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General News The 2nd Indictment of 45th President Donald J. Trump

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by DragonChaser, Jun 14, 2023.

  1. DragonChaser

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    Former President Donald Trump has officially pleaded "not guilty" to 37 criminal charges after surrendering himself to federal officials over the case involving his unauthorized storage of highly classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort property, per NBC News.

    To put it in the simplest terms possible, the 45th President of the United States used his office to collect multiple boxes of documents considered to be of importance to national security and stored them in his Florida estate.

    Multiple corroborative sources indicate he kept these sensitive materials in flagrantly unsecured locations, e.g. on a ballroom stage, brazenly showing them off to people without security clearance, bragging about their significance and having staff shift them around when they became inconvenient.

    When federal officials discovered that he had been doing this, they allege in their indictment he knowingly conspired with multiple other parties to hide both the amount and gravity of the documents taken and to whom he had shown them from investigators.

    Both federal and state charges are being filed, with the state charges possibly being adjourned in order to facilitate federal proceedings, meaning after the trail ends in federal court, whether guilty or not, his state charges may still result in a prison sentence.

    I know that this is not a topic that is commonly discussed on this forum, and that politics in general is an unpleasant subject, but this is one of the most significant moments in modern history for a plurality of reasons and its impact will be far-reaching and difficult to truly predict.

    By the way, if you want more information beyond the article and this outline, I also recommend a video on the subject by Legal Eagle, a lawyer who outlines the legal specifics of the case.

    I'm sure there will be updates as the story evolves. Stay safe, everyone :heart:
  2. Jamez76

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    Donald Trump represents a world we are trying to leave behind! Our country needs to move forward and this might be the first step to making that happen. ONLY the first of many steps! There are powerful people rising up on the far right and they may be even more destructive to our community than Trump!
  3. mnguy

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    He was told many times about preserving documents per the laws but kept ignoring it. He tore up, burned, flushed and possibly ate documents while in office against the laws. Then people kept telling him NO you can't take these with you, they belong to the people of the US. He ignored them and kept packing our documents to steal. Then all the unsafe storage, scheming and obstruction to block their return. It's all his unprecedented fault brought fully upon himself by himself. Yet the "law and order" people ignore all of this by the traitor. I hope justice will prevail and he'll serve prison time or whatever max punishment for being a traitor.
  4. Jamez76

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    Well said! I’m in full agreement!
  5. Beezy

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    While we get our panties all in a bunch about Trump and his mega secret big scary papers don’t think for a minute that there are not equally dangerous creatures on the other side. Let’s face it, as much a Biden (during his brief periods of discernible cognitive function) pays lip service to our community by making a splash with drag queens and promises to the Trans Community 100% of his allegiance is to multi-national corporations, the Davos world manipulators, Besos/Gates, et al. At his point the only politician that I trust to at least attempt the truth is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
    I simply don’t trust a government that will know and monitor your transactions, will take every opportunity to limit free speech, and use its authority to shape your actions and opinions. I want my right to love who I love but I fear that we, brothers and sisters, are being played just as the African American community has been played for decades. Just as they are tantalized by the tasty treat of reparations being dangled in front of their noses there is no chance that black people will ever realize them. It’s the big guns and big money that rules. Let’s not be fooled.
  6. Jamez76

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    You make excellent points!!! Everything you said is correct!!
  7. DragonChaser

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    I broadly agree with you @Beezy , though I would say that if you even remotely trust one politician you're one above the correct number. Politicians should be held to the highest standard of scrutiny and be appropriately admonished when they fail to live up to said standard, not given leniency, latitude, and the benefits of doubts.

    With that said, the significance of this trial is relevant to that very point. The system moves at a granular, snail's pace, but this represents a fairly dramatic shift from the political norm; direct legal action being taken for crimes by a former Commander in Chief. Every president has been a criminal, and this is literally the first time in history any of them could actually be imprisoned for any of the criminal things they've done, in office or not.

    That kind of change to the power structure won't create ripples, it will create vast schisms. The entire GOP have shackled themselves to the former president's brand of brazen, narcissistic, cruel belligerence and now the very namesake of Trumpism is legitimately facing imprisonment. They tried to take over the Capitol after he lost the election. What do you suppose they'll do if he's put behind bars?

