this is what i came out for???!!! what a disappointment

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by r2de2baca, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. r2de2baca

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    Jan 23, 2017
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    so i have done counseling. i have come out to family. i have asked friends to help me with dating. i have joined gay meetup groups. i have attended lgbt coming out groups. i have forced myself to go to gay events even when I have known the guys would likely be more campy than I can relate to. and i have done all this trying to get more comfortable with myself and maybe meet someone special. even tried a reputable paid dating site. i keep hearing of all the great and possible relationships out there with guys that really want something special and all of that is pure bullshit. no matter where i have tried to meet guys all they want is to fuck.nobody cares about you or getting to know you.nobody cares about taking their time to date. all they want is to fuck. anything other than that turns them off or they "lose interest". and this is what i came out end up being alone or to just accept that i am only valued as a piece of meat and not a real person! im so sick of hearing how great things are and how things get better. they dont! it's just the same thing over and over. i feel so cheated and fucking what? what am i supposed to do. cant go back to hetero life now. the best i can hope for is some dude im probably not into that hopefully isnt on drugs .0hhh wow what great options for me. i wish people would tell the truth about how it really is when dating in the gay world. there is no dating.just one endless hookup after the other and a bunch of people lying and playing games about how they want something real when all they do is hookup and dump on nice guys that can offer what they say they want. this is the worst orientation to have if you actually want a real relationship that doesn't involve fucking within 24 hours of meeting someone. officially over it!
    #1 r2de2baca, Feb 2, 2017
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  2. OnTheHighway

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    I am not sure how long its been since you have come out and started your journey towards living authentically; but from my experience, it is a journey and one that does not move in a straight line.

    While it is reasonable to want to come out, find a relationship, settle down with someone and get on with life, I feel there is a lot of self learning needed before being in a position of having the foundation needed for such a relationship. And if people are not willing to put in the effort to really, truly, learn about themselves, it makes it very difficult to have the emotional maturity required to establish a deep emotional connection with others.

    What your experiencing is this phenomenon amongst a large group of people that you have encountered that feel shame and have internalized homophobia. Whether it is myself, you or others, we all have to continue to take risks, make ourselves vulnerable, open ourselves up, to truly find out whom we are; and those that are not prepared, do not know how, or have simply given up, find themselves seeking acceptance, validation and connection through short escapades rather than meaningful relationships.

    Shame and internalized homophobia runs deep amongst the LGBT community. Its an effort to rise above it, but one that I believe can result in becoming a better person and enabling each of us to fully embrace others on a deep emotional level.

    There is much to be said about this in Alan Down's The Velvet Rage. If you have not read it, I suggest picking it up. Its a rather quick read and extremely insightful. Rather than being "officially over it", try and rise above it!
  3. r2de2baca

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    Jan 23, 2017
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    yea ok that sounds all well and good but the fact is im in my early 40s which is like 80 year old to gays. People my age want younger guys and younger guys just want to screw me. no thanks. im so bloody sick of all the excuses and psychobabble we make for the realities of gay life. all the fancy 10cent words like internalized homophobia and the like. well in the real gay world people dont give a shit about any of that. they cant have deep conversations and nobody is ever emotionally open or vulnerable. just this focus on sex sex sex sex sex sex and did i say sex! people fuck you first and get to know you maybe later if they feel like it or if the other people they are fucking while they are fucking you arent available and they are bored maybe they will give you a few moments to "get to know you". there is no romance no courting no dating just how anything to get to sex. i can read velevet rage until
    blue in the face and i can be a happy well understood and self aware lonely single person. and it is not like this in the straight world. when i dated women they were nice, they were caring, they really liked you and showed it and they actually wanted relationships. with gay men you have to always act like you could care less about relationships because heaven forbid you actually want something serious, thats an instant turn off. rise above what? rise above the reality that im likely going to be single for the rest of my life and theres nothing wrong with me other than im not a whore. ok ill rise above that. thanks.... oh and im sure someone is gonna say well were are you meeting these guys at. it doesnt matter. i even met a guy at church and all he wanted was to screw... its all the same everywhere. just a big mistake and i warn anyone contemplating leaving your loving wife to just stay married unless you want to just hookup randomly with men tht will dump you. if you want anything close to a normal loving relationship that doesnt involve you having oral sex or getting fucked within 24-48 hours of meeting someone or constantly being rejected or stood up or whatever lame excuse they can come up with, then just stay married. if you love that sort of thing then join the crowd. im sure it can happen but at this point i have just given up. i wish i never was gay.
    #3 r2de2baca, Feb 3, 2017
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  4. OnTheHighway

