General News RIP Margaret Thatcher

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by gordilocks, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Praetor

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    Aug 18, 2012
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    I may not like much of what she did, but I certainly will not celebrate her death. To stoop to such levels is vulgar, at least in my opinion.

    Her policies, both economically and socially, are much different from my own and I have a lot of qualms with her economics in particular. Neoliberalism in my view does not create a fair and equal society, in fact it contributes to the opposite. While unions in Britain may have had inefficiencies, her steps to deregulate the UK and bring about such privatization reforms were too far and set a dangerous precedent which unfortunately many others have tried to follow. A nation should not be built upon the whims of corporate interests, but on the needs of the people and the ideals of equality and freedom.
  2. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    what if I were to tell you that justin beiber choked to death on a panty thrown on stage by a 40 year old fan?
  3. JPC

    JPC Guest

    I think that would be universally greeted with a celebratory dance (!)
  4. lexi

    lexi Guest

    Well in all honesty id be amused, but I still don't think that's cause for celebration lol

    And notice that I only said that I don't make a habit of it, not that I'd NEVER do it :wink:
  5. hkboy93

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    Mar 3, 2013
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    Well she did make sure Hong Kong would retain a part of the English culture, social life style and values. I can't imagine Hong Kong just being another polluted, uncivilized Chinese city. She defined Hong Kong and essentially guaranteed us social freedom which we hold on to dearly.
  6. gordilocks

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    Oct 19, 2012
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    Re: Margaret thatcher is dead

    Literally all i have said about North Korea is that they're arming themselves as a response to western imperialism. That's just an analysis of what's happening in the region, & you're really clutching at straws to try to label that a defence of them.
  7. Salazar

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    Jun 17, 2011
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    Re: Margaret thatcher is dead

    There is no western imperialism. North Korea has made it up, and, apparently, you've fallen for it.

    Also, we all know that, for some reason, Glaswegians have a pathological hate for Thatcher. We couldn't really expect anything less. And no, I don't mean that disrespectfully, it's a point of fact.
    #47 Salazar, Apr 9, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2013
  8. Hexagon

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    May 1, 2011
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    Re: Margaret thatcher is dead

    Yes, North Korea has largely made up the western imperialism thing, but if I remember correctly, there was the issue of performing military training somewhere hey weren't supposed to be doing it. I'm not defending North Korea, just saying that it wasn't entirely one sided.

    As for a pathological hatred of thatcher, as far as I'm concerned that's just part of being a decent person. And perhaps you didn't mean I that way, but it did sound kind of antiscottish
  9. gordilocks

    Regular Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    Re: Margaret thatcher is dead

    Yeah, I mean enabled i crazed dictator to take control of South Korea, kill thousands of their own citizens, & have a constant military presence ready to strike agianst NK is not imperialist at all.

    This explains the situation far better than i ever could.

    Seeing as she decimated Scottish industry and used us as a test for the poll tax i wouldn't expect anything other than hatred for her.
  10. Salazar

    Full Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Re: Margaret thatcher is dead

    Industry, as a whole, in all of Britain was coming to its end anyway. She's just an easy scapegoat. Globalisation had meant that industry was moving to cheaper places like India and China. No one was going to pay Dave the scotsman £15 an hour to smelt steel, when it could be done by someone called Bashnar for 50p a day.

    Also, I must not understand poll tax correctly, because I don't see everyones problem with it. Surely, a household of three should pay three times as much for council services as a household of one?
  11. cita

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    Aug 1, 2012
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    It took EC almost an entire page to get to this post. Wow.
  12. DoriaN

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    Jun 5, 2011
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    I'd be sad. Wishing ill will of others is highly disgusting to me, I do not even like the idea of joking.
    It's easy to toss around hate for whatever self righteous idea, but I assure you; many loved ones are likely mourning right now.
    People are fallible, ones person's enemy is someone else's friend. Not caring about another life's death is deplorable.
  13. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    Re: Margaret thatcher is dead

    no, you said that north korea are the victims of outside aggression, when technically, they have always been the one to aggress. they started the korean war in an attempt to take over and subjugate the south koreans to a system of goverment based purely on lies and mythology, and that has no sustainability. they are the ones who claim their nuclear endeavors are only for peaceful power generations, but fail to have a single power plant, and keep testing nuclear warheads, and threatening to wipe south korea and america off the map with them. They were the ones who bombed a south korean island, and torpedoed a south korean ship.

    Margret Thatcher was no saint, but that doesn't make it appropriate to do a 'ding dong, the witch is dead' dance on her metaphorical grave.

    and I always thought it was funny how communist and communist sympathisers use the phrase 'imperialist' to describe non-imperial countries like america and south korea, both who are representative democracies. to be imperialist, you basically need a monarch or a dictator, which north korea has.
  14. gordilocks

    Regular Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    Re: Margaret thatcher is dead

    That's entirely false

    Actually the years leading up to the War had many cross border attacks from both sides but okay. It's also funny that you portray South Korea as the good ones when as the war broke out their leader had thousands of leftist dissidents murdered with the compliance of the US Army.

    Because of course it's okay when South Korea has missiles ready to fire at North Korea, but if North Korea tries to arm themselves they're evil.

