Bisexuals and the LGBT Community

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Alpha78, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Alpha78

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    Dec 20, 2013
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    I just watched an episode of Tyra Banks called "Gay Kingdom" where she gathered people from the lgbt community and had them vote on who shall be banished from the "kingdom" which the bisexual was chosen due to being closest to straight and giving hope to others that homosexual can be converted (which I know is absolutely impossible :thumbsup:). What im confused on is the prejudice of bisexuals, even inside the lgbt community. Are bisexuals actually frown uponed in the community, or is it just rare cases?
  2. stocking

    stocking Guest

    Jul 12, 2013
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    I think they are I've heard some lesbians say some mean things to bisexual girls in my experience I've also gotten some of it myself . I use to label myself as bi back then and when I told lesbians I was bi I would get I like you but since your bi I don't trust you , you'll leave me for a man you probably would like a man more than me but the worse one I ever gotten you've had penis in you and when I said I'm a virgin they said well you'll want it later . bisexuals get a bad rap . I know now that I was never bisexual at all but I know how it feels to be discriminated against because of your sexual orientation .
    I watched that episode as well and was disappointed in everyone it was just wrong , I would think because we are part of the lgbt community we would know better . :eusa_naug
  3. Abbra

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    Jul 15, 2013
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    Unfortunately, the bisexual community is rather discriminated against. I'm actually really shocked that Tyra would allow such blatant discrimination, but I'm going to put that thought aside for now.

    I know that biphobia exists because I myself was biphobic to an extent. It was mostly because when I was about 13, 30 or so girls at my school came out as bisexual. All of them, save for two, renounced this declaration within a few months stating that they just wanted to experiment. That coupled with the fact that the only relationship I had was abruptly ended because the girl left me for a guy, I wasn't exactly in the right mindset. I didn't go so far as to believe that they didn't exist or say anything nasty, I was just really cautious and generally didn't believe it when anyone said they were bisexual.

    I've now learned that it's an ignorant mindset that I have gladly discarded. However, there are many who have yet to do the same.
  4. biAnnika

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    Yes, we suck. We also lick. Therefore, we are evil incarnate.

    We are generally overgeneralized and therefore misunderstood. Straight people see us as gay people who haven't admitted it yet (or for women, they can see us as straight women who are willing to kiss another woman...or perhaps go a bit order to titillate straight men). Gay people see us as turncoats...the ultimate wolves in sheep's clothing...and as fence-sitters...we can't decide what we really want. So we're undesirable to both groups...we can't be trusted. Oh, yes...let's not forget promiscuity and the premise that we'll have sex with anything as another common stereotype.

    Now before anyone gets in a twist, no, of course I'm not sayin' *everyone* feels this way. But generally, when someone has a problem with us (and there's *always* someone), those are generally the things they're complaining about.

    Why/how is it so mystifying that we can find people of both sexes attractive? Men can admit some men are attractive...women *certainly* can admit that some women are attractive...what? Generally, but not to them? Sounds hypocritical to me. Oh yeah...but we're the ones who suck. And lick.
  5. phoenix89

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    That sounds like biphobia, more than anything. As someone who is question, this is a fear of mine. Someone being Bi is no different than someone being gay, straight, pan or asexual. People who are Bi, do not chose to be Bi, they just are. When I was younger though, there was the saying, "Gay, Straight, or Lying". This was used mostly for men, because for some reason it was and still is considered, "hot" if a woman is Bi. However, men can only be gay or straight. I do not agree with this, but that was the saying when I was young.

    I know as become more vocal about the fact that I am questioning, I know that I am going to have to face this, and to be honest it is terrifying. I do not want be to assume that I am going to straight or that I am going to "turn" gay because I am question who I am.
  6. biAnnika

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    (And to those who think we can't be monogamous, I'll just toss out there that my partner (f) and I have been together nearly 28 years.)
  7. Alpha78

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    Dec 20, 2013
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    I have heard of some of those discrimination. Another question in my head is, if lesbians or gay men become angry when they are discriminated by straight men and women, then why would they discriminate bisexuals? They have the same confusion and struggles as any other lesbian or gay man.
  8. stocking

    stocking Guest

    Jul 12, 2013
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    actually admire the fact that you don't let this bother you and all the facts you listed are so true . I had one bi friend get bashed because she was dating a man and people called her straight . I've been told by a straight man once that a bi women will always leave me for a man and most of them like men and only like me a woman as a play thing . I've also had some bad experiences with bisexual girls one left me for a man the other cheated on her boyfriend with me . do I think all bi women are like this no . I also think the media is highly to blame for bad stereotyping of bisexuals I have yet to see a tv show with a decent bi character
    Also I find another think hypocritical is some lesbian sleep with men or have slept with men in the past and discriminate against bi girls for being sleeping with men .
    #8 stocking, Mar 14, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
  9. lukeluvznicki13

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    Jul 24, 2013
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    Apparently we are very confused human beings that are constantly wanting to have sexual interaction with people.

    Some gay and straight people don't believe that bisexuals exist and therefore they judge us.
  10. gravechild

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    Whether someone is a gay person in denial or not doesn't make a difference, since simply being attracted to anything other than the opposite sex to any degree puts us in the same category, so whether you're a queer monosexual, or queer multisexual, you're still going to be othered.

    The gender roles and expectations are so rigid, that someone who is into a non-conforming member of the opposite sex, or a transsexual, is enough to have their sexuality questioned, so of course admitting that one is attracted to members of the same sex is going to put them in a very different spot.