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    Your experience, while common, is not shared by many whom have come out. Your clearly frustrated and emotional, and you seem to be putting a lot of blame on the community at large. This is where I think you are mistaken.

    I have experienced the shallowness and sex driven nature that does certainly exit. But I have found a partner in life amongst the community. I have also developed a social circle of friends that value the meaning of relationships and put relationships as a priority over sex - relationships with friends as well as with significant others.

    None of this dropped in my lap. None of it came easy. It took persistence; it required that I maintained an open mind; it meant I needed to continue to adjust whom I was meeting, where i was going, and whom I surrounded myself with.

    Like anything else in life, nothing just drops in our laps. We have to go and get that which we seek.

    I for one will never look back on my decision to come out and I am grateful that I found the courage to take the risk and do it. I also think that risk is worth it for others whom are contemplating similar life choices so long as they are properly evaluating themselves, there lives and understand the pros and cons of such a decision to come out.

    I am sorry you are experiencing such a hard time. You experience certainly is not unique, but nor should it be generalized either.
  5. Lost4

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    Let's rewind, what was your life before you came out? I'm guessing it wasn't so peachy.

    So you've have some bad experiences, learn from it and move on.
  6. r2de2baca

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    Jan 23, 2017
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    my life before coming out was about the same. the only difference was i was always wondering what it would be like to be in a realtionship with a man. women were nice but i was always womdering what love from a guy would feel like. i also felt like i was living a double life. so i came out and it has helped to not feel like i was living double but making friends and the relationship thing has been quite difficult. gay friends have been hard to come by. the same problem existed with women. when i would meet people and they were interested in me and i wanted to be friends they would get pissed because i wasnt interested in them back and would not wanna be friends. with gay men though making friends has been harder because everyone seems to already have their clique of other core gays so they have not been very open to letting new ones in. it goes back to sex. if you cant serve a sexual purpose then what do they need you for. i cant count the number of times i have been told "i already have friends, i dont need anymore." many would say they were ok with friends until later when they would try and put the moves on me. those who have been ok with being friends are generally flakey so its hard to count on them to hang out. you end up feeling like you are trying to hunt them down or always asking them to hang out and its not mutual. basically like gay dating but its with a so called friend you are trying to just hang out with.

    so before trying to explore gayness things were about the same. i had straight friends and still do but basically i was always wondering how dating a guy would be i know. it sucks. after all these years i still have no clue what love feels like from a guy but i can definitely say how hurt and disappointment feels like from a guy. i remember some gay guys told me that if i wasnt too far into coming out that i should turn back because things are rough. i didnt know what they meant by the drama. i just thought things would be the same. they were right. i should have listened.

    ---------- Post added 3rd Feb 2017 at 08:17 AM ----------

    i am happy you have had such a great experience. congrats.
    #6 r2de2baca, Feb 3, 2017
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  7. OnTheHighway

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    Great Experience? far from it! I have two kids that barely speak to me, my ex wife will have nothing to do with me, I had massive emotional ups and downs, felt like I risked everything, thought I was loosing everything. I struggled enormously. All that said, I focused myself and made sure I pushed through it.