    If ultimately he skirts prison, and - no - I have not ruled out that he might, the effect on the next election is not entirely predictable, but his actions will be, and his base will be infinitely more energized to vote for him. He will also be more vicious than ever before in his efforts to win in order to retaliate against his prosecutors and restore his self-image, like a kid who got shoved off his bike.

    Regardless of the outcome, this is history unraveling. I absolutely agree this is not the final battle in winning back reason or for the LGBTQ+ community, and that centrist media like MSNBC and CNN will be using every second to distract from how terrible the "radical left" (read: extremely moderate) Democratic party is. But this isn't histrionics over some boxes of papers any more than Watergate was a few guys caught standing in an office.

    Either way, I appreciate your insight, and I genuinely hope you're staying safe and taking care of yourself. ^_^
    #7 DragonChaser, Jun 19, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
  8. mnguy

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    This isn't really true but a good example of how goofy the rest of your post was, just wow! There are many good people in government at all levels but you spread the paranoid idea they're out to get us. We are the government, we the people elect all our reps. by the people for the people and all that right? You are saying the same thing your news sources are coaching you with the whataboutism. That's not a legal defense and super lazy. He's a traitor so lock him up.
    What is that even? Did you read the indictment, understand it and think you know more than the people investigating it? Please share how you have all the info you must.
  9. Beezy

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    Let's talk about specific points. Firstly lets discuss Biden. several characteristics cause me to question his cognition. He has demonstrated confusion of thought regularly and has shown the inability to embark on a consistent thought pattern and express it clearly. Please don't ask me for specific examples because it would take volumes to list them all. His gait and movement patters are clearly suggestive of mid-phase dementia. Can I make a definitive diagnosis from afar? Of course not, however, without going into a urinating contest with you and comparing CVs I can tell you that I have the professional training and experience to raise concerns.

    In reference to my so-called paranoia I get my information from various sources left, right, and non-aligned. What I see our government and Western Society gravitating to a condition of Global Corporatocracy rather than democratic republics. National politics is no longer one person one vote but the squaring off of voting blocks by both parties. The left has blocks of blacks, Hispanics, LGBT+++, and feminists. The right has its blocks of conservative rural people, blue collar workers, Evangelicals, and small business owners. Holding the strings of both parties and imperceptibly all of the sub groups are the globalists and corporatists. People like Larry Fink of Blackrock, Soros, Bezos, Jamie Dimon, and Musk among many others make far more impactful decisions directing our lives than you can even think of.

    Let's just use the war in Ukraine as an example. The war didn't start in February of 2022, it started in 2014 when the U.S. Government toppled the govt. of Ukraine in a regime change. Russia does not want a NATO aligned Ukraine with over a thousand mile border on its western flank any more than the U.S. wants a CCP or Russian aligned Mexico on our border. So the question is, Who's benefiting for continuing this war? Not me and not you especially if this spins out of control and goes nuclear. But I guess that it's all okay as long as Rathien and General Dynamics post a Pride logo on their web sites.

    Germany has threatened foreign journalists with expulsion for criticizing their part in the Ukraine War. The Netherlands is purposely destroying the ability of Dutch farmers to do their craft and wishes to take their land. The U.K. is experimenting with 15 minute zones that fine citizens if they go out of that zone without a permit supposedly for Climate Change. Anybody vote on that? We are already in motion to adopt a digital currency. As Trudeau as demonstrated political enemies can be shut down by freezing finance. It was truckers there but it could be anyone with dissenting opinion here. When political systems cannot tolerate dissent it is the very definition of tyranny.

    Finally, let me direct you to two very good and very gay journalist both classical liberals, Glenn Greenwald and Douglas Murray. I think that if you open your mind you will come to appreciate them as I have.

  10. DragonChaser

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    I absolutely do not mean to curb discourse, but I also would very much prefer we keep to the subject of the thread and that our responses remain civil and respectful to one another.

    We're all here for and to support each other, and it is contrary to that purpose to say insulting or condescending things. I know tensions run high, especially on political topics and current events, however disagreements can still be handled without anger or hurt feelings. I'm not accusing anyone of being an aggressor and I'm not taking sides, I'm simply asking that we stay on topic and keep personal grievances away.

    Again, I don't wish to control the contents of other peoples messages, but there are rules of conduct on this board and I don't believe "be civil and respect others" is by any means unreasonable.

