Ever Have An Awkward Moment With A Straight Guy?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Davey, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. ok455

    Full Member

    May 19, 2005
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    Can't tell L!O!L
    I have a million stories

    I was in tech school and we had to take the buses to go back to our Normal school Well our Buses was late and i sat on the bench with this boy i new him for quite a while he was a hip hop black boy. He always acts gay around me for some odd reason. Well i was listening to my walkman and in the corner of my eyes he tried to kiss me on my cheek so i turn around at the same time and he kissed me on the lips. He dint do nothing he just walked away. And a few weeks later he kissed me on the side of my face

    When i was in High school this boy in my art class always talks about hes a homophobe and he hates gay people. And he goes on and on about why he hates gay people. We was in lunch i was visiting this guy i had a crush on and i sat at their table and he comes around and sits on my lap and started acting like i was humping him. I was shocked so i just touch his face and hair and stuff. And he did it again a few days later i grabbed his ass and he dint do nothing and he acted like nothing never happen.
  2. Master Hade

    Master Hade Guest

    Umm lets see a friend of mine asked me if i would give him a oral and then a pause then I was like ok! and he was like jk!
    and I was like yeah me too!!
  3. lostinthought9

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2008
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    ive had a few awkward moments, once i ACCIDENTLY told my, then crush, that i had a dream about him the nite before, and in the dream we ran away to some mountain region:bang::bang:...and then he was like "OH!, like brokeback mountain?, that's kinda gay dude..."--i wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out...:icon_sad:
  4. sngl

    Full Member

    Sep 16, 2007
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    Gender Pronoun:
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    Out to everyone
    Happened recently:

    We were taking pictures with a few friends and I was standing there with a girl and a straight guy (who's quite hot). She was in the middle.

    After a friend took a pic of us, she says: 'oh, you two are so gay!'. => awkward 5-second silence. Then, to make things worse, he says 'Well I'm not gay, but I don't know about him' (me). Then they were both looking at me, and I was looking at them. Another 5 seconds of silence.

    She knows I'm gay. She was probably expecting me to come out.
    He was expecting me to agree with him about not being gay, but I couldn't. But I didn't want to come out to him either.
    So we were all like .. what?? :lol:
  5. Poring

    Full Member

    May 28, 2008
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    Somewhere in Asia :o
    ROFL. I can imagine how this conversation would go out..
    hehe, that'd be hilarious. :lol:
  6. Master Hade

    Master Hade Guest

    it wasn't!!
  7. How about two straight girls? (Or women, they're both quite a bit older than me)

    So we were in the dressing room after a performance of The King and I last week, and it was me, the lady who played Anna (Sarah, who is married and, I'm guessing, in her twenties or early thirties) and one Royal Wife named Jamie (late teens or early twenties maybe, I'm not good at guessing age). Jamie had finished changing and was warning Sarah that she was opening the door, so she yelled, "I'm coming out!" and Sarah said, "Congratulations." And then Jamie left and started skipping around singing that song.. "I'm Coming Out"... yeah. It wasn't really awkward for them, but it definitely was for me. I so wish I had said something. But I didn't. So anyways, I had another not awkward, but funny moment today:

    Friend 1: Do you like *insert guy's name here*?
    Friend 2: I don't even know him... he's cute, I guess.
    Friend 3: You know he's gay, right?
    Me: He said that?
    Friend 3: No, but my gaydar's going off. I have awesome gaydar.
    Me: My gaydar sucks, and it should rock. Like my whole family's gay.
    Friend 3: Are you gay? No, just kidding! I would know if you were.