    The experience has been a journey. Lots of ups and downs. But I have reached a point in life that I am very happy to have reached. And now that I am here, I would not trade it for the world.
  8. r2de2baca

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    cool. sorry the kids dont talk to you. hope that works out. i personaly am emotionally withdrawing. i have tried everything i know how to try and other than working on myself thats the only thing i can control. i have zero expectations at this point regarding men and just honestly dont want to deal with any gay men regarding dating. i feel like a caged dog at the pound that has been abused so much that he is gnarling and ready to bite anyone to protect himself from being hurt again. i just wont invest any energy into romantic thoughts regarding gay men. for me its pointless.
  9. OnTheHighway

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    That may not be such a bad idea. Take a break from trying to find romance. How about instead, use that energy for other purpose? Maybe get involved in an LGBT charity, join an LGBT social group, or if you play a sport join an LGBT sport league. Don't focus on a relationship and instead focus on just living life as you are. It might be a good break and good distraction for you.
  10. Patrick7269

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    I don't know how long you've been out, but it may be worth taking a step back and looking at the big picture. Look at all of this on the timescale of your life. I'm assuming that you came out relatively recently and you have relatively little experience of being out so far. That's fine for now.

    Now that you're out and acting on it, you have to integrate it completely in your life. All of your life until this point has been toward a different identity, and only now are you making this massive change. Appreciate that you are integrating something new and different into an older identity you've had for decades. It will take time and it will seem strange for a while.

    I've been in several long-term relationships (on the scale of years) that were fulfilling emotionally as well as physically. I'm 44 now and I still have lots of dates, I still interest guys, and I'm still interested in a relationship. All of the more successful relationships came when I wasn't looking but they had one common element - I was attracting the right guy when I was being myself.

    If you are bitter toward the idea of dating, then quite simply, don't date. Your bitterness will (whether you think you're hiding it well or not) attract the wrong guy. Rather than seeing a relationship as something you are looking for externally, think of the *right* relationship as one that naturally extends from a life that's already happy and balanced.

    Believe me, when you are happy, taking good care of yourself, you know who you are, and you are experiencing the joy of living your own authentic life, you will attract the right guy. That guy will see something inside you that he understands and wants because he's also living a joyful life. When that current of positivity and self-realization is already pulling the two of you in similar directions, it's easy to be together - you're already headed in similar directions.

    So my thought is that if you can find a life of gratitude and joy, your path will cross with a guy who's good for you.

    That being said, if you're newly out or exploring, then maybe it's fine not to look for a relationship for a while. If you need to know yourself sexually then give yourself permission. Sometimes sex is part of a relationship, sometimes not. If there are no misunderstandings and it doesn't hurt anyone, then just explore and enjoy. You have a right to discover and enjoy your sexuality without shame or guilt. You can balance your sexual experiences with platonic friendships so that you get your emotional needs met too.

    Meanwhile - volunteer, do hobbies, get social. Forget about a relationship. Be yourself, and find a self-sufficient way of being joyful. Be your best "you". You will attract someone who's perfect for you, and you literally won't see it coming. This is a time to keep the faith and not expect anything in advance.

    Another huge thing is that you also are living your life in authenticity rather than hiding. Don't discount that. All of the above - finding joy and being the best "you" - is predicated on authenticity. Congratulate yourself and celebrate that you already had the courage to do that much. Closeted people are by definition not secure in who they are, and are extremely unlikely to find the kind of relationship you're wanting.

    You _will_ get there. Do not abandon who you are, because that's the "you" someone else is going to find irresistible. You just need to look at the big picture of your life, think long-term, and make your odds of success better by finding joy first.

    Believe me, I know the bitterness you describe. Ignore your feelings for now, trust your choice to come out, be your best you, and hang in there.

    *warm hug*


    ---------- Post added 3rd Feb 2017 at 10:26 AM ----------

    ^^^ What OnTheHighway said!
  11. I'm gay

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    I'd like to suggest to you that you put too much of your coming out on finding the guy. You set yourself up for disappointment because all your eggs are in that basket. It's no wonder that you feel jaded now.

    My coming out has been about my personal journey in learning to be the real me - the "me" that I hid from everyone for so many years. Perhaps one day I will find love, but finding a boyfriend, or long-term relationship, or a husband, wasn't the reason for my coming out. Me finally being authentic with myself was my reason for coming out.

    I think you put too high of expectations for yourself, and now you feel like it hasn't happened the way you thought. Instead of being angry that the reality didn't match your thinking, maybe you should work on adjusting your thinking to match reality.

