventually I am bound to meet a great person who may also be gay. I am in no rush to have a relationship right now. It been really cool how coming out has actually brought me closer to some of my straight friends. Just take your time, no pressure to sleep with anyone. And as everyone has said I don't think inexperience is a turn off but a turn on instead. (I've never been with another guy either.)