Hi, I may be attending my first pride with my friends next week. The thing is my family is homophobic and extremely overprotective of me. So they don’t know I’m actually planning to go to pride, I’ve just said that I’m going to a museum with my friends. It’s my first time lying to my family, and I feel extremely guilty that I have. Does anyone have any advice for me on how to feel less guilty?
I would just look at it as a matter of survival. Your safety comes first no matter what. Sometimes we have to tell white lies to protect ourselves or other people. If they're going to judge and shame you, then what choice do you have but to go under the radar. Also it's your business and not theirs. If you're self - conscious about lying in any circumstance, you can keep it purposely vague so you're technically not lying. Like you can say I'm going out with some friends and walking around town. We're not sure what we're going to do. maybe go to a few stores or a restaurant. Then when you get back you can say we just walked around town and hung out. Which is basically what you will do going to a pride event. Honestly though I think you're more worried about taking a risk and putting yourself out there rather than a small white lie to your parents. You'll be fine. Just go out there with no expectations and enjoy yourself. Keep your wallet and phone in your front pockets so you don't get pick-pocketed lol.
Yes, I hope you went and had a good time. I'm sorry your family is not supportive, and you have a right to protect yourself from their homophobia. Longer term, you should try to work toward being more independent like hopefully financially supporting yourself and living on your own or with roommates. Having your own space will give you much more freedom and also not have to explain so much to your family.