    Take care. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:ride:
    FleetFoxes likes this.
  12. r2de2baca

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    yea i have decided to only see gay men as sex recepticals. up until this point i had been hoping for somethign normal and romantic and meaningful from a gay man. in over ten year hasnt happened. i was holding out for something closely remotely positive but now i accept things as they are and have decided to just get laid and use guys for sex. since that is what they want from me anyway ill just join the crowd and get off when i feel like it and prioritze them based on when im feeling horny. luckily or unluckily for me i can easily find a guy that wants to screw so this wont be a problem. i really dont feel good about the idea that my life has come down to random hookups since I never do that. but taking the high road isnt working so why not just join the crowd.

    as far as the timeframe for me coming out its been about ten years of trickling out over time to people. some im still not out to. but im out to the gays and have been around plenty of gay events and people and groups.

    as far as joining up with more gay groups i dont have the energy to deal with them right now. i usually never have much in common with these guys other than we both like dudes. im not emotionally im a good place to be mr happy go lucky gay guy at the lgbt event.

    i have decided to stop dating or even entertainig guys. they will get a wall up. as far as being in a happy place and trying to improve myself and focus on other things. welcome to the past ten years of my life being single. i have run out of busy work to do while other are getting married and having kids and i can barely score a good date. ive done the social groups etc. the road to a relationship with a gay man is to screw him and if the sex is good he may keep you around. nothing else really matters more than the sex. also when i do start using these guys for sex and beiing assholes to them im am very certain they will like me more. in my experiences treating guys with respect and dignity turns them off. they want bad boys with big rods. so the worse you treat them the more they want you.

    ---------- Post added 3rd Feb 2017 at 12:04 PM ----------

    i agree with you. my coming out was in hopes of being authenic so i can share my life with someone i always wanted. yes i wanted to come out for me but sexuality usually isnt solo so of course i was expecting to actual meet someone. i have adjusted my thinking now to accept reality. and that is to hookup (protected of course) when im feelimg horny and use guys for sex and nothing more.

    ---------- Post added 3rd Feb 2017 at 12:28 PM ----------

    thanks. im just hurting. i know there are great homosexual men out there. i just havent been able to meet one to have relationship with am im beyond frustrated but generalizing and throwing a tantrum about it is not going to help. i have picked up the velevet rage book and have atrated reading it. i cant say that it changes the crap i have experienced from gay men but if nothing else it can shed light on my own issues. as far as dating i am going to be upfront with guys that i dont want to date right now or waste my time. im not in a good place and dont want to deal with their bullshit so i will just save my time. as far as sex i think i will consider moving forward with my thoughts on this. if i cant have a realtionship or positive dating experience at least i can still hookup with hot guys while i still have a few good years left on the gay shelf life expiration date rules. anyway end of rant. i wish there was a way to meet nice guys like you all in real life. i just feel it would be so cool to have supportive normal guys that understand where you are coming from.
    #12 r2de2baca, Feb 3, 2017
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  13. Patrick7269

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  14. OGS

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    I always hesitate to wade into these types of discussion because I feel like people--and it's certainly not just you--are encountering a whole group of people that I'm just not. I feel like I should give some great advice about how to avoid these people but I haven't done anything to avoid them, they're just not who I've met along the way. Sure there have been a few bad apples, but you don't date the bad ones...

    I dated for five or six years en route to my husband... and it was wonderful. Sweet, romantic men and trips to the movies and the zoo, garden parties and theater tickets, kisses stolen under stoops while waiting for the rain to stop. There were flowers and love poetry and one truly awful home-baked birthday cake. And there was some sex, some really good sex actually--I was generally a third date sort of guy--but it never really seemed like the point, and I certainly never felt used. Not everyone was my cup of tea and I certainly wasn't everyone else's, but it all just seemed fun.

    I still feel that way about my experiences with other gay men. Of course, I'm off the market now as are many of my friends. But I'm still out and about and it just doesn't really seem that different to me. I've always found gay men as a whole to be open, kind, fun... pretty much everywhere I go. But then again I like gay men. I feel a sense of kinship, like we're on the same journey.

