Almost 30...sick of living a lie..but don't have any easy choices

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by okccpdude, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. okccpdude

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    Aug 17, 2014
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    Not out at all
    I have posted here before regarding my issue with being gay but unfortunately nothing has changed since. For a little backstory, you can take a look at this thread.

    I am becoming a very angry, bitter person. I am reaching the point where before long I am going to have to be me and won't be able to keep putting up the act just to make others happy. Over the past three years I haven't even been living a lie, I have not been living at all. I have developed a drinking problem and spend most of my time drinking alone in front of my computer. Alcohol is my only way to escape the harsh realities of life and the constant pain I am stuck with.

    After years of reparative therapy and attempting to pray away the gay "unsuccessfully", at this point the only thing keeping me in the closet is my parents first and foremost. It also doesn't help that I am still living in my small, conservative hometown where coming out would have its social consequences. Because of financial reasons I won't be able to move for another five years.

    Coming out would completely destroy my family mentally and emotionally and I couldn't take watching that nor could I take the angry and hurtful things they would hurl at me. One thing I didn't mention in my previous post is how when I was out back in my early twenties, my mom would pray to God for him to take her life. Me and my mom were very close growing up and she thought the pain of me losing her would cause me to turn back straight.

    At this point, I realize that the religious beliefs of my parents are not normal, even for a non-affirming family. My parents are part of the 0.0001% most extreme cases. The problem is they are my parents and I love them and THEY believe those things. I just can't destroy my family's lives and that is what would happen if I came out. They wouldn't just get angry and expel me from their lives and go about their way. If they would do that, I would be okay with it. They would be destroyed though and would do everything in their power to destroy me.

    Thing is, I don't really have any good options. I'm going to be 30 in a few months and its really hitting me how short life is and I don't have time to just keep waiting around. I have wasted the past three years of my life and feel like I can't waste anymore, but if I do what I know needs to be done I'll have to watch the people I love suffer.
  2. danielo21

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    Nov 23, 2014
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    Hey okccpdude. Reading your story was painful. This kind of beliefs are extreme for a person living in the west. Your parents are both crazy and psycopath and you may love them, but they do not love the real you. They love and idealized and fake image of you. I repeat, they do not love you. I don't think they love anything for that matter, except their twisted beliefs. The only reasonable option is too move away from them by all means, as economically difficult it may be. Seriously, get the fuck out of there. They don't need to know about your sexuality. You are quite young, you can build your own family with REAL love.

    Remember that you have a community here if you need to talk. I know a family that is estranged simply because the parents are such horrible people that disowned one of the daughters without any apparent reason. It might be not very common, but happens and I think in your case cutting the contact again is the only solution, because if you do not do that, you might be getting more and more depressed to the point of doing something stuppid. Do you imagine five or ten years living exactly like you are now??

    You woudln't be destroying anything. Your parents choose to destroy because they choose to believe things that doesn't have any support behind them, instead of loving and accepting you. They are fucked up, although I know you know that already.

    Life is being unfair with you. But please keep going. look for an objective. A hobby. Whatever helps you to get out of that place and to distract your mind from your problems. We are with you.

    Do you have siblings? Any extended family? Are they like your parents?
  3. okccpdude

    Regular Member

    Aug 17, 2014
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    Not out at all
    Thanks for your reply.

    I know this is true. As painful as it is, they only love the guy they want me to be, not the real me. In their mind they think its love but it isn't. It's conditional. Ironic thing is, when I was out of the closet they constantly accused me of not loving them because they told me if I loved them, I wouldn't be putting them through what I was putting them through.

    As far as moving, the only way I can do that within the next five years is if I declare bankruptcy. I honestly have considered that but I am not sure how doing so would affect future housing or employment opportunities. I am also not sure if I could actually do it because it's not that I can't pay my bills, its that I can't pay them and save to move somewhere else. I do have a decent job in this town that I currently live in so if I defaulted on my car loan and credit cards, I could have enough saved to be out of here within six months.

    Fundamentalists refuse to see things as they are and instead see everything through the lens of their dogma. While normal people love their children unconditionally and would never disown them, the fundamentalist worldview sees disowning the wayward child as the only "loving" thing to do as "casting them out to Satan will eventually bring them back to the Lord."