    You'd think with so many former bisexuals in their ranks, most gay men and lesbians would be a little more compassionate, telling bigots "knock that off," rather than prejudiced and intolerant, constantly bullying others into "coming out" and discriminating against anyone who isn't exactly like they are. What message is that sending to others?

    It's mostly down to how straight men are conditioned, to shun anything feminine, and if gay men are closer to be "women" and therefore inferior, it's that much easier to say there can be no bisexuals among us; they are belong to *that* team. That's a lot easier to fathom than admitting that some masculine, "straight" men aren't quite so straight at all, since it shatters all preconceived notions of what makes a person a "faggot" or a "cocksucker".

    Suddenly, it's not just a tiny, invisible minority, or the thing of fairy tales, or something "normal" people have to worry about. When it becomes someone you look up to, trust, and even, yes, love, things start getting serious; it's that much closer to reality.

    There's not a whole world of difference between heterosexuality and homosexuality. The lines aren't nearly as clearly defined biologically as they are socially, so when people aren't even ready to admit the possibility of bisexual being a valid orientation, is it that surprising when scientists with agendas are out there trying to disprove its existence?

    Sadly, I'm starting to think a lot of this does come down to reproductivity, or at least our attitudes towards it. If it were up to me, we wouldn't even have labels; we'd be like those animals where bisexuality is natural occurring, and no one even gives it a second thought. Even with our civilized, technologically advanced societies, we're still behind them in major ways.
  11. AcceptingMyself

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    Mar 15, 2014
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    This topic fascinates me because I have recently admitted to myself that I've been bisexual my whole life. I never considered facing discrimination from within the LGBT+ community, but instead was worried about how my loved ones would react. Still, regardless of how some people in the community would view my sexuality, I would not deny it just for the sake of fitting in. If someone wants to try and bully me I say give it your best shot but be prepared to be verbally drawn and quartered. Grown ups who think it's ok to bully and trash others need to GROW UP!
  12. rainmustfall

    rainmustfall Guest

    You know the incredible irony of the situation though? A lot of these insecurities are from cultural changes within the 18th and 19th century. In earlier times, sexual fluidity was actively encouraged and people would think it odd to fear it. Even the word lesbian, which was coined in during those cultural changes, is based on the island where Sappho the poet lived. Sappho was actually just a poet with a very open heart to all love, and it is well documented that she loved both women and men.
  13. softsprite

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    Thank you, rainmustfall! Yes, Sappho was probably bisexual. Walt Whitman was too. And yet Sappho and Whitman are rewritten historically as gay. We are everywhere. We are half of the LGBT community. We're born this way :slight_smile:

    To answer the question here, yes. While some people in my town were telling me I was going to hell for being bisexual and my girlfriend was being threatened, meanwhile the gay community was telling me I was a distraction, an attention whore, a liar or a traitor, etc. Or at best simply a straight ally...or of course a closet case. Even though I was out of the closet--as bisexual. The minimization and ridicule is trendy I guess, until one of us bisexuals ends up a victim of a hate crime. Maybe people should think about that before they speak. The same lesbians who call bisexual girls filthy names should consider what they would say if one day a bisexual girl was murdered for being gay because she was in a relationship with a woman. This still happens, all over the world. Bisexuality is not an American construct. It exists in every culture, in every country, in the most repressive places as well as the most open ones. It's not fair. We put ourselves out there and we get no support.
  14. Foxface

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    May 2, 2013
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    answer that question successfully and go get a Nobel Peace Prize as far as I am concerned.

    I have never figured out why people who are discriminated against turn out to discriminate against others...I just don't get it at all
  15. Nikky DoUrden

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    Aug 25, 2013
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    What u guys talking about I have nothing about bisexuals, I even think they are lucky :grin:
  16. Fallingdown7

    Fallingdown7 Guest

    Discrimination toward bisexuals is utter bullshit, but I also believe It's caused by societal norms.
    Some lesbians discriminate against bisexuals because heternomativity is forced on them. "Sexuality is fluid- you'll eventually like a man", "Lesbian sex isn't real sex", "Bicurious or even straight girls pretending to be bi so they can use/experiment with women", "Gay people coming out as bisexual because they're afraid to fully come out as gay".

    These situations give real bisexuals a bad name. We need to stop these societal views if we ever want the community to stop doing this unfortunately.
  17. stocking

    stocking Guest

    Jul 12, 2013
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    the sexuality is fluid - you'll eventually like a man " Lesbian sex isn't real sex Gets to me I mean it really annoys me and even makes me feel insecure about how people would think of me outside of the lgbt community that's why I hate it when some people say this I find it damaging
  18. Simple Thoughts

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    Dec 21, 2013
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    If I had my guess...

    A coping mechanism to help them deal with the fact that they are discriminated against.

    Kind of like how if you boss gets chewed out at work by his boss and then he takes out his frustrations on you by chewing you out.

    That kind of thing.
  19. Fallingdown7

    Fallingdown7 Guest

    I agree. I know I say that sexuality can be fluid and I liked men in the past, but I only say that because I believe It's possible for some people to be fluid and they don't have to feel guilty about that. However, It's another thing when you go up to a lesbian who's comfortable/happy being a lesbian and tell her that to get her the option of liking men. Nope.
  20. stocking

    stocking Guest

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Yeah I hate that and some people use some people using that as an example that gays and lesbians can be changed and say we're lying when we say we don't want the opposite and are choosing to be gay and lesbian . It's just plain ignorance .