    Seeing as you're from the US, you have no idea how to tell people from the UK how to react to her death as you have no idea of the destruction she caused.

    Imperialism literally means 'the creation and maintenance of a county's power or influence through military force'. Every single military action the USA has fitted this definition.

    tl;dr I have no idea what you're talking about, & neither do you.
  15. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    Re: Margaret thatcher is dead

    I have a greater understanding of the world than you think. America is responding to north korea's threats by making it clear that if they take their nuke testing and sabre rattling into active warfare, there will be reprecussions. And you are ignorant of north korea. America, like most of the western world, does have militaries to defend their nations and their allies. Guess where North Korea basically spends most all of their money? a huge military it uses to punish its own citizens, and making showy threats of power against its neighbors and the world. America's power is economic and diplomatic. All north korea has is its military, because it doesnt invest in its citizens, or a sustainable econamy. North Korea is not acting it its defense, and hasn't in, well, its entire history.

    you cant use nuclear fuel created for power production in nuclear warheads, and yet thats all north korea has created so far. North korea has been testing nukes, in defiance of international law, and has been threatening to bomb various countries. they have shelled south korean locations simply because those locations exist, and have bombed and sunk naval ships for being in south korean waters.

    There is a VAST difference between peace-time military training, which the south were engaging in with its allies, and what north korea is doing, which is threatening to massacre south korean, japanese and american citizens by launching nuclear missles.

    You dont see south korea testing nukes. IN FACT, south korea does not posess any nuclear weapons. North Korea threatened a soveirgn nation with destruction, having already agressively provoked them many times over the decades since the north devolved into a brutal dictatorship.

    Your ignorance is astonishing. You criticise people for having the capability of defending themselves against a brutal, emotionally and mentally unstable dictator with a penchant for threatening thermonuclear war, calling them imperialist, but yet north korea is the one who uses its military to prop up a criminal leader against his own people, and seek to destabilize democracies by force.

    Margret Thatcher was an egotist who created a system of privitization of nationalized programs that ultimately led to a severe undermining of the british econamy by creating substandard replacements that exist only to make a few people rich. She attacked and broke unions who were fighting for safe working conditions and fair wages, setting off civil unrest that weakened the socio-economic structure that still reverberates today. She demonized those who spoke out against Aparthied in south africa, refering to those seeking to end the practice 'terrorists', and defended those perpetuating racial law. She had an act first, never apologize mentality that ultimately was her downfall, and her superiority complex clouded her judgement, the same way you are doing to yourself.

    and you say that only people from the UK can comment on margret thatcher, and understand what she did.

    Guess that means you need to shut your face about north korea, and leave that to people who have actually been paying attention to this longer than you have been alive.

    you are 16, and your understanding of the world basically seems to exist only in the realms of whatever propaganda your sopping up off the internet.

    why dont you move to north korea then, and step away from the propaganda of their state controlled media, and see just how bad life is under the rule you seem to lionize.
  16. gordilocks

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    Oct 19, 2012
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    Re: Margaret thatcher is dead

    You seem to enjoy calling me brainwashed, while most of what you're saying is propaganda for the other side, repeated from the mouthpieces of your government.

    You talk about how democratic South Korea is, ignoring that mass gathers have been illegal since 2009, that citizens cannot hold press conferences, that even visiting the North results in years in prison.

    You accuse me of lionizing their rule, but i've not actually said anything about how actually feel about the country.
  17. Eatthechildren

    Full Member

    Dec 9, 2012
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    Screw the holier-than-thou gits. STREET PARTIES!
  18. Fintan

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    Aug 24, 2010
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    Margaret Thatcher's 11-year premiership successfully reversed the decline that had plagued the UK since the end of World War II. Her big legacy items – privatization, low taxes, low inflation – remain intact; some remain virtually unchallenged.

    On foreign policy, she encouraged the spread of freedom, democracy and the growth of free markets on every continent. Her alliance with Ronald Regan led to a few important happenings, such as the collapse of the Soviet Union and the freeing of millions from the chains of communism.

    Margaret Thatcher is accused of being socially divisive, harsh or “uncaring” in her politics, and that she was too hostile to the institutions of the British welfare state. It is true she administered a tough medicine to her ailing country, but it was a medicine that was needed.
    While Britain continues to struggle economically since the crisis of 2008-09, Thatcher is widely acknowledged as the driving force behind the growth in the standard of living of UK citizens over the past two decades.

    The world is desperately lacking politicians who will tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. Britain was lucky in that in her, it found the right leader at the right time.
  19. KittyBoy

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    Apr 21, 2009
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    Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
    Hear, Hear.
    #59 KittyBoy, Apr 9, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2013
  20. Joe54321

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    Feb 22, 2013
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    Rubbish absolute rubbish... She destroyed the economy, created mass- unemployed privatised all our utilised so thousands of people can't afford to payer their bills, her 'medicine' was poison that has led to large businesses exploiting the most vulnerable people, and she spread tyranny by using the police as her army to attack the miners protest she was no freedom fighter. The UK is still decline and will continue too. her legacy is - mass unemployment, destroying our public facilities and destroying society. This was the Woman who called Nelson Mandela a terrorist and didn’t support the embargos on apartheid trade.