My brother-so afraid

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by crimsonarcher, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. crimsonarcher

    Full Member

    Apr 15, 2007
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    Ok, I've progressed significantly in terms of coming out this summer.
    but yet, for some reason, I´m scared out of my mind to tell my younger brother.
    He's 15, and barely starting high school. He has that weird "gangsta" personality, with the rap and whatnot. As far as I know, those ideals don't really accept homsoexuals 100%. Now i have to hide anything that might reveal my true sexuality to him at school.
    UH, NO!!
    I don't want to hide anymore.
    I felt so miserable now that I look back at it, when I wasn't this out.
    I want to ask, how can I tell him?
    It looks so easy!
    Both my parents know, and yet he doesn't.
    I need help on this.
  2. Lexington

    Full Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Since you don't seem to be fretting about your parents, presumably they're at least semi-cool with it. In that case, perhaps you can enlist their help. After all, they're more familiar with him and his quirks than any of us are. Just tell them you'd like to let Li'l Bro know, but you're not sure of the best way to go about it. See if they can give any insight and/or suggestions.

  3. Tommy Price

    Tommy Price Guest

    Reminds me of my relationship with my brother. I agree with Lexington. My Mother talked to my bro about it. It didn't hurt our relationship, it didn't really change it at all.
  4. -Michael-

    Full Member

    Jun 17, 2008
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    Middlesbrough, North-east England
    My dad told my brother...

    But just becuase we 3 did doesnt mean you have to.

    Just wait for a cool calm collected moment.

    Or you can enroll your parents for an easy ride.
    But if you want to talk to him about it, it'd best if you did.
  5. Amy

    Full Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Northern California, United States
    the whole "gangsta" thing wont last long. its a (fairly stupid) phase.

    personally, i think you have to tell him. you should not have to change how you act at school, just so he wont find out.

    if i were you, i would just sit him down and tell him. no matter what, you are his brother. remind him that you are still the same person. tell him that you wanted him to find out from you, not random people at school.

    who knows. maybe he'll be fine with it, and spread the love to his "gangsta " friends. that might be a bit much to hope for.

    best of luck and tell me/us how it goes!
  6. Jebs

    Full Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    DC area
    Boo... :dry:

    Welp dude. It depends.. are you close to your brother or are you guys just two dudes living in the same house. If you are close then it shouldn't be too difficult, I'd say just take him aside and tell him. Atleast before school starts. If not so close I'd say bring in the parents. Or... if you are 'out' enough in school then word will get around to him, you can always just wait for that to happen?
  7. unouxx3me

    unouxx3me Guest

    Honestly, I say...just blurt it out, or casually mention a guy you like or something like that. Don't make a big deal out of it. If you do then he will also make a big deal and/or trouble. If he cares about you...he won't care. Just don't be afraid, you are who you are and you can't change that.
  8. Amy

    Full Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Northern California, United States

    a) what is "boo" supposed to mean? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    b) its tough to find out that someone is gay from others. it makes you feel like thay cant trust you. trust me, my friend came out, didnt tell me, and i found out that he was gay from my friend whoes twin roomed with him on a choir trip, same friend who had had a huge crush on the guys boyfrind of a month, which i did not know about. although i had though he was gay for a very long time.

    anyway, my point is that its better to tell them then to have them find out about it.
  9. silentsound

    Full Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    Definitely talk to your parents first. The bottom line is that it's your life, so refraining from being open at school because of him isn't helping anyone. Don't shove it in his face, but don't try to hide just because of him. Try to come out to him before the school year if you are concerned about it, and your parents can be a great resource in doing so. Good luck =)
  10. justjoshoh

    Full Member

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Dayton, OH
    Straying from topic for a second... remember people say gayness is just a stupid phase too. Judge not lest ye be judged.

    Back to topic...
    As with many cultural sub-groups there is a tendency to try to put everyone into a nice one-size fits all category. There is a interesting documentary "Pick Up the Mic" that discusses gay hip-hop. Sure the lyrics from mainstream artists are homophobic at times (e.g. Eminem) but not everyone fits that category within the sub-group.

    I like Lex's suggestion to ask your parent's for help. Everyone has their little nuances and it is better to approach them knowing them first. For example, I have a brother that at times seems like he hates the entire world. I wouldn't dare approach him with the subject if he was in that mood. I understand the whole wanting to just get it over with feeling, but timing plays an important role.
  11. Arrk

    Full Member

    Jul 1, 2008
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    Ummm...please don't judge things harshly like that, especially a case you pretty much have NO real information about.

    Most gangsters in Northern California are pretty much branded with a tattoo by their gang as soon as they join- as early as even 8 or 9 years old. If they ever leave, or try to take their tattoo off, it's basically digging their own grave.

    So don't say it's "just a phase" since you really have no idea what you're talking about.

    Sure his brother might not be like that but it's pretty stupid for a minority to be to judge and stereotype someone else, especially since many people claim being gay is just a phase.

    Now, on topic-

    I think it would be best if you did what you are comfortable with (asking your parents to tell them, or yourself) when YOU are ready.

    In my opinion (mind you I am not out at all), I think your brother would understand better if you told him yourself because if you have someone else tell him, it may seem like you're ashamed of your orientation or scared of him- which is well, bad. You wouldn't want him to start ragging on you about being gay.

    Just my two cents. :]