    As for my future, five years is a real possibility and a very scary one at that, but its something I might be sentenced to.

    I definitely agree with this. The thing is the past three years I've been so depressed I haven't had the drive to get out and find something I enjoy. I pretty much just sip wine in front of my computer listening to music from happier days or watching movies. Very pathetic life, I know, but its a cycle I've been in for the past three years and I am having trouble breaking free.

    In the town where I live, social life pretty much centers on church. There are affirming churches but I have not brought myself to try that route because of the questions it would draw from my family.

    They already don't trust me and I have to walk on eggshells (control what I post on Facebook, who my friends are, etc) in order to maintain the image they expect. Being that my dad is assistant pastor of his church, image is extra important and it would be a significant scandal at the church if it got out that I was gay. Nobody here ever found out about my sexual orientation last time because I lived 1200 miles away.

    I have one sister and she drinks the same koolaid my parents do as is my extended family. My family really is like the Phelps clan except nobody else has had the guts to leave, nor do they want to because they genuinely believe they are serving God. I do have one estranged aunt and cousin who my family disowned for not being Christian enough (drinking alcohol, using profanity, not finding a church home) but I haven't spoken with that side of the family since 2001. It would be extremely awkward for me to try to make contact considering its been so long and also considering what my immediate family did to them. I am also not sure what their opinion is on homosexuality.
  4. KyleD

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    Jul 4, 2013
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    Maybe you could try to reestablish contact with your ex boyfriend? Have you two been in contact since 2010?
  5. danielo21

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    Nov 23, 2014
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    Whatever decision you take, I wish you all the luck in the world. Go to the gym, learn a new language, technology,...If you are stuck with them for a while, at least you dedicate the time to yourself. And in a few years, you will look back and see who things have improved. Your parents cant control anymore your mind and heart, and that is the most important step. I think you will be happy. And I'm totally sure you will be free.
  6. bluesky

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    Jun 3, 2013
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    First off, I'm sorry for what's going on in your life. I don't really know what to say to make you feel better because it sounds like you recognize the situation you're in. It's hard when it comes to family, I completely understand that. I think the best option for you is to save up and move out. There's no other way to go around this. You love your parents so much that's why you don't want to hurt them, so the chance of you living your REAL life seems impossible to you. Step away from your family, take a breather, do things on your own and live your own life. That's what you need to do. You don't need to come out to your family again. Just get a way for awhile to gather your thoughts so you can fine "you" again and be happy. You're almost 30, but it doesn't mean that it has to be over. I know you feel really depressed, as if you can't do anything for yourself. You've got to look forward and focus on separating yourself from your family first so that you can do you. You really need to focus on you, you understand that right? Your parents may NEVER understand homosexuality, you can't sit around and waste your life trying to please them. I know this is a very difficult task, but that's the only way you can get out of this mess. Everything else, deal with it later. When the time is right, things will fall where they need to be. Don't let negative thoughts cloud your mind, don't let excuses cloud your mind. Do you and only you from here on out.

    I'm 28 this year and I barely came out too. So trust me when I understand the amount of time you've "wasted" by not being able to be you. But that's alright, everything you've gone through in the past 29 years it's not all a waste, they build you as a person to make you stronger today. Cheer up, and work on your way to be a happier person. I know you can do it.
  7. Yossarian

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    Sep 14, 2013
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    Sell the car to pay it off; keep paying on the credit cards, they don't care if you ever pay them off as long as you make payments. Start looking for another job in a city with larger gay populations, where you can be yourself. You are old enough to move out on your own, and do not have to answer to your parents for anything about your sexual preferences or orientation. If they are the kind with religious beliefs bordering on mental illness, you are never going to be able to live a normal life in their close proximity, and will be constantly "escaping" through alcohol or drug abuse. Do it the healthy way and move into a healthier environment well away from them.
  8. okccpdude

    Regular Member

    Aug 17, 2014
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    Not out at all
    Thanks again for all the replies. I know moving is my ultimate solution. Unfortunately, I am currently in a pretty big financial pickle, especially with my car loan. Selling the car to get out of the loan isn't possible because I owe $12,000 more than the car is worth due to negative equity left over from the previous car I traded in for my current car. My only options are to surrender it to the bank or wait it out. If I wait it out I have five years left on the loan.

