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Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by La Corbeau, Aug 6, 2020.

  1. La Corbeau

    Regular Member

    May 27, 2020
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    East Coast - USA
    Gender Pronoun:
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    A few people
    All right, I'm finally writing this lengthy post on my gender. I've seen a lot of straight guys wondering of they might be gay, but never cis folk wondering if they might be trans.

    Let's start. I'm 14 y.o. and I was born female. Never questioned my gender as a kid. Not at ALL. Never even thought about it. Looking back on this, it's kind of strange, considering how much I surrounded myself with queer culture (including trans culture). Then about a month ago, it just... popped into my head. What if you're not a girl? Just one harmless little thought. I largely ignored it, but it kept coming up in my head. What if you're not a girl? What if you're not a girl? What if you're not a girl?

    I thought about it. And opened up a can of worms. When I was little, I knew there were two genders. Male and female. And I never really believed in gender norms and really thought it was just about genitals/other physical traits like voice/breasts/etc and there was no difference otherwise. Then when I was around ten, I learned there were other genders for people who didn't feel like a boy or a girl, or who felt like both. "Okay," I said, and turned back to my terrible Harry Potter fanfiction. I never truly understood the concept of gender, and I still don't. What is gender? How do you know your gender?

    Now I was really thinking about it, and I realized I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I don't think I'm 100% female at all. The problem is, I have no way to present as androgynous or anything in public while I'm in quarantine (which I'd like to do to experiment and see how it feels). I was always VERY rigid in my presentation as female and nothing else. In my mind, there were two categories - girl. me. good. girls pretty. i am a girl. and boy - bad. ew. i am not a boy. annoying. (and, of course, the mysterious Other Genders). It's honestly still a mental block I'm working to overcome as a bisexual trying to accept that I like boys too.

    Basically, I can't just get rid of this strict gender conformation in a month without taking more drastic measures I can't take. I have trouble picturing myself as nonbinary because it's a major shift in my very outdated and well-fortified identity. I need to cut my hair and bind and pitch my voice lower, none of which I can do right now.

    I also appear very feminine and always have. When others refer to me with feminine pronouns, there's a little part of me that just... shrinks. It might be my anxiety because I don't like being in the spotlight, but it might be that those pronouns cause dysphoria, which is what I personally think it is. When I picture the same sentences with they/them pronouns, I feel better. BUT is that just me trying to rationalize my theory that isn't even real because I just "want to be trans?" (there's another bit. anxiety.)

    Honestly I could ramble on about this for another hour. I just... want to hear other people's thoughts because usually I don't share any of my thoughts with anyone and I think other people's feedback would be helpful. Thanks for reading this entire thing. Sorry if it's disorganized/confusing.
    deadseal likes this.
  2. Mihael

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    Jul 2, 2015
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    Male (trans*)
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    You don't need to do it to be non-binary gender. Gender is who you are on the inside. Whether you want to or can transition to it extermally is another question.

    I think you need to give yourself time for this thought - that you might or might not be a girl - to sink in. It's not unusual to not question what we are told as children. And many people, especially those who aren't straight question their gender, especially at a young age, and conclude that transition isn't what they need.

    Questions I would think about are:
    - which gender do you feel like your personality, temperament is like?
    - which roles do you see yourself taking in a relationship?
    - how do you see your body both on a daily basis and in the topic of having sex?
    - do you fit in with the girls or guys and what kind of girls or guys and why?
    - do you want to be treated like a guy, girl, a mix of the two (if so - what would it look like exactly, which elements of social treatement of those genders you would take) or none of the two?
    - in general, it is helpful to think of gender as something to you can customize elemebt-wise instead of picking one of the two rigid boxes
    - if you met a powerful magician who can transform you into whatever gender you want, would you jump at the chance? And what would it mean to you?
  3. La Corbeau

    Regular Member

    May 27, 2020
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    East Coast - USA
    Gender Pronoun:
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    - My temperament is definitely more female. I take a very "don't notice me, I'm unimportant" approach to life. Unless I develop trust with a person/group, in which case I definitely overstep polite boundaries (not physically, I just get loud and attention-seeking).
    - I haven't really thought about relationships before. I guess I would be flexible with relationships. I can definitely see myself planning dates/taking charge in a relationship with a shy or lazy person, but I could also see myself letting someone else take the lead if they wanted. I don't know.
    - I look very feminine. I wish I didn't. I wish I had smaller boobs (and they're a-b cups so they're small to begin with). I wish I was taller. I wish my hair was short. I don't really feel that way about... down there. I don't really think about sex much.
    - I have friends of all genders. Mostly girl/non-binary friends because teenage boys are awful and there's only a couple I can stand to be around. Most of my friends are similar to me: queer, introverted nerds
    - Honestly? If I could pick, I would pick being treated like a guy just because of sexism and that boys get off a lot easier when it comes to being perceived by strangers.
    - At this point I think about gender using the range chart that had female-no gender-male-both genders in the corners (I can't find the image). I'd say I'm somewhere between female and no gender.
    - I would give it a little thought, but I think I would take it. I'd want to be perceived as non-binary/gender-fluid with the right pronouns/name and I'd want to look more androgynous.
  4. solarcat

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    Jun 29, 2011
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    Female (trans*)
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    Family only
    I guess you mean something like this?

    I'd say I'm near where the yellow part meets with the pink. I don't identify with femininity much, but not with masculinity at all. Demi-girl might qualify (which basically means no real connection with gender, but a vague connection with being a girl).

    How do you think you would feel with he/him pronouns?
  5. La Corbeau

    Regular Member

    May 27, 2020
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    East Coast - USA
    Gender Pronoun:
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    A few people
    Yeah, that's the thing I was thinking of.

    He/him pronouns... that's a solid no.