    Whoever you are, whatever your reason for reading this, I hope you have a good day or evening, whenever this finds you. :smiley_cat:
  11. chicodeoro

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    To bring it back to the subject of T***p. Beezy, are you not worried about the prospects for the LGTBQ+ community, should the orange ogre win in 2024?

    Are you not worried about the prospects for US democracy?

    Because from this side of the Atlantic, I'm f***ing terrified.

    #11 chicodeoro, Jun 21, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2023
  12. Beezy

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    Thank you for the question Chicodeoro. I'd like a mutually respectful discussion.

    If I may I'd like to clear the air by stating as I have in an earlier post made it clear that I support Robert Kennedy, Jr. so I am not in the position to be an apologist for Donald Trump. But let me give a go at what life in the U.S. for gays during his administration. I limit my discussion to gay men and women because I simply am a gay man and really can't speak to what the trans, polysexual, asexual, 2 spirit (whatever that is), intersexsual, etc are frightened of. I must admit that though I'm out on a very limited and personal basis and I haven't made my private business the business of the public at large my life was no different under the Trump regime than it is now.

    I am not afraid of Trump or any other Presidential candidate of either party. There is an extremely low possibility of any meaningful infringement of my rights as a gay person. The overwhelming sentiment in the U.S. is affirmative to gay people. What has inflamed the right has been discussion of sexuality to young minors in primary school. Non-LGBTQ++ people consider ages 3-8 to be a sex free zone and resent what they consider preemptive programming of their children. I'm not saying that they are right or wrong but maybe a little sensitivity to others is in order. I must say that the objectional display of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at the Los Angelos Dodgers game was over the top. This organization in drag with a ghastly caricature of Catholic nuns, one with small satanic horns under her habit, got the attention that they were seeking. The media circulated parade performances of a mocking parody of the crucifixion of Jesus.

    My point in bringing this up is that it is fine to press for recognition or enhanced position in society. However, some people within the LGBT++ movement are excessive. I defend their First Amendment right to send out any message that they want. I do draw the line at mocking people's religion or closely held value system. Please lets have a little respect for others and I think that sends a better message that a drag queen with cotton candy hair and pumped up breasts to people who are not seeking that as entertainment. And I have nothing against Drag in its environment. I've enjoyed Drag performance in San Francisco at a gay/lesbian/trans cabaret and I'm sure some straight people do as well.

    I only bring up the schools and what I consider as excesses not to criticize other within the LGBT community but to point out where one source of resistance in American Society is coming from. Trump is essentially powerless in enacting any policy that would have adequate support to roll back our rights or suppress us. I know that it's unpopular and controversial on this site to suggest this but I think that it is time to look at ourselves and how we portray ourselves. North Face placed an advert. during Pride month that depicted the campest of the camp drag queen proclaiming in one cut, "I'm homosexual!", and in another version, "I'm gay!" Well you don't represent me. I'm gay too but most gay men are not you. I feel bad for a young person who is struggling with the fact that he is attracted to other boys or young men as I once did and think "is that what I'm going to be?" And more to the point is that what we want the rest of our society to think that this is what it is to be gay?
  13. DragonChaser

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    With all due respect given to the amount of it you've shown, where you speak from clearly is not the position of any other person in the LGBTQ+ community. You speak from your position as a gay man and you speak - by your own admission - without regard to the rights and lives of any of the rest of us.

    You also spread harmful and untrue information about us when you say things like we're "trying to sexualize the classroom." We're not, any more than the discussion of a heterosexual couple in the classroom is sexual. We presently discuss heterosexual families, with children, in classrooms all the time. Having children nigh 100% implies the presence of a sexual relationship between a husband and wife, and somehow THAT isn't corrupting children.

    I'm a transwoman - a group in this community you absolutely do not care about if "I'm good with Trump, because he won't take MY rights away!" is your default answer - I'm not trying to teach kids about sex or confuse who they are. I'm actually trying to do the opposite, I'm trying to tell them they can decide who they are and who they wanna be and what's between their legs is nobody's business and nobody HAS any business talking about it, let alone groping it to make sure it's the right one for their swimsuit.

    This man appointed the judges who've stripped the rights of transkids to get access to care and even basic decency, and that's going to kill them. Do you understand? That's going to end their lives. They will suffer depression and die by suicide directly because of the actions this man has taken, and your flippant attitude towards the things he's done to the Community you claim to be a part of simply by virtue of them not impacting YOU specifically is very, very insulting.