    In addition, I want to clarify that though I currently am living in the same town as my parents I am not living WITH them. They are very involved in my life though so trying to sneak anything by them would be extremely difficult. Even now, I have to be very careful with what goes on my Facebook and I even have to explain friends that I add to my parents being that they don't trust me not to be sneaking around in the LGBT world. There are certain risks I could quitting my job and moving with only $3000 saved up...that might work out but I also might end up bankrupt and back living with my parents. That would be much worse than even my current situation.

    I am three hours from a major city and I have been applying for jobs there but finding a job in a city you don't live is beyond difficult. Just maybe it will work out though. If not, I am going to have to wait out the next five years here. If that happens, my worst fear is that the next five years will be like the last three: a complete waste of life and meaningless. To make matters worse, I am already becoming an angry and bitter person, I can't imagine the toll another five years will have on my mental health. I need to find some way to make sure that doesn't happen. I'll either need to find some kind of distraction to get me through the next five years or get the guts to come out while still living here (which is an extremely scary, scary thought). Maybe I can start by deactivating my Facebook...but if I did that they would know for sure I was up to something... These are lemons that its very difficult to get lemonade out of.
  9. piano71

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    Nov 25, 2013
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    Some people
    My comments:

    You'll likely need a car in most major US cities. I'm guessing the OP lives in Oklahoma City based on his user name, and is contemplating a move to Dallas, which is about three hours to the south along I-35. Dallas is a car-dependent city, so it may make the most sense to just keep paying on that car until the loan is paid off.

    For others reading this thread, some advice: NEVER allow yourself to be upside-down on a car loan. This means your repayment schedule on a new car should max out at 4-5 years. If your car is totaled due to weather or an accident, the insurance settlement would pay off the loan balance. Or if you need to trade for a different type of vehicle, you wouldn't start out with crushing negative equity.

    If you own your home, it may have appreciated enough in value the last few years to consider selling and using the proceeds to retire other debt (credit cards and car loan) and/or fund a move. If you're living in an apartment, timing the move at the end of a lease is the least expensive way (no financial penalties). This might require moving without a new job, but then you are a "local" candidate and it's easier than looking for work from afar.

    Other than that, I'd say to put all your effort into lining up that new job so you can get away from the fundie relatives. The estranged relatives may be more sympathetic than you think, especially if you reach out and tell them you no longer buy into your biological family's extremist interpretation of Christianity. Wouldn't hurt to try to re-establish contact (doesn't require coming out as gay, just telling them you are oppressed by religious fundamentalism) and see if they know anything about job opportunities elsewhere, a more progressive church, etc.
  10. okccpdude

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    Aug 17, 2014
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    Not out at all
    So this weekend has been one of the worst and most discouraging weekends of my life. My parents' church decided to burn the rainbow flag in protest of the Supreme Court decision and almost every post on my Facebook news feed looks like something that a few years ago you would only hear from the Westboro Baptist Church.

    I feel beyond isolated. I don't have any friends. I have my family but in order for them to love me I have to submit to their authority. I have never seen so much hatred and lack of grace and compassion as I have this weekend because of the SCOTUS decision.
  11. asphalt

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    Jun 26, 2015
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    in a really similar situation to you man, i'm 30 next month, i've got a severe drink problem and i ain't out, though my excruciatingly fundie mother knows i've been with guys... i never had the whole coming out conversation with anyone, it was just kind of assumed i'm bi, with accompanying sighs of relief when i ended up in hetero relationships that made me really unhappy. i swept it all to the side and accepted while my drinking got completely out of hand, and i've been stuck behind a computer depressed as shit, completely isolated. i don't have much to do with any of my family. deactivated facebook and all.

    i'm with you on the jaded misanthropy. you ain't alone.
  12. Chicagoblue

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    May 30, 2015
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    My narrow advice is to find more and more positive things in your life: exercise, education, more/better friends (irrespective of sexual attractions). I'm trying to follow my own advice in my own life and it's helping [me].

