As the title implies, I've been very lonely. I want a partner and to be able to see my friends. I suppose this is just a short rant
Hugs, if you wish to chat you know, where to find me. I'm always up for it. I get very lonely too. Hugs.
I am sorry you are feeling lonely. It happens to all of us. Normally I am ok on my own, but I have my down moments (like right now). I thought when I came out that it would be easy to find love and a partner. I figured that not allowing myself to date the gender I wanted to was the only thing holding me back. Now, after almost 10 years of dating the gender I like, I still have not found that special person to spend my life with. I have had relationships, but things never fully fit for various reasons. I have accepted that it just might not happen for me, and while usually I am ok with that, right now I’m not. Even if I did meet the love of my life, I work at a very conservative place and I am not sure how I would juggle potentially having a family/life with that person and keep it all hidden. I wonder how I got to this place. I used to be so hopeful and optimistic when I was younger, and I feel that slipping away, which makes me sad. Sorry for the ramble. I feel you and I am you right now in your loneliness. We are not alone *hugs*
Believe it or not, it is even harder for gay women than for you guys. I guess it's because women tend to be more secretive by nature. But for now, I would say you should concentrate on what you have, hopefully have fun with the relationships you are having. The right one will come later when you are not even thinking about it. Another positive point is that now relationships are accepted a lot more by society, so when you find the right one you probably will not have to hide it, unless you want to hide it yourself - some people are just naturally more shy than others. Try to cheer up - there are other guys like you out there, and you will meet the right one.