Are you all sick of me yet?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Mugwump, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. Mugwump

    Full Member

    Mar 24, 2009
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    ^I certainly am. I don't know why you guys even bother replying to my stupid selfish posts anymore. They are always the same. But I don't know what else to do and I feel shit right now so I'm just gonna complain about it.

    I feel so sick right now cos I just stuffed all the food I could find into my face. I'm putting on weight. I feel ugly and fat and useless. I never exercise. I don't have any motivation to do anything. I'm always tired and I am so angry with everything and everyone lately. I have been trying to get motivated to do stuff. I started making cards and then I stopped. I tried to go back to making jewellery but I got frustrated. I put so much effort into trying to get motivated but then I just come up with too much stuff to do, I get overwhelmed, and then I can't do anything except cry and sleep and eat.

    I've been off medications for a few weeks now. I'm stuffed if I'm going back on them because they just cause too many problems. I pretty much just feel like I want to die some times. I can't even keep my house clean. It's too much work and I don't know where to start. There is a huge pile of dishes in my kitchen and I'm sitting here typing rubbish instead of cleaning them.

    My Mum wants me to help her quit drinking, but I have no idea how to help, and i don't even live with her. I want to do something, but I'm not sure what. I don't know who to ask about it. It's probably not my job to fix it anyway. I don't know.

    I keep worrying about everything but I never do anything about it. I even worry about getting old, and dying, and getting throat cancer, and having dental problems. Like, I'm 24 and in good health, so it's stupid.

    It takes so much energy to be in a good mood. I have been trying to make plans and do positive stuff, plan how I can stay in a good mood, try to get myself to do things other than sit on my arse... but then I just can't seem to follow through. This week I have been completely over work and sick of everything. I even got into an argument with a colleague which I NEVER do.

    I feel rubbish because today I went to this workshop thing about going out and clubbing etc, and all these people like 6 years younger than me were talking about drugs and alcohol and 'hooking up' etc. I can't believe I'm so far behind. I've never done anything. I've never kissed anyone, I've never been drunk... I'm so boring. I wish I liked all the things that normal people like, like going out and dancing, drinking etc.

    Ugh. What is the point in being alive?
  2. Eleanor Rigby

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    Feb 21, 2009
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    Ok, first thing (*hug*), (*hug*) (*hug*), (*hug*) (*hug*) (*hug*), (&&&)
    Second thing, you shouldn't be that harsh on yourself. You are having a bad time, that's happening to everyone. The feeling that you're useless, with no energy and no motivation, the redundant bad thoughts, this is not you talking, this is your depression talking.
    Do you beat yourself up for having the symptomes of the flu when you're having the flu ? If not, then it's exactly the same here.
    What you have to do is to keep working on getting better. Are you seeing a therapist at the moment ? If not, it would probably be a good idea. And if you need to go back on medecine to feel better, then go back on medecine. Not necessarily the same by the way. If those meds caused you problems, talk about it to your doctor, they can try other meds or different can combinate them in a different way to find something that would suits you better.
    As for your mother, the only thing you can do for her is to be supportive of her. But if she wants to stop drinking, the best way thing she can do is to seek for professional help and for AA meetings.
    And please, stop thinking you're boring because you don't like going out and getting drunk. Do things you enjoy doing and try to find other people who enjoy doing the same things. There are tons of forums on the internet about craft, jewellery making, cooking, reading... whatever, and there are certainly associations for these things as well. Why not trying to join one ?

    Many (*hug*) Cécile
  3. Dare2bProud

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    Mar 27, 2009
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    As Eleanor said, you are being too harsh on yourself. As a professor told me when I was going to college and it still rings true to me today, "Everything you tell yourself during depression is a lie. Don't make any major decisions while you are depressed. Just focus on getting through it." Just focus on getting through it. Easier said then done I know. When I first came out, I drank every night, when the morning came I didn't want to get out of bed. When I went to see a counselor I fought him, but years later. I'm better. I still have my moments, I'm going through some serious stuff right now, but I've been exercising, writing and doing things that create a healthy emotional outlet so i don't end up screaming my head out. Just breathe and take one day at a time. I know it's becoming cliche, but it does get better! :slight_smile:
  4. KittyBoy

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    Apr 21, 2009
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    Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
    Jess, in no way am I sick of you! We reply because we care about you *hug*!

    Like Ce said, you are being too hard on yourself! You are not ugly or useless at all, and if you are feeling self-conscious about your weight - try turn everything you do in daily life into an exercise routine - and you will find that you can loss the weight that you want. In another way, just start with taking afternoon walks and then slowly transition it into jogging and light exercises, at your own pace of course.

    With the tiredness, try sleeping a lot for a few days and then start building a daily routine and maybe even try a change of diet. You can find that a change of diet and sleeping habits can help shift your moods as well, so that you wont be as easily annoyed by external influences. The motivation can be fixed by giving yourself a set goals for each target that you want to get to, so that you can reward yourself for completing your work. If you start to feel overwhelmed, you can try taking a break for 5 minutes to calm down and then start where you stopped. Some times you just have to tell yourself that it has to be done and that there is no avoiding it at all.

    With your Mum, just be there to listen to her when she needs you to do so and chastice her when she is going to break, or has broken, her promise of giving up. And you are right, it is not your job to fix your Mother's problems, however, it is your job to juat be there to support her through this time by listen to her and reminding her exactly why she is giving up alcohol.

    Jess, it is in human nature to worry about things, even things that wont happen for decades to come, or even not at all. Like I said earlier, setting goals to complete and rewarding youself can help focus and strengthen your motivation. And Jess don't worry, people experience their milestones at different times in their life to others, so do not say that you feel that you are behind the times. To each is their own, everbody is different, no two lives are the same.

    'And what is the point in being alive?' There is always a destiny that follows each existence, both aware and unaware. Life is a mystery that all experience - a mixed bag of happiness and sadess, calamity and tranquility, ferocity and passivity. There is always a destiny that even the smallest and most minuet of all existence has that shapes the course of the future. Jess, you must find a destiny that you want to fulfill, make it your own and change your future to suit you. But for now, take heart in knowing that we all care about you.
  5. malachite

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    Apr 8, 2009
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    Not sick at all. You keep coming back because you obviously need something your not getting in your day to day life.

    Eatting too much is classic sign of trying to fill some gap in your life. I know things can seem overwhelming at time, but whollowing in hatred for yourself isn't going change anything. You want to get motivated: get up, get out of the house, go for a walk, a drive, or just go sit under a tree. Enjoy some sunshine.
    Sitting at home with the drapes closed is the worst thing you can do when your feeling down. Find something, anything, you enjoy doing and do it. get some positive endorphins going.
  6. Mugwump

    Full Member

    Mar 24, 2009
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    Thanks guys. I'm going back to see my psych next week. You know, I'd rather have only one leg than mental health crap. It would be so much more straight forward: Girl loses leg, girl has trouble walking, girl gets some crutches and gets on with it. Lol. Mental health stuff is stupid and invisible and hard to understand/explain.
  7. Eleanor Rigby

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    Feb 21, 2009
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    (*hug*) I know sweetheart, but if it is of any comfort, you're not alone on this boat.
    Going back to see your therapist sounds like the best possible decision to take.
  8. malachite

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    But once you manage to conquer it you'll still have 2 legs to run on
  9. Mugwump

    Full Member

    Mar 24, 2009
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    lol this is true!
  10. silverhalo

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    Dec 22, 2008
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    Hey we are always all here if you need us for whatever reason. (*hug*) (*hug*)