    To compound this, you then do the very thing right-wing media does to demonize the rest of us. You point out the instances of people being offensive out of protest and you tut-tut us for not being appropriately outraged like you are about it, and tell us to be nicer, and try sitting down, and waiting for people like YOU to tell us when it's okay to be upset, and the very things we ought to be upset about, for that matter!

    If you would like to have a respectful conversation, I suggest you begin it by showing basic respect to the concerns and ideas of other people, instead of insisting everyone is being histrionic and ought to be paying attention to your personal bugbear. You entered this by saying we're "getting our panties in a bunch" even talking about it, then you complain you're not getting respect?

    Now, please stop invading this thread about a president's crime with your irrelevant deflections about the Sisters of Perpetual indulgence or how worldly you are or how all of this is just a way to sideline discussions of the REAL evil people!

    If you want to talk about that stuff MAKE YOUR OWN THREAD ABOUT IT.
  14. Rayland

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    Hey everyone,

    I'm just going to say, that you're all welcome to discuss politics, but please be civil, when doing it, what means accepting other peoples opinions and not provoking others or being rude towards them either. Lets keep it friendly and kind. Everyone have different political ideologies and we should accept it, even if we don't agree with it.

  15. Beezy

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    My friends, I’m off the thread and won’t post on the Current Event forum any longer. I do wish you all well and it’s not true that I don’t care about you. I regret that you are offended and apologize for that. I guess that I’m used to posting on some political forums where there is more of a diversity of opinion and is more of an open debate. What a boring world it would be if we all thought the same, looked the same, and spoke the same.

    Please stay well and I hope that you have a blessed life.
  16. TinyWerewolf

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    I'll admit, I can be civil with just about anyone- even if highly disrespected. I've had to for work, and I've had to at home. I'm used to these discussions from the other side of the fence. I disagree with mocking religions in general, but legally the drag queens were in their rights. Also, lets not forget the people at pride parades who hold up signs with things like "God hates f***" and remember there is no negative coverage of them aside from us here within the community warning each other. You don't see them on Newsmax or Fox or O.A.N. being demonized, instead you will see drag queens and trans people blatantly being called insane. Just remember that before you try to say trans people aren't under attack please.
  17. Rayland

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    One thing with claiming something is also always state your resources, meaning where you get your info. Debate is one thing, but if you can actually back up these claims, then you have more credibility.

    Also EC is not a place for political debate. EC is a safe space for everyone to discuss their sexuality and gender. EC is a place where scientific information is given to educate people.

    For everyone who reads these threads please make sure to do your own research properly as well. Never just believe one person, because they might not be unbiased.
  18. DragonChaser

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    Per CNN, an audio recording has emerged from July of 2021 in which Former President Donald Trump is heard discussing secret documents with an apparent staffer and journalist working on an autobiography for Mark Meadows, wherein he states the documents are not declassified.

    This is relevant, for those who didn't watch the video in its entirety, because the burden of proof for the prosecution was demonstrating whether or not he had knowledge the documents were classified and still withheld them anyway. With this recording, he has effectively done exactly that for them.

    On a personal note, I think this pretty clearly does away with the notion that he was "playing 4D chess" and outwitting everyone even when he seemed like the dunce he absolutely and now demonstrably is.

    Even so, there's still a lot of real estate between this man and justice, and that justice will never be fully commensurate with what a terrible person he was and the awful things that have resulted. A girl can dream, though.

    More to come, I'm sure.
  19. Tightrope

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    At this point, I am sick of him and the circus he has created. The day we don't hear from him much or at all can't come soon enough. I am exhausted and what's even more exhausting is learning that some people who you thought were smart and had common sense like him, support him, and make excuses for him.

    It's not quite as dreadful as hearing about the Russo-Ukrainian war. You have to tune into the details to see the extent of the devastation and the violence to be shocked. It is very shocking.

    We may know more about Trump because it's "local news" for some of us.

    Finally, is it any surprise that Trump and Putin got along? Birds of a feather.
  20. chicodeoro

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    Indeed. 'Make America great again'/ 'Make Russia great again'/Make Britain great again' etc etc etc :rolling_eyes: . It's all the same old macho imperialist bulls**t that in 2023 really only idiots and the most cynical of rich folks are taken in by. The problem is there are rather a lot of them out there, in whichever country you look at..
