What to do about this girl

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by pikachu1, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. pikachu1

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    May 4, 2008
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    There is this girl at my school that says she doesn't believe there are any such thing as gays. She says that either you are straight or bisexual. She says her own personal experience is literally day by day she might have sex with a guy or a girl and guy at the same time. She says that if you are a guy you have to be attracted to girls because it's part of evolution and same goes for girl where they have to be attracted to guys.

    The thing is she goes around protesting the LGBT/GSA clubs because she said they are hurting the cause of people accepting others by saying people can be gay. She says that if you are truly gay then you can't even have friends of the opposite sex because it will eventually end in sex because that's how all her relationships have ended to the point where she basically throws herself at any guys that says hi.

    She will literally just start grinding on a random guy in his chair and start spanking herself saying that he wants it and should get rough with her because all guys want to be rough and have sex with all girls they see. All the teachers play it off as her just teasing people but I think there is something more to it.

    Edit: Also, I don't know if this is related to her views/behavior, she said she loves the fact that she's like 5'0 and 90 lbs because it makes her feel like a kid while having sex. She said she loves the fact that it looks like a kid having sex with an adult because "most kids aren't that lucky" and she can call the guy "daddy" and make it seem real.
    #1 pikachu1, Nov 22, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2011
  2. Kerze

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    Aug 20, 2010
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    This girl is a moron.

    I have nothing constructive to add to my statement.

    However, the bit about kids having sex is wrong in a number of ways
    #2 Kerze, Nov 22, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2011
  3. pikachu1

    Regular Member

    May 4, 2008
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    I agree that she seems to be very messed up or something. I'm merely just pointing out her character and wondering what I can do about her. She is in the same classes as me because we are working on the same certifications so I can't really avoid her. All our learning is bookwork and hands on in the classroom while our instructors usually take naps or "go on endless coffee runs".

    Btw, the only reason I know all this stuff about her is that for some reason she only mentions it to the rest of out class if I'm there, literally. When I'm not htere everyone says she just sits there and is very quiet and shy but whenever I'm in class she's very talkative and goes into detail on all this stuff. It's wierd.
    #3 pikachu1, Nov 22, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2011
  4. Katelynn

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    Jun 29, 2011
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    There's any old saying 'Methinks she doth protest too much.' First off, she sounds like an idiot if she says these things, & an ignorant one at that. Second, if this is all that every comes out of her mouth, there's always a slight chance that she may possibly be being so ridicuolusly over-the-top against gay people because she's gay herself & deeply in denial or trying to cover it up, especially if she says stuff like she'd be willing to have sex with a guy AND a girl at the same time. Says to me that she might be using the guy as an excuse to be with who she may really be attracted to. Third, the whole thing about liking that she looks like a little kid during sex & that most kids arent that lucky is really messed up, which says that she's again, either a huge moron, she's just trying to get a reaction out of people by pushing social taboos, or she's trying to cover something that has actually happened to her when she was younger. Ive had a couple of friends who were sexually abused when they were little kids and believe me, neither of them consider themselves lucky too have had sex at that age. Im going to say this girl is either deeply closeted, deeply moronic, or a bit of both. Either way, just ignore her. It's the small a**holes in life that can bring you down & do the most damage sometimes. Best to just let them go on & on & just not pay any attention to them. When toy start gving people like that your attention, that's when others start taking them more seriously...
  5. Noir

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    Aug 9, 2011
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    Sorry, that sounds really freaky.....and shallow-minded. And most of the time don't people say :"you're either straight or gay! There's no such thing as bisexuals!" (which, obviously, there are) Maybe she thinks that gays don't exist and friendships according to gender will always lead to sex, but I doubt most people are attracted to everyone of a certain sex just because they're a girl or a guy specifically. :dry:
  6. Gravity

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    Nov 1, 2011
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    'Nuff said. Either eventually she will grow up, or she will wander through life in a continuous state of bemusement and denial - in which case I would feel more pity than annoyance or anything.

    I agree, though, that acting out in the ways she does probably implies some sort of unresolved issue on her part. Feeling like a child while having sex is normal? It's natural to be attracted to everyone else of a certain (or all) gender(s)? I don't know about everyone else, but I see some red flags here - small flags, perhaps, but all the same. In any case, again, time will tell.
  7. Ianthe

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    Feb 3, 2011
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    Um, I think that the girl shows pretty clear signs of having been sexually abused as a young child. Something about either you specifically or gay people in general is a trigger for her acting out.