    I feel terrible that your experience has been so different and all I can say is that there is another experience out there to be had--I know because I've had it. Work on yourself and get out there not to find love or sex but just to experience and enjoy other people. Certainly try to avoid becoming one of the people that you feel you've encountered--it won't end well, especially if it's not naturally who you are. I don't know how you get there from where you are now but somehow you need to learn to hope again. I remember back when I was single I would go out five, six nights a week and every night I thought something amazing would happen and somehow it did, more often than not. Sometimes it was that I met a great guy or had a great date, sometimes it was just that the music was amazing or one of my friends said the cleverest thing. However you can manage it find some way to hope again.
  15. Patrick7269

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    OGS, if you don't mind me asking - when you were dating was your sexual activity only on dates or did you also have other sex?

    I completely agree with OGS - your hope is crucial. You need to find hope again so that when the circumstance is right you'll be ready.

    Also, how big is the community you're in? Do you meet many out gay men?

  16. OGS

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    Both. I used to say there were the kinds of guys that you looked at and thought "oh, we'd have a dog and he'd make us pancakes each morning..." and then there were the guys that you thought "we could go out behind the club..." I was sort of a mix of those guys. If you're not make sure you're sending out the right vibe!

    ---------- Post added 3rd Feb 2017 at 04:13 PM ----------

    If this last one's for me, I'm often fond of saying you can't swing a dead cat where I live without hitting a gay guy.
  17. r2de2baca

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    there are tons of gays where i am at but also the superficiality has run rampant here.
    its strange...i think i look like the kind of guy u want to shag right now in the back of the bar but when people talk to me they always seems like they were not expecting me to be a "nice guy type" they definitely want to screw but once they talk to me they say things like im sweet or nice and then they disappear.
    i have no hope. yes i need to find it again.
    i also grew up christian and really do not want to hookup and find this against my way of being. ideally i would not have sex until i feel emotionally safe with someone. that is unrealistic it seems. im very afraid of all the diseases that come with all the hookups people have and just get scared when someone is so open to having sex with me without knowing anything about me. means thats their m.o. and it just turns me off because i think i dont wanna screw the town good time guy.
  18. europeanguy

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    to be quite freakin honest, i agree, i came out to my parents and my sister for nothing so far. quite frankly your post scares me more, the whole "dont want a relationship, just want to do it" thing doesn't work for me. i need to be close to someone before even considering that. hell im still a virgin im not throwing that away for some fling that i could get an STD from to boot. i seriously thought that getting to uni and being more free will let me get out there and get a relationship, something that'll give me a reason to hope and look forward to the future. but knowing i really have any hope at all? what if i get there and it really is barren and just "do it and leave" people are there. wtf have i been holding onto?
  19. r2de2baca

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    simmer down. you will be fine at uni. in fact its a great time to meet a guy. other guys are just comigm out and very new to things just as you are. remember im in my 40s and the guys around my age have had more sex than a rabbit on steroids. sooo at 19 everyone is basically at rhe same level. also people are far more hopeful when they are younger and a lot of guys want boyfriends at your age. you actually have a great shot at meeting someone that really wants to be with you. remeber that we all have our own experiences and it doesnt means its the same for everyone else. im d and bitter. you are young and hopeful. enjoy life and you will meet a great guy. i hear stories all the time about how guys you age had a three and four year relationship during college and both were coming out at the same time. so dont let someones bad experience scare you. there are good guys out there and some that just want to screw. but i think you are in a good time and place to meet someone special.
  20. YeahpIdk

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    I'm not a gay 40 something man, but feel like under the right circumstances, anyone could say the things you're saying about people - of any orientation.

    I would listen to a lot of the amazing advice given above. I'd also think about working on myself for some time, and possibly putting the brakes on dating while looking elsewhere/something more fulfilling in life than dating.

    Some gay men I know are usually in/pursuing relationships over sex. So, like others have said, it's a pretty irrational to take it out on the entire community.