  8. Psychedelic Bookmarks

    Full Member

    Oct 24, 2007
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    lol! Straight people always think their gaydars are better than they are.
  9. Master Hade

    Master Hade Guest

    yes lets just stand and mock all the stragiht people who can't seem to figure it out
    (except in my case every one knows i am just deniin so whateve)
  10. Oh, wow. I keep bringing up this dead thread but I do feel the need to say this... The girl I just posted about, Jamie, who laughed when Sarah told her congratulations for "coming out"... I was all upset because I'd gotten to be friends with these people and then I thought, "Oh... they're homophobes... if they really knew me, they wouldn't like me anymore..." But I judged too quickly, which I usually (I think) don't do. I just saw this: (Not terribly important, you don't need to watch it. Just posted in case anyone wanted to. But still... it's nice to know that I was wrong.)


    :icon_bigg Maybe I'll tell her.

    Lol, yay for resurrecting old threads! ~megan~
  11. InaRut

    Full Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    There's this guy at work who CONSTANTLY hits on me. Even though his girlfriend is right there. So its all fun and games and such but some of the things he says...jeez! Awkward hahaha
  12. iNinjaTeddyBear

    Regular Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    My life is an awkward moment.
  13. Lava421

    Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2005
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    In high school I told my friend that I know somebody has a crush on him, but I can't tell him who. He jokingly said he knows it's me, and I didn't have a response.
  14. justjoshoh

    Full Member

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Dayton, OH
    Let's see if this qualifies...

    Several years ago, I was auditing the men's department in the store for which I work. I was in the briefs aisle scanning product on the lower shelves, so I was on my knees and not paying much attention to my surroundings. That is until a man hovered over me and said that he didn't remember his size and asked if I wouldn't mind checking for him. Startled and confused, I paused and agreed to, not fully sure what I agreed to do. He then proceeds to turn and lower his pants below the waistline and asks me what the tag said on his underwear. I told him, he readjusted his pants and thanked me for the help. I replied, "Anytime", realized what I said and corrected it (as I turned shades of red), "well, no problem, sir".

    An awkward moment... you be the judge.
  15. Blue0090

    Blue0090 Guest

    Lmao oh goddd
  16. BreakingGlass

    Full Member

    Jan 11, 2008
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    My sophomore year of high school a girl I knew was walking in front of me and just stopped for no reason. I accidentally rammed my books into her butt. She turns to look at me and says "Matt did you just touch my ass?". I told her what happened. Her boyfriends locker was next to mine so later he said something like "Did you hit Rachel's ass." I explained and he just laughed and said no problem. Well as I bent over to get something out of the bottom of my locker and Rachel walks by and smacks my ass real hard. Then stands there with her boyfriend and the two of them laugh. I shut my locker and turn around to walk away when her boyfriend grabs my ass! I dropped everything, papers went flying. I just scooped everything up and ran away. It happened with like 20-30 people around. :lol:
  17. the ry guy

    Regular Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Chicago, IL
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    once in college i was really mad about something i can't remember what, but a guy friend of mine put his arm around my shoulder and was trying to cheer me up and i wasn't thinking and put my arm around his waist, he was like "woah, little low there don't you think" :icon_redf it was really embarassing especially since he didn't know i was gay and i had a bit of a crush on him but he was seeing someone else
  18. Nick

    Full Member

    Jun 29, 2008
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    Melbourne, Australia
    It was at a family friend's 50th birthday party. I went upstairs and was just sitting and talking with one of his daughters and her six friends who were there (7-1 ratio is never a bad thing, right? :wink:)

    They knew people who go to my school and they were asking me if I knew them or not. Someone said one guy's name and then someone else said "Oh him, he's gay". Foolishly and without thinking, as is often the case with my responses, I said "I'll remember that". I had to quickly explain what I meant by that, but it was too late :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  19. Trumpetplyer23

    Full Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    There was this time in English class, there's the straight(?) girl who flirts with EVERYONE (and I mean everyone), we were heading opposite directions down the rows of desks (they were so close, only one person could fit at a time) and I moved aside to let her through. She looks up at me (I'm like, five inches taller than her) and she grabs my ass and says "sexy". It was incredibly awkward....after awhile I realized how funny it was and I laughed silently.