    You'll be on my mind. Stay strong.
  13. ant12

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    Jun 29, 2015
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    Well if it was me i would move across the country and honestly never speak to them again, but thats just me.

    Either way your happiness is the most important. People like your parents see god as their one and only moral compass. they can only change if they want to accept you, which may already seem like they won't.

    My only advice is to get out as quickly as possible
  14. Contact1111

    Contact1111 Guest

    Jun 24, 2015
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    New Paltz, NY
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    I'd say just disappear from their lives. There is no way around it. You cannot have any contact with these people. Sadly, it sounds as though your parents are mentally unbalanced and borderline delusional. Unfortunately, there usually isn't anything that you can do to dissuade these kinds of beliefs or lessen them. They completely and 100% believe that all the things they said are true beyond a shadow of a doubt no matter what anyone else says.
  15. Yossarian

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    Sep 14, 2013
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    I have a friend who is also 30, and not out to his parents, although he thinks they might have surmised something about him by now. His dad is a preacher, and somewhat homophobic. He lives 1200 miles from them, visits once or twice a year, and does what he wants to do where he usually lives. So in effect, he has "rejected" living his life for them, but allows them to be what they are, while he is who he is. He is naturally financially independent by this time, so he can pretty much do what he wants to. I have talked to him about coming out to them, stressing that it is not his fault that he was born gay, he has done nothing wrong, and there is nothing wrong about being gay. He just doesn't want to cause them discomfort, at the expense of (I think) delaying his own total development. But, he is a really nice guy, doing what he wants to do, and handling it the way he wants to, so I just give him a hug and tell him whatever he wants to do is his decision and I support him no matter what.
  16. rhamphorhynchus

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    Jul 2, 2015
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    reading this story make me think about how i would always get caught up deeply in my own problems and get over-saturated by it. But then, you have it worse. I think you need a friend. Someone to give you the courage you will need to get through the recurring sandstorm - whether you want to get out of it or build resistance inside it
  17. Christiaan

    Christiaan Guest

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Go ahead and let them have their tantrum. That is all they can do, at this point. I know the whole drill: one threatens to disown you, the other threatens to kill herself, they start crying about the end of times, they stonewall you for a few months and pout, but look, it passes.

    If they are trying to monitor what you do online, they know as well as you do that the fact that you are gay is not going to change. They are clinging to a fantasy, and they know it.
  18. 50ishandout

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    May 1, 2015
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    The only thing I will say is that it's your life not your parents life. I've had lots of money and then had to file bankruptcy. You'll recover. Money is not the most important thing in life. Your happiness is.

    I'm 51 and I just Came Out. I've never been happier. People tell me everyday how happy I look. Time for you to do the same.

    As much as your afraid to start a new chapter of your life you must. You spoke of your anger issues. I was always angry. Always had a chip on my shoulder. Trust me it's gone now.

    It's YOUR LIFE. Live I how you want.
  19. Gratitude

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    Jul 3, 2015
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    Halifax, N.S.
    What 50ishandout just said, about being happy, well, ditto! And hello to you all. I am 54, brand new here, and also living in a "closed-minded" environment from which I felt there was no escape. I spent several years of my life just trying to be invisible. It may not happen overnight, but with all the support offered here, I believe you can, and deserve to live a happy, fulfilled life. We all have our own journeys. For me, realising that I needed to own my own power as a human being, led to finding and utilizing everything possible to strengthen my self. The whole spectrum. For me. Self care. Someone else mentioned regular exercise. Treating myself as if I was a loved one who needed my support (because I was!), the list goes on. It is amazing. I got to a stage when I was able to identify how I was hurting myself, and started replacing those negatives with healthier alternatives. One of my biggest personal transitions was stopping the alcohol cycle, and very quickly a huge chunk of depression and anxiety was significantly reduced. Anyway, bottom line, keep believing in you, ya? That's a great place to start. Thanks for listening. Hope it's helpful. :slight_smile:
  20. 50ishandout

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    May 1, 2015
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    Great reply Gratitude. We substitute various substances and actions for Happiness. Being Free is true Happiness.